1 SEISMIC RISK ASSESSMENT FOR KAZAKHSTAN TERRITORY: STATUS QUO AND WAYS FORWARD Purpose Seismic risk mitigation for seismic protection of Kazakhstan territory and population Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2 RSE «Center for Earth Sciences, Metallurgy and Concentration» «SEISMOLOGY INSTITUTE» SI, 75А Al-Farabi Avenue, Almaty, 050060, Republic of Kazakhstan SI was founded in 1976 and is a head entity in the area of fundamental and applied research on issues of seismic safety ensuring in the Republic of Kazakhstan 3 METHODOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES AND APPROACHES TO ADDRESSING THE PROBLEM • SURVEY OF SEISMIC REGIMENT AND SEISMIC DANGER ASSESSMENT FOR KAZAKHSTAN TERRITORY (general, detailed, and seismic micro- zoning) • EARTHQUAKE MONITORING AND FORECAST • SEISMIC RISK ASSESSMENT OF SETTLEMENTS AND OBJECTS OF SPECIFIC IMPORTANCE, EARTHQUAKE DAMAGE FORECAST 4 MAP OF GENERAL SEISMIC ZONING OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN 5 TYAN-SHAN TERRITORY SESMIC ZONING MAP 6 EARTHQUAKE MONITORING AND FORECAST Seismic Forecast Classification and Tasks • Currently three types of forecasts are prepared by Seismological Services for the authorized bodies of the RK: • Long-term (2-10 years) – detection of forming zones of future earthquake epicenters. • Mid-term (1-2 years) – forecast of degree of seismic danger for zones detected under the long-term forecast. • Short-term (1-30 days) – forecast and evaluation of parameters of expected seismic activities in zones detected under long- and mid-term forecasts. 7 REPUBLICAN SYSTEM OF SESMOLOGICAL MONITORING AND EARTHQUAKE FORECAST Seismological Monitoring System comprises: - 60 monitoring stations including 50 seismic stations; - network of seismic stations of the National Nuclear Center of the RK. 8 SEISMOLOGICAL MONITORING SYSTEM 17 6 3 Семипалатинск 12 Семипалатинск 9 7 16 г. 11 4 Сейсмологические станции 15 Алма Пункты сильных движений 14 13 ты 1 5 8 Зай 2 10 Зай сан 1 - ЦСО Алматы 2 - Алма-Арасан К А З А Х С Т А Н 3 - АРЗ 4 - Бегалина 5 - Ботсад 6 - Бурундай 7- ВИРГ Капал- 8 - Горельник Талды-Корган Арасан 9 - Диагностика Жаркент- Карат Север 10 - Казачка Кур Арасан обе ный Арха Кур 11 - Красина ты Чил Чушк рлыБа ам 12 - Крепость Каск ик алы сч Калка Кок-Пек 13 - Маркова елен Май- и ны К И Т А Й 13 - Медео Чунж ТюбеДеге 14 - микрорайон 8 Каетмен Боро Жамб ресБесмойнак 15 - М. Тореза ь лдай ыл Кас Кыргызсай 16 - Нижняя Каменка МертекКишмиши Шалкоде 17 - Шолохова Шымкент ке Извест Са Узын-Булак Жабаг ковыйТянь- Тауты - - - Жинишке Южна лы КызыласкерШань ТургТурге Южна Долинка ТургТурге Карк я К И Р Г И З И Я Котырень- нь я еньнь ара Булак 9 SEISMIC RISK ASSESSMENT OF SETTLEMENTS AND OBJECTS OF SPECIFIC IMPORTANCE, EARTHQUAKE DAMAGE FORECAST POWERFUL EARTHQUAKE FORMING ZONES AS DETECTED UNDER THE LONG-TERM FORECAST EARTHQUAKE FORMING ZONES 10 MAP OF SEISMOLOGICALLY DANGEROUS ZONES OF ALMATY INDUSTRIAL AREA Almaty City is surrounded by a range of epicenter zones of potential powerful earthquakes. It is impossible to create an earthquake forecast system for Almaty without studying and consideration of seismic situation in the plotted epicenter zones, since the area of powerful seismic impact of each powerful earthquake on the plotted zones spreads out extensively. 11 SAMPLE FORECAST OF SEISMIC IMPACT FOR ALMATY CITY IN CASE OF A POWERFUL EARTHQUAKE IN KEMINSKY ZONE Seismic effect of a powerful earthquake with an epicanter in Kemisky zone (40-60 km from the city) to Almaty City will result in magnitude 9 earthquake of the city territory. 12 MAP OF SEISMIC MICRO-ZONING OF ALMATY CITY The Map was developed in 1995 based on РСН-10-83 put in effect in 1983. The Map needs an update as in the course of its development spectral characteristics of possible soil occilations were not considered, joint fissure zones’ width and impact zones of such to economic objects were not identified. All the latter represent main basis for registration of resonance conditions in the “soil-construction” system. 13 NETWORK OF STATIONS OF POWERFUL MOVEMENTS There are strong reasons for creation of a new Seismic Micro-Zoning Map (SMZ Map). Digital network comprising 15 sets of wide dynamic range digital accelerographs “ALTUS-ETNA” has been operating in the city and outskirts since 2000/ the devices are installed in ground-floor facilities of buildings on special free-standing pedestals and function in trigger-mode with three-component registration. Outward of “ALTUS-ETNA” Network of digital stations of powerful accelerograph, its amplitude and movements in Almaty City phase characteristics. 14 MICRO-OSCILLATIONS’ MONITORING SL-3 Registering device Powerful movement stations Additional points of micro- oscillations’ registration Faults 2.8 Paleozoic fundament depth Points of micro-oscillations’ registration 15 TO DEVELOP THE SMZ-MAP FOR ALMATY BASED ON NEW METHODOLOGY IT IS NECESSARY TO: • Create parametrical models of sedimentary cover (velocity, plane, density, engineering-geological, and physical-mechanical parameters of soils). • Develop a groundwater level model taking into consideration its seasonal fluctuations. • Map seismic characteristics of sedimentary cover soils based on processing of micro-oscillation registration data in dense settlement network (~ 500 мх500 м) with condensation in active fault zones. • Map zones of currently active tectonic faults (verification of location and width) within the city based of soil gas composition survey, micro- oscillation records, geoelectrical prospecting and shaft-sinking works (drilling, shafts, channels). • Map soil oscillation frequency characteristics based on micro- oscillation records and calculations taking into consideration the overall capacity of sedimentary cover and records of the powerful movement stations. • Develop seismic impact models for the set of above mentioned works. 16 SEISMIC RISK ASSESSMENT FOR ALMATY CITY Seismic risk is a possibility of social and economic damage associated with an earthquake at the selected territory within a certain timeframe Summary Data on the number of surveyed multi-storey housing buildings, number of residents and total footage in Almaty City District Name Number of Number of Quakeproof Non-quakeproof To be surveyed Buildings Residents (Data – from HOC) Number Total Number Total Number Total of footage, of footage, of footage, Buildin м2 Buildin м2 Building м2 gs gs s Bostandyk 1,745 102,319 892 344,198.5 519 784,036 334 128,790.4 Almaly 847 72,138 300 224,729.5 343 624,764.8 204 78,662.4 Auezov 3,587 157,412 1,665 270,852 1,192 1,118,152 729 281,102.4 Medeu 1,304 58,192 757 145,556.9 374 493,268 173 66,708.8 Zhetysu 649 30,889 360 72,990.8 126 239,464.7 163 62,852.8 Turksib 3,182 82,103 2,175 304,796.8 755 531,438.3 233 89,844.8 Total for Almaty 11,294 503,053 6,149 1,363,124.5 3,309 3,791,123.8 1,836 707,972.4 17 BUILDINGS BREAKDOWN BY CONSTRUCTION TYPES Zhetysu ALMATY Bostandyk Turksib Almaly - А Type (beaten cobwork, wettle and daub, crushed rock) - B Type (1-2-storey brick buildings without anti-seismic measures - B Type (1-2-storey brick buildings for estimated capacity of magnitude 7) - B Type (3-4-storey brick buildings for estimated capacity of magnitude 7) Auezov - 1-2-storey wooden buildings - Frame-and-panel housing 5-storey buildings with estimated capacity of magnitude 7 - Frame-and-panel housing 5-storey buildings with estimated capacity of magnitude 8 Medeu - Frame-and-panel housing 5-storey buildings with estimated capacity of magnitude 9 - Frame-and-panel buildings with verges; buildings constructed with sliding and prefabricated encasement up to 7-9 storey and estimated seismic stability of magnitude 9 - Buildings of other construction schemes 18 DAMAGE DEGREE FORECAST FOR ALMATY CITY FOR EARTHQUAKES OF DIFFERENT MAGNITUDE Destruction degree 0 1 2 3 4 5 19 POTENTIAL SEISMIC-CAUSED LANDSLIDE ON NW FLANK OF KOKTOBE HILL Detected cracks and soil draws are currently suspended by fortification arrangements, nevertheless, the slide is possible in case of an earthquake - Landslide front direction 20 POTENTIAL FIRE EPICENTERS IN ALMATY CITY - network of gas-stations, which represent potential fire sources - tectonic faults’ scheme 21 LOCATION OF OIL, OIL-GAS AND GAS FIELDS IN THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN oil oil and gas gas 22 SAMPLES OF MAN-CAUSED SEISMICITY AFTER CONTINUOUS DEVELOPMENT OF HYDROCARBON FIELDS • Gazky, Uzbekistan, 1976 (М=7,0), 1984 (М=7,4) 14 years • Kumdag, Western Turkemistan, 1986 (М=6,0) 20 years • Neftegorsk, North Sakhalin, 1995 (М=6,8) 30 years 23 NEGATIVE PROCESSES CAUSED BY MINERAL DEVELOPMENT Geo-dynamical processes • Surface Deformation • Surface faults’ Formation • Upheaval Emergency Situations • Man-caused Emergencies •Fires • Destruction of Buildings and Communications • Environmental Pollutions 24 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF EARTHQUAKES Chilik Fault • Relief transgression, •Spills, • Thrusts, • Seismogenic slides, • Avalanches, • River blockage • Man-caused emergencies, •Fires, • Disturbance of communications • Environment pollution 25 ALMATY OBLAST RISK ZONES 2 14 ≤ VI VIVI 9 3 1 14 VII ... Талдыкогран 5 6 11 IXIX 12 15 VIII 10 7 6 16 IXIX 4 −− Алматы 15 8 13 I category – magnitude VIII - IX, secondary factors, settlements of category 1-2 II category – magnitude VIII - IX, secondary factors, settlements of category 3-4 III category – magnitude VIII - IX, no secondary factors, settlements of category 1-4 IV category – magnitude VII, no secondary factors, settlements of 1-4 V category – magnitude VI and lower, no secondary factors, settlements of category 1-4 26 ALMATY OBLAST I risk category zones (earthquakes of magnitude 8-9 and higher, secondary factors, settlements of category 1-2) are located on the foothill plains of Zaili and Jungar Alatau within Karasai, Talgar, Panfilov, Aksu, and Sarkand Regions with settlements of 4,000 and more population and number of economic entities of 1,000 and more. II risk category zones (earthquakes of magnitude 8-9, secondary factors, settlements of category 3-4) are located within the territories of Karasai, Raiymnek, Uigur, Panfilov, Aksu, Sarkand, and Alakol Regions with settlements of 2,000 - 4,000 population and number of economic entities of 500 - 1,000.
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