20160816 PUBLICATIONS OF HYBRIGENICS YEAST TWO-HYBRID TECHNOLOGY Please find below the published articles that we are aware of reporting the biochemical and functional validation of protein interactions discovered with Hybrigenics Yeast Two-Hybrid technology, ULTImate Y2H™. The mean impact factor for these 321 publications is 8.1 and the top 18 papers have an impact factor above 19. 2016 Askarian, F., Ajayi, C., Hanssen, A.-M., van Sorge, N. M., Pettersen, I., Diep, D. B., Sollid, J. U. E. and Johannessen, M. (2016). The interaction between Staphylococcus aureus SdrD and desmoglein 1 is important for adhesion to host cells. Sci Rep, (6), 22134. Bober, J., Olsnes, S., Kostas, M., Bogacz, M., Zakrzewska, M. and Otlewski, J. (2016). Identification of new FGF1 binding partners-Implications for its intracellular function. IUBMB Life, (68), 242–251. Guerrera, D., Shah, J., Vasileva, E., Sluysmans, S., Mean, I., Jond, L., Poser, I., Mann, M., Hyman, A. A. and Citi, S. (2016). PLEKHA7 recruits PDZD11 to adherens junctions to stabilize nectins. J Biol Chem, (). Hodille, E., Alekseeva, L., Berkova, N., Serrier, A., Badiou, C., Gilquin, B., Brun, V., Vandenesch, F., Terman, D. S. and Lina, G. (2016). Staphylococcal Enterotoxin O Exhibits Cell Cycle Modulating Activity. Front Microbiol, (7), 441. Klinkert, K., Rocancourt, M., Houdusse, A. and Echard, A. (2016). Rab35 GTPase couples cell division with initiation of epithelial apico-basal polarity and lumen opening. Nat Commun, (7), 11166. Masuda, T., Wang, X., Maeda, M., Canver, M. C., Sher, F., Funnell, A. P. W., Fisher, C., Suciu, M., Martyn, G. E., Norton, L. J., Zhu, C., Kurita, R., Nakamura, Y., Xu, J., Higgs, D. R., Crossley, M., Bauer, D. E., Orkin, S. H., Kharchenko, P. V. and Maeda, T. (2016). Transcription factors LRF and BCL11A independently repress expression of fetal hemoglobin. Science, (351), 285–289. Nakaoka, H. J., Hara, T., Yoshino, S., Kanamori, A., Matsui, Y., Shimamura, T., Sato, H., Murakami, Y., Seiki, M. and Sakamoto, T. (2016). NECAB3 Promotes Activation of Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 during Normoxia and Enhances Tumourigenicity of Cancer Cells. Sci Rep, (6), 22784. Nawaz, M. S., Giarda, E., Bedogni, F., La Montanara, P., Ricciardi, S., Ciceri, D., Alberio, T., Landsberger, N., Rusconi, L. and Kilstrup-Nielsen, C. (2016). CDKL5 and Shootin1 Interact and Concur in Regulating Neuronal Polarization. PLoS One, (11), e0148634. Stupfler, B., Birck, C., Séraphin, B. and Mauxion, F. (2016). BTG2 bridges PABPC1 RNA-binding domains and CAF1 deadenylase to control cell proliferation. Nat Commun, (7), 10811. Hybrigenics Services - 3-5 impasse Reille 75014 Paris – France - tel. +33 (0)1 58 10 38 29 - fax. +33 (0)1 58 10 38 48 [email protected] www.hybrigenics-services.com - 1 - Tuand, K., Stijnen, P., Volders, K., Declercq, J., Nuytens, K., Meulemans, S. and Creemers, J. (2016). Nuclear Localization of the Autism Candidate Gene Neurobeachin and Functional Interaction with the NOTCH1 Intracellular Domain Indicate a Role in Regulating Transcription. PLoS One, (11), e0151954. Villa, F., Simon, A. C., Ortiz Bazan, M. A., Kilkenny, M. L., Wirthensohn, D., Wightman, M., Matak- Vinkovc, D., Pellegrini, L. and Labib, K. (2016). Ctf4 Is a Hub in the Eukaryotic Replisome that Links Multiple CIP-Box Proteins to the CMG Helicase. Mol Cell, (63), 385–396. Wang, M., Sips, P., Khin, E., Rotival, M., Sun, X., Ahmed, R., Widjaja, A. A., Schafer, S., Yusoff, P., Choksi, P. K., Ko, N. S. J., Singh, M. K., Epstein, D., Guan, Y., Houstek, J., Mracek, T., Nuskova, H., Mikell, B., Tan, J., Pesce, F., Kolar, F., Bottolo, L., Mancini, M., Hubner, N., Pravenec, M., Petretto, E., MacRae, C. and Cook, S. A. (2016). Wars2 is a determinant of angiogenesis. Nat Commun, (7), 12061. 2015 Bach, A.-S., Derocq, D., Laurent-Matha, V., Montcourrier, P., Sebti, S., Orsetti, B., Theillet, C., Gongora, C., Pattingre, S., Ibing, E., Roger, P., Linares, L. K., Reinheckel, T., Meurice, G., Kaiser, F. J., Gespach, C. and Liaudet-Coopman, E. (2015). Nuclear cathepsin D enhances TRPS1 transcriptional repressor function to regulate cell cycle progression and transformation in human breast cancer cells. Oncotarget, (6), 28084–28103. Benleulmi-Chaachoua, A., Chen, L., Sokolina, K., Wong, V., Jurisica, I., Emerit, M. B., Darmon, M., Espin, A., Stagljar, I., Tafelmeyer, P., Zamponi, G. W., Delagrange, P., Maurice, P. and Jockers, R. (2015). Protein interactome mining defines melatonin MT1 receptors as integral component of presynaptic protein complexes of neurons. J Pineal Res.,(60), 95-108. Boëda, B.da, B. and Etienne-Manneville, S. (2015). Spectrin binding motifs regulate Scribble cortical dynamics and polarity function. Elife, (4), 0472 Bou-Torrent, J., Toledo-Ortiz, G., Ortiz-Alcaide, M., Cifuentes-Esquivel, N., Halliday, K. J., Martinez- Garca, J. F. and Rodriguez-Concepcion, M. (2015). Regulation of Carotenoid Biosynthesis by Shade Relies on Specific Subsets of Antagonistic Transcription Factors and Cofactors. Plant Physiol, (169), 1584–1594. Bozickovic, O., Hoang, T., Fenne, I. S., Helland, T., Skartveit, L., Ouchida, M., Mellgren, G. and Sagen, J. V. (2015). Cyclin C interacts with steroid receptor coactivator 2 and upregulates cell cycle genes in MCF-7 cells. Biochim Biophys Acta, (1853), 2383–2391. Crisci, A., Raleff, F., Bagdiul, I., Raabe, M., Urlaub, H., Rain, J.-C. and Krдmer, A. (2015). Mammalian splicing factor SF1 interacts with SURP domains of U2 snRNP-associated proteins. Nucleic Acids Res, (21)10456–10473 D'Alessandro, M., Hnia, K., Gache, V., Koch, C., Gavriilidis, C., Rodriguez, D., Nicot, A.-S., Romero, N. B., Schwab, Y., Gomes, E., Labouesse, M. and Laporte, J. (2015). Amphiphysin 2 Orchestrates Nucleus Positioning and Shape by Linking the Nuclear Envelope to the Actin and Microtubule Cytoskeleton. Dev Cell, (35), 186–198. Hybrigenics Services - 3-5 impasse Reille 75014 Paris – France - tel. +33 (0)1 58 10 38 29 - fax. +33 (0)1 58 10 38 48 [email protected] www.hybrigenics-services.com - 2 - De Gois, S., Slama, P., Pietrancosta, N., Erdozain, A. M., Louis, F., Bouvrais-Veret, C., Daviet, L. and Giros, B. (2015). Ctr9, a Protein in the Transcription Complex Paf1, Regulates Dopamine Transporter Activity at the Plasma Membrane. J Biol Chem, (290), 17848–17862. Duval, D., Labbé, P., Bureau, L., Le Tourneau, T., Norris, R. A., Markwald, R. R., Levine, R., Schott, J.- J. and Mérot, J. (2015). MVP-Associated Filamin A Mutations Affect FlnA-PTPN12 (PTP-PEST) Interactions J. Cardiovasc. Dev. Dis., (2), 233–247. El-Hage, P., Petitalot, A., Monsoro-Burq, A.-H., Maczkowiak, F., Driouch, K., Formstecher, E., Camonis, J., Sabbah, M., Bieche, I., Lidereau, R. and Lallemand, F. (2015). The Tumor Suppressor WWOX and HDAC3 Inhibit the Transcriptional Activity of the Beta-catenin Coactivator BCL9-2 in Breast Cancer Cells. Mol Cancer Res, (13), 902 - 912. Ferrer-Mayorga, G., Alvarez-Daz, S., Valle, N., De Las Rivas, J., Mendes, M., Barderas, R., Canals, F., Tapia, O., Casal, J. I., Lafarga, M. and Muсoz, A. (2015). Cystatin D Locates in the Nucleus at Sites of Active Transcription and Modulates Gene and Protein Expression. J Biol Chem, (290), 26533–26548. Gavilan, M. P., Arjona, M., Zurbano, A., Formstecher, E., Martinez-Morales, J. R., Bornens, M. and Rios, R. M. (2015). Alpha-catenin-Dependent Recruitment of the Centrosomal Protein CAP350 to Adherens Junctions Allows Epithelial Cells to Acquire a Columnar Shape. PLoS Biol, (13), e1002087. Gérard, A., Ségéral, E., Naughtin, M., Abdouni, A., Charmeteau, B., Cheynier, R., Rain, J.-C. and Emiliani, S. (2015). The Integrase Cofactor LEDGF/p75 Associates with Iws1 and Spt6 for Postintegration Silencing of HIV-1 Gene Expression in Latently Infected Cells. Cell Host Microbe, (17), 107–117. Göttle, P., Sabo, J. K., Heinen, A., Venables, G., Torres, K., Tzekova, N., Parras, C. M., Kremer, D., Hartung, H.-P., Cate, H. S. and Küry, P. (2015). Oligodendroglial maturation is dependent on intracellular protein shuttling. J Neurosci, (35), 906–919. Ho-Bouldoires, T. H. N., Clapéron, A., Mergey, M., Wendum, D., Desbois-Mouthon, C., Tahraoui, S., Fartoux, L., Chettouh, H., Merabtene, F., Scatton, O., Gaestel, M., Praz, F., Housset, C. and Fouassier, L. (2015). Mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein kinase 2 mediates resistance to Hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress in Human hepatobiliary Cancer cells. Free Radic Biol Med, (89), 34–46. Iacovella, M. G., Golfieri, C., Massari, L. F., Busnelli, S., Pagliuca, C., Dal Maschio, M., Infantino, V., Visintin, R., Mechtler, K., Ferreira-Cerca, S. and De Wulf, P. (2015). Rio1 promotes rDNA stability and downregulates RNA polymerase I to ensure rDNA segregation. Nat Commun, (6), 6643. Joffre, C., Dupont, N., Hoa, L., Gomez, V., Pardo, R., Gonçalves-Pimentel, C., Achard, P., Bettoun, A., Meunier, B., Bauvy, C., Cascone, I., Codogno, P., Fanto, M., Hergovich, A. and Camonis, J. (2015). The Pro-apoptotic STK38 Kinase Is a New Beclin1 Partner Positively Regulating Autophagy. Curr Biol, (25), 2779–2492 Krute, C. N., Bell-Temin, H., Miller, H. K., Rivera, F. E., Weiss, A., Stevens, S. M. and Shaw, L. N. (2015). The membrane protein PrsS mimics sigmaS in protecting Staphylococcus aureus against cell wall-targeting antibiotics and DNA-damaging agents. Microbiology, (161), 1136–1148. Hybrigenics Services - 3-5 impasse Reille 75014 Paris – France - tel. +33 (0)1 58 10 38 29 - fax. +33 (0)1 58 10 38 48 [email protected] www.hybrigenics-services.com - 3 - Kuster, A., Nola, S., Dingli, F., Vacca, B., Gauchy, C., Beaujouan, J.-C., Nunez, M., Moncion, T., Loew, D., Formstecher, E., Galli, T. and Proux-Gillardeaux, V. (2015). The Q-Soluble-N-Ethylmaleimide- Sensitive Factor Attachment Protein Receptor (Q-SNARE) SNAP-47 Regulates Trafficking of Selected Vesicle-Associated Membrane Proteins (VAMPs). J Biol Chem., (290), 28056-28069. Meyer, K., Buettner, S., Ghezzi, D., Zeviani, M., Bano, D. and Nicotera, P. (2015). Loss of apoptosis- inducing factor critically affects MIA40 function. Cell Death Dis, (6), e1814.
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