No. 4864 January 19, 1963 NATURE 319 LoNDON COUNTY CoUNCIL (at the Hornlrnan Museum, London Road, FORTHCOMING EVENTS Forest Hill, London, S.E.23), at 3.30 p.m.-Mr. G. de G. Sleveklng: "Upper Palieollthic Cave Painting In Europe".• (Meetings marked with an iuteri&k are open to tM public) Monday, January 28 January 21 Monday, PLASTICS INSTITUTE, REINIIORCED PLASTICS GROUP (at the Welloome ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY (at 1 Kensington Gore, London, S.W.7), at Building, Euston Road, London, N.W.l), at 4 p.m.-Symposlum on 5 p.m.-Mr. Peter Salway: "Exploring the Roman Fenland". "Costing". INSTITUTION 011 ELEOTRIOA.L ENGINEERS, ELECTRONIOS DIVISION (at INSTITUTION OJI' CHEXICA.L ENGINEERS (at the Geolo11ical Society, Burling­ Savoy Place, London, W.C.2), at 5.30 p.m.-Dr. P. C. Clemmow: "Mag­ ton House, Piccadilly, London, W.1), at 5,30 p.m.-Prof. Ju Chin Chu netohydrodynamic Waves In the Ionosphere". (Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn): "The Role of the Chemical Engineer INSTITUTB 011 MBTA.L FINISHING (at the Northampton College of Tech­ In the Space Age". nology, St. John Street, London, E.C.l), at 6.15 p.m.-Mr. B. E. Bunce: INSTITUTION OJI' ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS (at Savoy Place, London, W.C.2), "Drying of Electroplated Parts". at 5.30 p.m.-Discussion on "Electricity as a Measure of the Rising Standard by the President. ROYAL IN!ITITUTB 011 CHllllISTRY, LoNDON SECTION (at Enfield Technical of Material Prosperity" opened College, Queensway, Ponders End), at 7 p.m.-Dr. A.G. Haddock: "Actinide INSTITUTION OP MEOHA.NIOAL ENGINEERS, EDUOA.TION A.ND TRAINING Chemistry". GROUP (at 1 Birdcage Walk, Westminster, Loudon, S.W.1), at 6 p.m.­ Discusslon on the Government White Paper "Industrial Training: Govern­ Tuesday, January 22 ment Proposals". UNIVBRSITY 011 LoNDON (in the Anatomy Theatre, University College, UNIVERSITY 011' LoNDON (In the Chemistry Lecture Theatre, Blrkbeck Gower Street, London, W.C.1), at 1.15 p.m.-Dr. A. D. Blest: "Moths College, Malet Street, London, W.C.l), at 6 p.m.-Prof. D. J. G. Ives: and Predators".• "Some Reflections on Water".• (Inaugural Lecture.) UNIVBRSITY 011 LoNDON (at the Imperial College of Science and Tech• nology, London, S.W.7), at 5.30 p.m.-Prof. A. G. Gaydon: "Application of Spectroscopy to the Study of High-Temperature Gases" (Inaugural Lecture). APPOINTMENTS VACANT UNIVBRSITY 011' LONDON (at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical APPLICATIONS are Invited for the following appointments on or before Medicine, Keppel Street, Gower Street, London, W.C.1), at 5.30 p.m.­ the dates mentioned: Prof. K. R. Hill: "Hepatic Veno-Occlusive Disease".• (Fourth of twelve ASSISTANT CHIE!I' INSPECTOR (with a first- or second-class honours degree lectures on "The Scientlflc Basis of Medicine" organized by the British In physics or e'!l!iueerlng, and corporate member of an appropriate pro­ Postgraduate Medical Federation.) fessional institution) IN THE INSPECTORA.TR OJI' NUCLEAR INSTALLATIONS SOCIBTY 011' CHBJllCAL INDUSTRY, PLASTICS A.ND POLYMER GROUP (at of the Ministry of Power, to take charge of sections of the Inspectorate 14 Belgrave Square, London, S.W.l) at 6.30 p.m.-Prof. H. Batzer (Basie): concerned with the safety assessment of nuclear installations, and with "Cycloallphatlc Epoxldes, Synthesis and Properties". special problems In nuclear physica, chemistry, metallurgy, and health physics-The Civil Service Commiselon, 17 North Audley Street, London. INSTITUTB OJI' BIOLOGY (at the Royal Entomolo11ical Society, 41 Queen's W.l, quoting Ref. S/5613/63 (January 31). t~~~don, S.W.7), at 7.15 p.m.-Mr. W. H. Dowdeswell: "Research In LECTURER IN PHYSICS-The Registrar, King's College (Unlvemlty or London), Strand, London, W.C.2 (January 31). Wednesday, January 23 SRNIOR LECTURER, LECTURER, or ASSISTANT LECTURER IN MA.THBllA.TIO& -The Registrar, University of Sussex, Stanmer House, Stanmer, Brighton UNIVB!ISITY OP LONDON (at the Postgraduate Medical School of London, (January 31). Ducane Road, London, W.12), at 2 p.m.-Dr. K. L. Goldsmith: "Anti­ ASSISTANT LECTURERS (2) IN THE DEPARTMENT OJI' PHYSIOS-The bodies to Platelets and Leucocytes". * Rei!lstrar, University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, Cathay& INSTITUTION 011' ELECTRICAL ElliGINEERS, POWER DIVISION (at Savoy Park, Cardiff' (February 2). Place, London, W.C.2), at 5.30 p.m.-Mr. T. B. Burnett and Mr. G. W. LECTURER or ASSISTANT LECTURER (one or two posts) IN CHEMISTRY­ Graham: "Transductor-Asslsted Tap Changing on a 50 c/s Locomotive with The Registrar (Room 22, O.R.B.), Tho University, Reading (February 2). Semiconductor Rectifier". RESEARCH DEMONSTRATOR IN THE DEPARTMENT OJI' PHYSIOS-The Registrar, University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, Cathay& BRITISH INSTITUTION OJI' RADIO ENGINEERS, COMPUTER GROUP (at the Park, Cardiff' (February 2). London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, Gower LBCTURER or ASSISTANT LECTURER (with special interests In vertebrates) Street, London, W.C.1), at 6 p.m.-Symposlum on "Tunnel Diodes as IN ZOOLOGY at the University College of Rhodesia and Nyasaland-The Storage Elements". Secretary, Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas, 21) INSTITUTION 011 MECHANICAL ENGINEERS (at 1 Birdcage Walk, West­ Woburn Square, London, W.C.l (February 4). minster, London, S.W.l), at 6 p.m.-Prof. M. Yoshikl: "The Construction ASSISTANT LECTURER (with a good degree and preferably teaching ex­ Tankers In Japan" (Thomas Lowe Gray Lecture). perience) IN PHYSICS A.ND MA.THEMATICS at Bendigo Toohnlcal College, and Fabrication of Large Bendigo, Vlct-0rla, Australla-COuncll for Technical Education and Training SOCIBTY 011 CHHl!IOAL INDUSTRY, FOOD GROUP (joint meeting with the for Overseas Countries, 12 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C.2 (February 5). Chemical Enqlneering Group, at 14 Belgrave Square, London, S.W.l), at LECTURER IN BIOCHEMISTRY-The Secretary of University Court, The 6.15 p.m.-Meetlng on "Heat Transfer In Food Processing". University, Glasgow (February 7). ROYAL INSTITUTB 011 CHEMISTRY, LONDON SECTION (joint meeting with READER (preferably with a higher degree and appropriate professional the SLOUGH COLLEGE SCIENTlll'IC SOCIETY. at Slough College of Further qualiftoatlons) IN FLUIDS A.ND HYDROLOGY IN THE DEPARTMENT OJI' CivIL Education, WIiiiam Street, Slough), at 7.80 p.m.-Prof. Wilson Baker, ENGINEERING-The Clerk to the Governing Body, Battersea College of Aromatic Hydrocarbons". Technology, Loudon, S.W.11 (February 8). F.R.S.; "Non-benzenold LECTURER and an ASSISTANT LECTURER IN PHYSICS-The Registrar, The University, Sheffield (February 9). Thursday, January 24 ASSISTANT LECTURER or LECTURER IN THB DEPARTMENT OJI' APPLIHI> MA.THEMATICS A.ND MA.THEHA.TIOAL PBYSIOS-The Registrar, University UNIVHllSITY 011' LONDON (In the Anatomy Theatre, University College, College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, Cathays Park, Cardiff' (Febru· Gower Street, London, W.C.l), at 1.15 p,m.-Mr. A. P. Cavendish: "Phllo­ ary 11). s.ophy as Ritual".• LECTURER (graduate with some research experience, with special Interest& LINNBA.N SOCIBTY 011' LONDON (at Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, In soil or rock mechanics) IN CIVIL ENGINEERING-The Secretary, University W,1), at 5 p.m.-Dr. C. G. Johnson: "Insect Migration, Dispersal, and the College, Gower Street, London, W.C.1 (February 14). Aerial Plankton"; Mrs. Maureen E. Lacey: "The Discovery of Pilhom11ces READER IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY at Queen Mary College-The Academic chartarum In Britain"; Dr. R. R. Davies: "Studies on the Microbiology Re_glstrar, University of London, Senate Bouse, London, W.C.l (February 14). of City Atmospheres". LECTURER IN THE DEPARTMENT OJI' BIOLOGICAL CHEHISTRY-The Secre­ tary, The University, Aberdeen (February 16). UNIVERSITY 01!' LoNDON (at Westfield College, Kldderpore Avenue, LECTURRR or ASSISTANT LECTURER (preferably with morphological and London, N.W.3), at 5.15 p.m.-Prof. E. H. Bellamy: "Elementary Part­ taxonomic Interests) IN BOTANY at tho University College of Rhodesia and icles" (Inaugural Lecture).• Nyasaland-Tho Secretary, Inter-University Council for Higher Education UNIVR!ISITY 011 LONDON (at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Overseas, 29 Woburn Square, London, W.C.1 (February 15). Medicine, Keppel S.treet, Gower Street, London, W.C.1), at 5.30 p.m.­ LECTURER or ASSISTANT LECTURER (preferably with the ability to teach Dr. J. C. F. Poole: "Structural Aspects of Thrombosis".• (Fifth of twelve either logic or the philosophy of science) IN PHILOSOPHY-The Registrar, lectures on "The Scientific Basis of Medicine" organized by the British The University, Hull (February 15), · Postgraduate Medical Federation.) LECTURER/SENIOR LECTURER IN PURE MA.THEMATICS at the University of Sydney, Australia-The Secretary, ABBOclatlon of Universities of tho INSTITUTION OJI' MHCHA.NICA.L ENGINEERS, HYDRA.ULIO PLANT A.ND British Commonwealth (Branch Office), Marlborough House, Pall Mall, MACHINERY GROUP (at 1 Birdcage Walk, Westminster, London, S.W.l), London, S.W.l (Australia and London, February 15). at 6 p.m.-Dlscussion on "Hydraulic Engineering and the Common Market". SENIOR TUTOR-DEMONSTRATOR IN APPLIED MATHlilHA.TIOS at the Univer­ sity of Sydney, Australia-The Secretary, Association of Universities of Friday, January 25 the British Commonwealth (Branch Office), Marlborough House, Pall Mall, London, S.W.l (Australia and London, Feon1ary 15). ROYAL ASTRONO!lIOAL SOCIETY (at Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, Oll'FICIA.L FELLOW A.ND TUTOR IN PURE MA.THElliTICS-The Master, St. W.l), at 4.15 p.m.-Geophysical Discussion on "Long Sea Waves". Chair­ Catherine's College, Oxford (February 16). man: Prof. J. Proudman, F.R.S. CHA.IR 011' ANIMAL SCIENCE-The Registrar, The University, Nottingham UNIVE!ISITY OJI' LoNDON (at the Royal Holloway College, Englefleld (February 18). Green, Surrey), at 8.15 p.m.-Sir Richard van der Rlet Woolley, F.R.S.: CHA.IR 011 ZOOLOGY In the School of Biological Sciences at King's College "The Size of the Galaxy••.
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