D9.10 – Final Exploitation Plan Jorge Lpez (Atos), Alessandra Tedeschi (DBL), Julian Williams (UDUR), abio Massacci (UNITN), Raminder Ruprai (NGRID), Andreas Schmitz ( raunhofer), Emilio Lpez (URJC), Michael Pellot (TMB), Zden,a Mansfeldov. (ISASCR), Jan J/r0ens ( raunhofer) Pending of approval from the Research Executive Agency - EC Document Number D1.10 Document Title inal e5ploitation plan Version 1.0 Status inal Work Packa e WP 1 Deliverable Type Report Contractual Date of Delivery 31 .01 .20 18 Actual Date of Delivery 31.01.2018 Responsible Unit ATOS Contributors ISASCR, UNIDUR, UNITN, NGRID, DBL, URJC, raunhofer, TMB (eyword List E5ploitation, ramewor,, Preliminary, Requirements, Policy papers, Models, Methodologies, Templates, Tools, Individual plans, IPR Dissemination level PU SECONO.ICS Consortium SECONOMICS ?Socio-Economics meets SecurityA (Contract No. 28C223) is a Collaborative pro0ect) within the 7th ramewor, Programme, theme SEC-2011.E.8-1 SEC-2011.7.C-2 ICT. The consortium members are: UniversitG Degli Studi di Trento (UNITN) Pro0ect Manager: prof. abio Massacci 1 38100 Trento, Italy abio.MassacciHunitn.it www.unitn.it DEEP BLUE Srl (DBL) Contact: Alessandra Tedeschi 2 00113 Roma, Italy Alessandra.tedeschiHdblue.it www.dblue.it raunhofer -Gesellschaft zur Irderung der angewandten Contact: Prof. Jan J/r0ens 3 orschung e.V., Hansastr. 27c, 0an.0uer0ensHisst.fraunhofer.de 80E8E Munich, Germany http://www.fraunhofer.de/ UNIVERSIDAD REL JUAN CARLOS, Contact: Prof. David Rios Insua 8 Calle TulipanS/N, 28133, Mostoles david.riosHur0c.es (Madrid), Spain THE UNIVERSITL COURT O THE UNIVERSITL O ABERDEEN, a Scottish charity (No. SC013E83) whose Contact: Prof. Matthew Collinson C principal administrative office is at matthew.collinsonHabdn.ac.u, MingNs College Regent Wal,, AB28 3 O, Aberdeen, United Mingdom http://www.abdn.ac.u,/ ERROCARRIL METROPOLITA DE BARCELONA SA, Carrer E0 Zona Contact: Michael Pellot E ranca, 21-23, 08080, Barcelona, mpellotHtmb.cat Spain http://www.tmb.cat/ca/home ATOS SPAIN SOCIEDAD ANONIMA ESPANOLA, Calle Albarracin, 2C, Contact: Alicia GarcPa Medina 7 28037, Madrid, Spain alicia.garciaHatos.net http://es.atos.net/es-es/ SECURE-NOM AS, Professor Olav Hanssensvei, 7A, 8021, Stavanger , Norway Contact: Siv Houmb 8 Postadress: P.O. Bo5 8038, 80E8, sivhoumbHsecureno,.com Stavanger, Norway http://www.secureno,.com/ INSTITUTE O SOCIOLOGL O THE ACADEML O SCIENCES O THE CZECH REPUBLIC PUBLIC RESEARCH Contact: Dr Zden,a Mansfeldov. 1 INSTITUTION, Jils,a 1, 11000, Praha zden,a.mansfeldovaHsoc.cas.cz 1, Czech Republic http://www.soc.cas.cz/ NATIONAL GRID ELECTRICITL Contact: Dr. Raminder Ruprai 10 TRANSMISSION PLC, The Strand, 1-3, Raminder.RupraiHu,.ngrid.com WC2N CEH, London, United Mingdom ANADOLU UNIVERSITL, SCHOOL O Contact: Nalan Ergun 11 CIVIL AVIATION I,i Eylul Mampusu, nergunHanadolu.edu.tr 2E870, Es,isehir, Tur,ey The Palatine Centre, Stoc,ton Road, Contact: Prof. Julian Williams 12 Durham, DH1 3LE, UM 0ulian.williamsHdurham.ac.u, D1.10 ( inal e5ploitation plan)= version 1.0 = page 2/2 Document chan e record Version Date Status Author 2Unit3 Description 0.1 17/12/2018 Draft Jorge Lpez (Atos) Draft shared for review of the consortium 0.2 13/01/201C Draft Jorge Lpez (Atos) All sections have been updated with inputs from partners. 0.3 23/01/201C Draft Jorge Lpez (Atos) Updates of e5ecutive summary, approach, mar,et analysis and conclusions. 0.8 27/01/201C Draft Jorge Lpez (Atos) Minor updates and correction of typos. 0.C 30/01/201C Draft Elisa Chiarani (UNITN) Quality chec, completed 0.E 30/01/201C Draft abio Massacci (UNITN), E5ecutive Summary R Raminder Ruprai (NGRID) Introduction sections updated. Other minor changes throughout document 0.7 31/01/201C Draft Jan J/r0ens ( raunhofer), Clarification regarding tool Petra R. Guasti (ISASCR) licensingS Minor changes throughout document 0.8 31/01/201C Draft Jorge Lpez (Atos) Names of contributors added:in the front page. 1.0 31/01/201C inal Jorge Lpez (Atos) inal version with comments addressed. D1.10 ( inal e5ploitation plan)= version 1.0 = page 0/0 INDE5 E5ecutive summary ............................................................................................ E 1. Introduction ............................................................................................ 7 2. Value proposition ...................................................................................... 8 2.1 Current situation and capacities needed .......................................................... 8 2.2 Approach ................................................................................................ 1 2.3 Value proposition ..................................................................................... 11 2.8 List of e5ploitable results ........................................................................... 12 2.8.1 Good practice and methods ......................................................................... 12 2.8.2 Models ................................................................................................... 13 2.8.3 Tool,it (including MATLAB implementations of the models) ................................... 21 2.8.8 Analysis produced during the pro0ect ............................................................. 23 2.8.C Media Corpus .......................................................................................... 2C 2.C Matri5 of e5ploitable results and sta,eholders ....................................................... 2C 3 Mar,et analysis .............................................................................................. 27 3.1 Mar,et information, trends, barriers and potential for 2020 ...................................... 27 3.1.1 Global transportation security and infrastructure investment .................................. 27 Urban train systems ................................................................................. 28 Aviation ............................................................................................... 30 3.1.2 Power grid infrastructures ............................................................................ 31 3.2 Sta,eholders analysis .................................................................................... 33 3.2.1 Policy ma,ers ........................................................................................... 38 3.2.2 Infrastructure managers and operators ............................................................. 31 3.2.3 Private sector, industry, consultancy companies .................................................. 80 3.2.8 Research and academic ............................................................................... 82 8 SWOT ANALLSIS ............................................................................................ 83 C Joint Business Strategy .................................................................................... 8E C.1 Service portfolio ......................................................................................... 8E C.2 Joint e5ploitation..................................................................................... 87 C.3 IPR management and licensing ..................................................................... 88 E Individual e5ploitation plans ........................................................................ 81 E.1 Universit. Degli Studi di Trento .................................................................... 81 E.2 Deep Blue .............................................................................................. 81 E.3 raunhofer Gesellschaft zur Irderung der angewandten orschung ......................... C0 D1.10 ( inal e5ploitation plan)= version 1.0 = page 4/4 E.8 Universidad Rey Juan Carlos ............................................................................ C0 E.C The University Court of the University of Aberdeen ................................................. C1 E.E errocarril Metropolita de Barcelona ................................................................... C1 E.7 Atos Spain .................................................................................................. C2 E.8 Secure No, AS ............................................................................................. C2 E.1 Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic ....................... C3 E.10 National Grid............................................................................................. C3 E.11 Anadolu University, School of Civil Aviation ........................................................ C8 E.12 The University of Durham .............................................................................. C8 7 Conclusions .................................................................................................. CE 8 References .................................................................................................. C7 D1.10 ( inal e5ploitation plan)= version 1.0 = page 5/5 Executive summary The SECONOMICS e5ploitation plan provides a summary of the individual and cross pro0ect impact of the scientific research underta,en in the pro0ect. The SECONOMICS pro0ect is founded in an evidence-led approach to security policy. This is often ta,en to mean a Tdata drivenN approach. However, one of the ,ey results from the modelling wor, of the pro0ect is that without properly formed structural models, the inconsistent information that is sparsely available in the security domain may not
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