Design awards/competitions: American Institure of Sreel Construction 1983 Archirectural Awards of Excellence 1,2. The Louisville Galler ia, solution" and praised the project 3, 4. Gene Coulon Memorial t raditional Scandinavian Louisville. Kentucky; Skidmore, for rejuvenating a dow ntown Beach Park, Renton, architecture, the jury noted that Owings & Merrill, Architec:ts and shopping street while creating a Washington; Jones & J ones. "the total use of steel is just Engineers. The Louisville year-round space between Architects and Landscape what you would want for a Galleria is t he centerpiece and structures that already existed. Architects; KPFF, Structural pavilion. It fits its surround ings unifying element of a mixed-use Engineers. The mile-long and [recalls] Victorian buildings project that incorporates two General contractor: lakdront shoreline of Renton, in the Northwest." The material, new 26-story office towers, an PCL Construction, Ltd. Washington had seen a number moreover, most likely will prove existing department store, a 75(). Steelfabricator: of industrial uses over t he last to be an excellent foil against a car garage. and the resto ration of Ha1.'fm-Busch Company century-barge loading, persistent problem afflicting all the historic Kaufman-StrauB Steel erector: sawmills, log du mpi ng, wartime public parks-vandal ism. Bui ld ing, an early 2Oth-eentury Ambrosius Erectil'l{} Corporation ship fitting, and surplus ship structure that was renovated to Owner: storage- before the city fathers General contractor: house office and retail space. O:rford Properties, 1m. obtained voter approval of an $S­ Prank Coluccio Const-ruction Co. Co nceived 3S an all-weather million bo nd issue to revitalize Sleel fabricalor: enclosure for the complex's the 57-acre site as a public park. Seidelhuber Iron & Bronze central ci rculation spine, the For a combination of open and Works, Inc. seven-story steel-and-glsss closed pavilion structures Sleel erector: Galleria slopes sharply from the architects Jones & Jones Smith Brothers Cons/ruction top of the Kaufman-Strau B developed a striking scheme that Own£,-, Building across a' landscaped takes into consideration turn-of­ City of Renton atri um and terminates at t he the-century waterfront building second-Hoor level of lhe styles while incorporating the department 8tore. The jury called classic elements of a city park. the scheme "8 very urban design Likening parts of the ensemble to A bus maintenance facility in Memphis, a l.Ieries of park further exploration of the many esthetic pos8·Jy,l~ ties in.herent in pavilions near Seattle, and (tn office lower in Houston (u-e among steel construction. " This year's awarlh jury Gm'..f1sted of Gunnar the 19 winning designs in the 1983 Archil.ectural Awards Birkerts, FAlA, partner in Gunnar Birkerts & Aswciates; W(l#ne program of the American Institute of Steel Construction. Cfwsen R. Bishop, AlA, vice president of de8ign at EU ~ Associates; from 166 entries, the projects illustrated below and on the Stanley D. Lindsey, Ph.D., pre8ident of Sianky D. Lindsey & following pages are characterized by variety, both of building A88OCiate8 Ltd.; George M. Notter, Jr., FAlA, rrcsident of type and of structural solution, and by tMir reaJjirmation of the Anderson Notter Pein{JQld I'llC.; and George Scl_ipporeit, AlA, A/SC program:S stated purpose: "To recognize and honor chairman of the Department of Architecture UI the lUinois outstanding architectural designs in steel and to encouruye Institute of Technology . •5,6. United States Pavilion, clad in lightweight metal and 7. Allied Bank Plaza, Houston, masonr> architecture prevalent Knoxville, Te nnessee; FARRAP glass. The architects visually Texas; Skidmore, Owings & in other H:nston bu ildings. SOM Architects; O'Kon and Company, reduced the vo lume further by Me rrill, Architc(;ts and employEd ~ structural system of Structural Engineers. The United cutting away a portion of the Engineers. Both in plan and bundled g~ 1 tubes for its cost­ States Pavilion at Expo '82 in wedge to create an open-air elevation this 71-story, 1.5- efTectivell£S3 and design Knoxville was the winning design amphitheater. In addition to million-square-fool office tower flexibility. The awards jury in a national competition held by noting that the utilization of was designed to stand out among praised : h~ 3ppropriater_ess of t he Department of Commerce. As prefabricated metal enabled the the ever-growing forest of all-steel cor.struction for such a the largest pavilion at the fair, structure to be completed in time skyscrapers in downtown tall. slnder tower. the permanent structure occupied for the Expo opening, the A ISC Houston. The structure's unusual a pivotal position in the over-all jury remarked that "the plan co nsists of two quarter­ Generru ~tractor8.: master plan; beyond that, animation of the steel makes it circles offset 15 feet from one Miner-DeJomck Gomtnocti01l however, the building was feel like a fair building." another along their common Corp. a~ ~rner Const--ucti01l intended to be a gracious host edge-a design solution that Co. oj 1 €::las (joint ventt-re) structure and a good neighbor to Construction manager: exem plifies the freedom that Steelfa~.rotfJT: the more modestly scaled Rentenbach Engineerin{J Co. architects have enjoyed over the Mosher Swel Company national pavilions located nearby. Si.eeljabricotors: past decade in the design of tall Steel er,?C~"': In order to satisfy requi rements Tallman Iron Works. Inc .. and commercial buildings. The Allied Americ:/.r. Bridge Divisit:m of both size and respectfulness, INCA Materials, Inc. tower is sheathed in a mullioned Own~ FARRAP Architects designed a Steel erectfJT: cu rtain wall of dark green Centur.J fuJelopment Corp., >iSO-foot-long, wedge-shaped Veterans Steel Erectioll Co., Inc.. reflective glass which, in Centen'7i. l Equities Corp., and building whose apparent bulk is Owner: co mbination with t he structure's Am.erioo.t: $enerai RealJ:y Co. diminished by the use of a U.S Department oj Commerce cu rved sides, presents an image transparent structural steel that the architects call "soft and framework either left exposed or sheer," in contrast to the angular • 8, 9. Village Market at the fixture in each module throws up 11. Prudentiall.D1Iurance poli£.hed reflecti Ie ceiling and National Tennis Center, New light through the canvas. to C.mpa DY of America, Weslern C8f1tilevered open s:airwaoj York City; David Kenneth create a glowing s.u rface of Borne Office, Westlake Villace, prtMdes lighting for interior Specter & Associates and The yellow and white when viewed at Ca6fornia; Albert C. Martin .!lM spaces and a fOClI poin t f.r Sch nadelbaeh Partnership. night from the stadiu m above. A&9OCiates, Arc.hi tects and cirCLlation. Architects; Jensen-Lewis The jury praised t he conceptian Engineers. This 400,~uare­ Co mpany, Structural Engineers. for its s.implieity and noted how foot office building near Los Ge-t.md conlrac:tor: The Village Market is an ouUloor the scheme "provides a Angeles was designed as a Roocrt E. McKee, J<tC. restaurant facility used just two wonderful scale to an otherwise regional headquarters for a Stre. I~or & erector. weeks a year in late summer large open space." major insurance company. The CerttTal JndustnaL Engim-ering du ring the United States Open architects sought to integrate -:.he Co. 'nc. Tennis Tournament in New York. General contrac/or, steel t hree-story facil ity into a Owner.. Located on a tree-studded site labricat<n & erector: plateaulike &i -acre site by setl ng Pnu!,ential Jmurnnce Co. 01 adjoini ng the tennis stadium, the Jensen-Lewis Co., Inc. the V-shaped structure into a America market stands at the crossing of Owner: hollow excavated from a low two major pedestrian routes and USTA National Tennis Center hil!- a decision that the AISC consists of 16 identical steel and I .. jury praised. As a response to striped canvas shelters that solar conditions in t he area, th<'! resemble pinwheels. The shelters architects created a facade of cover nine food stands, along smooth granite panels tt.at with movable tables and chairs extend six feet out over arranged informally throughout continuous tinted windows to the area. Strings of tiny white for!T, fixed sunshades. Where U e lights outline the painted steel two :nain office wings in tersect. a framework. while a single bowl full-height atrium with a highlJ , , U , B . Thousanc Oa.a Public large main library space is 14, 15. IBM Information steel·franed spines - on~ for Libn-roy. ThoWlt.oo fuks, relatively column-free and was Products Division, Charlotte, pedestrian c.sage, the other fO J CaIE ornia; Albert C. Martin and designed to allow numerous North Carolina; Thompson, movement of materials in and I. ssxiates. ArchiBct3 and layout options. The visual Ve ntulett, Stainback & out of th( manufacturing plan :­ Er.gin~rs. The City {.(Thousand potential of exposed structural Associates, Architects; Ross H. provide e:ncient ci rculati!)n. Tke (lab oommissioreJ Albert C. steel and open ductwork on the Bryan, Inc., Structural AISC jur;; lauded the facility lor ltI artin and Asso.!iltes to design interior is fully exploited. The Engineers. IBM's SOO,OOO-square· its meticdous detailing and CO(" a £irIK1e-story. 56"OOO-So1uare-(oot jury's verdict: the library is "an foot manufacturing and research the apprcpriate reiation!l.1 ip structure iooorpcrath, the excellent sculptural form. It has complex in Charlotte comprises a between llrchitectural fonn an.:! C::ulllllunity's Iibrary:ud public a personality." laboratory/administration client coocerns. t:l.eetir,g fa.eilities ..... idl..n a 44- building, two manufacturing :.o:!'l ]lark. 3nerg--i :la.riderations Construction manager: buildings, a cafeteria, a Constructior., manager: Y"U ~ a key factor in the final Turner Construction Co.
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