Fall 2016 Statistics Report The Alliance for Higher Education These statistics are compiled based on the numbers that our endorsed AG schools have submitted to the Alliance office Table of Contents Students Headcount Enrollment Totals.…………………………………………………...…….….…………..1 Headcount Enrollment Totals - Decade Summary...………………….……………..……….………..2 Enrollment by Student Type………………………………………………………..…………………3 Enrollment by Gender……………………………………………………….…….………………….4 Enrollment by Ethnic Identity……………………………………………….……..………………….5 Ethnic Identity - Decade Summary.………...………………………….…………....……………….6 Admissions.……………………………………………..…………………………..…………..…….7 Retention.…..………………………………………………………...………………….....………….8 Retention Summary…………………………………………………………………………………9 Full-time, First-time Undergraduates Receiving Financial Aid……..……………….…...………….10 AG Students.………………………………………………………...……………..……...………….11 AG Students - Decade Summary….......………………………………………...…....………..……..12 Student Housing.....………………………………………………………..……..……………………13 Headcount Enrollment Geography in AG Higher Education Institutions….…………...…………….14 Faculty Student / Faculty Ratio.…………………………………………………………………...…………..15 AG Teaching Faculty.……………………………………………...….………………..…………….16 Non-AG Faculty Comparative Data…………………………………………………...………………17 Academics 2016 Degrees & Diplomas.…………………………………………………………...……………….18 2016 Undergraduate Degrees Granted by Major.……………………………………...………………19-22 2016 Graduate Degrees Granted by Major.……………………………………………....……………23 2016 MDiv Doctorate……………………………………………………………………………. 24 Ministry Degrees.……………………………………………………………………...………..…….25 Ministry Degrees - Decade Summary.………………………….……...……………….…….…………26 Miscellaneous………………………………………………………………………...…………………27 Boards Governing Board Composition.…………………………………………...…………………………..28 Finance 2016 Student Charges....………..…………………………………..………………………………29 2016 Income......…………………………………………………..………………………………..30 Indebtedness Summary...……………………………………………..………………………………31 Alliance for AGHE Stats - Fall 2016 Statistics Keys Abbreviations by School AIC American Indian College - SAGU AGTS Assemblies of God Theological Seminary - EU BU Bethany University CTC Caribbean Theological College CBC Central Bible College CMC Latin American Bible Institute - Texas EU Evangel University GU Global University LABI Latin American Bible Institute College NABC Native American Bible College NCU North Central University NBC Northpoint Bible College NU Northwest University SEU Southeastern University SAGU Southwestern Assemblies of God University TBC Trinity Bible College UVF University of Valley Forge VU Vanguard University WBC Western Bible College Colors Accredited Non-accredited Closed GU - Distance Education Consolidated Not Applicable Alliance for AGHE Stats - Fall 2016 Headcount Enrollment Totals* Undergraduate HC Graduate Grand Total School Part Time Full Time Subtotal Part Time Full Time Subtotal HC FTE AIC *** EU 154 1,473 1,627 384 120 504 2,131 1,800.2 NABC 5 24 29 0 0 0 29 14.4 NCU 179 901 1,080 29 2 31 1,111 984.4 NBC 64 263 327 8 10 18 345 301.2 NU 497 1,323 1,820 113 259 372 2,192 1,820.4 SEU 1,167 3,888 5,055 441 308 749 5,804 4,823.0 SAGU 268 1,506 1,774 256 50 306 2,080 1,759.1 TBC 32 162 194 21 11 32 226 193.6 UVF 185 625 810 63 4 67 877 725.7 VU 344 1,447 1,791 200 113 313 2,104 1,771.6 Total 2,895 11,612 14,507 1,515 877 2,392 16,899 14,193.6 CTC 15 0 15 0 0 0 15 5.9 CMC 9 47 56 0 0 0 56 50.5 LABI 21 31 52 0 0 0 52 39.3 WBC 65 20 85 0 0 0 85 45.5 Total 110 98 208 0 0 0 208 141.2 AGTS **** 141.2 Distance Education GU** 647 15 662 100 1 101 763 308.4 TOTALS 3,652 11,725 15,377 1,615 878 2,493 17,870 14,643.2 HC: Headcount FTE: Full-time Equivalency *Fall Opening Enrollment; includes only students enrolled in academic courses for credit. **Students enrolled in one or more college courses in the US. *** Figures included in SAGU **** Figures included in EU Alliance for AGHE Stats - Fall 2016 1 Headcount Enrollment Totals - Decade Summary School 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 AIC * 70 75 82 91 85 73 79 91 99 0 BU (undergraduate) 340 347 357 318 BU (graduate) 84 81 83 82 BU Subtotal 424 428 440 400 CBC 697 635 652 742 657 448 EU (undergraduate) 1,728 1,726 1,735 1,770 1,897 1,879 2,077 1,794 1,724 1,627 EU (graduate) 123 185 220 302 271 200 197 212 234 504 EU Subtotal 1,851 1,911 1,955 2,072 2,168 2,079 2,274 2,006 1,958 2,131 NABC 54 45 39 26 33 25 34 15 24 29 NCU (undergraduate) 1,301 1,083 1,182 1,080 NCU (graduate) 1,401 1,094 1,243 1,383 1,384 1,295 4 108 30 31 NCU Subtotal 1,305 1,191 1,212 1,111 NBC (undergraduate) 393 303 304 327 NBC (graduate) 265 252 260 302 336 389 12 9 9 18 NBC Subtotal 405 312 313 345 NU (undergraduate) 1,139 1,114 1,146 1,148 1,294 1,356 1,438 1,518 1,667 1,820 NU (graduate) 120 176 237 274 264 257 295 344 380 372 NU Subtotal 1,259 1,290 1,383 1,422 1,558 1,613 1,733 1,862 2,047 2,192 SEU (undergraduate) 2,931 2,867 2,665 2,510 2,320 2,448 3,083 3,436 3,996 5,055 SEU (graduate) 138 208 285 269 226 255 351 398 542 749 SEU Subtotal 3,069 3,075 2,950 2,779 2,546 2,703 3,434 3,834 4,538 5,804 SAGU (undergraduate) 1,545 1,587 1,694 1,741 1,699 1,696 1,700 1,666 1,661 1,774 SAGU (graduate) 289 304 319 323 324 336 312 318 313 306 SAGU Subtotal 1,834 1,891 2,013 2,064 2,023 2,032 2,012 1,984 1,974 2,080 TBC (undergraduate) 218 199 194 TBC (graduate) 292 296 265 285 246 227 198 12 18 32 TBC Subtotal 230 217 226 UVF (undergraduate) 1,033 1,187 1,189 1,131 1,101 1,001 964 850 852 810 UVF (graduate) 14 15 17 27 39 40 35 67 67 UVF Subtotal 1,201 1,204 1,148 1,128 1,040 1,004 885 919 877 VU (undergraduate) 1,952 1,859 1,652 1,803 1,954 2,051 2,135 1,987 1,881 1,791 VU (graduate) 299 290 271 252 243 268 280 268 303 313 VU Subtotal 2,251 2,149 1,923 2,055 2,197 2,319 2,415 2,255 2,184 2,104 Total 14,500 14,328 14,394 14,769 14,361 14,243 14,877 14,536 15,467 16,899 CTC 30 24 33 45 37 39 14 11 10 15 LABI 107 85 75 61 90 111 117 107 71 56 LABI CMC 49 65 49 50 60 71 57 57 59 52 WBC 41 42 42 61 56 88 99 115 101 85 Total 227 216 199 217 243 309 287 290 241 208 AGTS ** 476 470 416 409 418 428 404 327 323 0 GU (undergraduate) 1,407 1,129 1,117 942 862 987 781 712 742 662 GU (graduate) 47 81 74 91 111 128 86 84 100 101 GU Subtotal 1,454 1,210 1,191 1,033 973 1,115 867 796 842 763 TOTALS 16,657 16,224 16,200 16,428 15,995 16,095 16,435 15,949 16,873 17,870 * AIC figures included in SAGU ** AGTS figures included in EU 2 Alliance for AGHE Stats - Fall 2016 Enrollment by Student Type Headcount Web-Based* Ext. Sites** School Totals UG Grad Total UG Grad UG Grad AIC *** 0 EU 1,627 504 2,131 81 69 78 15 243 NABC 29 29 0 0 0 0 0 NCU 1,080 31 1,111 0 0 0 0 0 NBC 327 18 345 28 0 85 0 113 NU 1,820 372 2,192 148 86 480 0 714 SEU 5,055 749 5,804 594 508 1,657 1 2,760 SAGU 1,774 306 2,080 528 265 128 1 922 TBC 194 32 226 17 0 0 0 17 UVF 810 67 877 63 52 66 33 214 VU 1,719 313 2,032 91 0 0 0 91 Total 14,435 2,392 16,827 1,550 980 2,494 50 5,074 CTC 15 15 0 0 0 0 0 CMC 56 56 0 0 0 0 0 LABI 52 0 52 0 0 0 0 0 WBC 85 85 0 0 0 0 0 Total 208 0 208 0 0 0 0 0 AGTS **** 0 Distance Education GU 662 101 763 662 101 0 0 763 TOTALS 15,377 2,493 17,870 2,212 1,081 2,494 50 5,837 *Of total headcount, number represents students taking classes exclusively through web-based delivery or correspondence. **Of total headcount, number represents students taking classes exclusively through extension site/alternative campus. *** Numbers included in SAGU ****Numbers included in EU Alliance for AGHE Stats - Fall 2016 3 Enrollment by Gender School Men Women Total M : W Ratio AIC * #DIV/0! : #DIV/0! EU 997 1,134 2,131 47% : 53% NABC 5 24 29 17% : 83% NCU 474 637 1,111 43% : 57% NBC 189 156 345 55% : 45% NU 918 1274 2,192 42% : 58% SEU 2467 3,337 5,804 43% : 57% SAGU 1012 1,068 2,080 49% : 51% TBC 129 97 226 57% : 43% UVF 428 449 877 49% : 51% VU 701 1,403 2,104 33% : 67% Total 7,320 9,579 16,899 43% : 57% CTC 8 7 15 53% : 47% CMC 27 29 56 48% : 52% LABI 28 24 52 54% : 46% WBC 49 36 85 58% : 42% Total 112 96 208 54% : 46% AGTS ** #DIV/0! : #DIV/0! Distance Education GU 469 294 763 61% : 39% TOTALS 7,901 9,969 17,870 44% : 56% * Numbers included in SAGU ** Numbers included in EU 4 Alliance for AGHE Stats - Fall 2016 Enrollment by Ethnic Identity American Native Black or Two or Race & Nonresident Hispanic/ Indian or Hawaiian or Total % Ethnic School Asian African White more Ethnicity Alien Latino Alaska Other Pacific Enrollment Minority American Races Unknown Native Islander AIC 0 #DIV/0! EU 29 85 18 34 86 7 1,717 39 116 2,131 14.0% NABC 0 2 20 0 1 0 6 0 0 29 79.3% NCU 11 63 3 25 43 1 836 38 91 1,111 16.6% NBC 12 58 1 5 31 2 216 9 11 345 34.2% NU 119 175 27 111 123 25 1,190 92 330 2,192 30.7% SEU 105 1,056 23 92 858 30 3,393 3 244 5,804 37.3% SAGU 13 412 83 22 253 13 1,232 41 11 2,080 40.2% TBC 4 16 7 0 16 2 165 13 3 226 25.7% UVF 3 146 3 12 136 1 464 36 76 877 38.4% VU 13 750 1 85 117 16 941 92 89 2,104 51.0% Total 309 2,763 186 386 1,664 97 10,160 363 971 16,899 Percent 1.8% 16.4% 1.1% 2.3% 9.8% 0.6% 60.1% 2.1% 5.7% 100.0% 34.1% CTC 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 100.0% CMC 0 51 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 56 92.9% LABI 3 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 100.0% WBC 0 35 0 3 13 1 16 10 7 85 72.9% Total 3 150 0 3 14 1 20 10 7 208 Percent 1.4% 72.1% 0.0% 1.4% 6.7% 0.5% 9.6% 4.8% 3.4% 100.0% 87.0% AGTS 0 Percent #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! Distance Education GU 763 763 Percent 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0% TOTALS 312 2,913 186 389 1,678 98 10,180 373 1,741 17,870 PERCENT 1.7% 16.3% 1.0% 2.2% 9.4% 0.5% 57.0% 2.1% 9.7% 100.0% 33.3%
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