Ij^ljf Y jypws 2_n •• " '*——*—*t~——*—*a*^a—^*m*^^^m»^—_—_9e__m_m_a^ Jt^j^i um — VOL. a NELSON. B. 0., 8ATUKDAT, M__f 85, 1007 NO. .HO steamer and over 250 miles ln a scow, Becker was taken to the undertaker's by rode his own horses over 100 mllea, detectives lieutenant Graham and Calvin and drove them over 600 miles. To this and lt was Graham who subsequently told WHEAT CROP may be added extensive railway travel­ KASb-rniGHLY SUCCESSFUL CELEBRATION win at hud happened. INDICTED ing, Including two trips east and return «, • Detective Oraham saM that after the within the 12 months of some 8,000 or prisoner had became calmer lie said that 9,000 miles. The population of the he watched the utiack on the girl and Mackenzie river diocese Is composed al­ that he was frightened and ran away. He PROSPECTS most entirely of Indians and Eskimos Splendid Lacrosse Match, Best Ever Witnessed in Interior, Results in a Tie- insisted tliat he did not see a knife In FORHRY to the number of 6,000 and a few fur the man's hand. After he made his state­ traders and missionaries. His lordship Large Attendance and Fine Weather Make Day Most Enjoyable. ment Becker was taken to the Queen's visits through his diocese in alternate county Jail in Long Island City. years, not being able to cover the whole The police are wholly satisfied with Late Spring Has Delayed field annually. In tne Mackenzie river Becker's story but will bend their ener­ 'Frisco's Grand Jury Find diocese he has confirmed within the Kaslo's annual celebration or May 24 1st; Bftuu, p.; Miller, r.f.; Salter, s.«.; Ir­ gies to finding his companion. Tliey are last year nearly 50 young people, In­ yesterday was the most successful oue win, c.f.; Brown, l.r.; Newlu, 2nd. convinced tliat the two men were either Seeding and Area Srwn directly or indirectly concerned in ihe Sixteen Counts Against dians; has baptized one 'Eskimo adult, TODAY'S GAME Knslo-.McKlnney, s.tf.; Leet, 1st; Brown, held In years. There was a strong feel­ * crime. Will Be Restricted. and has administered the Lord's supper ing of old-time enthusiasm In evidence * 3rd; . Hartln, c.f.; Tupenella, i.f.; H, Har­ to nearly 100 communicants. He In the pretty city, whose stout-hearted •I- Nelson and Medicine Hat will + tln, p.; l_. Ware, c.;Gore, 2nd; C. Ware, Mayor Schmitz. reaches the Eskimos, who number Inhabitants declare IB now emerging •> meet at lacrosse again this after- + r.f. MRS. McKINLEY'S CONDITION about 500, through interpreters, and it •{• noon on the recreation grounds •_• Canton, Ohio, Mny 24—Mrs. William Mc from a period of depression and whose Kinley, widow of the late president, who is often difficult to secure competent future rise in progress is sure. "Ad­ _* at 3 o'clock. After yesterday's 4* CALEDONIAN SPORTS Increased Acreage in Bailey, Flax and and suitable men who understand tho The Caledonian sports were the first was stricken with apoploxy last Tuesday vance Kaslo" was everywhere heard a- •_• splendid exhibition of Canada's + and is In a precarious condition, was no Streril Other Prominent Citizens, Includ­ languages requiring to be used, in •i. national game at Kaslo an ex- 4- event on tihe program -'ind ihey were run Oats, Which at Present Prices Will Well yesterday's 'rousing celebration. worse today. The attending physicians ing President Calhoun of Street Rail­ conversation many of' the people are •I* ceedlngly interesting match is + off on Front street. The events und [win­ Repay Farmers -Immigration Rush. ners were us follows; Dr. O, E. Portmatn, and hits advisor, sur­ reached by means of a jargon which Splendid weather, magnificent sport •b assured, and there should be a * geon general Rlxey of the navy, at 6 ways, Indicted on Similar Counts. 100 yard dash-J. Donuld, Nelson, $15; H. is not serviceable for religious serv­ and a record attendance combined yes­ -:• generous gate. + o'clock tonight posted a bul'etln that there Bishop, Nelson, %l.i,o. There wore seven ices or preaching. The bishop preaches terday to pull off an exceedingly pluck- had been no material change in her con­ and conducts services himself in the entries and u close race, though Donald (Special to The Daily News) lly devised and well thought out pro­ i-M-H dition. San Francisco, May 24.—The grarnl Slavic language. gram. led from the start. Winnipeg, May 24.*—With unfavor­ 220 yard dasn-j, Dotwld, (16; A. Hniward, jury this evening returned bribery In­ able crop reports from all over the The Nelson-Medicine Hat lacrosse Deacon ........ W. Peard dictments against the following* match, the leading feature of the day, Medicine Hat, J7.50. Three entiiles und a wheat raising countries of 'Europe and Defence close nice. President Patrick Calhoun, or th,- most' indifferent conditions In the resulted in perhaps the best exhibition, Williamson n:tchte WINNIPEG CELEBRATES United Railroads, 11 Indictments JURY INCREASED BY ONE of Canada's national game that haa 75 yurjls, boys under 13—Leo. McKlnnon, American southwest, all eyes are McQueen Taylor Nelson; H, Green, Kaslo. Thornwall Mulialy, assistant to Cal­ ever been put up In the interior of the Davison Ripley houn, 14 indictments. turned to the Canadian west, which RESULT OP YESTERDAY'S PRO­ 76 yards, boys under ltj—C. Archer, Kan!o; FINE PROGRAM OP ATHLETIC last year produced some 200,000,000 bush­ province, a display of gameness und Center Attorney Tirrey L. Ford and W. M. good sport that was- well worth travel­ Stevenson, Nelson. No offloffll time WHS SPORTS CARRIED OUT els of grain, half of which was wheat. CEEDINGS IN HAYWOOD TRIAL Thompson J. Hal-ward taken In nny of the events, but ul: four Abbott, of the legal department of the This year, however, conditions west ot ing miles to witness. Homo .. races were well und closely contested. United Railroads, 14 each, The Kaslo and Nelson bands ren­ TWO YOUNG ENGUSHMEN M_VKE here are far from encouraging. An YET ANOTHER VENJRE MAY HAVE A. Bishop Netf Mayor Eugene E. Schmitz, 1(1. dered excellent music, the latter play­ Steel Winkler FOOLS OF THEMSELVES exceptionally late spring has delayed TO BE CALLED LUMBERMAN'S SPORTS Abraham Ruef, 14. seeding to u great extent, and It is now ing a good program on the Kuskanook Jamleson '.••• Ready President Louis Glass, of the Pacillc up and down the lake, as well as takln . The log chopping und log sawing events apparent that me wheat acreage of DeBeck J. Halward were lhe closing ones of Uhe day und wero Winnipeg, May 24.—Victoria day was States Telephone and Telegraph com­ 1907 will full far below that of IBM. (Spi'clul to The Dally News) its share in the celebration. Burns Skolth pany, 2. Boise, Idaho, May 24. — To­ finished just a few moments before the dedicated to athletic sports here, and The acreage not sown to wheat will be Nelson contributed largely to yester SUMMARY Kuskanook sulled at T ,,i.m. They attract­ day the proceedings In the Hay­ thousands attended the various sport­ Theodore V. Halsey, formerly au planted with barley, oats and flax. Th's day's success. When the Kuskanook 1.—Nelson, Burns, 0 1-2 minutes. ed a great deal of ntentlon. The log rol­ agent of the Paclllc States corporation wood, cane were decidedly discouraging ing tournaments, including a profes­ year the farmers are reaping the bene­ steamed out at 8 a. m. there were 4-7 ..—Nolson, Burns, 7 1-2 minutes. ling contest was declared off, there being Ruef, Schmitz, Calhoun, Mulialy, Ford' ouly one man helug passed for cause. sional baseball match, which attracted fits of the high price of wheat, owing passengers on board, and by the time 3.—Nelson. A. Bishop, 13 minutes. no entries. a record attendance, even for Winni­ and Abbott are charged with briber) He waa Henry Curtis, the mail being th to the fact thai they were unable to Kaslo was reached the number had In­ 4.—.Medicine Mat, Skelth, 1 minute. Log sawing, fog 1S> Inches In diameter— peg, which Is noted for Its devotion to J.™- * KM company's rate anil ship out the -wheat on account of the examined when court adjourned yes­ creased to about -00, additional visit­ fi,—Medlo'ne Hat, Ripley, 3 1-2 minutes. 1st, Fred Spiers and A. Cheverler, 45 se­ Schmltz for 'receiving 'J5O,0U0 ln tha terday. the diamond. Senior lacrosse was the transportation d.-Acuities during the ors coming on board at all landings 0.— Medicine Hat, R. Halwnrd, 8 minutes. conds; 2nd, G. and M. Leet, 46 1-2 second-.. only branch of sport which was not United Railroads franchise deal, past winter, and many authorities are Seventeen others were called after touched en route. About 100 visitors 7.—Medicine Hat, Winkler, 3 1-2 minutes. Only ono saw was used and the first pair included in the day's calendar. The The indictments against piass are ad­ of, the -.pinion that there are still some Isaac bedell had been excused peremp­ came down from Trout Lake and way 8,—Nelson. Jemlown, 6 1-2 minutes. who won. had this advantage. Then; we*r« weather was simply delightful. ditional to the ll indictments already . -0;000,00- bushels of wheat in the Ca­ torily, without getting one to fill the points. His worship mayor Gillett, al­ Referee, C. D. Blackwood; timekeep­ three sets of competitors. Only Kaslo The Y.M.C.A.
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