Enabling Grids for E-sciencE NA2 in Cyprus SEE Federation Maria Poveda www. eu-egee.org EGEE-II INFSO-RI-031688 EGEE and gLite are registered trademarks University of Cyprus (UCY) Enabling Grids for E-sciencE Department of Computer Science ¾ Oppgerating since 1992 ¾ One of the five departments of the Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences ¾ Personnel ¾ 19 faculty members ¾ 5 visiting- faculty members ¾ 9 staff members ¾ O40fllOver 40 full-tihime researchers ¾ Runs a large number of research programs ¾ UCY par tner in EGEE i s th e Hig h P erf ormance Computing systems Lab (HPCL) http://grid. ucy. ac. cy EGEE-II INFSO-RI-031688 NA2 Partner Review, 27-28 November 2007, Prague 2 High Performance Computing Systems Enabling Grids for E-sciencE Laboratory (UCY) HPCL was established in 2001 in an effort to promote and coordinate research activities in: – Network-Centric Computing Systems with a focus on Grid Computing X CyGRID initiative in Cyprus – Pervasive and Mobile Computing – Internet Technologies o Promote applications of Internet and High-Performance Computing and Networking in Cyprus through support and know-how to local users of HPC technologies o Develop, support and exploit a high-quality research Infrastructure HPCL has been very active in all aspects of academic work: ¾ original research leading to scientific publications ¾ support of postgraduate and undergraduate theses ¾ partic ipati on titto interna tiltional collab orati ve research proj ect s ¾ organization of research seminars, postgraduate short courses and scientific conferences ¾ technology transfer actions and Social Service EGEE-II INFSO-RI-031688 NA2 Partner Review, 27-28 November 2007, Prague 3 High Performance Computing Systems Enabling Grids for E-sciencE Laboratory (HPCL) Human Resources: 19 members 2 Faculty Members 1 Laboratory Manager 2 Marie Curie Postdoc Fellows 6 Postgraduate students (4PhD,2MSc)( 4 PhD, 2 MSc) 3 Postdoctoral Associates 2 Undergraduate Interns 2 Project Managers 1 Technical Staff Close collaborations with: – Rutgers University (USA) – ICS/FORTH (GR) – University of Manchester (UK) – Trinity College Dublin (IR) – CNR (IT) – University of Athens (GR) – University of Nicosia (Intercollege) EGEE-II INFSO-RI-031688 NA2 Partner Review, 27-28 November 2007, Prague 4 Research Projects Enabling Grids for E-sciencE HPCL Research: External funding for 2001-2007 National research funding: Research Promotion Foundation of Cyprus ((phttp://www.research.or gy)g.cy) – Funding for purchasing equipment for new Laboratories – Funding of targeted, applied-research programs webC-MINE European Union: – Information Societies and Technology Program (FP5, FP6) – Eumedis (MEDA) SEARCHiN EGEE-II INFSO-RI-031688 NA2 Partner Review, 27-28 November 2007, Prague 5 HPCL Participation in EGEE-II Enabling Grids for E-sciencE ¾ HPCL Activities: NA2, NA3, NA4, SA1, SA3 • Principal Investigator – Marios D. Dikaiakos, Associate professor, University of Cyprus • PjtMProject Management – Maria Poveda ¾ Activities NA2, NA3 • Technical Management – Nikolas Stylianides ¾ Activities SA1, NA3 • Applications/Middleware Management – HldGjddHarald Gjermundrod ¾ Activities NA4, SA3 EGEE-II INFSO-RI-031688 NA2 Partner Review, 27-28 November 2007, Prague 6 HPCL Participation in EGEE-II Enabling Grids for E-sciencE • NA2 effort 12 PM • NA2 activities have been centred on: • Media relations: • Local Web portal •TNA2.1 • Press Releases • Follow-up • Internal communication •TNA2.3 • Production of promotional material • Translation of material • EGEE conferences • Targeted dissemination for Industry •TNA2.6 • Participation in computing and targeted scientific events • UIG •TNA2.6 • NA3/NA4 • NA5 •TNA2.4 • User workshops & events • Concertation • Administration •NA2 Management • Reporting EGEE-II INFSO-RI-031688 NA2 Partner Review, 27-28 November 2007, Prague 7 Media Relations TNA2.1 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE ¾ News Releases http://www.grid.ucy.ac.cy/egee/press_releases.php 1. 12 November 2007 International Science Grid This Week celebrates one year (available in English) 2. 4 October 2007 Grid computing offers new hope in race against bird flu (available in English) 3. 2 October 2007 EGEE hits 100,000 jobs per day and counting (available in English) 4. EGEE announces three new Business Associates (available in English) 5. 11 May, 2007, Full Speed Ahead for the Grid (available in English) 6. 10 May, 2007, Science on the Grid - Live (available in English) 7. 10 May, 2007, Users Set The Standart (available in English) 8. April 2007: New NODE for CyGRID: Intercollege ‘University of Nicosia’ PRESS RELEASE (PRODUCED & PUBLISHED ) (MILESTONE: New Resource Centre joins EGEE). Intercollege Magazine, Cyprus Computer Society web portal http://grid. ucy. ac. cy/File/EGEE/Dicy/File/EGEE/Disseminatiossemination/Press/PressReleasen/Press/PressRelease-UCY-InterCollege. pdf 9. 1 March, 2007, Intercollege: A New Resource Center Joins Cygrid (available in English) 10. 23 February, 2007, Scientific Discovery Through Grid Computing Featured at 2007 AAAS Annual Meeting (available in English) 11. 30 January, 2007, WISDOM's New Fight Against Malaria (available in Greek and English) The WISDOM initiative went into top gear with its latest drug discovery (TRANSLATED) 12. 22 November, 2006, Science Grid This Week Goes International (available in English) 13. 25 September, 2006, EGEE'06 Opening, press release. "A milestone for scientific Grid computing was announced today at the launch of EGEE'06" EGEE'06 Opening Press Release( available in English) 14. 5 May, 2006, EGEE aga ins t the Av ian Flu (ava ila ble i n GkGreek) (TRANSLATED t o G reek & PUBLISHED) Politis newspaper 15. 4 May, 2006, EGEE attacks Avian Flu (available in Greek and English) (TRANSLATED) 16. 1 April, 2006, Global e-Infrastructure Reports Landmark Results at European Conference (available in Greek and English) (TRANSLATED) The EGEE infrastructure surpassed 2 million computing jobs 17. 1 April, 2006, Open Day: The Grid and Neglected Diseases(available in Greek and English)(TRANSLATED) Open day to discuss the future of grid computing and drug discovery EGEE-II INFSO-RI-031688 NA2 Partner Review, 27-28 November 2007, Prague 8 Media Relations TNA2.1 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE • ISGTW Article PUBLISHED 8 August, 2007: "Feature - Grids a great tool against gridlock" article published in the "International Science Grid This Week" by Andreas Florides (UCY) • Scientific Publications: (item in metrics) http://www.grid.ucy.ac.cy/papers.html EGEE-II INFSO-RI-031688 NA2 Partner Review, 27-28 November 2007, Prague 9 Media Relations TNA2.1 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE ¾ Journals: http://www.grid.ucy.ac.cy/papers.html 1. "Failure Management in Grids: The Case of the EGEE Infrastructure." K. Neocleous, M.D. Dikaiakos, P. Fragopoulou and E.P. Markatos, Parallel Processing Letters (accepted for publication, October 2007). 2. M. D. Dikaiakos, A. Florides, T. Nadeem, L. Iftode, "Location-aware Services over Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks using Car-to-Car Communication." IEEE Journal on Selected AiCitiAreas in Communications (accep te d for pu blicati on, J ul y 2007) . 3. G. Tsouloupas, M. D. Dikaiakos, "GridBench: A Tool for the Interactive Performance Exploration of Grid Infrastructures" Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Elsevier (In press, May2007). ¾ Scientific Publications: http://www.grid.ucy.ac.cy/papers.html 1. G. Da Costa, M. D. Dika ia kos, S. Or lan do, "Nine mont hs in th e lif e o f EGEE: a l ook f rom th e S outh ." , 15t h IEEE I nternati onal S ymposi um on M od eli ng, A nal ysi s, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS 2007), October 24-26, 2007, Istanbul, Turkey (accepted for publication). 2. W. Xing, O. Corcho, C. Coble and M. D. Dikaiakos, "An ActOn-based Semantic Information Service for EGEE." 8th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Grid Computing (Grid 2007), pp 81-88, IEEE Computer Society. (available in pdf) 3. G. Tsouloupas, M. D. Dikaiakos, "Grid Resource Ranking using Low-level Performance Measurements.", The 13th International Euro-Par Conference, Rennes, France, August 28-31, 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2007, pp. 467-476. (available locally in pdf) 4. W. Xing, O. Corcho, C. Goble, and M. D. Dikaiakos, "Information Quality Evaluation for Grid Information Services." CoreGRID Symposium 2007.Priol and Vanneschi (eds). Rennes, France, August 26-27, 2007, Springer, pp. 165-174. 5. H. Gjermundrod, M. Papa, D. Zeinalipour-Yazti, M. D. Dikaiakos, G. Panayi, Th. Kyprianou, "Intensive Care Window: A multi-modal monitoring tool for Intensive Care Research and Practice.", Intensive Care Medicine Journal, Abstracts of the 20th ESICM Annual Congress Berlin, Germany, Abstract 0173, Volume 33, Supplement 2, Springer 2007. 6. W. Xing, O. Corcho, C. Goble, and M. D. Dikaiakos, "A Grid Information Service based on an Intelligent Information Integration Architecture." European Semantic Web Conference 2007 (ESWC-2007) (poster, accepted for publication, Mar. 2007). 7. K. H. Gjermundrod, M. D. Dikaiakos, D. Zeinalipour-Yazti, G. Panayi, Th. Kyprianou, "ICGrid: Enabling Intensive Care Medical Research on the EGEE Grid." In From Genes to Personalized HealthCare: Grid Solutons for the Life Sciences. Proceedings of HealthGrid 2007, N. Jacq et al. (Eds.), pages 248-257, IOS Press (available locally in pdf). 8. G. Tsouloupppgas and M. D. Dikaiakos. "Characterization of Computational Grid Resources Using Low-level Benchmarks." Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on e-Science and
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