S122 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 26, 2012 Vermont Guard’s helicopters were in Norway and Korea, ongoing Vermont Na- Approximately 60 percent of veterans Iraq, General Dubie coordinated with tional Guard missions in Djibouti, Kosovo, with known combat-related Traumatic other State Guards to get the help Macedonia and Senegal, helicopter rescues in Brain Injury (TBI) and 30 percent with Vermont needed. Iraq—all in 2011—and following the major ac- noncombat-related TBI report vision tivation to Afghanistan in 2010. Let us also The Guard’s intensive rescue and aid remember, as the Iraq War officially comes symptoms. As eye injuries continue to mission eventually evolved into a to its end, the tremendous sacrifice made by plague our servicemembers overseas, longer-term recovery and rebuilding Vermont National Guard members and their our VA eye care providers play a vital mission. Skillfully and tirelessly, families while serving our country during role in the medical service our vet- Vermont citizen-soldiers set to work these past nine years. erans receive. removing debris and rebuilding roads As Dubie said in nominating the men and This week, the VA health care sys- and infrastructure. women of the Vermont National Guard, ‘‘As tem adds one more location where General Dubie commanded some 500 you know, we are a team. It is what makes those who have given so much for our activated Guard members in the wake us so strong.’’ In responding to Tropical Storm Irene, the Vermont ‘‘team’’ also in- freedoms can seek help with their vi- of Irene. But that does not account for cluded many civilians. Together, the sion problems. The dedication of this other ongoing missions in 2011, or the Vermont National Guard and the community facility as the ‘‘Major Charles Robert substantial contribution the Vermont members searched and rescued and then de- Soltes Jr., O.D. Department of Vet- Guard has made to the wars in Afghan- livered supplies to people in otherwise erans Affairs Blind Rehabilitation Cen- istan and Iraq—including a major acti- unreachable locations. Then they began re- ter’’ is a fitting tribute to a fallen hero vation to Afghanistan in 2010. In hon- construction. In addition to the National who committed his life to our country oring General Dubie as Vermonter of Guard, all of these volunteers should be com- and the health and wellbeing of his fel- the Year, we pay tribute to the tremen- mended and thanked for their efforts. We can choose only one person, however, low Americans. The service and sac- dous sacrifice made both in State and as Vermonter of the Year. Because so many rifice of MAJ Soltes will not be forgot- overseas by Vermont National Guard people did so much, the selection committee ten and his dedication to country and members and their families. found it hard to identify a single individual mankind will live on through the in- True to form, General Dubie, despite to recognize. So we choose Maj. Gen. Michael creased care for our Nation’s blind vet- his extensive experience with dan- Dubie to honor them all. erans.∑ gerous overseas missions, has called f the Irene deployment the proudest mis- f sion of his career because he was able ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS to directly help so many of his fellow REMEMBERING ETTA JAMES ∑ Vermonters. RECOGNIZING THE ‘‘MAJOR Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, today I MG Michael Dubie is a proven leader CHARLES ROBERT SOLTES JR., ask my colleagues to join me in hon- and he embodies the best of Vermont. I O.D. BLIND REHABILITATION oring the life and artistry of Etta am proud to recognize his hard work CENTER’’ James, the legendary singer and enter- and I wish him continued success in his tainer who moved and delighted music career. ∑ Mr. BOOZMAN. Mr. President, today lovers for more than half a century. I ask unanimous consent that the I wish to commemorate the dedication She died in her hometown of Riverside, Burlington Free Press article entitled of the ‘‘Major Charles Robert Soltes CA last week at the age of 73 after a ‘‘Maj. Gen. Dubie is Vermonter of the Jr., O.D. Department of Veterans Af- long and valiant battle with leukemia. Year’’ be printed in the RECORD. fairs Blind Rehabilitation Center.’’ Born Jamesetta Hawkins in Los An- There being no objection, the mate- As a member of the U.S. House of geles in 1938, she began singing in the rial was ordered to be printed in the Representatives during the 111th Con- St. Paul Baptist Church choir at age 5 RECORD, as follows: gress, I strongly supported the bill that and recorded her first hit record, ‘‘The [From the Burlington Free Press, Jan. 1, ultimately became P.L. 111–164. That Wallflower (Roll With Me Henry),’’ 2012] law designated the Department of Vet- when she was just 15. Etta James was MAJ. GEN. DUBIE IS VERMONTER OF THE YEAR erans Affairs Blind Rehabilitation Cen- equally at home singing rhythm & As the Vermonter of the Year, we select ter in Long Beach, CA, as the ‘‘Major blues classics like ‘‘Something’s Got a Maj. Gen. Michael Dubie, adjutant general of Charles Robert Soltes, Jr., O.D. De- Hold on Me,’’ soulful ballads such as the Vermont National Guard, as the rep- partment of Veterans Affairs Blind Re- ‘‘All I Could Do Was Cry,’’ and pas- resentative of the team of men and women of habilitation Center.’’ sionate love songs including the incom- the Guard and the many civilians who Naming this facility after MAJ parable ‘‘At Last.’’ worked together to help Vermont recover Charles Robert Soltes, Jr. is an appro- from Tropical Storm Irene. I was fortunate enough to grow up In our lifetime, Tropical Storm Irene is ar- priate expression of our support for our with her music, dancing to ‘‘The Wall- guably the biggest and most dominant local blinded veterans. In 2004, while de- flower’’ in high school, ‘‘At Last’’ as a news story. Three people lost their lives dur- ployed in Iraq, MAJ Soltes was serving newlywed, and ‘‘Tell Mama’’ as a ing the storm. Vermont National Guard 1st in the 426th Civil Affairs Battalion in young mother. As she continued to Sgt. Shawn Stocker lost his life working to the U.S. Army when the vehicle he was tour and record, later generations mar- respond. Thousands lost their homes, their traveling in was struck by an impro- veled at her talents, reveled in her exu- businesses and many of their possessions. vised explosive device, costing him his Thousands more suffered property damage. berant performances, and admired her Irene washed away some roads, damaged life. indomitable spirit. many others and rendered useless the state MAJ Soltes was the first Army op- Through her music, Etta James office complex in Waterbury. tometrist to be killed in action while brought the joys and sorrows of life Who would have thought that our state on active duty. He left behind a long- home to millions of fans all over the could recover so well in less than 90 days! lasting legacy in the veteran commu- world. She will be deeply missed, but Vermonters owe this recovery to so many. nity. His sacrifices remain an inspira- her music will live on in our hearts and State and local government leaders have tion, particularly amongst the approxi- done their jobs well. In every community im- souls. pacted by the storm, there were at least a mately 157,000 veterans in the United On behalf of the people of California, few civilians who devoted most of their time States who are legally blind and the I send my deepest condolences to her and energy for many weeks helping their more than one million veterans suf- husband, Artis Mills; her two sons, community respond and recover. Hundreds of fering from debilitating low vision. Donto and Sametto James; and her volunteers from all over our state and be- Mr. President, I was the son of a four grandchildren.∑ yond stepped up to do extraordinary things. World War II veteran and before enter- They collectively demonstrated both the in- ing public service, I practiced optom- f domitable spirit of Vermonters and our love etry in Rogers, AR. With that back- for community. ground, I hold an immense respect for, TRIBUTE TO MASTER SERGEANT Approximately 500 Vermont National TRAVIS RIDDICK Guard members were activated as well. We and a particularly strong interest in, are especially mindful that this activation is the care that VA blind rehabilitation ∑ Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, I rise in addition to Air Guard deployments to centers provide our wounded warriors. to pay tribute to a fallen son of Iowa, VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:48 Dec 28, 2012 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD12\RECFILES\JAN 2012\S26JA2.REC S26JA2 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with.
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