WWelcomeelcome ttoo TTroy...roy... Did You Know? · The USC School of Cinema c Arts (above) was proud to both celebrate its 80th anniversary during the 2009-10 academic year, and open the doors on the fi rst two buildings in its new Cinema c Arts complex, which pays homage to the cinema c history of Southern California and USC. The new Cinema c Arts complex was built, thanks to a $175 million dona on by USC alumnus George Lucas. The now-completed complex includes an anima on building, soundstages and a produc on center. In February 2010, the Princeton Review ranked USC's Interac ve Media division as the No. 1 video-game design program in North America. Game design formally got its start at USC in 2002, when the USC School of Cinema c Arts launched its MFA in interac ve media, although a core game-design workshop had been in place since 1999. In 2004, the school unveiled the Game Innova on Lab, a state-of-the-art research space and think tank for game design and crea on. A B.A. in interac ve entertainment was fi rst off ered in 2005. Today, USC off ers four degrees in video-game development at the undergraduate and graduate levels. For the game-play design-focused, the USC School of Cinema c Arts off ers the Master of Fine Arts in interac ve media and the Bachelor of Arts in interac ve entertainment. For the more engineering-oriented, the USC Viterbi School off ers the Bachelor of Science in computer science (games) and the Master of Science in computer science (game development). USC Freshman Profi le African American 6% Asian/Asian American 18% Caucasian 33% Hispanic/La no 13% Other 6% Interna onal Students 24% Female 53% Male 47% StaƟ sƟ cs refl ecƟ ve of 2015-16 freshman class. — — — — — — — USC undergraduates come from all 50 states and about 80 countries. Total Enrollment 43,000 Undergraduate Students 19,000 Graduate/Professional Students 24,000 Student/Faculty Ra o 9:1 Schools with the largest un der grad u ate enrollment are the Dornsife College of Let ters, Arts and Sci enc es (31%) and Marshall School of Business (20%) Average class size for the College of Le ers, Arts and Sciences is 26 students. Financial aid expenditures totalled $513 million. 95% of students participate in ex tra cur ric u lar ac vi es. TThehe TTrojanrojan FFamilyamily The extended family of USC is a global network made up of thousands of alumni, students, faculty, and staff , as well as parents of students, SCions (children and grandchildren of alumni), the Board of Trustees, the boards of councilors, donors, athletic fans, and neighborhood partners. But the uniqueness of the Trojan Family isn’t due to its vast numbers. Rather, it’s the extraordinary closeness and solidarity that is found in this genuinely supportive community. To its members, the term “Trojan Family” is more than a phrase: it represents a promise, a commitment to support that is lifelong and worldwide. Students Faculty USC’s diverse student body is a strength and USC’s faculty members aren’t just teachers source of pride. From its earliest days, USC aspired of others’ works, but ac ve contributors to what USC ALMA MATER to diversity by ins tu ng policies that assured is taught, thought, and prac ced throughout the “All Hail” no student would be denied admission because world. The university’s faculty includes Nobel Prize of race, color, religion, or gender. The university laureate George A. Olah and 63 members of the has a racted more interna onal students over Na onal Academy of Sciences, Na onal Academy “All Hail to Alma Mater the years than any other American university. of Engineering, and, Institute of Medicine. Currently, 17 percent of USC’s students represent More than 200 faculty members have received To thy glory we sing; over 115 countries. pres gious academic and professional awards from All Hail to Southern Cal i for nia Equally important is the academic excellence organiza ons as varied as Na onal Ins tutes of that today’s USC students bring. USC accepted Health, the Na onal Science Founda on, the Alfred Loud let thy praises ring; 80 percent of applicants from the top 10 percent P. Sloan Foundation, the National Endowment of their high schools. The 2014 entering class’ for the Humani es, the John Simon Guggenheim Where Western sky meets SAT score average between 1950-2210 and GPA Founda on, and the Academy of Mo on Pictures Western sea average is 3.75. But USC students are more Arts and Sciences. than academic high-achievers. There have been Our college stands in maj es ty; more Trojans in the Olympics than any American university, and over 60 percent of the university’s Alumni Sing our love to Alma Mater, students volunteer in community-service programs USC’s fi rst alumni associa on was founded in in neighborhoods around campus and throughout Hail, all hail to thee!” 1885, just a year a er the university graduated its LA. Outstanding, well-rounded students are a fi rst class. Those ini al eight men and women paved hallmark of USC. the way for today’s more than 374,000-member USC Alumni Associa on. Trojan alumni span all 50 states and virtually every region of the world. As Did You Know? leaders in their communi es and professions, they bring recogni on to their alma mater. Dis nguished · USC distributes $440 million in fi nancial aid; over 70 percent of our students receive alumni include former U.S. Secretary of State assistance. Warren Christopher, astronaut Neil Armstrong, architect Frank Gehry, opera singer Marilyn Horne, · For the 2016-17 academic year, a total of 13 percent of the student body are fi rst-genera on symphony conductor Michael Tilson Thomas, fi lm college students. director George Lucas, and baseball pitcher Mark Prior. The talents and commitment of its alumni And consider this: are among USC’s greatest strengths. · The student-to-faculty ra o is 9-to-1. · The average class size is 26 students. · Full- me faculty teach the vast majority of our courses. · Students can get all the classes they need in order to graduate in four years. · USC grads get great jobs, a end the best graduate and professional schools in the country (including our own) and are supported by the Trojan Family - a network of nearly a quarter million alumni. Traveler All-Amer i can Erny Pinckert. Notable Alumni Inscribed on the statue’s base is “THE TRO JAN” and the uni ver si ty’s Traveler, the noble white Herb Alpert, Musician seal, with the La n mo o “Palmam horse that ap pears at all USC Neil Armstrong, Astronaut home football games with a qui meruit ferat (Let him who de serves it bear away the palm).” Art Buchwald, Columnist regal Tro jan warrior astride, is LeVar Burton, Actor one of the most fa mous col lege Below the seal are in scribed the Leo Buscaglia, Author/Educator mascots. quali es of the ideal Trojan: “Faithful, Traveler first made an Schol ar ly, Skill ful, Cou ra geous and Jerry Buss, Owner - LA Lakers ap pear ance at USC foot ball Am bi ous.” Julie Chen, TV Broadcaster games in 1961. Bob Jani, then Warren Chris to pher, USC’s director of spe cial events, Cardinal and Gold former U.S. Secretary of State and Eddie Tannenbaum, then Frank Gehry, Architect Before 1895, the offi cial col or of a junior at USC, had spot ted Frank Giff ord, Sportscaster Ri ch ard Saukko riding his white USC was gold. The offi cial col or of the College of Lib er al Arts was car di nal. Lionel Hampton, Musician horse, Trav el er I, in the 1961 Rose Marilyn Horne, Opera Star Pa rade. They per suad ed Saukko The college had its own offi cial col or Ron Howard, Director/Actor to ride his white horse during be cause it was the larg est ac a dem ic USC games, serv ing as a mas cot. unit in the Uni ver si ty. In 1895, both Keyshawn Johnson, NFL Ever since, when ev er USC scores, colors were adopt ed as USC’s offi cial Randy Johnson, MLB the band plays “Con quest” and Trav el er gal lops col ors. Michael Landon, Actor around the Col i se um. Lisa Leslie, WNBA The current Trojan mascot is Traveler VII. “Trojans” George Lucas, Film Director Even though the breed of horse may have changed Paul Mazursky, Director over the years — Travelers I through VI ranged USC’s nickname, “Trojans,” orig i nat ed in 1912. Up to that me, USC’s teams were called the Meth od ists Cheryl Miller, Sportscaster from an Arabian/Tennessee Walker to a pure-bred Paul Orphala, Founder - Kinkos Tennessee Walker to a pure-bred Arabian to an or Wesleyans, nick names which were not looked upon Linda Johnson Rice, CEO - Andalusian — Traveler’s color has always remained with fa vor by uni ver si ty offi cials. pure white. So, War ren Bovard, di rec tor of ath le cs and son Ebony, Jet Magazines In the fall of 2004, USC alumnus Bill Tilley ('61) of univer si ty pres i dent Dr. George Bovard, asked Los John Ri er, Actor and his wife, Nadine, donated $2 million to provide An ge les Times sports ed i tor Owen Bird to se lect an Barney Rosenzweig, Producer a permanent endowment to support Traveler.
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