April 27, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E629 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PAYING TRIBUTE TO CAM USHER these folks would most likely forgo health care Baron De Kalb Council No. 1073 of the and end up in our hospital emergency rooms. Knights of Columbus and to offer my thanks HON. JON C. PORTER Health centers are not free clinics. While for the continual dedication it has shown to the health centers do not turn away patients due OF NEVADA southern Brooklyn communities it serves. The to an inability to pay, every patient pays some- Baron De Kalb Council No. 1073 was founded IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES thing based on a sliding scale. This policy im- in 1906 by Ambrose P. Rikeman, who became Wednesday, April 26, 2006 proves both financial and health outcomes, their first Grand Knight. It was founded on the Mr. PORTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ensuring that patients are invested in their principals of charity, unity, fraternity and patri- honor Cam Usher, who is retiring after a long health care and follow the doctor’s orders. otism, principals that have been ingrained in and distinguished career of promoting tourism Another critical feature of the health center the hearts and minds of its members ever in Las Vegas. program is the community board. For approval since. The Council is named for Baron Johann Cam Usher has been working for the Las and funding as a federally-qualified health De Kalb, a courageous and loyal military lead- Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority in a center, a center must have put in place a er whose spirit continues to live on in the lead- multitude of capacities for the past 25 years. board of directors whose membership is at ers of this great Council. Since 2004, Cam has directed sales and mar- least 51 percent comprised of health center The Baron De Kalb Council No. 1073 has keting for the authority’s international offices in patients. While communities may initially view risen from it’s humble beginnings, when a Austria, England, France, Germany, Japan, this aspect of the health center program as a small band of men met in Grand Knight Mexico, and South Korea. Since her career significant hurdle, this requirement ensures Rikeman’s house, to its present day thou- began with the authority in 1980, she has run that community health centers are just that— sands strong membership that meets at the everything from convention and special event grounded in the community. With a community ‘‘Baron-By-The-Sea’’, a property purchased by sales to the authority’s research department board governing the health center, patients the Council in scenic Sheepshead Bay in and the Las Vegas News Bureau. Most re- are assured that all health center policies have 1949. In 1969 members were devastated to cently, Cam has actively recruited new inter- been developed with the needs of patients in learn that a fire had destroyed their ‘‘Baron- national air service in conjunction with mind. It is the complementary nature of these By-The-Sea’’, but no fire could destroy the McCarren International Airport; her efforts requirements that has helped the health center members commitment, dedication and desire have made it easier for travelers to come here program become so effective and enjoy un- to reach ever greater achievements for their to visit from diverse locations. During her ten- precedented bi-partisan support, from both the beloved Council. In 1973 Grand Knight Gus ure, she received a number of accolades, Congress and the Bush Administration. Rogers proudly led his members into the such as being narned to the Travel Agent Despite the accomplishments to date of the newly built ‘‘Baron-By-the-Sea’’, the structure Magazine’s ‘‘Most Powerful Women in Travel’’ health center program, much more work on Nostrand and Emmons Avenues that con- list 3 years in a row. Cam’s professional suc- needs to be done. While the number of health tinues to provide invaluable services to its cesses should not over shadow her philan- centers has increased by 58 percent since members and our southern Brooklyn commu- thropic endeavors; her generosity is pro- 1997, the number of health center patients nity to this day. foundly evident in everything she does, wheth- has increased by 90 percent over the same Therefore, on Behalf of the United States er it is introducing friends to potential clients or period. There is still tremendous need and, House of Representatives, I congratulate the creating job opportunities of local youth. unfortunately, the ranks of the uninsured are Baron De Kalb Council No. 1073 of the Mr. Speaker, I arn proud to honor Cam only growing. Knights of Columbus and all of its past and Usher for her illustrious career and contribu- In the Houston area, we now have nine fed- present members for 100 years of dedication tions to the development of the international erally-qualified health centers, an increase and service to our community. from the four centers we had in our area just tourism industry in Las Vegas. I wish her the f best in her retirement. one year ago. While we have celebrated that achievement, our state of Texas still has the HONORING PETER LOJACONO f largest percentage of uninsured individuals in HEALTH CENTERS RENEWAL the country, and many more health centers HON. BRIAN HIGGINS are needed in our state to meet our growing AMENDMENTS OF 2006 OF NEW YORK need for quality health care that is affordable. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. GENE GREEN This legislation will help us address that need by ensuring the continued authorization of this Wednesday, April 26, 2006 OF TEXAS important program that has improved the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, this Sunday, health of millions of our constituents. April 30, the Federation of Italian-American Wednesday, April 26, 2006 On a personal note, I would like to thank my Societies of Western New York will hold its Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, friend, Mr. BILIRAKIS, for all of his work over annual celebration. Following Sunday Mass at I rise today to join my colleague from Florida, the years on behalf of our health centers. He historic St. Anthony of Padua Church in the Mr. BILIRAKIS, in introducing the Health Cen- is a tireless champion of this program, and I shadow of Buffalo City Hall, celebrants will ters Renewal Amendments of 2006. This im- look forward to working with him to make sure gather at Buffalo’s Adam’s Mark Hotel to mark portant legislation will re-authorize the Health that the reauthorization of this program is just this celebration. Center program through fiscal year 2011 and one of the many health care accomplishments At this event, a truly unique person will be enable us to build on the tremendous suc- that will be part of his legacy in Congress. honored with the Association’s God, Family cesses that the health centers have already f and Country award. That person is Peter achieved. TRIBUTE TO THE BARON DE KALB LoJacono, and I am proud, Mr. Speaker, to With 46 million Americans currently living COUNCIL NO. 1073 OF THE rise to honor Peter today. without health insurance, health centers have KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Peter LoJacono is a lifelong resident of become a critical feature of our country’s safe- Western New York, having been graduated ty net. Of the more than 14 million Americans HON. ANTHONY D. WEINER from St. Joseph’s Collegiate Institute and, served by health centers, 75 percent are ei- later, from my own alma mater, Buffalo State OF NEW YORK ther uninsured or Medicaid beneficiaries. In College. Peter has taught Italian and Spanish IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fact, more than 90 percent of health center cli- at Hutchison Technical High School in the Buf- ents have incomes below 200 percent of the Wednesday, April 26, 2006 falo Public School system for 18 years, where federal poverty level. Without health centers to Mr. WEINER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in he has demonstrated a commitment to his stu- provide quality primary and preventive care, recognition of the 100th Anniversary of the dents that is second to none. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:25 Apr 28, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A26AP8.095 E27APPT1 CCOLEMAN on PROD1PC71 with REMARKS E630 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 27, 2006 As many people know, Mr. Speaker, Buffalo In 1950, Basie broke up his big band and brating 40 years as a premiere automotive is an area rich in cultural diversity, and Buf- Dr. Bailey became a student at the School of dealer in Southern California. Paul Rusnak falo’s Italian American community is a critical Radio and Television in New York City, receiv- opened his first location in 1959 because he component of that diverse tapestry. Peter’s ing a scholarship from American Broadcasting saw the beginning of a fascination with Euro- leadership within our community is strong, Company. After he wasn’t hired as on-air tal- pean sports cars. serving on the Board of Directors of the Italian ent he tried for technical jobs, also without Over the years, his business grew to include Heritage Festival of Buffalo, where literally luck. Then, he heard about the Moulin Rouge more than 25 different automotive brands, tens of thousands of Western New Yorkers in Las Vegas.
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