Pag« A-6 THE PRESS nday, July 16, 196 LET'S GO Young Baseball Area's Pony League Stars Team Will Play Begin Schedule July 19 At Angel Game The Pony League playol'f Yanks; Dave Roberts, Re. 8WU1C An opportunity for two kid of the All-Stars of area 2. Sox; Glen Stienhous, Card: With Darl«n» Cop* baseball teams in the South­ which consists of Torrance Bill Valles, Cards; Larry Vi land to play a three-inning Central. North Torrance. Gar- la, Indians; Ricky Wroge, IT game in Wrigley Field as a dena and Redondo Knothole, dians. Moving pictures were shown at Gable House last Thurs­ preliminary to a regular will be held at Mobil Park, Alternates: Frank Hen'dei day afternoon. The actresses in the film were the lady American League- game is be­ which is located off 190th St­ bowlers who attended the spare pick-up class. ing offered by the Los son. Red Sox; Norm Fern- An­ one block west of Prairie Yanks; Gregg Barrett, Tiger; COULD SEE MISTAKES geles Angels. Ave., starting July 19 at 5:30 The gals assembled upstairs before class in the meet- The date is next Friday p.m. Ingaroom to view themselves .in action. The colored films night. July 21, when the An­ Schedule includes: Julv 19. gels and the Washington Sen­ 20, 21.' at 5:30 p.m. July 22 at showed each gal with her par­ ators clash. By 1 p*m. and 4 p.m. July 23 at Jove! ticular style and approach. The rules for the teams 2 p.m. This was the true way to-see are: Torrance Central and Gar- your own mistakes. The players must be in the dena meet for the first game. To liven up the gathering, 9 to 12 inclusive age bracket. The public is invited and Homel ran the films back­ The teams must be in uni­ encouraged to come out and wards. Tt was comical to. see form and with their equip­ support the top teams of the the gall suddenly have the ment, ready to play. area. Many hours of work and ball fly back in her hand, but The teams that are in uni­ training are represented in this method proved informa­ form, plus two adult coaches, these team members. tive. You could, concentrate will be admitted free to Wrig­ There are excellent parking ley Field at Gate X, on the and seating facilities at the and see more of the actual de­ 42nd Place side. As each team livery. park. enters the park, the coach will Following is a list, of the After t.he film, the class be given a number. Duplicate All-Stars picked to represent t.s.sembled for practice to cor­ numbers will be deposited in Torrance Central: rect their mistakes. a boy and two numbers will Gino Adams. Indians; Steve be drawn at H:16 to determine Tlomel plans to take more Combs, Tigers: Tom Harris. 40 LANES pictures Jn about three weeks, which two teams will play the White Sox; Steve Kealey, game, which starts at 6:30. so be sure to be on hand. The White Sox; Lonnie Languis. OPEN Teams must be in the park gals had a lot of fun Indians; Jahn Marjala, Yanks; 24 HOURS and en» by 6 p.m. Jodie Mercuric, Tigers; Tom joyed it thoroughly. The Angels will furnish the Meadows. Yank*; Steve Mel- BOWLING NEWS baseballs, bats and umpires. chert. Tigers: Kieth Patton. The entry list is up to 18 in All other adults accom­ the tourney to pick the eighth panying the teams must pay member of the Los Angeles regular admission prices. Cosh 'n Carry League. Toros of the National Bowling SET 'EM UP AGAIN-Hoping for a good meet on Tuesday morning at tha Bowl-O- Latest to file their applications with club owner Leon­ scor« in th« Torranca Housawives Bowling Drome, 220th and Western Ave. Further in- Laagua ard Hamel are Joe Scullion of Glendale, 193 average; Rob­ is Jaan Xanthakis, high scorer in tha formation may be obtained from the Recre­ Ready Entry Forms spring laagua. Sponsored by tha Torranca ation Dept. ert Carlyle of Pico Rivera, 199; and Carl Moecker of Dow- Recreation Dept., the summer league will ney, 105. Deadline for tournament entries is July 26 and For Midget Auto play begins August 5. Gable House is also accepting appli­ SERVING cations. c Racing July 29 X THE The Toro arena in Culver City next to Jefferson Bowl ; ^iQi 0$ TOF Orioles Smash Through Knt.rv blanks go in the mailj Is fast taking shape and Homel discloses that installation jQ^lTvYfiai* Qlflc today for the United SttTtesi BEST r>f the four championship Brunswick lanes have begun. I Auto Club national champion- Homel and Jefferson Bowl house engineer Joe Smith have| Golf lessons for youngsters Phils at Tordondo Came snip midget, auto race to be IN CHOW DAILY devised an electric scoreboard that will be used for Toro 0-17 years old are continuing The Tordondo Little their pitchers. held Saturday night, July 29, LEAGUES NOW FORMING at Orange Show Stadium league matches when play begins October 13. Tuesdays through Fridays at League Orioles made a come­ Skip Chandler, who allow­ in MILK various parks throughout Tor- San Bernardino, it was an­ The board is 24 feet wide and eight feet high and con­ back from their bruising de­ ed only one run, was pulled nounced by Joe Petrali. west­ ranee, under the auspices of feat by the Pirates to take sists of lights operated from. a central console, lights that the Torrance Recreation De­ in the next inning when he ern competition director for show the names of the players, score by'frames with all the Phils 11 to 7 last week. walked in one run with one USAC. partment. 1 janny Woissman pitched i GABLE marks, NBL bonus points for high games, and cumulative! Sessions will be held at Los out. But the usually reliable Promoter J. C. Agajaniani Wholatal* OutUt three scoreless innings for Mike Mannion did not have anticipates 3400 DEL AMO BLVD. team totals. It will be at the pin end of the lanes, easily Arbole.s Park, 5101 Calle de the Orioles striking a field of more out six his stuff and was touched up than 30 cars for the eight- Acrott from Union Carbidt visible from every one of the 1160 seats in the arena. Arboles from July IK to 21; men in the first, fhree innings HOUSE for the remainder of the runs. race program which will be TORRANCE In other news, twenty of Southern California's finest McMaster Park. 3624 W. 174th and, when he began 22501 Hawthorne Blvd. to wilt, UPSET highlighted by a 30-lap main t Sepulvtda Junior bowlers entered the finals of the First Annual South­ St.. July 2o to 28; Paradise was relieved by Bill Barto FOR HOME DELIVERY CALL Across from Sears Park. Ellimvood and Lee, The Angels upset the Cards event. The event, is expected For Info., Call FR 8-2265 ern California Junior Match Game Championships spon-' who nailed down the game 18 to 12. The highlight of the to attract the West Coast's itored by the BPA. AUK. 1 to 4; La Romeria Park, for the Orioles. In the Oriole's FR 1-5544 !lnglewood and Darien, Aug. game was Bruce Harris of the leading midget drivers. The top bowler of the 20 going into big six-run fourth inning Jack Cards robbing home run hit­ the finais is Charles 8 to 11; and Sea-Aire Park, Duncan again cleared the Garrison, National City, with 2405 pins for 12 games. Aug. IT) to 18. Sessions are ting Vince Champion of a bases by driving in three grand-slam by leaping at the Gable is proud of its contender, David Matosky of Tor­ from 2 lo 5 p.m., Tuesday runs with H long triple and rance, in eighth place through Friday. fence and almost landing out­ with a 2203. then scoring on the over- side the ballpark. The finals will be held this* week-end at. Victory Bowlr Register at the Recreation.)throw. Phils brain-trusting DENTAbPLATES Other Scores: Pirates 13. Ing ('enter in Van N*uys. Department or local park. ibackfired when they yanked Red Sox 8: Stars 5, Giants 0: REPAIRED AND RELINED WHILE-U-WAIT The top eight based on combined scores will partici- DIFFICULT M * Beavers 15, Phils 3; Pirates 11, 18 MONTHS CASES pate in match play with each bowler meeting each of thej | OITBIICC YsAII Padres 6. TO PAY GAS OR PENTATHOL WELCOMED finalists in a two game match, with the final round being No activity in the majors FOR EXTRACTIONS AT THE SAME PRICE position play. First All-Star game for the Frampton. with the All-Stars preparing FIRST PENSIONERS PAYMENT Good luck, Dave.v. We are proud you were in eighth > To rran cc American Little Starting lineup of the local for their tournament tilt with COMPLETE DENTAL SERVICE WELCOMED SEPT. 1, 1961 place in the semi-finals and here's hoping you do well over, 1 '* 3 * 116 wl11 be hel " nc team will be headed by Gor­ the Pacific Little League at X-ray Partial! Fillings Pyorrhaa Treatment don Mahon, star pitcher for South wood Field, OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAY NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY the week-end. Good luck to all the hoya. ' i Thursday against Harbor Thursday SE HABLA ESPANOL Torrance American. An- July 20, 5:30 p.m. The fir-Id i The radio broadcast which was to be brought to you ^' 1v tl ,? at MC's nonncemenl of the lineup was is located at Anza and.Emer­ MEMBER OF from Gable House tomorrow evening will be temporarily me Frampton madenidm.
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