2016 Bell’s Beer Bayview Mackinac Race Sailing Instructions and Scratch Sheet Salutes Our Sponsors! 100 Clairpointe Street, Detroit, Michigan 48215 313.822.1853 www.byc.com h July 16, 2016 h Skipper: ____________________________________ Crew: ______________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Coast Guard Station Contact Information: STA Port Huron ..... 810-984-2603 STA Harbor Beach ..... 989-479-3286 STA Saginaw River ..... 989-892-0556 STA Tawas ..... 989-362-4429 STA Alpena ..... 989-356-1656 STA St. Ignace ..... 906-643-6402 Sail with us next year on July 22, 2017! 1 Start #: 1 ---- Class L - Doublehanded Racing - Division II - Shore Course ---- Starting Time: 11:30AM ---- Flag: Pink Sail # Yacht Name Owner Club Design LOA Hull Spinnaker Rating USA 100 Wall-E Luke Brockman Great Lakes Singlehanded Society Olson 30 30.03 Cream Grey 0.9969 USA 15473 Serenity Carl Sommers Double Handed SA Tartan 30 C 30 Lt Blue Blue/Green 0.9015 USA 16541 Spirit Cameron Lawrence Grosse Pointe Farms BC C&C 35 MKI 34.58 White White 0.9489 USA 31126 TAZ Hanson Bratton Bayview YC Tartan 10 33 White White 0.9615 USA 34412 Gale Runner Larry Fair Great Lakes Singlehanded Society C&C 29 MKII 28.5 White Red/White 0.8904 USA 52308 Nereus Glenn Weier Port Huron YC Jeanneau 35 35 White Blue/White 0.9326 USA 69138 Patriot Lyndon Lattie Jr Bayview YC J/29 29 Red White/Red 0.9531 2 Number of boats in Class: 7 Start #: 2 ---- Class F - Cruising - Division I - Cove Island ---- Starting Time: 11:40AM ---- Flag: Green Sail # Yacht Name Owner Club Design LOA Hull Spinnaker Rating USA 51 Xcessive Warren Roosen North Star SC C&C 110 36.33 Blue Red/White?Blue 0.862 USA 405 White Water Dragon Tom & Melissa White Bayview YC Beneteau First 40.7 SD 39.25 White Blue/White 0.893 USA 15011 Sundance J. Gillis & D. Hathaway Bayview YC/Mackinac Island YC NA 40 40 White Red/Yel 0.841 USA 25434 Comfortably Numb Mark Miller Bayview YC Beneteau First 42 TM SD 41.9 White White 0.816 USA 25725 Heart of the Dolphin Paul Wooley Ninnescah SA/Port Huron YC Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 45 DS 45 White None (White Jib) 0.798 USA 43881 Mystic 3 Fred Wilhelm Crescent Sail YC Dobroth 41 41 Blue Blue 0.907 3 USA 55555 Dynomyte Gary Warner Number of boats in Class: 7 Start #: 3 ---- Class G - Division I - Cove Island ---- Starting Time: 11:50AM ---- Flag: Purple Sail # Yacht Name Owner Club Design LOA Hull Spinnaker Rating USA 25161 Steelin’ Gold W. White & W. Mosher Port Huron YC J/35 35 Blue Multi 0.859 USA 25187 Amante Philip Velez Bay City YC J/35 35 White White/Red 0.859 USA 25208 Shenanigan Dick & Dan Synowiec Ford YC/North Cape YC J/33 33 White White (with CALVIN logo) 0.861 USA 25326 Snipe Dennis Meagher North Star SC Thomas 35 35.42 White Wht 0.886 USA 40937 Time Machine Robert Gordenker North Cape YC J/35 35 White Red/Wht/Blu 0.865 USA 42418 Rowdy Val A. Saph Port Huron YC Thomas 35 35.42 White Rd/Wh/Blu 0.88 USA 42763 Major Detail William Vogan Port Huron YC J/35 35 White White 0.863 4 USA 42968 Mr. Bill’s Wild Ride Bill Wildner, Jr. North Star SC J/35 35 White White 0.864 USA 43828 Falcon Ed and John Bayer Detroit YC J/35 35 White White 0.86 USA 69311 Griffin Huneke/Levin Port Huron YC J/35 35 White Red/Wht 0.854 USA 97481 Whiplash Gregg Whipple Tawas Bay YC J/35 35 White Blue 0.858 Number of boats in Class: 11 Start #: 3 ---- Class H - Division I - Cove Island ---- Starting Time: 11:50AM ---- Flag: Pink Sail # Yacht Name Owner Club Design LOA Hull Spinnaker Rating USA 90 Legend David Shriner Bayview YC Beneteau First 36.7 36 White White 0.866 USA 143 Manitou John Burke Bayview YC Beneteau First 36.7 36 White White/Blue/Turquoise 0.866 CAN 602 Kazuri Stuart Bletcher Bay Port YC/Midland Bay SC Beneteau First 36.7 36 White Red 0.866 USA 25524 Grizzly Charles M. Bayer, Jr. Bayview YC Beneteau First 36.7 36 White White 0.866 USA 25620 Red Iguana Mark Nagel Crescent Sail YC Beneteau First 36.7 36 White White 0.866 USA 25628 Weather Edge III Colton Weatherston Crescent Sail YC Beneteau First 36.7 36 White White & Red, All White 0.866 USA 51678 Patriot Ken Sharpe Bayview YC/North Star SC Beneteau First 36.7 36 White White 0.866 5 USA 51793 War Chant 2 Reid Stromberg Port Huron YC Beneteau First 36.7 36 White White 0.866 USA 52754 Sohest J.Somalski & W.Dziwura Saginaw Bay YC/Bay City YC Beneteau First 36.7 36 White White 0.866 USA 52772 Carrera Rod Spearin Bayview YC/Crescent Sail YC Beneteau First 36.7 36 White Blue or Green 0.866 USA 60367 As You Wish Dave Simon Crescent Sail YC Beneteau First 36.7 36 White Blue 0.866 USA 60913 Chantey Jim & Christa Baubie Bayview YC Beneteau First 36.7 36 White White or Blue w/Logo 0.866 USA 61367 Gail Force Robert Duker Crescent SC/Edison BC Beneteau First 36.7 36 White Blue 0.866 Number of boats in Class: 13 Start #: 4 ---- Class E - Division I - Cove Island ---- Starting Time: 12:00PM ---- Flag: Royal Blue Sail # Yacht Name Owner Club Design LOA Hull Spinnaker Rating USA 49 Dos Mas Gary Gonzalez Grosse Pointe YC J/42 42 Blue Red/White/Blue 0.86 USA 15004 Fast Tango Tim Prophit Bayview YC NA 40 39.73 White White 0.841 USA 15019 Leading Edge Mark & Sue Bevins Crescent Sail YC NA 40 40 White White 0.845 USA 15025 Majic Star John Rummel Bayview YC NA 40 40 Blue Blue and White 0.845 USA 15044 Velero VII Katie Leigh & J. Sammy Barbour Bayview YC NA 40 40 White White/Green/Various 0.842 USA 15240 Genesis Paul Lee Detroit BC Islander P40 39.5 Wht/Gry Red, White, Blue 0.858 USA 16826 Absolute D. Hinckfoot & A. Mason North Star SC Peterson 37 37 Blue Wh/Blu 0.852 USA 23937 Split Decision Michael West Port Huron YC Islander P40 39.58 White Red 0.867 USA 25079 Trick Shot Joseph Shotwell Bay City YC Mirage 338 33.67 White White 0.869 USA 25438 Notorious Ron & Donna Whalen Great Lakes YC Beneteau First 40.7 SD 39.25 White Wh/Rd/Gry/Plm 0.869 6 USA 25633 Titan Aitken/Schultes/Dumouchelle Bayview YC C&C 41 40.75 White Blu/Wht 0.863 USA 25656 Liberty Robert Bert Port Huron YC/Deadman’s Flat YC Beneteau First 42 TM 41.9 White Multi 0.85 USA 25668 Mostly Harmless Warwick Smith Crescent Sail YC Beneteau First 42 TM 41.9 Blue White 0.845 USA 26226 Pendragon G. Thomas & J. Trost Bayview YC Contessa 43 43 Black White 0.875 USA 33140 Collina James J. Gerometta Bayview YC C&C 40-2 39.58 White Multi 0.83 USA 33599 Covert Bill Ryzyi Bayview YC C&C 41 40.75 White Red White Blue 0.866 USA 35007 Advantage John Vermeulen Detroit YC Beneteau First Class 12 39.1 White Red,White, Blue 0.874 USA 40740 Brandilee Steve Nadeau Grosse Pointe YC X-402 40 Green Raspberry/Blue/White 0.873 USA 41046 Outlet Xpress Ken Block Edgewater YC Express 37 37 White White/Blue 0.881 USA 51778 Liberty C. David Phelps Grand Traverse YC Dehler 39 38.8 Blue White 0.876 USA 51944 Nor’Easter George Steinemann Sandusky YC Swan 44 MK II 44 White Blue and White 0.871 USA 52833 True Blue Jim Cresswell North Star SC Corby 33 32.8 Blue Blue/White 0.875 USA 60563 Fast Forward 41 Mary and Gary Gmeiner Tawas Bay YC C&C 41 K/CB 41 Beige Blue/White 0.829 Number of boats in Class: 23 Start #: 5 ---- Class C - Division I - Cove Island ---- Starting Time: 12:10PM ---- Flag: Black Sail # Yacht Name Owner Club Design LOA Hull Spinnaker Rating USA Sleeping Tiger John Harvey/Rick Titsworth Great Lakes YC J/120 40 Cream Blue/White 0.921 USA 5455 FUNTECH Racing Charlie Hess Bayview YC J/120 40 White White 0.921 USA 25328 Hot Ticket Mike & Bob Kirkman Bayview YC J/120 40 White Wht/Red 0.921 USA 25329 Nauti Boys Ed Vermet & John Hughes Bayview YC/Detroit YC J/120 40 White Red/White 0.921 USA 25363 Scout Geoff Brieden/Jeff Clark Crescent Sail YC J/120 40 Blue White 0.921 USA 25439 Victrix Curtis Kime Bayview YC J/120 40 Blue Multi 0.921 USA 25497 Carinthia Frank Kern Bayview YC/Port Huron YC J/120 40 White White 0.921 7 USA 25999 Night Moves Henry Mistele Bayview YC J/120 40 Blue White 0.921 USA 50345 Ihnsanity Too Ihnen/Tanner Crescent Sail YC J/120 40 White White 0.921 USA 50666 Jayhawker Dave Sandlin Bayview YC/Lake Shore SC J/120 40 White White 0.921 USA 50793 Proof M. Fozo/R. Kendrick Grosse Pointe SC J/120 40 Blue White 0.921 Number of boats in Class: 11 Start #: 5 ---- Class D - Division I - Cove Island ---- Starting Time: 12:10PM ---- Flag: Yellow Sail # Yacht Name Owner Club Design LOA Hull Spinnaker Rating USA 17 Rum Kist Harry Bloom Bayview YC Beneteau 10R 32.5 White Green/Yellow 0.86 CAN 18 Wicked-R Ron Bildfell Sarnia YC Beneteau 10R 34 White Red 0.86 USA 25 Unplugged Tim Clayson Port Huron YC/Bark Shanty SC J/111 36.5 White White/Blue 0.929 USA 59 Chase Charles Schroeder Wayzata YC J/109 35.25 White Black/Yellow 0.882 USA 90 Utah Bradley Faber Macatawa Bay YC J/111 36.5 White White 0.926 USA 117 Say Uncle Kevin Lemonds Grosse Ile YC Henderson 30 30 White Multi Colors 0.907 USA 123 Good Lookin’ Mark DenUyl Port Huron YC J/105 34.5 White Blue/Wht 0.856 8 USA 224 Toa Jim Mitchell/Bruce Danly Chicago YC J/109 35.25 White Blue 0.868 USA 251 Phoenix William Hamilton Lake Shore SC J/109 35.25 White Blue/Yellow/White 0.882 USA 416 Windshadow Jim Murphy Bayview YC J/105 34.5 White White 0.865 USA 617 Pterodactyl Mark Symonds Grosse Pointe YC J/105 34.5 White Multi 0.856 USA 4215 Tsunami Stephen Polk Bayview YC Club Swan 42 42 White White 0.994 USA 25686 Saralysia Port Sanilac Marina Bark Shanty SC J/88 29 White Blue/White 0.849 USA 35009 Chico 2 Jim Weyand Bayview YC 1D 35 Turbo 35 White White 0.947 USA 56565 Relentless Mark Hagan Grand Traverse YC Schock 40 40 Blue White 1.025 Number of boats in Class: 15 Start #: 6 ---- Class O - Cruising - Division II - Shore Course ---- Starting Time: 12:20PM ---- Flag: Gold Sail # Yacht Name Owner Club Design LOA Hull Spinnaker Rating USA 127 Anemone Douglas Lowe Port Huron YC Ontario 32 32 White Black/Red/White/Blue 0.8796 USA 148 Ariel Mark W.
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