MI-.Stuart R. Steele Headquarters, PO Box 3000 Jol!nilokvn Castle Estate General Manager/Director County !,&'exforti, Ireland -.Silver Hill Foods Cedimclieathrii. EOSC~Pcist 3COO .I-iillcrest iastdr Chaislean Bhaile Sliedin Contae Loch Garman. fire Emyvale T: +353 53 916 0600 County Monaghan F: +353 539160699 E: infoOepa.ie W: w%v.epa.ie Locall: 1890 33 55 99 I9 February 20 13 Ixeg No: PO.122-03 Dear Mr. Steele I refer to the review of your Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) liccncc, which was initiated on the 28 July 201 I. I arn to advise that in accordance with the provisions of Section 90 of the EPA Acts 1992 to 2012, you are requested to supply the following additional information so that the Agency inay complete a coniprehensive assessment: 0 Clarify if landspreading of slurry continues and to what extcnt the project, for anaerobic digestion and upgraded waste water treatment plant, has been completed. Give a brief description of the current waste water tveatment plant at the installation. e Clarify whether the backwash of filters (600m3/day) is fioni the potable drinking water treatment plant or lion1 the wastc water treatment plant. Describe the process by which this waste watcr is generated. Provide any monitoring data of this process discharge whcre available. Characteristic the emission by completing Table B. 1 (ii) of the review forin. The Agency wishes to advise that the continued discharge of treated proccss effluent to the unnamed stream is unsatisfactory under the current regime of unrcstricted pcriods of discharge. The Agency requests you to consider further, in consultation with Monaghan Co. Co., the option of connecting to the town sewer and provide details of the consultation. The Agency has issued a consultation notice to Monaghan Co. Co. in accordailcc with Section 99E(1) of thc Environmental Protection Agency Acts 1992 to 2012, sceking confirination that their original consent conditions under the existing licence still apply. A copy of this corrcspondence is attached. The waste water discharge licence issued to Monaghan Co. Co. for the Emyvale agglomeration (D346-01) can be downloaded from the Agency website. These documents will assist discussions. Note: Any telcphotte etipirics in rclation to the above should be dirccted to Ann Marie Donlon at the nuin bcr above. All writleit coirimrrrricnlio/is n/rd replies should be directed to Noelecn Kea~ey,Office of Climate. Licensing L? llcsourcc USC,EPA, PO Box 3000. IohnsroiAn Castle Estcite. Co ti nr y \I, cs ford In the circumstances you should makc immediate arrangements to lime the required infomiation (1 signed origl..al, 1 liardc~p~and2 copies of all files in elecll:o.!jj,c ~searchable PDF forrn~~t-,.o!~CD-ROM) submitted to the Agency without delay. Your response to this request should be directed to Noeleen Keavey Administratioi~ Oflieer, Office of Climate, Licensing Pr Resource Use. It sliould bc notcd that where thcrc is failure to coinply with the abovc requirements within three months of this notice, thc Agency may proceed with its coiisideration of this review in thc abseiicc of the information requested. Yours s incercl y, ,--. ALII Marie Donjon Oi'ficc of Climate, Licensing & Resource Use hote: Any teleplrotre eriqrrities 111 rclation to the abovc should bc directed to i\rin Marie Donlon at thc numbs above All writteti continurrictrtiorIs frit[/ replies dioiild be directed to Noeleen Keavcy, Office of Climate. Licciising & Rcsource Use, EPA, PO Bos 3000, Johnstown Castlc Estate, County Wcxford 0 0 .............. ...................... ............................. I<;..id ii y ... ....... ..lllg/l ........ I._ .................... ...... -. .... ......... ! 0 I 1 i 00 i :? 0 I5 z 1 ^__ I :: .. r .
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