Phenomenology's Presence Graduate Conference in Phenomenology, University of Sussex, UK 13th & 14th June 2013 CONFERENCE PROGRAMME Thursday, 13th June 2013, Room: MS3.07A (Medical School - BSMS) 09:00 – 10:00 Registration and Coffee 10:00 – 10:15 Welcome address 10:20 - 11:40 Session 1: Presence and Absence in Husserlian Phenomenology Gab l M Chair: rie artin er 1 James J e (C S Rese Un of Denmark Speak : ardin enter for ubjectivity arch, iversity Copehnhagen,le of Pa e) a A ce in E H l's P o Tit per: 'Presenc nd bsen dmund usser henomenology f Empathy' 1 er 2 M o C (KU L Belg Speakle of Pa: arc ' he avallaroPresence of theeuven, P The ium)P st of the P H erl and on the P s of F Tit per: T ast. a resence. uss Merleau -Ponty ossibilitie orgetfulness' 11:40 - 11:50 BREAK 11:50 – 13:10 Session 2: Heidegger, Language and the Ready-to-hand C C Chair: arolina hristofidaki er 1 Joshua Ber ham Uni UK Speakle of Pa: ' Presencegamin (Dur to La versity, or To ) s a H theory consciousness' Tit per: From nguage: , ward eideggerian of er 2 Ka Kurtz lanova Un US Speakle of Pa: therine ' to (Vile What is Siversity,n with Hearing) and List he c of L e in Be an Time' Tit per: “How Includ ee ening”: T Problemati anguag ing d 13:10 - 14:00 LUNCH 14:00 - 15:20 Session 3: Merleau-Ponty and the Phenomenology of 2 Listening Pa L Chair: trick evy er 1 A n Casle (Uni ersity o Bar S Speakle of Pa: aro ' y v l C f celona,ions inpain) the I ion W of t Car an Geor e Bures M Tit per: Phenomenologica onsiderat nstallat ork Jane diff d g iller' er 2 C e Rob (Uni ersity o E x, U Speakle of Pa: atherin ' ce at theb L v s of Phenf sse K) L to M John C ' Tit per: Silen imit omenology: istening erleau- Ponty and age 15:20 - 15:30 BREAK 15:30 - 16:50 Session 4: Heidegger's Appropriation of Christian Philosophy J a E Chair: an lsen er 1 V Dav s (Uni ersity o Speakle of Pa: ictoria ' he Tr ieh aboutv T f Oxford, WhatUK) is er's U Presen an Where does it C e F Tit per: T ut emporality: Heidegg nderstanding of ce, d om rom?' er 2 J ua Roe (Uni ersity o Speakle of Pa: osh ' he A v on off SOxford, PhiUK) in M H ' Tit per: T ppropriati cotist losophy artin eidegger 3 16:50 - 17:15 BREAK 17:15 - 18:45 Keynote Address Robe t Be sconi (Pe S Un US Professorle of Pa 'r he Plarna of Presencennsylvania a A tatece in Hiversity,er's) l A on of E Tit per: T y nd bsen eidegg Phenomenologica Dr Paul ppropriatis ( of Sussex,ckhart' U Chair: . Davie University K) Conference Dinner 4 Friday 14th June 2013, Room: Jubilee 155 (Jubilee Building) 08:30 – 09:00 Registration and Coffee 09:10 – 10:30 Session 5: Presence and Absence in Heideggerian Phenomenology e. M C Chair: urat elik Speaker 1: Christos oannou (University of Sussex, UK) le of er: he YoungHadji Hei er and the P y of e' Tit Pap 'T degg henomenolog Desir er 2 J Wh e River US Speakle of Pa: ustin ' it ng(UC V Gogh'sside, S ) A Resp to Tit per: Explaini an hoes: Heideggerian onse Schapiro' 10:30 – 10:40 BREAK 10:40 - 12:00 Session 6: Beyond Presence and Beyond Givenness? Dimitri Kladisk Chair: akis er 1 S s (Uni ersity C ege Du Rep ic of I Speakle of Pa: eferin ' Jame an thev M ollsics of blin, ubl reland) Tit per: Absence d etaphy Presence' er 2 Mara Gr e (Un of L L Speakle of Pa: ' s Noninfeld iveiversity Giv ss Possatvia, le?atvia) An E on of J s Resp Tit per: I -intuit enne ib valuati ean-Luc Marion' onse' 12.00 – 13:00 LUNCH 13:00 - 14.20 Session 7: Phenomenology, Ethics, and Politics Will Rees Chair: er 1 Dav M í Rojas ( of S Speakle of Pa: 'id art nez anUniversity C l T ussex, I UK)uality and uality in Tit per: Phenomenology d ritica heory: neq Eq Ethics' er 2 A a P escu ( of S Speakle of Pa: lexandr ' he A opt F University M imal Coussex, UK) in Lé as a Der Tit per: T bsen riend: in mmunity vin nd rida' 14:20 - 14:30 BREAK 14:30 - 16:00 Keynote Address Beatrice H le ersity o E x, U Professorle of Pa ' an-Pi A (Univ an Mf sse ssivityK) in H er's E ce F Tit per: Freedom, utonomy d edio-Pa eidegg ssen ofChair:reedom' Dr. Lewis (University of the West of England, UK) Michael 16:00 – 17:30 BREAK 16:30 - 18:00 Closing Discussion Discussion of the themes an f s of the co ce led b Dr Paul s ersity o Sussex, UK) in conver ion with Pr Robe t Be sconi S e U d inding US nferen y . Davie (Univ f sat ofessor r rna (Pennsylvania tat niversity, ) 18:00 Closing Remarks Abstracts of Graduate Speakers Name: Joshua Ber (D ham Uni UK Email: gamin ur versity, ) [email protected] Title of Paper: m ce to e: s a n consciousness’ ‘Fro Presen Languag or, Toward Heideggeria theory of Abstract: ce is er's to the ce ng. tral t ng ime is e Presen a tied indelibly in Martinn Heidegges ethinking to human experien e of bei A cener's concep in Beies on anda T th 'clearing' t (Lichtung)–lies e space withine Daseine wherei entiti comoss presence. Presence is here, lik much ofhHeidegg an e in anvocabulary, en netak w very particular meaning. I imp mor than th mer occurring or coming-acr of an entity– it coming-to-be-wit ntity tirely w ay. t is this s to s s clearing ish to e this is the tre I change thein Dasein' relationship ty asan entityhingthat enter it clearingthat I w er explor here. s For change,t) Iis will the hold, tral at very cen conscious of our humanity, and presencing of an enti somet in Dasein's (for Heidegg buffs, it unconcealmen cen moment of experience. o e ce this ill egin ng out aham s ) ng on T fully his convey ay th significanng, he of moment,s ar I w b the by manteasi use Gr Harman' (2002s excitiut redefinities the of zuhandenheit, or readiness- to - allhand. T w ileof bei ill argues, extend h f his beyond hu e of equipmenton toward ends, b onsdescrib to e state of process/flux lossesthat erunderpins the entities.on Wh Iesw generally are agreenced wit man ontology, I argu thatn hisman extensi of zuhanden ill relati es areth inanimate realm g as ov out finer distincti of entiti that ut areprese so in n hu consciousness.al I hu consciousness, I w argue, entiti not only experienced frozen of their ready-to-hand being, b held i an atempor state. Re-reading ng ime h the lens al er's e ill ue this a man is Bei andle onlyT b throug lan of sever of Heidegg lectur courses, I w arg that state– and therefore, specifically hu consciousness– made possib y guage. ill e s on nce, ss this ill e e I w conclud the n bye suggestingof the Self and that its understandingr on to the w language' relati with prese time and consciousne in way w open som fertil paths for exploring atur elati orld. Name: n Casley ( of Bar S Email aaAaro University celona, pain) : [email protected] Title of Paper: l ons the n t Car an Geor e Bures M 'Phenomenologica Considerati in Installatio Work of Jane diff d g iller' Abstract: is the ole the ish on s as irst What r of phenomenology as thein contemporary al theart? When Engl l translaties ere of Maurice Merleau-Ponty' t Phenomenologys es of) Perception w fs published ins 1962, New) Yorkare w les capit hat ofas art worldt and nowradica chang tow as taking place. he Rober Morris' s Box the (1961 as and Donald Judd' Reliefion Painting he(1961-1962 art examp he of wer's w a new ar practice, referred minimalism.s T primaryhe focuon of work thew upon the interact to the between t n objects andn t views using body,l and lsgreatly complimented Merleau-Ponty' a ideas. ayT transiti theaway art from mgallery the wall), andut a in galleryon space, hati art Judd' ow word ng "rea materia in real space",ncerepresented not only new w of viewing workhin the(fro bodyself. b alf anew concepti of w the should be.ionMeani nis derived solely froms the prese of the viewer, as rather thann existing intrinsically ut thewit work itt art asH centuryhing later, ands to e assimilat betwee these the early erwork has and phenomenology n theh already beeon widely discussed, b central concep of somett that neede bes physically encountered is the by viewium not gone away. to I e the installati sical work, or sound therwalks of up contemporary artists the Jane Cardiff andlex themes Georg Bur Miller, sound primary med lace through the unconsciouswhich explor are phy environments ei set on oris selected byas artists.
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