E1330 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 28, 2018 February tightened existing restriction and new have suffered so much to maintain their faith. decades—investments in education and work- draft regulations are being circulated to clamp We will continue to monitor the situation close- er training, support for Historically Black Col- down on religious expression online. Church- ly to see if force is used by the Chinese gov- leges and Universities, expansions of voting es, mosques, and temples have been demol- ernment to close all ‘‘underground’’ or unregis- rights and ballot access reforms—have bene- ished, crosses destroyed, children have been tered Catholic churches as a result of this fited from his guidance and persistence. He prohibited from attending services, and surveil- deal. served as the Senior Chair of the Appropria- lance cameras are being installed in churches. We heard from Dr. Tom Farr on what the tions Committee, overseeing numerous vital Xi Jinping talks about realizing the ‘‘China implications of this deal would be and his rec- investments to create opportunities for North Dream’’—but when Bibles are burned, when a ommendations for U.S. religious freedom di- Carolina families. He has been a tireless am- simple prayer over a meal in public may be an plomacy. bassador for his community of Durham, for ex- illegal religious gathering, and when over a U.S.-China tensions are high at the moment ample by shepherding legislation unifying the million Uyghur and Kazakh Muslims are in- on many fronts and the Chinese government city and county school districts through the terned in ‘‘reeducation camps’’ and forced to presumably is searching for ways to reduce— state House. And he has led efforts to ensure renounce their faith—that dream is a night- not escalate—them. Taking a hammer and that North Carolina honors its history as an mare. sickle to the cross or jailing a million Uyghur epicenter of the civil rights movement, for ex- Much in the news lately has been the Chi- Muslims will only ensure a tougher China pol- ample by establishing the Hawkins Brown Mu- nese government’s targeting of Christians. The icy, one with widespread, bipartisan and even seum at Historic Palmer Memorial Institute. ‘‘sinacization campaign’’ has affected both global support. Mickey Michaux has not hesitated to take state-controlled and unregistered churches— f on difficult causes. My wife Lisa greatly ad- Protestant and Catholic. Clergy remain in pris- mired his introduction in the early 1990s of on and the human rights lawyers who defend HONORING REP. H.M. ‘‘MICKEY’’ legislation designed to keep guns out of the religious believers have been jailed, dis- MICHAUX wrong hands; her hope in founding North appeared, or tortured into silence. Xi Jinping Carolinians Against Gun Violence was to views the fast-growing Christian churches, HON. DAVID E. PRICE make his cause a less lonely one. particularly the Protestant ‘‘house church’’ OF NORTH CAROLINA Lisa and I have known Mickey for the 45 movement that does not belong to the state- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES years we have been back in North Carolina. I sanctioned Protestant entities, as a threat to Friday, September 28, 2018 worked with him as state Democratic chairman the dominance of the Chinese Communist and then benefitted from his counsel and en- Party. One of our witnesses yesterday, my Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. Mr. Speaker, couragement when I decided to seek office good friend the Rev. Dr. Bob Fu, has detailed I rise today to honor the leadership and serv- myself. He was especially welcoming and on countless occasions the Communist Party’s ice of Representative Henry McKinley ‘‘Mick- helpful when my district was redrawn to in- vicious war on independent house churches. ey’’ Michaux, who is retiring from the North clude Durham in 1997. I had a lot to learn, Underground Catholics—meaning those Carolina General Assembly after nearly five and I will always be grateful for Mickey’s gen- who do not belong to the state-sanctioned Pa- decades of distinguished and impactful public erosity in easing my way. triotic Association—have faced tremendous service. Mickey has received countless awards and persecution for decades, including Bishop Su For many residents of Durham and the recognitions for his service, including the Zhimin who I met with in 1994. State of North Carolina, Mickey Michaux’s life Order of the Long Leaf Pine earlier this year. Bishop Su’s body bore witness to the bru- of service has been synonymous with our He has been a mainstay of numerous bar and tality of China’s Communist Party. He was growth and progress as a region as well as real estate associations, the Durham Com- beaten, starved, and tortured for his faith and the challenges we have faced as a state and mittee on the Affairs of Black People, and St. spent some 40 years in prison. Yet, he prayed nation. A native of Durham, Michaux spent his Joseph’s AME Church. He is a member of the not just for the persecuted church, but for the childhood in segregated schools and public Black College Alumni Hall of Fame, served as conversion of those who hate, torture and kill. establishments, attending the prestigious an NCCU Trustee, and was National President Unfortunately, only a couple of years later boarding school, Palmer Memorial Institute, of the N.C. Central Alumni Association for Bishop Su was arrested again and dis- and graduating from North Carolina Central three terms. The H. M. Michaux, Jr. School of appeared. He has not been heard from since. University (NCCU) in 1952. He went on to Education Building at NCCU was dedicated in Today, efforts to forcibly close underground serve his country in the United States Medical his honor in 2007. parishes expanded this year. China’s Ethnic Corps and Army Reserves from 1952 until On behalf of North Carolina’s Congressional and Religion Bureau told the state propaganda 1960. delegation and my constituents in the Fourth arm Global Times in April that ‘‘activities in il- As a young business and civic leader, District, I join Mickey’s many friends, col- legally-built parishes will be prohibited’’ and Michaux was at the forefront of the civil rights leagues, and constituents in thanking him for underground Catholic churches were being movement as it swept through the South. Dr. his commitment and service to the city of Dur- shuttered this very summer. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s first visit to Durham in ham and the State of North Carolina. He Recent reports indicate that a deal has been 1956 came at Michaux’s invitation, building on leaves his community stronger than he found struck by the Holy See and the Chinese gov- a friendship that would extend until King’s un- it, better equipped to nurture future genera- ernment whereby the Pope will have veto timely death. His early involvement in local tions of conscientious and effective leaders. power over Chinese government-approved civil rights struggles led him to pursue a ca- All North Carolinians are in his debt. We wish candidates to be ordained as bishops. In ex- reer in law; he earned his Juris Doctor from him, his wife June, and their family well as he change, seven previously excommunicated N.C. Central in 1964 and was appointed as begins the next chapter in his life. bishops, ordained without papal mandate and the Chief Assistant District Attorney for Dur- f appointed by the Chinese government, will be ham County in 1969. welcomed back into full communion with In 1972, Michaux was elected to the North FRANK REWOLD AND SON, INC. Rome. Already, the Vatican has asked two Carolina House of Representatives, becoming validly ordained bishops to step aside to make just the third African American to hold a seat HON. MIKE BISHOP way for two formerly excommunicated in the 20th century. In 1977, President Jimmy OF MICHIGAN bishops. Cardinal Joseph Zen, bishop emer- Carter appointed him to serve as the first Afri- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES itus of Hong Kong, has questioned whether can American U.S. Attorney in the Middle Dis- Vatican officials making these decisions ‘‘know trict of North Carolina: after a distinguished Friday, September 28, 2018 what true suffering is.’’ term of service, he returned to the North Caro- Mr. BISHOP of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, I rise The reports are that this deal is provisional lina House representing Durham’s 31st Dis- today to congratulate Frank Rewold and Son, and full details are yet unknown. The devil will trict. He has served continuously since then, as this year marks the business’ 100th anni- be in the details—including the fate of under- making him the longest-serving member of the versary in my hometown of Rochester, Michi- ground churches and relations with Taiwan. North Carolina General Assembly. gan. But with all the efforts underway to forcibly Throughout his more than four decades in In 1918, the widow of John Frances Dodge, sinacize religion, it certainly seems an odd the legislature, Michaux has been a visionary of Dodge Motor Car Company, a co-founder of time to strike a deal with Xi Jinping’s China. I and effective advocate for equal rights, social Oakland University, hired an established car- hope and pray this agreement will bring true justice, and shared prosperity. Nearly every penter by the name of Frank Rewold. This religious freedom for Catholics in China—who progressive accomplishment of the last few marked the beginning of decades of building, VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:23 Sep 29, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K28SE8.004 E28SEPT1.
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