DETAIL PROJECT REPORT(DPR) IWMP -1 BLOCK KAMALGANJ (2009 -10) DISTRICT- FARRUKHABAD PIA Bhoomi Sanrakshan Adhikari Land Development & Water Resources Kannauj 0 CERTIFICATE This is certified that the proposed Project Farrukhabad IWMP-1 comprising 09 micro-watersheds of district Farrukhabad, Uttar Pradesh has been selected for its sustainable development on watershed basis under Integrated Watershed Management Programme. The land is physically available for proposed interventions and is not overlapping with any other schemes. It will be developed as per Common Guidelines-2008 for Watershed Development Programme GOI, New Delhi. The significant results will be achieved through proposed interventions on soil and water conservation, ground water recharge, availability of drinking and irrigation water, agricultural production systems, live stock, livelihoods of asset less, capacity building, etc. The proposed Detailed Project Report of Farrukhabad IWMP-I, 2009-10 is submitted for its approval. Soil Conservation Officer Project Director Dept. of LDWR, Farrukhabad, UP DRDA, Farrukhabad, UP Deputy Director Chief Development Officer LDWR, Region Kanpur, UP Distt.-Farrukhabad, U.P. 1 Contents S.N Particulars Page Nos. 1. EXCUTIVE SUMMARY 6 1.1 Excutive Summary 6 Project At Glance 7 1.2 Need and scope for Watershed Development Programme 12 1.3 Weightage for the selection of the watershed 12 1.4 Details of ongoing watershed programme 13 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AREA 14 2.1 Location 14 2.2 Area and Land use 19 2.3 Physiography 24 2.4 Climate 25 3. BASELINE SURVEY AND PARTICIPATORY RURAL APPRAISAL 29 3.1 Socio-Economic Analysis 29 3.2 Land holding pattern 34 3.3 Migration: Pre Project Status 43 3.4 Major Crop their Productivity & Production 45 3.5 Livestock 59 3.6 Livelihood Status 65 3.7 Hydrology Water Resouces, Soil and Moisture Conservation 72 4. INSTITUTIONAL BUILDING AND PROJECT MANAGEMENT 92 4.1 Project Implementing Agency 92 4.2 Details of Self Help Groups 106 4.3 Convergence in IWMP-I 110 5. CAPACITY BUILDING PLAN 112 6. MANAGEMENT / ACTION PLAN 114 6.1 Entry Point Activity (EPA) 114 6.2 Work Phase 115 7. PHASING OF PROGRAMME AND BUDGETING 142 7.1 Monitoring and Evalution 142 7.2 Annual Action Plan 143 7.3 Details of Convergence 145 8. CONSOLIDATION AND WITHDRAWAL STRATEGY 146 2 S.N Particulars Page . Nos. 9. EXPECTED PROJECT OUTCOME 147 9.1 Employment generation and checking migration 147 9.2 Other expected outcome 147 10. MAPS 148 ( Village Map, Drainge Network Map, Slope Map, Transport Map, Base Map, Land Use/ Land Cover Map, Contour Map, Action Plan Map ) 11. ANNEXURE -I LIVELIHOOD ACTION PLAN 158 12. ANNEXURE -II LIVE STOCK MANAGEMENT ACTION PLAN FOR REARING MILCH CATTLE 161 13. ANNEXURE -III CROP DEMONSTRATION 162 14. ANNEXURE -IV SEED DISTRIBUTION DETAIL 164 3 List of Table S.N Particulars Page . Nos. 1. Table 1.1: Basic Project Information 7 2. Table 1.2: Approved plan Preliminary Project Report (PPR) by Steering Committee (SC), Govt. of India 9 3. Table 1.3: Details of Micro Watersheds 9 4. Table 1.4: Weigthage Criteria (for score) 13 5. Table 2.1: General Description of the Project Area 14 6. Table 2.2: Details of land resources in IWMP -I 19 7. Table 2.3: Slope range in the project area for IWMP-I 24 8. Table 2.4: Average monthly rainfall and temperature of the last 05 years 25 9. Table 2.5: Flood and Drought Area 26 10. Table 2.6: Agro Climatic Condition 27 11. Table 2.7: Details of Soil Erosion 28 12. Table 3.1: Demographic Features in Project Area 29 13. Table 3.2: Details of land holding pattern 34 14. Table 3.3: Details of Migration: Pre Project status 43 15. Table 3.4: Crop Rotation 45 16. Table 3.5: Horticulture Status 55 17. Table 3.6: Forest Vegetatice cover/gross land 57 18. Table 3.7: Details of Livestock Population 59 19. Table 3.8: Details of Livestock Productivity 62 20. Table 3.9: Details of Livelihood Status of Landless/Assetless people (Pre Project status) 65 21. Table 3.10: Details of Livelihood Status Other Farmers 67 22. Table 3.11: Details of Present Livelihood Status 69 23. Table 3.12: Irrigation Status of Project Area 72 24. Table 3.13: Source wise area Irrigated 74 25. Table 3.14 Ground Water Status 76 26. Table 3.15: Detail of Infrastructure 78 27. Table 3.16: Detail of Common Property Resources 87 28. Table 4.1: Details of Project Implementing Agency (PIA) 92 29 . Table 4.2: Details of Staff at PIA 93 30. Table 4.3: Details of Watershed Development Team (WDT) 94 31. Table 4.4: Details of Watershed Committee (WC) 95 4 32. Table 4.5 Details of formation of Self Help Groups 106 33. Table 4.6: Details of Self Help Groups 108 34. Table 4.7: List of State/Central Govt. Schemes 110 35. Table 4.8: Details of Convergence of IWMP with other Schemes 111 36. Table 5.1: List of identified training institutes for capacity building 112 37. Table 5.2: Training to stakeholders on participatory watershed management 112 38. Table 5.3: Capacity Building Annual Action Plan 113 39. Table 6.1 Details of EPA 114 40. Table 6.2: Micro Watershed wise details of Watershed Development Activities proposed 116 41. Table 6.3: Gram Panchayat wise details of Watershed Development Activities proposed 120 42. Table 7.1: Yearwise financial phasing (Rs. In lacs) 143 43. Table 7.2: Summary of Watershed development works, Livelyhood activities and Production system 144 44. Table 7.3: Details of proposed watershed wise Convergence in the project 145 45. Table 9.1 Expected Benefits 147 46. Table I.1: Livelihood Activities for Landless/Assetless People 156 47. Table II.1: Live Stock Management Action Plan 159 48 Table III.1: Crop Demonstration (Details) 161 49 Table IV.1: Seed Distribution details 162 5 CHAPTER-1 Executive Summary 1.1: Executive Summary: The Kali nadi watershed comprises of 45 Villages block- Kamalganj of Farrukhabad district of Uttar Pradesh This watershed has been identified by the state department under National Watershed Development Programme for rainfed area (NWDPRA) scheme by proper prioritization of different parameter for watershed selection criteria. The watershed is located in the East of Farrukhabad district. It lies between 27°10’0” to 27°16’30” N latitude 79°29’0” to 79°38’0” E longitude. Micro watershed Code No 2B3D3d2a, 2B3D3d1, 2B3D3c1b, 2B3D3c1a, 2B3D3b2a, 2B3D3b1d, 2B3D3b2b, 2B3D3b2c, 2B3D3b2d ) Its attitude ranges from 140 to 142 m above the mean sea level (MSL). The total area of watershed is 9378 ha .It is situated in the Left catchments of the river Kali. The climate of the region is characterized as arid to semi-arid with average annual rainfall less than 746.50 mm annually with an average of 65 rainy days. Out of which about 85 percent is received during the monsoon season from July to September. The area receives very less rainfall in the winter season. Temperature ranges from as high as 46.5 0C in the May-June to as low as 5.8 0C during December-January. The trend of rainfall is highly erratic and maximum (45%) water goes as runoff. The top most portion of the watershed is river Kali of Slopy land. The maximum soils of the area are sandy loam . The soil is Brown in colour and are inherently medium in fertility status. Agriculture is the main source of income of the farmers of the watershed. In Kharif the main crops are Maize, Ground Nut & Bajra Most of the lands are kept fallow because maximum areas are rainfed and the main Rabi crop is taken with the conserved moisture of rainfall. In Rabi the main crops are Wheat, Mustured, Barley, Pea, Gram .The wheat and Pea crops are taken in the irrigated fields while the other crops are mostly taken in the rainfed conditions. In Zaid season there is some vegetables crops are taken. Horticultural crops are taken is very less area. Only some vegetable crops are taken for domestic purpose and some orchards and fruit trees in scattered manner. Animal Husbandry is not in good condition because of local breeds. Their milk production is low. Unavailability of green fodder with poor feeding and health management. Natural vegetation of the watershed area is very poor. There are occasional occurrence of Neem, Shesham plants. There is no grass land in the watershed. Grass patches are seen only on the bunds, road sides and other such places. The problem of erosion of the watershed is to be tackled by bunding. harvesting additional water in existing water harvesting structures, Water stored in the water harvesting structures shall be properly recycled to provide supplemental irrigation at critical growth stages of crops and for the establishment of fruit orchards and forest trees. The agricultural land will be treated with bunding along with minor leveling. Waste land will be treated with the engineering measures like bunds and aforestation etc. 6 Table 1.1: Basic Project Information Sl.No. Details No. Area (h) 1 2 3 4 1 Total Micro watersheds in district 209 218100.00 2 Workable Micro Watersheds and Geographical area 194 202546.00 3 Unworkable Micro Watersheds and Geographical area 15 15554.00 3 Micro Watersheds already treated by LDWR & other agencies included IWMP-1. 128 133378.00 4 Balance Micro Watersheds/ Geographical area for treatment (After IWMP-1) 66 69168.00 7 Project At a Glance Summary of Activities Proposed (Financial) Project- IWMP- I PIA- BSA LDWR, Kannauj District- Farrukhabad Amount in lakh S.No.
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