The Star Fleet Times vohm T he Official N ewsuetter of the Star Fleet umvbise i« m #ie DDB HAS ARRIVED! The poor turnout last ye ar (compared to Origins which held steady As you may recall from last month, Star Fleet Battles is now for several ye ars) does not justify the expense of a major under the direction of Dayton Design Bureau, hereafter DDB. What tournament or the effort of a major product release. Several non- exactly is DDB? It’s the te am of Bruce Graw and Steve Petrick, ADB judges will run one-round SFB scenarios. now dedicated to bringing new life to Star Fleet Battles! O ur first FLE E T C O N ‘96 (August 18, Albuquerque, NM): This con will official product is this very issue of S t a r F l e e t T im e s . With the feature a 4-round single elimination sanctioned SFB tournament. transfer of power, there is no longer any reason for Agents of The convention will be held at the Pinnacle 4 Seasons Hotel in G aming (which is a separate company run by Bruce Graw) to Albuquerque. For information call G amesQ uest at 1-800-943- handle SF T under the AoG heading. Agents of G aming will, G AME or email Alec Reber at areber@ unm.edu. however, continue to offer AoG-packs as before, and maybe even TA C TIC O N (September 13-15, Denver, C O): This convention some exciting new material as well in the near future! will hold a sanctioned patrol-style rated ace tournament run by Ted W e’ve had many questions in the past few weeks about the Fay. The con will be held at the Sheraton Hotel West in Denver. nature of the New Order in the Universe. Here’s the scoop: For information send Email to smoell@ ch1.univnorthco.edu. D a yton D e sign B ure au (Graw & Petrick) will produce all N E C RON OMIC ON ‘96 (October 11-13, Tampa, FL): This con future printed products for the Star Fleet Universe, including SFT, wants to support an SFB tournament but doesn’t have a judge. You C aptain’s Log, various modules, and so on. The upcoming don’t need any special rank or anything to run a tournament, just a C ampaign Designer’s Handbook is a DDB product and represents good knowledge of SFB and the ability to record game results and the first full-scale release from the DDB team. make fair and impartial judgments. If you want to support SF B in A m arillo D esign Bureau (the now-retired Steve Cole) retains the Florida area, contact Con G ames, 2 Water Track Radial, Ocala all copyrights to the SFB game system and has final say whether a FL 34472 or call (352) 687-8901. Then tell AO G so we can update product can be produced, although ADB will not edit products or this listing! make changes. Naturally, the DDB team will consider ADB its most C H A RL E S T O N C ON (O ctober 19-20, C harleston, S C): highest advisor (at least until SVC is sick of us). Michael G astright will be running a Star Fleet Battles tournament at T ask F orce G ames (John and Tim Olsen) is the company this con, which will be held at the College of Charleston G aming which actually prints and publishes Star Fleet Universe products. Guild, 66 G eorge St, Charleston S C 29424. For information write to Their status has not changed. that location or send electronic mail to michaelg @ awod.com. Many of you might be wondering just who you should contact P ENTA C O N XII (15-17 November, Ft Wayne, IN): This con with rules questions, suggestions, and submissions now that this will hold its 5th Annual Patrol Tournament in the Grand Wayne transfer of power has occurred. For now, keep sending these to the C enter in Ft Wayne. For info write to: NIG A/Pentacon, PO Box same place you did before. The Star Fleet Universe is still in a 11174, Ft Wayne IN 46856. state of transition between ADB and DDB (and will remain in this G A R D E N S T A T E G AM E S F AIR (N ovember 22-24, state for several months) and any mail or electronic mail you send Jamesberg, NJ): Ted Mantuano will GM an SFB tournament at this to ADB will reach DDB as well. Submissions for S t a r F l e e t T m e s convention at the Holiday Inn of Jamesberg. For convention info should be sent to the Agents of G aming address for now, although call Ron Meichker at (609) 443-5088. this may change in the future. JO N E S C O N IV (January 17-19, G ainesville, FL): Doug O osting will GM a sanctioned rated ace tournament at this convention. For information write to: Peter Taylor, 1020 SW 3rd A NOTE ON THE JINDARIAN TC Ave, G ainesville FL 32601 or check out the web page at Last issue we published a preliminary Jindarian tournament http://www.infocomp.com/jonescon. ship. This is NOT a sanctioned ship (although it may be one day, LO N G EST-RUNNIN G S F B PBM C AMPAIG N: A new game is when all the playtesting is done). We need you to playtest this ship under way and in Y152! Positions are available. For info send in tournament battles, but not in sanctioned tournaments. Take a SASE to: John Berg, 609 Apollo Dr., Joliet IL 60435. copy along to your tournament and try it out during a break or if you STAR FLE E T W ARLO R D: Agents of G aming operates this get eliminated early. Then let us know what you think! play-by-mail strategic SF B campaign in the Greater Magellanic Cloud. Buy ships to search for (or conquer, or defend) resources CONVENTION ANNOUNCEMENTS needed to buy even more (and bigger) ships. For a rulebook (with The S t a r F l e e t T im e s will list any convention in this space which no obligation to play), send $5 to Agents of G aming at the address holds at least one SFB event. All cons MUST have SFB to be listed on the last page of this newsletter. (after all, this is an SF B newsletter). However, cons on this list will KN O W O F A C O N V E N TIO N? We get most of our con not necessarily have a sanctioned tournament (and some events announcements from flyers. If you pick up a con flyer and that may cancel without notice). You should write to the address shown convention has one or more SFB events, send it to us! We can’t for a pre-registration booklet, which will tell you just what kind of print it here if we don’t know about it! SFB events you can expect. (If nothing else, this will help you W A N T T O K N O W A B O U T MO R E C O N S? Convention decide what game materials to take!) C ontact is a quarterly newsletter dedicated to keeping readers If you are having a convention, or know of one in your area, informed about conventions in their area. It is not limited to SFB submit the information for it as soon as possible (preferably a flyer and is not affiliated with ADB, DDB, TF G or AO G. For informaton from the con itself). If the convention is holding a sanctioned SFB write to PO Box 1281, Homewood IL 60430 or email tournament, please let us know. Deadline for publication in any mgca @ aol.com. issue of the T im e s is the 15th of the month in which that issue is to be published. Note that the T im e s is not published in June or ALSO IN THIS ISSUE... December of each year, so conventions in those months will have The Tournament Line: ORIGINS ‘96 R E P O R T............................2 to be announced well in advance. The Answer P a g e ......................................................................... 3 G EN C ON 1996 (August 8-11, Milwaukee, Wl): Gen Con will Fiction Feature: Hidden Agenda................................................4-7 once again be held at the ME C C A convention center in downtown Schedule & Products....................................................................8 Milwaukee. TF G and ADB have confirmed that they will not Playtest Scenario: The O rb ..................................................... 9-10 sponsor/run a major multi-round SFB event at Gen Con this year. VudarP F Flotilla SSD ............. .................................................. 11 AGENTTS OF GAMING 20 PO BOX 31571 DAYTON OH 45437-0571 PUBLISHER’S INFORMATION SFB CLEARINGHOUSE Star Fleet T ime s is written by Dayton Design Bureau under Agents of Gaming is authorized to act as a clearinghouse for special license with ADB and Task Force Games. The T imes is some out of print TFG material. Chief among these are back issues copyright© 1996 Amarillo Design Bureau. of Starletter, Star Fleet Times and Subspace News, all of which are Subscriptions to Star FleetTimes cost $15 for ten issues (one available for $2 each; $3 each for overseas customers. year) in the USA, including APO and FPO boxes. Canadian Starletters: subscriptions $16; overseas $22 (Air Mail). All payments must be in Back issues available: 80, 82, 86-92.
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