$1.00 (tax included) Number 47 Volume 107 November 22, 2012 Eastern Pennington County Ambulance Wall School Board gives consensus to Williams to District Service approves bylaws move forward with a school nutrition resolution by Laurie Hindman been paid and Secretary/Treasurer by Laurie Hindman increase the additional days por - Williams will be attending the regular meeting will begin at 6:30 The Eastern Pennington County Carolynn Anderson has been pro - A regular board meeting for the tion of her contract to match the ASBSD meeting. She has received p.m. Ambulance District dba Wall Am - viding them with all the informa - Wall School was called to order by base salary of her contract. a packet of information from the A motion to approve an open en - bulance Service District held a tion they have been asking for. President Scot Eisenbraun on Students were recognized for the Associated School Boards. rollment was made and approved. meeting on Tuesday, November 13. The lease agreement between Wednesday, November 14 at the following achievements: Williams is concerned about an The Board of Regents has sent President Wally Hoffman called the City of Wall and Ambulance Wall School Library. •Austin Huether for placing issue regarding the Federal Regu - out a report that shows how the the meeting to order. District was reviewed. Hoffman A motion was made and ap - eighth at State Cross Country. lations and School Nutrition. The 2011 class is doing in college. A motion to approve minutes feels they should get quotes on dif - proved for the agenda and the con - •The Wall FFA Chapter who new nutrition program isn’t work - Attendance sheet was handed from the October 24, meeting was ferent dollar amounts of de - sent agenda for: traveled to the National FFA Con - ing for our students since only one out and the school is doing good approved. ductibles for the deductible clause. •Minutes of October 10, 2012 vention in Indianapolis, Ind., to percent of the Wall students fall with Big White having 97 percent An EMT class update was given. After review of the bylaws the board meeting. compete in the Ag Issues Forum into the obesity category. She has in attendance and the third and Due to the low response of interest board voted and approved them. •November claims. Career Development event. There proposed a new resolution as a first grade classes doing especially in the classes, it was decided it The next meeting will be held on •Extra duty contract for Tracy were 39 teams representing their substitute which would allow the well. won’t be cost effective to hold Tuesday, December 11 at 7:00 p.m. Enders, Assistant Gymnastics states and the Wall FFA placed in schools to set their own nutrition Rieckman informed the board them. at the Wall Community Center Coach. the top 16, receiving a Silver Em - guidelines. The board gave members that the Impact Aid The billing agreement fee has meeting room. •Addendum for Kelli Sundall to blem award. Williams their consensus to move meeting will be held in Orlando, Superintendent/7-12 Principal forward with the resolution. Fla., and if anyone would like to Dennis Rieckman and Mary The board approved Gymnas - attend to let him know. Williams held a meeting and de - tics, Girls and Boys Basketball There have been issues with as - cided that Committee Reports will rules. sistant coaches receiving their cer - be put on the agenda for every Rieckman announced that Fall tification. Rieckman is putting a meeting. The Technology Commit - Awards Night will be held at the spread sheet together that will An old time photo tee met and Williams brought back School on Tuesday, November 20 document all classes complete for to the board their suggestions. beginning at 6:00 p.m. Awards will coaches and plans to hold classes Williams said it would more feasi - be handed out to Football, Volley - for them in the fall at the school. ble to upgrade the servers and li - ball, Cross Country and All State A motion was made and ap - censes on a yearly basis rather Chorus. A meal will also be served proved to enter into Executive Ses - then the way they have been doing for those attending. sions for the purpose of discussing it. The board approved a motion to School Board meetings will personnel according to SDCL 1-25- upgrade yearly. Rieckman noted begin at 6:00 p.m. until April 2013, 2. the Curriculum and Policy Com - with the exception of the Decem - With no motions being made mittees will need to meet in the ber meeting which will begin at after executive session the meeting near future. 5:00 p.m. with Legislators and the was adjourned. Political campaign mailer confuses readers, threatens newspaper's independent credibility By David Bordewyk a local weekly newspaper. The millions of dollars to build and pro - South Dakota campaign mailer included a flag mote their image and brand. Newspaper Association that was similar in design and Ford's blue oval. McDonald's Every day and every week, type style to the local weekly news - golden arches. Apple's little apple. newspapers package and publish paper, the Dakota Dunes North All designed to instantly connect news, information and advertise - Sioux City Times. with their customers. ments in a product that is made The campaign mailer, called the Newspapers do the same thing available to the public. "Lincoln Union County Times," with their flag. Most South Dakota A common piece in all of it is the was paid for by the Union County newspapers have been conveying a name of the newspaper. The news - Republican Party, whose chairman connection with their readers and paper name almost always domi - is state Senator Dan Lederman, as a sense of public trust via their nates the top of the front page of a promotional piece for GOP can - newspaper flag for more than a the printed newspaper or the top didates. century. Lorna Moore was very kind to send in this very old photo (she is guessing it was taken around of the newspaper's website. In the Shortly after the campaign Any unauthorized use of that 1914) in Wall, SD. Some names are wrote on the picture. The young man on the left is Cliff Soren - newspaper business, we call it the mailer showed up in mailboxes, newspaper's brand and trademark son, George Drey (the gentleman with a black moustache, Daddy Green, Lewis Shull, Mr. Torrence "flag" or the "nameplate." But it is Times Publisher Bruce Odson undermines that connection and and Mr. Besson. The four gentleman on the left are all civil war veterans. Lewis Shull was Lorna much more than just a newspaper began receiving calls from local trust. Apple would not like it if Moore’s great-grandpa. Photo submitted by Lorna Moore name. residents confused by it. Was his someone misused its iconic logo. A newspaper's flag is a represen - newspaper responsible for this South Dakota newspaper publish - tation of a newspaper's credibility campaign literature? Odson as - ers don't like it either when some - and brand. It is a newspaper's sured them he was not. one abuses the trust and connec - trademark. It tells those who read Nevertheless, the confusion was tion they have worked hard to the newspaper that the publisher out there. A few days later, Odson build with their readers and com - 4-H members attend Pennington stands behind the information published a front-page story in his munity. found in the newspaper. newspaper, telling readers that the It's been said that imitation is In short, a newspaper flag con - real Times was not responsible for the sincerest form of flattery. And veys instant familiarity and con - the political campaign "Times" and perhaps we should be flattered County 4-H recognition event nection for those who read it. A that he did not appreciate confu - that a political campaign would newspaper's flag is a powerful sion by it or the apparent decep - emulate one of our newspapers to Submitted by the Outstanding 4-H Secretary At the first meeting of the year, thing. tion intended by those responsible further its agenda. But the risk of Tacia Osterberg, Reporter Book. the Cedar Butte Challengers 4-H So it is no wonder some south - for it. confusing our readers and poten - Several Cedar Butte Chal - Elle Moon was awarded a trophy Club, elected officers, planned a eastern South Dakota residents Newspaper publishers take seri - tially weakening our credibility as lengers earned awards at the Pen - for her Visual Arts Chalk Pigment meeting schedule, and enrolled in were confused when they received ously their job of publishing accu - an independent source of informa - nington County 4-H Recognition exhibit. projects for the coming year. a political campaign piece in the rate, fair information and building tion is simply too steep a price to Event held November 4th in Rapid Jaicee Williams was recognized The club voted Jaicee Williams mail just before the November 6 trust with their readers. pay. City. with a trophy for her Home Envi - as President, Trista Reinert as election that looked very similar to Businesses big and small invest Tacia Osterberg was recognized ronment Constructed Fabric ex - Vice President, Samantha for her Purple Ribbon in the Spe - hibit. Deutscher as Secretary, Jenna cial Foods Contest. Earning Bronze Award Medals Elshere/Savanna Deutscher as Abby Moon and Jaicee Williams were Trey Elshere, Abby Moon, Yearbook Writers, and Tacia Os - each received a trophy for having Jenna Elshere, Tacia Osterberg terberg as Public Relations Re - and Trista Reinert.
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