Announcements The Seoul International International Conference Series Ars Electronica Festival for Art, Computer Music Festival 2005 of the Electroacoustic Music Technology, and Society Studies The 2005 Seoul International Com- The Ars Electronic Festival for Art, puter Music Festival (SICMF) will be The International Conference Series Technology and Society is scheduled held 10–13 November 2005 at the of the Electroacoustic Music Studies to be held 1–6 September 2005 in Jayu Theater in the Seoul Arts Cen- (EMS ’05) will be held 19–22 October Linz, Austria. Established in 1979, ter. The SICMF has been held annu- 2005 in Montréal, Canada. This year’s Ars Electronica is a unique platform ally since 1993, and includes tape theme is “sound in multimedia con- for digital art and media culture. The music, live electroacoustic music, texts.” well-known Ars Electronica Festival and audiovisual media art in the pro- The EMS conference is organized is an interdisciplinary and open en- gram. The conference is hosted by every two years through the initia- counter of international experts from the Korean Electro-Acoustic Music tive of the Electroacoustic Music the arts and sciences with a broad au- Society. For additional information Studies Network, an international dience of highly diverse backgrounds on the conference, visit www team that aims to encourage reflec- and interests. This year’s theme is .computermusic.or.kr/main_en/. tion on the better understanding of “Hybrid—Living in Paradox.” De- electroacoustic music and its genesis, tails about the festival can be found appearance, and development over at www.aec.at/en/festival/index.asp? the span of a century. The organizers nocache=271769. Brazilian Symposium on are all engaged in the key areas of de- Computer Music bate and actively seek the develop- ment of solutions. The Tenth Brazilian Symposium on From the advent of the first elec- Symposium on Computer Music Computer Music will be held in tric instruments, the phonograph, ra- Modeling and Retrieval Poços de Caldas, in the state of Minas dio, telephone, and subsequent Gerais, 3–5 October 2005. Topics electronic and digital inventions, mu- The third annual Symposium on include acoustics, diffusion, evolu- sicians have imagined a wide variety Computer Music Modeling and Re- tionary music, computer-aided musi- of approaches to technologies rele- trieval, CMMR 2005—PLAY, will be cology, music information retrieval, vant to the art of sound. In recent held 26–28 September 2005 in Pisa, psychoacoustics and cognitive mod- years, there seems to have been a pro- Italy. The field of computer music is eling, interactive systems, Internet liferation of studies relating to music interdisciplinary by nature and and Web applications, and synthesis. incorporating these technologies. closely related to a number of com- The Brazilian Symposia are organ- However, the investigation of such a puter science and engineering areas ized by Núcleo Brasileiro de Pesquisa varied musical repertoire raises a such as information retrieval, pro- em Computação e Música (NUCOM), number of issues that the EMS con- gramming, human computer interac- the computer music branch of the ferences wish to examine. The tion, digital libraries, hypermedia, Brazilian Computing Society, and themes of the conference therefore artificial intelligence, acoustics, and will be hosted by the Institute of emphasize questions of resources, signal processing. In this year’s Computing of the Catholic Univer- discourse, and analytical tools rele- CMMR, entitled PLAY, the emphasis sity of Minas Gerais. More informa- vant to electroacoustic musics. will be on human interaction in mu- tion on the symposium is available at Further information on the confer- sic. Papers related to sound modeling, www.cefala.org/sbcm2005/english/ ence can be found at www.sun.rhbnc real-time interaction, interactive mu- index.html. .ac.uk/Music/Conferences/05-a-ems sic, perception, and cognition will be .html. emphasized together with the usual themes related to the traditional top- ics of the CMMR conference. Further information on the festival is available at www.lma.cnrs-mrs.fr/ ~cmmr2005/. Announcements 5 Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/0148926054798160 by guest on 25 September 2021 DAFx ’05 Conference on Digital 2005 in Singapore. ACM Multimedia to establish an efficient notation of Audio Effects is a leading annual multimedia con- electroacoustic musics, the mathe- ference, covering all aspects of multi- matics of time-frequency representa- The Eighth International Conference media computing from underlying tions, the relationship between on Digital Audio Effects, DAFx ’05, technologies to applications, theory representation and various categories will be held 20–22 September 2005 to practice, and servers to networks of synthesis, and classifications in at the Universidad Politécnica de to devices. Past conferences have had terms of sounding objects. One of Madrid in Spain, organized by the Sig- strong representation from the com- the main goals of the conference is to nal Processing Applications Group of puter audio community and have in- encourage the confrontation and ex- the Department of Signals, Systems, cluded work on coding, music change of ideas between different re- and Radiocommunication. Annual information retrieval, and synthesis. search communities. The role of space DAFx conferences began in 1998 and The New York ACM Multimedia is emphasized, whether as the physi- have quickly established a reputation conference in 2004 introduced a new cal space in which sound unfolds, or for excellence. Participants come program in interactive arts. The inter- as a humanly built environment with interests in some aspect of mu- active art program in 2005 will include through which the sonic information sic and information technology, from long and short papers describing inter- is organized and understood. new ways to play electronic instru- active multimedia art works, tools, More information has been posted ments to music information retrieval. applications, and technical approaches at www.smc05.unisa.it/default.asp. The conference will feature keynote for creative uses of multimedia con- addresses, posters, and spoken pres- tent and technology. It will also in- entation sessions over 3 days. The so- clude an art exhibition on “Presence/ cial program is planned to include a Absence” with a focus on art works Audio Art Festival in Poland concert, a banquet, and much more. that use multimedia to explore issues Further information on the festival of location, relocation, and disloca- The 2005 Audio Art Festival in Cra- can be found at dafx05.ssr.upm.es/. tion, particularly where multimedia cow, Poland, is scheduled for early technology overcomes or reinforces November. The festival presents re- physical presence or separation. cent experimental and postmodernist Further information on the confer- audio art, and integrated sound and IEEE Workshop on Applications ence, including the interactive arts visual works in the form of concerts, program, is available at acmmm05 performances, and installations. The of Signal Processing to Audio .comp.nus.edu.sg/. festival will include explorations of new concepts of the sound source as The IEEE Workshop on Applications an object and musical instrument in of Signal Processing Audio, WASPAA a specific space and time, “one per- ’05, will be held 16–19 October 2005 Sound and Music Computing ’05 son art” where composer, designer in New Paltz, New York. The confer- and performer unify the whole pro- ence coverage includes research on The international conference Sound cess of art creation, the use of low acoustic scenes, multichannel pre- and Music Computing will be held and high technology, and other non- production, virtual acoustics, hearing this year on 24–26 November 2005 in audio art events extending the image and perception, audio coding, classifi- Salerno, Italy. The conference, super- of art based on sound. cation, musical synthesis, and instru- vised jointly by Associazione Infor- More information and exact festi- ment modeling. For more information, matica Musicale Italiana (AIMI) and val dates are available at www.audio see www.lnt.de/~WASPAA05/. Association Française d’Informatique .art.pl/. Musicale (AFIM), aims at promoting exchanges between European coun- tries on topics related to sound and ACM Multimedia 2005 music computing. New D.M.A. Program at UC The main topics of this second edi- Santa Cruz The Association for Computing Ma- tion are organized around different chinery (ACM) Multimedia 2005 con- concepts of the representation of The University of California at Santa ference is being held 6–12 November sound, including symbolic attempts Cruz now offers a new Doctorate of 6 Computer Music Journal Downloaded from http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1162/0148926054798160 by guest on 25 September 2021 Musical Arts Degree (D.M.A.) in Hip Chips Harvard Live Electronic Music music composition. The track in Competition 2006 computer-assisted composition The Electronic Music Foundation includes algorithmic techniques for (EMF) invites you to participate in The Harvard University Studio for the generation of musical materials Hip Chips, a worldwide online festi- Electroacoustic Composition (Cam- and structures to be realized in the val of laptop performance. A “laptop bridge, Massachusetts, USA) is proud creation of instrumental, vocal, and performance” is defined as any event to present its first International Com- digitally
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