HV r \ i i \ VOL 1 N° 6 NOVEMBER, 1948 PRICE 3'6 /7=*^ •^ i far REG i ^ .^x. ^sgg^ FIRST CLASS HOTEL :=v^i ;\: S^XNX ^s VV=,_ THE REAL ENGLISH HOME ABROAD ALL SPORTS ORCHESTRA • BAR • R E i N E R T PROPRIETOR Page One Sennit, INTERNATIONAL TOUR­ NAMENTS & OTHER EVENTS HELD DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS J/tadevi Sjmimiwmg, Jtoei ^ ELECTRIC HEATING SWIMMING COMPETITIONS 0) (0) HOTELS WITH VERY MODERATE RATES jytmmimtieemttjg,* MOUNTAIN SPECIAL REDUCTIONS EXCURSIONS ORGANISED BY THE ON THE RAILWAYS KURVEREIN DURING THE SEASON JjnfaHmaUon: OFFICIAL ENQUIRY OFFICE, WENGEN Page Tiro u ••-,%-M '->>s* b«3*S DAI Ape HOTF1 LEADING IN THE JUNGFRAU DISTRICT f R ! T Z SORTER PR0PRIET08 P«?e Three The Sign of Service ! LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP FOURWAYS Specialise in CONTINENTAL Indispensable as ever WINTE1 SPORTS • to all types of HOLIDAYS Ski-runners Whether you are an old hand merely requiring renewals of your kit, or a novice starting Immediate Attention to all Travel Needs from scratch, you will find every­ thing you require for your Write, Call or Telephone Winter Sports holiday at GROsvenor 2371 (five lines) LILLYWHITES A special feature will be our ¥0 UKWAYS service for growing children. Write for illustrated catalogue TRAVEL LTD. (available mid-September.) Head Office : MARSHALL & SNELGROVE PICCADILLY CIRCUS, OXFORD STREET LONDON, S.V/.3 LONDON, W.l Telephone: WHItehaii 3ISi •Page Four THE MARVELLOUS TiSSOT WATCH WHICH IS THE BEST WATCH IN THE WORLD FOR THIS LOW PRICE AGENT FOR VACHERON & CONSTANTS • LONG1NES JAEGER LE COULTRE • UNIVERSAL CYMA • MOVADO • ZODIAC • ANGELUS SAME BIG SELECTION AND SAME MODERATE PRICES AS OUR MAIN STORE IN INTERLAK.EN ALL REPAIRS EXECUTED BY SKILLED WATCHMAKERS FOR FINEST JEWELLERY AND CLOCKS H • SCHERTENLEIB W E N G E N # INTERLAKEN Hotel Metropole Opposite Hotel Krebs MEMBER OF THE SWISS WATCHMAKERS' ASSOCIATION HOTEL JTOGEKAIT . WEIGEBIALP 5700 feet A real mountain Hotel situated between Wengen and Kleine Scheidegg on the Wengernaip Railway, facing the Jungfrau A MAGNIFICENT SKI-ING CENTRE Every modern comfort. Hot and cold water in all bedrooms. Some bedrooms with private bathrooms O BAR AND GASTUBE Proprietor: SUNBATHING TERRACE B • KQNZETT G&RJIGE YOUR CAR DOWNHILL ONLY CLUB AT ® Members are reminded that pafjttfjafptage the Annual Dinner Dance will be held On MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd, at LAUTERBRUNNEN GROSVENOR HOUSE, PJIRK LS.NE STATION Reception at 7.0 for 7.30 p.m. • Cocktails will be served and Up-to-Date Garage at there will be a buffet supper entrance to village and at approximately 10.30 p.m. near Wengen Railway # Station Mr. S. P, B. Mais, the well-known HEATING AND LOCK-UPS Author and Broadcaster, will be the Club's Guest and Members are, as RICH. GIOVANNINI usual, invited to bring their own Guests Page Six *»>', to.RSU.l=. DOWNH NLY BEING THE ANNUAL JOURNAL OF THE DOWNHILL ONLY CLUB WHICH WAS FOUNDED IN WENGEN ON 7TR FEBRUARY 1925. HON. EDITOR: K. D. FOSTER.IM.B.E., LEABROOK WORKS, WEDNESBURY, STAFFORDSHIRE RANDOM REFLECTIONS Up to the .time of writing there has been no clear-cut the Swiss have gone out of their way to help the British announcement with regard to Winter Sports. During cause. The main reason for the letter was to express the summer one could take the £35 and have a heck of appreciation for the support given by the Swiss to an a time with it where and how one liked but we have event organised at Scheidegg this summer by the Alpine heard rumours that when the Labour Y.l.P's return Club, and we are still puzzled as to why that august body from their proletarian holidays at the South of France should have' left the S.C.G.B. to perform such an and in Italy all the rules are to be altered presumably on essential courtesy on its behalf. the theory that there are a number of Labour voters Unfortunately there have been a number of cases of who take Continental holidays during the summer, but visitors .taking advantage of Swiss generosity. A young that the clientele of the winter resorts is drawn entirely Swiss who was staying with us during the summer had from the class so pleasantly described by the Minister with him three I.O.U's given to his father by British of Health as " vermin". visitors and every one of them was repudiated when We have therefore plodded conscientiously through presented over here. We believe that a particularly bad all the Government announcements, even taking in the case of this kind was brought to the notice of the play-by-play bulletins on the progress of the Prime S.C.G.B. last year but the Council decided that there was Minister's battle with his eczema of the feet, but the nothing they could do. Our feeling is that all Ski Clubs only thing we have come across is a rather sinister should take powers to expel members proved guilty of announcement by the Treasury in the 'Times of Sep­ such conduct. tember 9th which says : "The amount authorised will he based on the duration of the star in Switzerland and on " lippitr si muove I'' the scale of hotel charges within the basic allowance of £35", Those who read the 1948 S.C.G.B. Year Book will (this sounds :o us 'ike some kind of a Means Test) sec that this Department has got itself into ttouble with "<7-7 initial IxnhMil not •wceeding £15 (the announcement Mr. Arnold Lunn. In both a speech and an artie'e we continues) will be tnade on arrival in Switzerland, the said that, although out admiration for Mr. Lunn's balance /?'•/•;? paid no/ earh-r than seven days after that^ literary attainments is unbounded, we doubted his capabilities as a mathematician. This caused Mr. Lunn We leave \ou to imcrpret this how you like, but it to burst into flames in the Year Book. After claiming sounds to us as though rhere was a nigger in the wood­ that he is well versed in pure mathematics he goes on pile. (rod knows, we do our best to keep politics out to say that our trouble is that we arc impure mathema­ of this column bin we find it hard to disguise the fact ticians and challenges us to disprove this statement by rhai we shall sigh no sighs when the time comes for solving a nasty little problem involving the theory of Cripps and his comrades to creep back into the wood­ numbers. Being anxious to escape the label of 'impure work of the London School of Economics. mathematician' (which suggests to us someone who goes round pinching the behinds of Girton girls) wc The 11 <?fiftyCountry strained every nerve but the problem defeated us. —It We were lucky in having a couple of weeks in Wcngen also defeated two members of the Alathematics Division last season (entirely Iegiiimately we may add) and we of the National Physical Laboratory to whom it was noiiced once again how the Swiss continue to show submitted. arlccrion for our nation in spite of our changed status. Mr. Lunn having solved it on his own, we have The 'Times, in iis issue of September 10th, gave promi­ no alternative but to swallow otxr own words and admit nence 10 a lener from rhe S.C.G.B. (signed by Mr. Lunn) that he is a pure mathematician of the kind that enjoys which mentioned several examples of the way in which playing about with figures and that we are of the impure Page Seven RANDOM REFLECTIONS—continued same thing in any language, Stanley thinks. Despite the brevity of their communications in English Stanley's kind that can only read the answers off the end of a private opinion is that they understand far more of the Slide Rule. language than they will admit. As he himself remarks in a triumphant postcard, this The first discovery that Stanley made was that he was is undoubtedly one argument he has won, but we are starting his investigation on a twentieth anniversary, constrained to add to our handsome recantation a since Eduard and Fritz set up professionally as Body- reminder that Bertrand Russell, who is the purest snatchers during the 1928-9 Season. Stanley, who is of pure mathematicians, has defined a pure mathe­ something of a mathematician (although only an impure matician as a person who does not really know what he one), started by putting their job on a mileage basis. It is talking about or whether what he says is true. Can it seems that they average 20 miles per day on their job, be that we have stumbled on the explanation to some of This works out at roughly 2,200 miles per season, so the more puzzling aspects of Mr. Lunn's character ? that their twenty seasons comes to about 44,000 miles. Stanley's mileage is round about 300. Stanley and the Bodysnatchers Both of them are of course excellent skiers and The erudite article on Public Utilities contributed to Fritz's time of 2.51 remained a record for the Standard the last issue by our man Stanley was faced by photo­ course from 1930 to 1936, and when it comes to ski-ing graphs of the Bodysnatchers, who are of course Eduard. with a wood luge or D.H.O. Ambulance Sledge Stanley Gertsch and Fritz Graf, and so it is quite a coincidence is ready to back them against all comers for fixtures that Stanley should have been mixed up with them in played at home or away.
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