Sept. 25, 1948 Biddick Stadium V 34,117 Ffffffl? a; ‘ 7/ I E Official Prd\gram 50C North Carolina Equipment Company ”Infernafional at Distributors of CONSTRUCTION, INDUSTRIAL, LOGGING ,AND MATERIAL-HANDLING EQUIPMENT CONTRACTORS’ AND MUNICIPAL SUPPLIES _*_ Raleigh - Wilmington - Guilford Charlotte - Asheville OUR NEW HOME Across from State College to render the State a broader service. ORDINARY INDUSTRY ACCIDENT HEALTH INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP PLANS STATE CAPITAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Congratulations, Faculty and Alumni of N. C. State College on your Splendid Athletic Program THE WOLFPACK AND FORD’S ALWAYS OUT FRONT S A N D I: R S Motor Company Your Friendly Ford Dealer RALEIGH, N. C. MILDRED COOLEY SANDERS, Pres. HAROLD PITSER, Gen. Mgr. Tm: WOLFPACK Gammon N. C. STATE DUKE Published for each N. C. State College home football game by the Program Bureau of North Carolina State College. National Advertising Representative: Don Spencer Company, Inc.. 271 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. Volume XVIII RIDDICK STADIUM, RALEIGH, N. 0., SEPTEMBER 25, 1948 Number I NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE ATHLETIC COUNCIL PROF. H. A. FISHER, Chairman D. W. SEIFERT TOM GOULD DR. A. J. WILSON, Secretary W. H. SULLIVAN FRED KENDALL DR. 1. O. SCHAUB A. G. FLOYD WALTER CLARK DR. J. L. STUCKY G. C. LASSITER WARREN CARTIER R. J. WOMBLE ' FOOTBALL STAFF BEATTIE FEATHERS, Head Coach C. H. ANDERSON, Asst. Coach AL ROTELLA, Asst. Coach ROY CLOGSTON, Director of Athletics CHARLES RAMEY, Asst. Coach ALBERT CRAWFORD, Trainer WALTER SLATER, Asst. Coach ED STOREY, Publicity ALLAN NELMS, Program Manager N. C. STATE’S 1948 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Date Opponent Kick Off Place Sept. 25—DUKE ......................... 2:30 p.m. RALEIGH *Oct. 2 Clemson ........................ 8 :00 p.m. Clemson *Oct. 9—DAVIDSON .................... 8:00 p.m. RALEIGH Oct. 16—Carolina ........................ 2 :00 p.m. Chapel Hill *Oct. 22—Chattanooga .................... 8:00 p.m. Chattanooga Oct. 30 Wake Forest .................... 2 :30 p.m. Wake Forest **Nov. 6—VIRGINIA ..................... 2 :30 p.m. RALEIGH N0v. 13 Duquesne ....................... 2 :00 p.m. Pittsburgh Nov. 20 William and Mary ............... 2:00 p.m. Williamsburg Nov. 27-——VILLANOVA ................... 2:00 p.m. RALEIGH ** Homecoming * Night game A L Represented for National Advertising by DON SPENCER COMPANY, INC., 271 Madison Ave., New York City WHEN YOU BUILD — MAKE IT STEEL * METAL BUILDING SUPPLIES * STRUCTURAL STEEL * ORNAMENTAL IRON * QUONSET BUILDINGS PEDEN STEEL COMPANY Dial 8828' “SAVE WITH STEEL” Raleigh N. C. STATE PLAYERS JAMES SMITH RAE TURNER ED HART $1? @ik Everyday of the year in your home-office—factory and on the farm, Reddy Kilowatt is scoring his strongest points-Efficiency-Convenience-Economy. @AROLINA POWER §:_L_EGHT cOMPAND On July 7, 1948 the North Carolina State College Athletic Council selected Roy Bennett Clogston of Canton, N. Y. as New Director director of atheltics. The former director of athletics at St. Lawrence University assumed his duties on the West Raleigh campus on August 1. ' Mr. Clogston, who prefers to be called Roy, is a graduate of Springfield College, Springfield, Mass. He is 44-years old and unmarried. At Springfield he was a star lineman on the foot- ball squad and played both track and lacrosse. He stands 6 feet 3 inches and tips the scales at 214—pounds. Clogston’s educational background is extensive. He com— pleted work on a Physical Education degree in 1928 at Spring- field and accepted a post at Middlebury (Mass) College as assistant director of physical education. After two years at Middlebury he returned to Springfield and completed work on a Batchelor of Science Degree in 1931. The following year, 1932, he attended New York University Where he received his Masters Degree. At present he is completing work on a Doctors Degree from NYU. Clogston became director of athletics at St. Lawrence Uni- versity in 1932 and held that post until his entrance into the Navy in 1942 where he attained the rank of commander. Dur- ing World War II Clogston served as rehabilitation officer on Guam and other bases in the South Pacific. On Guam he made the acquaintance of Backfield Coach Walter (Babe) Wood, who was also serving in the Navy program. Following his discharge from the Navy in 1945, Clogston re- turned to St. Lawrence University as head football coach and director of athletics. He had marked success at St. Lawrence with his football team, employing a box-T-formation. Clogston is a member of the Lions Club, Elks Club, and of the National Collegiate Athletic Association committee for Physical Edu- ROY B. CLOGSTON cation, Health and Recreation. You are cordially invited to clip and AUTO LOANS present this Invitation to No Red Tape Nor Embarrassment Of Having To Ask Your Friends To Endorse For You. EVANS STUDIO An Established Bank Credit Is A Valuable 111 W. Martin St. Raleigh, N. C. Pli. 3-5717 Asset For The Future. We will make for you one beautiful 8 x 10 Goldtone Portrait FIRST CITIZENS BANK 8. TRUST $2.00 Regular ($5.00 VALUE $2.00 ONLY Selection of Proofs ONLY COMPANY ONLY ONE OFFER TO A PERSON INSTALLMENT LOAN DEPARTMENT STUDIO HOURS: 10 AM. TO 6 RM. DAILY Member of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation This Invitation Good for 30 Days No Colored Trade Solicited OFFICIAL SIGNALS ADOPTED BY NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION \ ILLEGALor PROCEDUREPOSITION ILLEGAL MOTION FORWARD PASS I I or FAIR CATCH I" ._ INTERFERENCE \ IflI.m ]I all over America . PHILIP MORRIS NO CIGARETTE HANGOVER INELIGIBLE RECEIVER DOWN FIELD ROUGHINGKICKER I on.RPASS . is definitely {\sfi‘é'lm, lESS IRRITATING C) W any CONDUCT BALLKICKEDILLEGALLYor BATTEDTOUCHED, ‘Unscliciled Ieners on file I , 'fiI’u 7. ILLEGAL USE oI ® % % g HANDS ("12$ ILLEGALLY “ . ‘ .. 1_ "\ PASSING Q’JQ \. Lab DEFENSE orHANDING - BALL \ \ ' INCOMPLETE FORWARD PASS, FORWARD INTENTIONAL NOPENALTYPLAY DECLINED;or NO SCORE GROUNDING You’ll be glad tomorrow . you smoked PHILIP MORRIS today! HELPINGCRAWLING;me RUNNER INTERFERENCEor INTERLOCKED FIELDTOUCHDOWNGOAL or ' I? Welcome—State Students We are your headquarters for HENRY Q School Supplies 0 Sewing Notions 0 Toys FAUCETTE 0 Stationary O Toilet Goods 0 Candy 0 Hardware and Electrical Goods General Real Estate Business Make us your one-stop shopping cenfer RENTING—APPRAISING KEN-BEN Associates 5c-10c-25c Store Henry Faucette, Jr. J. H. Slaughter 2506 Hillsboro St. Across from College 132 W. Martin Dial 3-1381 Wolfpack Captain 3 ‘fiwmoBAcx OSCAR BOZEMAN ‘ N. 0. State HILL'S, INC. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES SCHWINN-BUILT BICYCLES SERVI-CYCLES — WHIZZER MOTOR BIKES SPORTING GOODS J FISHING TACKLE PRINTING W— auxmeeiigiws RULING — BINDING Sales and Service 105 S. Wilmington St. H Raleigh, N. C. Dial 8172 MITCHELL Phone 2-2757 PRINTING COMPANY H DIXIe loan Company, Inc. Need Money? See Abe Trunks, Luggage, Leather Goods Hats, Shoes, Clothing 209 South Wilmington Street Raleigh, N. C. BOHEMIA RESTAURANT AND DELICATESSEN 2508l/2 Hillsboro Street * it For Something New . Entirely Different TRY OUR EUROPEAN DISHES 7/... WWW Translations By Ed Storey Director of Sports Publicity North Carolina State College Coach Beattie Feathers begins his fifth year High. He has had marked success as a prep as head coach of the Wolfpack today and as school mentor at Portsmouth and Wilmington, usual his opponent is Wallace Wade’s Duke Ohio and at Ashland. In the Kentucky high University Blue Devils. Its a tough assign- school in 1942 he won the state title and was ment for both Feathers and his entire new named “High School Coach of the Year.” staff of assistants as well as the 40 man State Ramey is married, has two children and is squad which you see below on the field. regarded as a top end coach. He is a graduate The State team was hit hard by ineligibility of the University of Cincinnati. in August when End Bill Stanton of Rowland, We’re justly proud of the Wolfpack squad, Tackle Jim Rees of Shelby, Ohio and Fullback which State will field today. Guard Charlie Leslie (Footsy) Palmer of Cedar Grove, W. Musser of Frankfort, W. Va. is a big cog in Va., were declared out of competition for 1948 the forward wall. He’s one of the leading line- because of the completion of their three years men in the South and along with teammate of playing eligibility. All three of these men Bernie Watts of Girard, Ohio offers one.of would have been starters in the game today. the best guard combinations to be found in Their loss has weakened the State squad im- this hot-bed of football. Both men are shoot— measureably. ing for All—Southern honors this year and pos— But we are now breaking out the crying sible a crack at mythical All-American team towel for the Wolfpack. Duke may be superior which will be selected later. Other top-notch- in a number of ways. Their experience in both ers are Center Hal Saunders of Statesville, the line and back field is probably equal to Blocking Back Bob Bowlby of Paterson, N. J. State’s in very way, but the Wolfpack is a and Tailback Gwyn Fletcher of Winston- determined team. Their spirit will not be in- Salem. ferior in any way. Riddick Stadium will be the scene of three Feathers staff. making its debut today, in— other top-notch grid encounters this season. cludes Line Coach A] Rotella, a newcomer to Oct. 9 finds Davidson College’s Wildcats as the coaching game from Paterson. N. J. Ro- visitors to our turf for a night encounter. The tella gained valuable experience at the Uni- other two home clashes are with the Univer- versity of Tennessee as an all-star tackle. He sity of Virginia on Nov. 6 in a big home com- has won his way into the hearts of his line- ing ocassion and Villanova College on Nov.
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