PAGE TWENTY - EVENING HERALD. Tues.. Feb. 13, 1»7» Court Hears Arguments Health Panel Criticized Complete Scholastic Transit Chief Says On Sunday Blue Laws For Inspection Policy Basketball Roundup ISon-Oil Car needed P a g e 1 2 P age 1 4 P a g e 1 5 P age 2 3 Natbnal Smofer Study: k----------------------------------------- HIanrI|rfitrr Mostly Sunny Cold dnd Windy MERIT 1 Detaili on page 2 Filter i Mexico Visit (USP8 327-500) Vol. XCVIII, No. 114 — Mancheater, Conn,, Wednesday, February 14, 1979 WASHINGTON (UPl) - Presi- > A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 » 20t Single Copy » 15t Home Delivered I dent Carter flew to Mexico today ready to tackle a host of ticklish I problems and to establish with President Jose Lopez Portillo a new relationship between two I countries sharing a 1,600-mile Iranians Seize Embassy ' * ^ v common border. Mexican officials put out ad­ vance word the president and TEHRAN, Iran (U P I).- Leftist said. “We’ve been linking with Mrs. Carter would be accorded a guerrillas captured the American Washington since through the "cordial” welcome — but not the Embassy today in a two-hour gunbat- British.” tremendous outpouring recently tle with 19 U.S. Marines and held The pro-Khomeini forces im­ witnessed during the visit of Pope Ambassador William Sullivan, 70 mediately threw an armed cordon I John Paul II. Americans and 70 Iranian employes around the British embassy nearby For the past several days hostage until they were freed by to stop any repeat attack on that Carter has been taking a Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini’s compound. IV ferit I diplomatic beating in news stories 3 Moslem marshals. Asked if the Americans had emanating from Mexico City. “It’s been an interesting Valen­ destroyed all sensitive documents White House aides say the presi­ tine’s Day,” Sullivan said after his before the guerrillas seized control. dent has a "tough job ahead of release. “You win a few, you lose a Green said, “We’ve been burning a few.” 4 him there,” adding, there has "- lot of stuff lately.” been a certain am ount of Two Marines were slightly UPI photographer Tom Karges, positioning''' by Mexican leaders wounded In the battle and an Iranian who entered the compound with the in advance of the visit. employee of the embassy was Killed. guerrillas, said Sullivan and several "He is going there on a rather Two of the attackers were shot to other hostages were struck by their delicate mission in which he will death as they poured into the em­ captors, who ransacked the embassy need to walk a careful line bassy grounds over the walls by the before they withdrew under urging of between two conflicting at­ hundreds, tore down the U.S. flag and Khomeini’s forces, who rushed to the titudes” manifested by Mexican wrecked the embassy. scene in Jeeps. officials, an aide said. The marauders, described by the Thousands of hostile Iranians One attitude, he said, “is the Khomeini forces as “Communists,” watched as the guerrillas advanced desire to work with us and to have arrived with Molotov cocktails in despite a barrage of teargas and rifle a partnership. To them that in­ what witnesses said was an effort to fire laid down by the U.S. Marine evitably means ‘junior partner,' burn down the embassy in a move to guards. They said the guerrillas were and the other attitude is for com­ “purge” Iran of all . American in­ seeking members of the shah’s now plete independence.” fluence. disbanded secret police, SAVAK, S d en American officials said all of the thought to be have taken refuge in the attackers were captured or evicted embassy. The Economy by Khomeini forces and that the UPI reporter Arthur Higbee, in the Americans were leaving the embassy crowd of onlookers, said the mob NEW YORK: Despite late for their homes. But as dusk fell hun­ yelled “down with the CIA!” and profit-taking, stocks scored a dreds of persons still were crouching “down with America!” He said the broad gain Tuesday, paced by on nearby rooftops and government crowd was so hostile “at one point I speculation in select^ energy and marshals said they feared a night­ thought I was going to be lynched.” blue-chip issues that could benefit time attack on the embassy. Khomeini was unable to prevent I from the oil cutoff in Iran. “ Who knows what’s going to the overrunning of the embassy, but F NEW YORK: A shortage of jet happen from here,” political officer once the Americans were released, fuel caused by the cutoff of Ira­ Nearer They Come Miles Green, the first American the building and adjoining compound nian oil has caused National released from the compound said. were put under the guard of Airlines to cancel to some its in- Nearer and nearer they come, was the way the town’s band of volunteer “They’ve wrecked evefything.'* Khomeini loyalists. The Americans I ternational ilights. Washington’s Volunteer Army, in a leaky “army” merchants looked in 1970 as they “An Iranian mess waiter was and 70 Iranian employees remained DETROIT: Exxon Chairman rowboat that may get them to Downtown killed,” Green said. He apparently inside. C.C. Garvin says dollar-a-gallon carried on an annual tradition. This year’s Main Street just,in time (before sinking) to was the only death on the American U.S. Embassy officials in the cbm- gasoline pump prices are not im­ three-day gala sale event will be Thursday, side. the sale with the mostest, the one an only pound said “all of the left-wing at­ minent in the United States Friday and Saturday. (Herald photo by Sater- “ We. lost communication with tackers have now left or been cap­ despite the chaos in the Iranian oil downtown Washington’s Birthday Sale. This nis) Washington about 11 a.m.,” Green tured” by the Khomeini forces. fields. W orks! CHICAGO: Officials of two large gasoline dealer associations in Illinois have asked their members to voluntarily close gas stations on Sundays to conserve U.S, Envoy Slain in Afghanistan Low tar MERIT with 'Enriched Flavor! tobacco delivers fuel. ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (UPI) MEXICO CITY: President was killed in the police attack. U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan hotel room.” 20 million people slightly smaller Carter and Mexico's President The U.S. officials said it was not He had served as No. 2 man in the Adolf Dubs was kidnapped in Kabul The news reached the State than Texas but bordering on Iran, Moscow Embassy and held the taste equal to-or better than-leading high tar hrands Jose Lopez Portillo are expected immediately clear whether Dubs was today and shot to death in a gunbattle Department officials as they were Pakistan and the Soviet Union, once department’s highest rank, minister- to reach agreement on the sale of killed by police or the gunmen, who between his Moslem extremist cap- trying to establish contact with the formed part of the U.S defensive ring counselor. badly needed Mexican natural gas had demanded the release by the tors and police despite urgent U.S. U.S. Embassy in Tehran that had south of Russia. The military junta seized power in I during Carter's visit. Afghan government of several jailed State Department pleas to the pro- been seized by left-wing guerrillas. Dubs, a veteran foreign service of­ Afghanistan April 27,1978, and Presi­ TOKYO: The U.S. dollar Shiite Moslem mullahs, or priests. “It’s been a bad night,” said an of­ The ‘Enriched Flavor’ science of low tar MERIT smokers: spurted ahead against the Soviet regime not to use force, U.S. ficer, had been ambassador to dent Mohammad Daoud Khan, who spokesmen said. State Department spokesman Hod- ficial in the Iranian Section in an Afghanistan since last year, himself had seized power in a coup in Japanese yen in Tokyo today in ding Carter III said, “The American allusion to the capture of the U.S. MERIT, 12 years in the making, isolates and I brisk trading. Market sources at- Dubs, 58, a native of Chicago, was assuming the post soon after a left- 1973, was killed in the fighting. ( ^ fi r m e d : 85% of MERIT smokers say it was shot in the head in the hotel room Embassy urged the Afghanistani Embassy in Tehran by urban wing military takeover in Instability in Afghanistan plus I tributed the surge to overseas government in the strongest terms to guerrillas. In that attack. Am­ Afghanistan. I gains. where he had been taken by two or chaos in Iran and the steady fortifies flavor components of smoke for a taste an “easy switch’’ from high tar brands. three terrorists who ambushed his try to obtain the ambassador’s bassador William Sullivan and about A former deputy assistant deterioration of Pakistan, has nearly car as he drove to the embassy in the release without force. 70 other Americans were taken cap­ secretary of state known to his destroyed the U.S. ring of defense way out of proportion to tar. Can that taste satisfy The Massacre capital city of Kabul. State Depart­ “The government disregarded this tive before being released after friends as “Spike,” Dubs was along the Soviet Union’s southern Confirm ed: 9 out of 10'MERIT smokers not request and the ambassador was lengthy negotiations. CHICAGO (UPI) - In the ment officials said one terrorist also formerly one of the department’s border, American analysts have said. killed in the attempt to seize the Afghanistan, a strategic nation o f, the toughest critics of low tar smoking—current considering other brands.
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