HA-251 Havre de Grace Lighthouse (Concord Point Lighthouse) Architectural Survey File This is the architectural survey file for this MIHP record. The survey file is organized reverse- chronological (that is, with the latest material on top). It contains all MIHP inventory forms, National Register nomination forms, determinations of eligibility (DOE) forms, and accompanying documentation such as photographs and maps. Users should be aware that additional undigitized material about this property may be found in on-site architectural reports, copies of HABS/HAER or other documentation, drawings, and the “vertical files” at the MHT Library in Crownsville. The vertical files may include newspaper clippings, field notes, draft versions of forms and architectural reports, photographs, maps, and drawings. Researchers who need a thorough understanding of this property should plan to visit the MHT Library as part of their research project; look at the MHT web site (mht.maryland.gov) for details about how to make an appointment. All material is property of the Maryland Historical Trust. Last Updated: 02-18-2004 HA·Z.51 I f""n N~ 10 306 I Rev 10- 74) L~ITLDSf1\Jl-.SDlP:\Kl\1lN10r lllll:--.111\IOK FOR NPS USE ONLY NATIONAL PARK SERVICE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES RECEIVED INVENTORY --NOI\1INATION FORM DATE ENTERED FOR FEDERAL PROPERTIES SEE INS1RUCTIONS IN HOW TO COMPLETE NATIONAL REGISTER FORMS TYPE ALL ENTRIES -- COMPLETE APPLICABLE SECTIONS . ·- I .- .. , HISTORIC Havre de Grace Lighthouse AND!OR COMMON I. ,• f1JLOCATION , STR,E.~T & NUMBER _ , , , , ··· ... 1 .., J • I' •• • • • I ; •: l ;\ ; :­ Concord .anq_ Lafayette S,treet - _NOT FOR PUBLICATION CITY. TOWN ... CONGRESSIOf;AL DISTRICT Havre de Grace· _ V-ICINITY OF Second . · · .. , : STATE CODE COUNTY CODE t·~aryland 24 0770 025 [illCLASSIFICATION CATEGORY OWNERSHIP STATUS PRESENT USE _DISTRICT ~PUBLIC _OCCUPIED _AGRICULTURE _MUSEUM _BUILDINGISI _PRIVATE j(u NOCCUPIED __ COM~IERCIAL _PARK _&, TRUC TURE _BOTH _WORK IN PROGRESS _EDUCATIONAL _PRIVATE RES•Dc ~<CE _SITE PUBLIC ACQUISITICN ACCESSIBLE __ ENTERTAINMENT __ RELIGIOUS _OBJECT _IN PROCESS -}{YES RESTRICTED )LGOVE RNME NT _SCIEi'<T!FIC _BtlNG CONSIDERED _YES UNRESTRICTED __ INDUSTRIAL _TRANSPORTATION _NO _MILITARY _OTHER· ill) AGENCY. REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS (JI appltcablt!) Department of Transportation STREET & NUMBER Co~mander, Fifth Coast Guard District, 431 Crawford Street CITY TOWN STATE Portsmouth -- VICINITY OF Virginia [iliLOCATION OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION COURTHOUSE REGISTRY OF DEEDS, ETC Harford County S1RE.El & NUMBER CIH. lOWN STATE Belair, t·~aryland (].]REPRESENTATION IN EXISTING SURVEYS TITLE None DATE _FEDERAL _STATE _COUNTY _LOCAL DEPOSITORY FOR SURVEY RECORDS CITY TOWN STATE G'J DESCRIPTION CONDITION CHECK ONE CHECK ONE __ EXCELLENT _OETERIORAlED )L_UNALlERED _xORIGINAL SITE _GOOD _RUINS _AllERED _ MOVED DATE ___ XFAIR _UNEXPOSED DESCRIBE THE PRESENT AND ORIGINAL (IF KNOWN) PHYSICAL APPEARANCE The Havre de Grace lighthouse structure, constructed in 1827, is the only structure remaining from the original complex authorized by the Maryland General Assembly in 1826. The original complex consisted of the lighthouse, keeper's quarters and an outhouse. Presumably, the specifications for the lighthouse structure were developed by staff personnel of the Treasury Department. The lighthouse is a conical structure of stone painted white, 2~ feet high, situated on a plot of land 7' ·above mean low water. The focal plane of the light was 32 feet above the base. A cupola constructed of metal with rectangular glass panes surmounts the stone tower. Access to the cupola is gained by means of a circular granite stair­ way which ~ccupies the entire core of the structure. The lighthouse originally had nine lamps with 16 inch reflectors. The last equipment used in this tower was a fifth-order classical lens with a fixed green light. Lill SIGNIFICANCE PERIOD AREAS OF SIGNIFICANCE -- CHECK AND JUSTIFY BELOW _PREHISTORIC _ARCHEOLOGY PREHISTORIC _ _cQ,,1MUNITY PLANNING _LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ___ RELIGION _ 1400 1499 - ARCHEOLOGY-HISTORIC _CONSERVATION - LAW _ SCIENCE __ 1500 1599 _ AGRICULTURE _ EC0';0\11CS _ LITERATURE _SCULPTURE __ 1600 1699 _ _ARCHITECTURE _EDUCATION __ MILITARY )( SOCIAL;HUMANITARl/IN __ 1100 1799 __ ART __ ENGINEERING _ \1USIC __ fHEATER ~soo 1s99 XcoMMERCE _ EXPLOR.\TION SETTLU.•ENT - PHILOSOPHY _ TRA~;SPORTATION __ 1900 _COMMU'<ICATIONS _ l'.DUSTRY _ POLITICS GOVERNMENT _OTHER ISPE<•cv• 1'-''''- NTION SPECIFIC DATES 1827 BUILDER ARCHITECT Sf1\TEMENT OF SIGNIFIC1\NCE The Havre de Grace Lighthouse was built in 1827 by Mr. John Donohoo who was responsible for many of the early lighthouses on the Chesapeake Bay. The lighthouse was built at the junction of the Chesapeake Bay and the Susquehanna River in Harford County, Maryland. The General Assembly of Maryland in 1826 authorized the construction of this lighthouse because of the numerous vessels lost in this area. Although the official name given to the lighthouse has always been Havre de Grace, the local citizenry still refer to this lighthouse as the Concord Lighthouse. The name apparently dates back to the seventeenth century when this area was known as Point Concord. Augustine Herman on his map of 1670, designates the point at the mouth of the Susquehanna River as Point Conquest and from this name Point Concord has been derived. Havre de Grace Lighthouse v1as attended by Mr. John O'Neill, an Irishman, \'iho was given this job by the city in recognition of his heroism in defending Havre de Grace from the British during the War of 1812. The O'Neill descendants attended the1 light until it was automated in the 1920 1s. This dedication on the part of the 0 Neill 1s is unrivaled in the history of Chesapeake lighthouses. The lighthouse was discontinued by the Coast Guard as an active light 17 November 1975. OJ MAJOR BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES Robert de Gast, The Lighthouses of the Chesapeake The John Hopkins University Press: 1973 ._.. C. Milton Wright, Our Harford Heritage .._, Library of Congress Card #67-31596: 1967 [!]GEOGRAPHICAL DATA ACREAGE OF NOMINATEO PROPERTY. • 01 (484 sqft) U1M REfEliENCES J A~ l4l0p ! 7,4 101 !4,3p,7Jl? p B L_J '~'~·....._I _.__.._~! I I I I I ZONE EASTING NORTHING ZONE EASTING NORTHING cl.._U I I , I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I ' 1 I DLi_j I I 1 I I I 1 I , I VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION The lighthouse is located at the east end of Lafayette:Street. Jh~ lightbquse is 218' south 81 3;40 east from the corner formed· by the intersection of the north side of Lafayette Street and the west side of Concord Street . :•:1 . ·- LIST ALL STATES AND COUNTIES FOR PROPERTIES OVERLAPPING STATE OR COUNTY BOUNDARIES . STATE CODE COUNTY CODE STATE CODE COUNTY CODE [J}]FORM PREPARED BY NAME I TITLE W. M. Whittington, Realty Specialist 11/25/75 ORGANIZATION DATE Fifth Coast Guard District 804 393-9611, ext. 304 STREET & NUMBER TELEPHONE - .. :.: - ~ _-, :-. : r .. ~ • #•, • 431 Crawford Street - . I; - '" CITY OR TOWN STATE Portsmouth, Virginia 23705 in] CERTIFICATION OF NOMINATION STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER RECOMMENDATION YES __ NO__ NONE __ STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICER SIGNATURE In compliance with Executive Order 11593. I hereby nominate this property to the National Register. certifying that the State Historic Preservation Officer has been allowed 90 days in which to present the nomination to the State Review Board and to evaluate its significance. The 'evaluated level of s1gnif1cance is __ National __ State __ Local. FEDERAL REPRESENTATIVE SIGNATURE TITLE DATE FOR NPS USE ONLY I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PROPERTY IS INCLUDED IN THE NATIONAL REGISTER DATE DIRECTOR. OFFICE OF ARCHEOLOGY AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION J I ATTEST: DATE I • KEEPER OF THE NATIONAL REGISTER I --------------- "f Netr ~ts bettez tban none at Havre de Grace lighthouse At Havre de Grace Ughthouse, new )lgbt IS better than none ~ I ' . tor~ lhe said, ;so the cq~- : tM!e raised tnoal!y. Bell.Ing flowers · arid ~ppfw Of t.he llgbtlaou!e; ~ \lrinillilJ a f25,000 8f'8Dt from : Ute :r.fatYlalld Hiltol'l~al Trust. The committee bas spent about: "'U,009, lbe a.;tid, including a fias-• eo fo wlUcla members hand-: ~J»ed the bu'll~lng and appfiecl autlleritic-lookiug whitewash - which "lltarted to p~ after about • two rnon*'8 and looked terrible." it bu~ been repainted. Al~ the original light was ..,..e, lllllllJ aotheulic touches re­ ....... • Hid. The lock, which tUet •*b;-aa key, was recon· stn&ated b.J baad iby a J>lacklmith. 'Die lfOUI DOW bopes to raise IDCIM1 tor Judseapini the proper- 9 · on ·CDocord street and for a ........ pier to make the li&ht· if> .1111.. aoae~e from land and !P wMtr. care Oftlte UlhUlovle once was i. Ulliqae: It •as the only one in ~ea blat.ory whose keeping .\LJ '.W#·~ perpetvally to one J: llaull11, Ge O'NeiUI. sbe said. -• tad trllt dates to the War of 11!112. eett .Hin O'Neill and his ..:.!:4 "POtalo ..,.... fired three can- ' l!"'f'_& a Brltbb admiral, Sir ~ ~ 'Ccdbetn, wbo bad sailed Q:I up19iice.ilapeake; landed in Cecil ~ county and "looted, burned and ~~--.·· ' • . \ . .• ' ' . .. \ -­·- \ .· I I .· \ i.: : ' , r ' ... _\ Coast Guard Havre de Grace Lighthouse UTM REFERENCES \ A - 18 406740 4377120" . NIJ JS; \ ' \ ti' . ...,·... .g,. ; .T OF T llE INTERIOR FOR NPS USE ONLY ER VICE Sand RECEIVED HISTORIC PLACES u>FORM DA TE ENTERED i IN HOW TO COMPLETE NATIONAL REGISTER FORMS $ ALL ENTRIES -- ENCLOSE WITH MAP c E qs e~,, t \..,oi.S) 1' ~~~..----1-1-11__ 2_57_~ ___ Form 10-300 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Ll££T STATE: (Dec. 1968) NATIONAL PARK SERVICE N. R. f\£\.0 Sn COUNTY: cAL tf~MAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES tiAO· M\ST:' INVENTORY - NOMINATION FORM FOR NPS USE ONLY 90'- 17 \S MD· 21404 ENTRY NUMBER DATE Af-ttU>.P<>L ' (Type all entries - complete applicable sections) COMMON: ANOIOR HISTORIC: 2.
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