SOCIO-ENVIRONMENTAL SAFEGUARDS OF THE AMAZON REDD+ SYSTEM: MEMORIES ABOUT THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS Enviromental Services Law of Amazonas DATASHEET Project proponent Government of the State of Amazonas General coordination Amazonas Sustainable Foundation (FAS) Project supervision Amazonas State Secretariat for the Environment (SEMA) Eduardo Costa Taveira - Secretary of State Luzia Raquel Queiroz Rodrigues Said - Executive Secretary Christina Fischer - Deputy Executive Secretary Study design Ana Cristina Nobre da Silva (IMAFLORA) Review Luis Henrique Piva (Chief Reviewer) Gabriela Passos Sampaio (FAS) Leticia Oliveira Cobello (FAS) Kiviane Castro Ribeiro (FAS) Francisco Itamar Gonçalves Melgueiro (SEMA) Jamile Alves de Araújo (SEMA) Translation Leandro Ribeiro Graphic design and diagramming Tanous O’Azzi Franklin Carioca Cruz Collaboration Forest and Agricultural Management and Certification Institute (IMAFLORA) Institute of Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Amazon (IDESAM) Vitória Amazônica Foundation (FVA) International Conservation Brazil (CI-Brasil) Publication date November 2020 Support The opinions expressed by the publication are United Nations Development Program (UNDP) the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official views of any of Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force (GCF Task Force) the governments involved. Norwegian Royal Ministry of Climate and Environment 2 Enviromental Services Law of Amazonas Socio-Environmental Safeguards of the Amazon REDD+ System: 3 Memories about the Construction Process EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Regional workshops took place during a year in which the Brazilian govern- ment instituted a series of changes in the structure of ministries, policies and/or programs that directly affect the country’s ability to offer socio-environmental sa- feguards for jurisdictional REDD+ projects (as provided for in Cancun safeguards, for example). A number of measures that clearly weaken public policies have been adopted. These same measures move Brazilian national programs away from re- levant international conventions and agreements; they compromise the effective- ness and transparency of governance, control and monitoring structures for public policies aimed at reducing deforestation and national forest legislation; they affect the rights of indigenous peoples and traditional communities under national law SOCIO-ENVIRONMENTAL and relevant international obligations. And it is in this context that the Amazonas state government has taken on the SAFEGUARDS OF THE AMAZON challenge of regulating socio-environmental safeguards and implementing the Environmental Services Law, in particular, the Climate Regulation Program and the REDD+ Subprogram. At the same time that the national political scenario proves REDD+ SYSTEM: to be unfavorable for issues related to combating deforestation and policies that are related to the climate change agenda, it should be noted that REDD+ initiatives MEMORIES ABOUT THE promoted by state governments, allow a positive perception regarding the socio- -environmental agenda in the country, since it is possible to understand that the CONSTRUCTION PROCESS debate is not entirely over, with the opportunity to strengthen state public policies aimed at reducing deforestation, combined with the promotion and protection of the rights of indigenous, traditional and local peoples and communities. In any case, the challenges of building socio-environmental safeguard designs for the Enviromental Services state are great. Law of Amazonas 5 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ANM - Agência Nacional de Mineração (National Mining Agency) INPE - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (National Institute for AAM - Associação de Municípios do Amazonas (Association of Municipalities Space Research) in the state of Amazonas) ILO - International Labor Organization CAR – Cadastro Ambiental Rural (Rural Environmental Registry) IPAM - Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia (Amazon Environ- CEMAAM – Conselho Estadual do Meio Ambiente (State Council for the En- mental Research Institute) vironment)CONAB - Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (National Supply IPÊ - Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas (Ecological Research Institute) Company) GDP - Gross Domestic Product COPAMA - Comissão de Agricultura, Pecuária, Pesca, Aquicultura, Abasteci- MAPA - Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (Ministry of mento e Desenvolvimento Rural (Legislative Assembly - Agriculture and Fishing Agriculture, Livestock and Supply) Committee) MCM - Memorial Chico Mendes (Chico Mendes Memorial) CREA/AM - Conselho Regional de Engenharia e Agronomia do Amazonas PNGATI – Política Nacional de Gestão Ambiental e Territorial em Terras Indí- (Amazonas Regional Council of Engineering and Agriculture) genas (National Policy for Territorial and Environmental of Indigenous Lands) EMBRAPA - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Brazilian Agricultu- UFAM - Universidade Federal do Amazonas (Federal University of Amazonas) ral Research Corporation) UNDP - United Nations Development Program FAMC – Fórum Amazonense de Mudanças Climáticas, Biodiversidade e Ser- PIPCTATF - Povos Indígenas, Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais e Agri- viços Ambientais (Forum on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environmental cultores Tradicionais Familiares (Indigenous and Traditional Peoples and Services in the state of Amazonas) Communities, and Traditional and Family Farmers) FAS – Fundação Amazonas Sustentável (Amazonas Sustainable Foundation) PPCDAm – Plano de Ação para Prevenção e Controle do Desmatamento FVS/AM - Fundação de Vigilância em Saúde do Amazonas (Amazonas Heal- na Amazônia Legal (Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Defores- th Surveillance Foundation) tation in the Legal Amazon) FOIRN – Federação das Organizações Indígenas do Rio Negro (Federation PPCerrado – Plano de Ação para Prevenção e Controle do Desmatamen- of Indigenous Organizations of Rio Negro) to e das Queimadas no Cerrado (Action Plan for the Prevention and Control FUNAI - Fundação Nacional do Índio (National Indian Foundation) of Deforestation and Fire Spots in the Cerrado biome) GCF Task Force – Governors’ Climate and Forests Task Force RDS – Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (SDR - Sustainable De- IBAMA - Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Re- velopment Reserve) nováveis (Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources) SECT – Secretaria de Estado de Cidades e Territórios (State Secretariat IBGE – Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (Brazilian Institute of Ge- for Cities and Territories) ography and Statistics) SEMA – Secretaria de Estado do Meio Ambiente (State Secretariat for IDAM - Instituto de Desenvolvimento Agropecuário e Florestal Sustentável the Environment) do Estado do Amazonas (Institute for Sustainable Development of Agriculture SEMMAS – Secretaria Municipal de Meio Ambiente e Sustentabilidade (Mu- and Forestry of the State of Amazonas) nicipal Secretariat of the Environment and Sustainability) IDESAM – Instituto de Conservação e Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Ama- SEPLANCTI - Secretaria de Estado de Desenvolvimento Econômico, Ciência, zônia (Institute of Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Amazon) Tecnologia e Inovação (State Secretariat for Economic Development, Science, IFAM - Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amazonas (Fe- Technology and Innovation) deral Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Amazonas) SEPROR - Secretaria de Produção Rural do Amazonas - (Secretary of State IMAFLORA – Instituto de Manejo e Certificação Florestal e Agrícola (Institute for Rural Production) of Forest and Agricultural Management and Certification) SPU – Secretaria do Patrimônio da União (Federal Heritage Secretariat) INCRA – Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (National Insti- WWF - World Wide Fund for Nature tute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform) 6 Enviromental Services Law of Amazonas Socio-Environmental Safeguards of the Amazon REDD+ System: 7 Memories about the Construction Process SUMMARY PRESENTATION Executive Summary ..........................................................................................................5 In this report, information regarding the process of preparing recommendations for socio-environmental safeguards for the regulation of the Environmental Ser- List of abbreviations and acronyms ..............................................................................6 vices Law in the state of Amazonas will be presented (Law N º 4266/ 20151). Presentation .......................................................................................................................9 The recommendations for socio-environmental safeguards resulted from a set of activities implemented by the project “Regulation and Implementation of the En- Environmental Services Law in the State of Amazonas vironmental Services Law in the state of Amazonas”, supervised by the State Sec- and essential elements for the Socio-environmental Safeguards .......................12 retariat for the Environment (SEMA), under the coordination of the Amazonas Sus- Pre-workshop Meeting in Manaus .................................................................19 tainable Foundation (FAS), in partnership with the Institute for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Amazon (IDESAM), Vitória Amazônica Foundation Workshop in the Municipality of Apuí .........................................................24
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