EMBARQ~ Voice \ Data \ Internet \ Wireless \ Entertainment Embarq Mailstop: KSOPKJ0502-5032 December 13,2006 54~.,«E;.~tl'W pth Street DOCKET FILE COpy <&.Ifull'li,\/,-Ks 66211 FILED/ACCEPTED Secretary Federal Communications Commission DEC 13 2006 Washington, DC 20554 Federal Communications Commission Office of the Secretary Attention: Wireline Competition Bureau The accompanying material is being submitted on behalfofthe Embarq local operating companies (Embarq LaC), and is sent to you for filing in compliance with the requirements ofthe Federal Communications Commission's Second Report and Order and Memorandum Opinion and Order, In the Matter ofImplementation ofthe Local Competition Provisions ofthe Telecommunications Act of1996, CC Docket No. 96-98, released August 8, 1996 (FCC 96-333). This submission includes notification ofnetwork changes proposed by Embarq LaC and scheduled to become effective on the dates indicated herein. Since certain ofthe proposed changes are being implemented on less than six months notice, telephone exchange service providers directly interconnecting with Embark LaC's network were notified ofthe proposed changes at least five business days prior to this filing with the Commission. In this regard, a certificate ofservice identifying the service providers notified is included as required by Section 51.333 ofthe Commission's Rules. Acknowledgment and date ofreceipt ofthis submission is requested. A duplicate copy ofthe letter is provided for this purpose. In addition, one paper copy and one diskette copy ofthe proposed network changes have been provided to the Chief, Competition Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau. All correspondence and inquiries in connection with this information should be addressed to me at 5454 West 11 Oth Street, Mailstop KSOPKJ0502-5032, Overland Park KS 66211, (913) 345-7853. 4:d-er'i---Regulatory Affairs Manager Attachments Duplicate Letter Certificate ofService Ocfl pc: Chief, Competition Policy Division No. 01 Copias rec'd List ABCDE Brad A Gasper Voice: (913) 345-7853 Fax: (913) 345-6756 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Brad A. Gasper, hereby certify that the persons on the attached list were served copies of the Public Notice ofNetwork Change Under Rule 51.329(a) filed on the 13th day ofDecember 2006, with the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission. Such notification was provided via U.S. First Class Mail, postage prepaid, or by electronic transmission at least five business days in advance offiling with the Commission. ~r£/aV;ad A. Gasper PUBLIC NOTICE of NETWORK CHANGE UNDER RULE 51.329(a) Carrier: Embarq Local Operating Companies 5454 West 11 Oth Street. ~ Ovenand Park, KS 66211 EMBARQ- Contact Name: Brad Gasper (913) 345-7853 Issue Date: 12/1312006 Network Description of Type of Changes Planned: Description of Reasonably Foreseeable Impact of eLl! Code or City State Beginning Ending Disclosure the Planned Changes: Statewide Date Date Number SP0603677 ADD 2820 SHElF TO GNWD: Add OC-48 SONET equipment Provide SONET connectivity in this wire center. GNWDSCXB GREENWOOD SC 11f01f06 12/20/06 in this wire center. SP0603678 CHH/RING 109A CCM201 CARD: Add OC-3 SONET Provide additional SONET capacity in this wire center. DLWYVN<A DILLWYN VA 11103/06 12106/06 leauioment in this wire center. SP0603679 CYPRESS LAKES ClOe ADD: Deploy DSL technology in this Provide DSL and High Speed Data Network technology in FYVLNCXA FAYETIEVILLE NC 11/01106 01/30/07 wire center. this wire center. SP0603680 CWE/ADD 2820 ADTRAN MUX: Add OC-48 SONET Provide SONET connectivity in this wire center. KRVLNCXA KERNERSVILLE NC 11/01/06 11/30106 eauipment in this wire center. SP0603681 KNOX CALIX ADD W/ SPARES: Deploy DSL technology in Provide additional DSL elements in this wire center. KNOXINXA KNOX IN 11/02106 02109/07 this wire center. SP0603682 ADD 3RD TA3000, HDX: Deploy DSL technology in this wire Provide additional DSL elements in this wire center. NNVHINXA NINEVEH IN 11/01/06 02110107 center. SP0603683 ADD TRAMS,UPGRADE MNFDOH: Deploy DSL technology in Provide additional DSL elements in this wire center. MNFDOHXB MANSFIELD OH 11/02106 02121/07 this wire center. SP0603684 OSWG EXPANSION TA3000 SH: Deploy DSL technology in Provide DSL and High Speed Data Network technology in OSWGKSXA OSWEGO KS 11/01/06 01126/07 this wire center. this wire center. SP0603685 HWTH-SPARE 6+6 CARDS: Provide for rearrangement & Provide additional DSL elements in this wire center. HWTHKSXA HIAWATHA KS 11/01106 01/30/07 changing of copper feeder/distribution due to NGCLC deplovment in this wire center. SP0603686 MNTR·DSL BOAT CLUB: Provide for rearrangement & Provide additional DSL elements in this wire center. MNTRNEXU MINATARE NE 11/01106 11/30/06 changing of copper feeder/distribution due to NGCLC deolovment in this wire center. SP0603687 '06 ANDV SWITCH RETIRE: Replace digital remote switch Provide ATM connectivity in this wire center. ANOVNJXU ANDOVER NJ 11/03/06 12115/06 with Media Gatewav in this wire center. SP0603688 PLSB-SAWDUST DMAX: Provide for rearrangement & Provide additional OSL elements in this wire center. PLSBWAXX POULSBO WA 11/02106 12115106 changing of copper feeder/distribution due to NGCLC deplovment in this wire center. SP0603689 S5 3R REPLACEMENT: Add OC-48 SONET equipment in this Provide for SONET equipment in this wire center. LSVGNVXB LAS VEGAS NV 11/01/06 12129/06 wire center. SP0603690 W6 3R REPLACEMENT: Add OC-48 SONET equipment in Provide for SONET eqUipment in this wire center. LSVGNVXB LAS VEGAS NV 11/01106 12129/06 this wire center. SP0603691 E2 RING 2R REPLACEMENT: Add OC-48 SONET equipment Provide for SONET equipment in this wire center. LSVGNVXB LAS VEGAS NV 11/01/06 12129106 in this wire center. SP0603692 N2 RING 2R REPLACEMENT: Add OC-48 SONET equipment Provide for SONET equipment in this wire center. NLVGNVXF LAS VEGAS NV 11/01/06 12129106 in this wire center. SP0603693 N3 RING 2R REPLACEMENT: Add OC-48 SONET equipment Provide for SONET equipment in this wire center. NLVGNVXF LAS VEGAS NV 11/01/06 12129/06 in this wire center. SP0603694 N8 RING 2R REPLACEMENT: Add OC-48 SONET equipment Provide for SONET equipment in this wire center. LSVGNVXB LAS VEGAS NV 11/01/06 12129106 in this wire center. SP0603695 W6 RING 6R REPLACEMENT: Add OC-48 SONET equipment Provide for SONET equipment in this wire center. LSVGNVXB LAS VEGAS NV 11/01/06 12129/06 in this wire center. SP0603696 W8 RING 6R REPLACEMENT: Add OC-48 SONET equipment Provide for SONET equipment in this wire center. LSVGNVXB LAS VEGAS NV 11/01/06 12129106 in this wire center. SP0603697 WW RING 6R REPLACEMENT: Add OC-48 SONET Provide for SONET equipment in this wire center. LSVGNVXB LAS VEGAS NV 11/01/06 12129106 eauipment in this wire center. Page1of8 PUBLIC NOTICE of NETWORK CHANGE UNDER RULE 51.329(a) Carrier: Embarq Local Operating Companies 5454 Wesl11 Olh Slreet. ~ Overland Park, KS 66211 EMBARQ- Contact Name: Brad Gasper (913) 345-7853 Issue Date: 12/1312006 Network Description of Type of Changes Planned: Description of Reasonably Foreseeable Impact of elLi Code or City state Beginning Ending Disclosure the Planned Changes: Statewide Date Date Number SP0603698 86 RING 7R REPLACEMENT: Add OC-48 SONET equipment Provide for SONET equipment in this wire center. lSVGNVXB LAS VEGAS NV 11{O1/06 12129/06 in this wire center. SP0603699 58 RING 7R REPLACEMENT: Add OC-48 SONET equipment Provide for SONET equipment in this wire center. lSVGNVXB LAS VEGAS NV 11f01/06 12129/06 in this wire center. SP0603700 E1 RING 10R REPLACEMENT: Add OC-48 SONET Provide for SONET equipment in this wire center. LSVGNVXB LAS VEGAS NV 11/01/06 12129/06 equipment in this wire center. SP0603701 HN RING 10R REPLACEMENT: Add OC-48 SONET Provide for SONET equipment in this wire center. HNSNNVXF HENDERSON NV 11/01106 12129/06 eauipment in this wire center. SP0603702 S5 RING 14R REPLACEMENT: Add OC48 SONET Provide for SONET equipment in this wire center. LSVGNVXB LAS VEGAS NV 11/01106 12129/06 eauipment in this wire center. SP0603703 W6 RING 14R REPLACEMENT: Add OC48 SONET Provide for SONET equipment in this wire center. LSVGNVXB LAS VEGAS NV 11101106 12129/06 eauioment in this wire center. SP0603704 LL CU0101 RIO VISTA RMT: Establish next generation digital Provide for increased line/trunk growth in this wire center. LGLNNVXF LAUGHLIN NV 11/02106 12131/06 loop carrier (NGDLC) in this wire center. SP0603705 ADD HDSL RMM EAST 1: Upgrade mUltiplexing equipment in Provide addition to existing multiplexing equipment in this LSVGNVXB LAS VEGAS NV 11/03/06 12131106 this wire center wire center. SP0603706 CYLK RETIRE NEC RING 13: Retire/remove of SONET Provide removal/retirement of SONET equipment in this wire CYLKFLXA CYPRESS LAKE FL 11107/06 04/27107 equipment in this wire center. center. SP0603707 CYLK~RET NEC OC48 4901: Retirelremove of SONET Provide removal/retirement of SONET equipment in this wire CYLKFLXA CYPRESS LAKE FL 11107106 02120107 eauioment in this wire center. center. SP0603708 FTMB~RET NEC OC48 4901: Retire/remove of SONET Provide removal/retirement of SONET equipment in this wire FTMBFLXA FORT MYERS BEACH FL 11f07/06 02120107 eouipment in this wire center. center. SP0603709 LKLG ADD DS3 CALIX: Add OC48 SONET equipment in this Provide optical connectivity in this wire center. CYLKFLXA CYPRESS LAKE FL 11/10/06 01112107 wire center. SP0603710 CWE/CO~LOCATION PALMTO NE: Relocate existing Provide for increased line/trunk growth in this wire center. GNWDSCXB GREENWOOD SC 1110B/06 11130/06 customer eauipment in this wire center. SP0603711 CALIX C7: Deploy DSL technology in this wire center. Provide DSL and High Speed Data Network technology in ERWNTNXA ERWIN TN 11110/06 12126/06 this wire center. SP0603712 LIMESTONE MX2820: Add M1/3 multiplexing equipment in this Provide mUltiplexing in this wire center LMSnNXA LIMESTONE TN 11/07/06 12115106 wire center.
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