October 2, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 17 23859 (2) in subsection (d), by striking ‘‘231A(b)’’ The nominations considered and con- DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE and inserting ‘‘213A(b)’’. firmed en bloc are as follows: Michael Bruce Donley, of Virginia, to be f DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Secretary of the Air Force, vice Michael W. Wynne, resigned. EXECUTIVE SESSION Christine O. Hill, of Georgia, to be an As- sistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs (Con- NATIONAL SECURITY EDUCATION BOARD gressional Affairs). David H. McIntyre, of Texas, to be a Mem- DEPARTMENT OF STATE ber of the National Security Education EXECUTIVE CALENDAR Board for a term of four years, vice Mark Matthew A. Reynolds, of Massachusetts, to Falcoff, term expiring. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- be an Assistant Secretary of State (Legisla- Mark J. Gerencser, of New Jersey, to be a imous consent that the Senate proceed tive Affairs). Member of the National Security Education to executive session to consider Cal- Brian H. Hook, of Iowa, to be an Assistant Board for a term of four years, vice Robert endar Nos. 695, 758, 759, 762, 763, 764, 767 Secretary of State (International Organiza- N. Shamansky, term expired. to and including 770, 776, 777, 778, 785, tion Affairs). IN THE NAVY 786, 787, 788, 789, 790 to and including C. Steven McGann, of New York, a Career 804, 807 to and including 812, all nomi- Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class The following named officer for appoint- of Counselor, to be Ambassador Extraor- ment in the United States Navy to the grade nations on the Secretary’s Desk in the dinary and Plenipotentiary of the United indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section 624: Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, and States of America to the Republic of the Fiji To be rear admiral Navy; that the Commerce Committee Islands, and to serve concurrently and with- Rear Adm. (lh) Timothy V. Flynn, III be discharged of PN2090, Coast Guard out additional compensation as Ambassador promotions; that the HELP Committee Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the The following named officers for appoint- ment in the United States Navy Reserve to be discharged of the following: for United States of America to the Republic of Nauru, the Kingdom of Tonga, Tuvalu, and the grade indicated under title 10, U.S.C., membership on the Federal Mine Safe- section 12203: ty and Health Review Commission: the Republic of Kiribati. Carol Ann Rodley, of Virginia, a Career To be rear admiral (lower half) PN1828, Mary Lucille Jordan, and Member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class Capt. George W. Ballance PN1976 Michael Young; for membership of Minister-Counselor, to be Ambassador Ex- IN THE ARMY on the National Council on Disability: traordinary and Plenipotentiary of the PN1503 Katherine O. McCary; PN1509 United States of America to the Kingdom of The following named officer for appoint- Chad Colley; PN1510 Victoria Ray Carl- Cambodia. ment in the United States Army to the grade Sung Y. Kim, of California, a Foreign Serv- indicated while assigned to a position of im- son; PN1511 Tony J. Williams; PN1512 portance and responsibility under title 10, John R. Vaughn; PN1761 Marlyn An- ice Officer of Class One, for the rank of Am- bassador during his tenure of service as Spe- U.S.C., section 601: drea Howe; PN1762 Lonnie C. Moore; cial Envoy for the Six Party Talks. To be lieutenant general PN1763 Heather McCallum; for mem- DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS Brig. Gen. Patrick J. O’Reilly bership on the Board of Trustees of the IN THE AIR FORCE James Madison Memorial Fellowship Patrick W. Dunne, of New York, to be Under Secretary for Benefits of the Depart- Foundation: PN1687 John J. Faso; The following named officer for appoint- ment of Veterans Affairs. ment as Vice Chief of Staff, United States PN1688 Joe Manchin III; PN1689 Harvey FEDERAL LABOR RELATIONS AUTHORITY Air Force, and appointment to the grade in- M. Tettlebaum; for membership on the Carol Waller Pope, of the District of Co- dicated while assigned to a position of im- Board of Trustees of the Harry S. Tru- lumbia, to be a Member of the Federal Labor portance and responsibility under title 10, man Scholarship Foundation: PN1977 Relations Authority for a term expiring July U.S.C., sections 8034 and 601: Dave Heineman; for membership on the 1, 2009 (Reappointment), to which position To be general National Science Board, National she was appointed during the last recess of Lt. Gen. William M. Fraser, III Science Foundation: PN2023 Esin the Senate. The following named officer for appoint- Gulari; PN2025 Diane Souvaine; for Thomas M. Beck, of Virginia, to be a Mem- ment as the Chief of the National Guard Bu- membership on the National Council ber of the Federal Labor Relations Authority reau and for appointment to the grade indi- on the Arts: PN2102 JoAnn Falletta and for a term of five years expiring July 1, 2010. cated in the Reserve of the Air Force under PN2103 Lee Greenwood; that the Fi- POSTAL REGULATORY COMMISSION title 10, U.S.C., sections 601 and 10502: nance Committee be discharged of Ruth Y. Goldway, of California, to be a To be general Commissioner of the Postal Regulatory PN2017, Edwin Eck, Internal Revenue Lt. Gen. Craig R. McKinley Service Oversight Board; that the For- Commission for the term expiring November 22, 2014. (Reappointment) IN THE ARMY eign Relations Committee be dis- DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE The following named officer for appoint- charged of the following: to serve as a ment in the United States Army to the grade Gregory G. Garre, of Maryland, to be Solic- U.S. Representative to the U.N. Gen- indicated while assigned to a position of im- itor General of the United States, vice Paul portance and responsibility under title 10, eral Assembly: PN2055 Anthony H. D. Clement, resigned. U.S.C., section 601: Gioia and PN2056 Karen Elliott House; George W. Venables, of California, to be PN1751 James Franklin Jeffrey to be United States Marshal for the Southern Dis- To be general Career Member of the Senior Foreign trict of California for the term of four years. Gen. David D. McKiernan Service; for various foreign service offi- A. Brian Albritton, of Florida, to be United The following named officer for appoint- cers, consular officers and career mem- States Attorney for the Middle District of ment in the United States Army to the grade bers of the senior foreign service: Florida for the term of four years. indicated while assigned to a position of im- PN1991, PN1998, PN1999 and PN2000; ELECTION ASSISTANCE COMMISSION portance and responsibility under title 10, that the Judiciary Committee be dis- Gracia M. Hillman, of the District of Co- U.S.C., section 601: charged of PN1703 Dennis Michael lumbia, to be a Member of the Election As- To be lieutenant general Klein; that the Senate proceed to their sistance Commission for a term expiring De- Lt. Gen. William G. Webster, Jr. cember 12, 2009. (Reappointment) The following named officers for appoint- consideration, en bloc; that the nomi- Donetta Davidson, of Colorado, to be a ment in the United States Army to the grade nations be confirmed, en bloc; the mo- Member of the Election Assistance Commis- indicated under title 10, U.S.C., section 624: tions to reconsider be laid upon the sion for a term expiring December 12, 2011. table, en bloc; that no further motions (Reappointment) To be major general be in order; and that any statements Rosemary E. Rodriguez, of Colorado, to be Brigadier General Daniel B. Allyn relating to the nominations be printed a Member of the Election Assistance Com- Brigadier General Rodney O. Anderson in the Record; provided further that mission for a term expiring December 12, Brigadier General James O. Barclay, III the President be immediately notified 2011. (Reappointment) Brigadier General Arthur M. Bartell Gineen Bresso Beach, of New York, to be a Brigadier General John R. Bartley of the Senate’s action and the Senate Member of the Election Assistance Commis- Brigadier General John M. Bednarek return to legislative session. sion for the remainder of the term expiring Brigadier General Donald M. Campbell, Jr. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without December 12, 2009, vice Caroline C. Hunter, Brigadier General John F. Campbell objection, it is so ordered. resigned. Brigadier General Charles T. Cleveland VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:45 Apr 13, 2011 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00078 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\S02OC8.002 S02OC8 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 23860 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 17 October 2, 2008 Brigadier General Jeffrey J. Dorko poration for Public Broadcasting for a term T. SYMONDS, which nominations were re- Brigadier General Kenneth S. Dowd expiring January 31, 2012, vice Warren Bell. ceived by the Senate and appeared in the Brigadier General Michael Ferriter Elizabeth Sembler, of Florida, to be a Congressional Record of September 12, 2008. Brigadier General Michael T. Flynn Member of the Board of Directors of the Cor- PN2031 AIR FORCE nominations (527) be- Brigadier General William B. Garrett, III poration for Public Broadcasting for a term ginning JOHN J. ABBATIELLO, and ending Brigadier General James L. Hodge expiring January 31, 2014, vice Claudia Puig, TIMOTHY A. ZOERLEIN, which nomina- Brigadier General James L. Huggins, Jr. term expired. tions were received by the Senate and ap- Brigadier General John D. Johnson Loretta Cheryl Sutliff, of Nevada, to be a peared in the Congressional Record of Sep- Brigadier General Nickolas G. Justice Member of the Board of Directors of the Cor- tember 15, 2008. Brigadier General Susan S.
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