3774 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE March 28, 2000 There is an old adage that says of were they allowed to go back into the the plant’s boiler room exploded. Two life: ‘‘It is not how long one lives, but plant except for the suppression per- of the injured workers later died of how much one gives.’’ This statement sonnel. their injuries. really is the epitome of the life that About 850 Phillips employees and Producing the products that our Na- Henry McGee led. He found time to get about 100 subcontractors work at the tion and our world require is inher- involved in the community and take on Pasadena plant complex. Phillips Pe- ently dangerous. It is important that issues greater than himself, despite his troleum officials said about 600 work- OSHA inspectors move quickly to in- busy career. ers were on duty when the explosion vestigate the cause of this most recent In 1946, he was selected to serve as occurred yesterday afternoon about 1 explosion. We need to do everything we president and acting executive director p.m. can to ensure that accidents like this of the Chicago chapter of the NAACP. As a result of the fire and smoke, 23 will never happen again. While there, he dedicated himself to campuses in the Pasadena Independent In closing, our prayers are for the the causes of ending segregation and School District and 8 campuses in the speedy recovery for those injured and fighting for equal justice. Galena Park Independent School Dis- also for the loss of that one life. The In addition to the NAACP, he became trict were forced to turn off their air loss of one life is one too many. one of the charter members of the conditioning and close their doors and f Joint Negro Appeal, a self-help organi- windows and keep the children inside. zation that was organized by such indi- According to Phillips, the chemicals GENERAL LEAVE viduals as Truman Gibson and Judge that burned in the fire could irritate Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I ask Odas Nicholson. one’s eyes and nose and throat if in- unanimous consent that all Members As president, Mr. McGee served dili- haled in high concentrations, but the may have 5 legislative days within gently for more than 17 years and air monitors that were around the which to revise and extend their re- raised thousands of dollars to help such plant and in the community found no marks and include extraneous material organizations as the Beatrice Caffey signs that anyone outside the plant on the subject of my special order this Youth Service League, the Good Shep- was exposed to these toxic chemicals. evening. herd Neighborhood Club, and other or- The explosion occurred in the section The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there ganizations. of the Phillips plant that produces K- After he retired from the postal serv- objection to the request of the gen- Resin. K-Resin is the chemical used to ice, Mr. McGee still found time to give tleman from Florida? make cups, lids, toys, shower doors, of himself and his talents, as Mayor There was no objection. coat hangers, and clear packaging ma- Richard J. Daley appointed him to a 5- f terials, such as shrink wrap that we year term on the Chicago Board of wrap our groceries in and leftovers, GREEK INDEPENDENCE DAY Education. It was an opportunity for bread wrappers, bottles for drinking him to give back to Chicago and, more The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a water, clear boxes and trays. importantly, give back to the next gen- previous order of the House, the gen- I have visited the Phillips plant on eration, our children. tleman from Florida (Mr. BILIRAKIS) is The legacy that Mr. McGee leaves be- several occasions and have met numer- recognized for 5 minutes. hind is both inspirational and impres- ous times, not only with the manage- Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise sive. I am so pleased that the gen- ment, but with the employees who are proudly to celebrate Greek Independ- represented by PACE, the Paper, Al- tleman from Illinois (Mr. RUSH) has de- ence Day, an event which marks the termined to name a post office in his lied-Industrial, Chemical and Energy symbolic rebirth of democracy. honor. Workers, International Union, for- On March 25, 1821, Archbishop I ask that all of America join me in mally, known as the OCAW. Germanos of Patras raised the flag of paying tribute to the life and legacy of I have also attended annual events, freedom and was the first to declare Henry McGee, and may his loved ones including the annual memorial that Greece free. We honor the valiant be comforted in knowing this his life both the industry and the union plan Greek freedom fighters who began an touched thousands of citizens through- every year in tribute to workers who arduous struggle to win independence out not only Chicago but, indeed, have lost their lives in workplace acci- for Greece and its people 179 years ago. throughout America. He lived a great dents. Although many Greeks died, they and inspirational life. The work of the chemical plant is were undeterred from their ultimate dangerous. The employees who work at goal. ‘‘Eleftheria I Thanatos,’’ liberty f the Phillips plant and the many others or death, became the Greek patriots’ EXPLOSION AT PHILLIPS PETRO- along the Houston Ship Channel know battle cry, a cry all too familiar to us LEUM PLANT IN PASADENA, TX the impact an explosion can make. because of the similar pronouncement The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a That is why we need stronger worker of Patrick Henry, who said ‘‘Give me previous order of the House, the gen- protections. We cannot prevent every liberty or give me death.’’ tleman from Texas (Mr. GREEN) is rec- accident, but we can ensure that every One particular story best signifies ognized for 5 minutes. worker has a reasonable expectation the spirit which existed then. A signifi- Mr. GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I that he or she will be safe. cant wave of rebellion against Turkish rise tonight with a great deal of sorrow The Phillips Petroleum plant has a oppression was ignited by the fiercely and concern because yesterday an ex- long history of accidents that have re- patriotic Suliotes villagers who took plosion and fire occurred at Phillips sulted in facilities and many safety refuge from Turkish authorities in the Petroleum Company plant in Pasadena, violations. We hope that again we learn mountains of Epiros. Texas, which is part of the district that from our experiences. b 1715 I represent. This tragedy resulted in In the last year, this facility has ex- the death of one worker and the injury perienced three other explosions. The When the Suliotes women, left alone, of 71 others. worst of these occurred last June and learned that Turkish troops were fast According to the Houston Chronicle, resulted in the death of two employees. approaching their village, they began at least three of the injured were listed The other two explosions occurred in to dance the ‘‘Syrtos,’’ a patriotic in critical condition, and six were list- August and April of last year. Greek dance. One by one they com- ed in serious condition. Our thoughts By far the deadliest year for Phillips mitted suicide by throwing themselves and our prayers are with the men and Petroleum was in 1989. On October 23, and their children off Mount Zalongo. women of the Phillips plant and their 1989, an explosion resulted in 23 deaths They chose to die rather than sur- families. and 130 injuries. A few months before render and face slavery. The cause of this accident has not this explosion, six employees were in- When news of the revolution arrived been determined. In fact, just today jured when a natural gas pipeline near in the United States after the initial VerDate Aug 04 2004 13:23 Aug 12, 2004 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\H28MR0.001 H28MR0 March 28, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 3775 uprising, there were widespread feel- Unfortunately, there are several mated the population while executions and de- ings of compassion. This sentiment was countries where the struggle for free- portations contributed to the catastrophe. But shared by several American presidents, dom continues, and tensions persist in from the first moments of the occupation a including James Monroe and John the former Yugoslavia, Kosovo, the mass resistance movement came into being, Quincy Adams. Each conveyed his sup- Middle East, Africa, Greece, and Tur- bravely fighting the Nazi conquerors. port for the revolution through his an- key, and particularly in the Republic After enduring a military dictatorship, the nual messages to Congress. of Cyprus. Turkey still illegally occu- Greek people from 1974 onwards devoted all William Harrison, our ninth presi- pies a large part of Cyprus, as it has their efforts to consolidating democracy in the dent, expressed his belief in freedom since its brutal invasion in 1974. The land of its birth and laying the foundations for for Greece, saying, and I quote him, United States has exerted its influence a better life. Today, Greece is a member of ‘‘We must send our free will offering. to improve chances for peace in the NATO and the European Union and remains The Star-Spangled Banner,’’ he went Middle East and Northern Ireland. Now faithful to the cause of peace and democracy. on to say, ‘‘must wave in the Aegean, a it is time for the U.S.
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