.12368 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. NOT VOTING-55. The SPEAKER Send it up to be reported by the Clerk and Borah Golf McCum~r Smith, Ga. then the Chair will pro11ound the question. Brady Got·c McLean Smith. S.C. BriRtow Hitchcock Nelson Smoot The Clerk read as follows: Bm·Jeigh Hollis Norris Stephenson 01·dered, That on Tuesday night, July 21, the House stnnd in recess Burton Hughes O'Gorman Sterling from 5 p. m. until 8 p. m.; that a e ion be held from 8 p. m. to 11 Clark. Wyo. James Oliver Sutherland p. m. for the consideration in the House as in Committee of tbe Whole Clarke. Ark. Johnson Owen Thompson of bil:s on the l 'rivate Calendar which are not objected to, commencing Colt Kenyon l'age Tillman witb No. 318 on said calendar. Cra·wforu Kern renrose Townsend Culberson La Follette Pittman Warren The SPEAKER. Is there objection? Dillin!!ham Lea. Te'ln. Robinson WPeks 1\lr. l\1A.KN. Mr. Speaker, resening the right to object, I du l'ont Lewis Root Williams understood it was the desire to finish at least general debe~te on Fall Llpnitt Sherman Works Fletcher Lodge Shively the dam bill to-morrow, and as this might interfere with that I object. So the Senate refused to adjourn. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Sergeant at Arms will carry 1\lr. POU. Will the gentleman be willing to put it Wednesday evening? out the instructions of the Senate. Mr. SDHIOXS. I moYe tbat tbe Senate adjourn. 1\lr. 1\IANN. Well, Wednesday is Calendar Wednesday. The YICE PRESIDEXT. The Senator from Xorth Carolina The SPEAKER. A recess c-.m not Le taken on Calendar Wed­ mo>es that tbe Senate do now adjourn. [Putting the question.] nesday. The noes seem to ba ve it. The noes ha-re it. Mr. POU. Then, I will ask Thursday evening. Mr. SHAFROTII. I call for a div-ision. 1\Ir. :hlAi\'"X. I do not know now what is going to come up The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair has decided the ques­ Thurgduy under the pre ent situation. We may have up the tion. dam bill on Thursday under the fi>e-minute rule, and I am sure Mr. SMITH of Michigan. I move that the Senate adjourn. the gentleman \Yill not wish to interfere with that. The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 o'clock and 10 minutes 1\Ir. TJ?\DERWOOD. I would like to state to the gentleman p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Tuesday, July 21, from North Carolina tbat my sympathies are entirely with him 1914, at 12 o'clock meridian. in hi efforts to have the e pri vn te claims disposell of. but ·if the gentleman would put his request off for a dny Ol' two we may get clo~er to a point where "''e can possibly reJch an agreement HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. which will be more satisfactory. · Ur. POU. I would lil{e to say to tbe Hou e, by unanimous ~fONDAY, July ~0, 1914. consent, that the Committee on Claims during this entire Con· gress has bnd about two hours to pnss bills whlch are con­ The Hou, e met at 12 o'clock noon. tested. Of course I ha-.;-e no personal intere::c;t in this matter. N. The Chaplain, Rev. Henry Couden, ·D. D., offered the fol­ I Hill trying to get this request for the accommodation of Mem­ lowing pr:lyer: bers here who are interested in these clnirus. TIJere bns not 0 Tbon who bast made us after Thine own image and hast been a single bill pf the Committee on Claims that bas bet>n given us dominion over the work of Thy bnnds and thus put through this session in any otber way than by unanimous crowned us with glory and honor, if we wm, help us to ~ub­ consent ~ow, the & · ion goes on, and we are toltl every time due our passions. and put under our feet all selfish and i~noble there will be opportunity later on. I merely want to wurn the desires, that we may rise dny by dny to the dignity tbns con· Hou e tbat the chances are. if we continue to put off the con­ ferred upon us nnd pro-.e our. elves worthy of such preferment, sideration of the Prin1te Calendar, that the session will cnu in the name of Him who taught us how to be men. And Thine and nothing will be done. be the glory. Amen. The SPEAKER. I' there objection? Tlle Journal of the proceedings of Saturday, July 18, 1914, !\Ir. UAXN. l\Ir. Speaker. I object. was read and approved. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Illinois objects. ORDER OF BUSINESS. EXTENSION OF REMARKS. 1\Ir. FLOYD of Arkansas. Mr. Spenker, I desire to malre an announcement to the House. I cte ire to announce that on 1\Ir. CRAJ\ITON. 1\fr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to Thursdny next I will call up a privileged report from the Com­ extend my remarks in the RECORD by inserting a letter which I mittee on the Judiciary touching the ~onduct of Representative have receiYed pre~enting certain information with reference to .1\lcDEBMOTT, provided the general dam bill shall have been dis­ the effect of the irnpo ·ition of penalities nnder the incowe-tux posed of Ly thnt Ume. In cnse the dam bill bas not been finally law, and whieb I desire to have the Hou e consider-- dh;posed of at that time, I give notice that immedintely after the The SPEAKER. The gentleman from ~Iichig : m asks unnni­ conclu ion of the consideration of that bill I will call up this mous con ent to extend his remarks by in~erting a letter about pri >i Jiged report. penalties in reference to the income-tax law. Is there objec­ Mr. FOSTEll. Will the gentleman permit? tion? 1\Ir. Fl.. OYD of Arkansas. Certainly. Mr. CRAMTON. And I desire to ask its consideration in 1\Ir. FOSTER. There is a rule which I have been instructed connection with the Smith resolution for a waiwr of such pen­ by the Committee on llules to report to the House, and the alties. understnncling "·as with the Speaker and some other l\lembers The SPEAKER. Is there objection? of the House that it should be done as soon as tbe dam bill was Mr. UXDEllWOOD. 1\Ir. S11eaker, reseiTing the right to ob­ completed-- ject, my nttention was di tracted for a moment, and I did not 1\lr. FLOYD of Arkansas. I do not object to that hear tbe gentleman. 1\lr. FOSTEH. I wnnt to say to the gentleman that will not 1\Ir. CRAMTO .. ~. .Mr. Speaker, it is simply a letter pre;;;enting consume a great length of time. in my judgment. some information as to tbe effect of the imposition of penultie · Mr. FLOYD of Arkansas. I do not ohject to that. under the income-tax law. this letter reciting f11cts ns to the hlr. MURDOCK. The gentleman did not state which rule situntion in Oldnbomn somewhat as I ha-.e alre<ldy presented till wns. them to the House in reference to ~Iicbi,...an . l\lr. FOSTER The rule is in reference to the appointment of l\lr. UNDERWOOD. 1\Ir. Spenker. re~erving the right to ob­ managers of the soldiers' home. ject, I wish to say I bnYe no objection to th geutleruan print· :Mr. ~rrRDOCK. • Tot in regard to the l\Ioon bill. ing this letter, but I think the gentleman should know, nuu 1\Ir. FOSTER. They have no quorum. and the matter ought e,·eryone else should know, thnt the co11ection of the e penalties to be di ·po ed of. I understand the Comptroller of the Treas­ from nny corporntion not making n return under the income tux ury has decided it i questionable whether they can draw any i entirely discretionary witb the executiYe branch of the Gov­ .money without a quorum. ernment. 1\lr. M"UHDOCK. Has the rule been reported out in reference The law proYides that the penalty shall not exceed $10.000, to the ~loon bill? which means that a pennlty can be affixed from 5:1 up to $10.000, l\Ir. FOSTER. It h:ts been reported, but it has not been and it is not a question about which the Hou e can further adovtcd by the Hou e. legislnte or should further legU;late. It is rmrely a question of ~lr ..MURDOCK. But it has been reported? executive discretion . .Mr. 1\1.-\.~. T. It hns been authorized: l\Ir. CRc\.:llTON. I will say. l\fr. Spe:lker, if I mny, that I ... fr. FOSTER. It has been authorized by the· comwjttee; not haYe no contro-rersy with the gentleman from Alabama [)Ir. reported. UNDERWOOD) on that point. I ngree with him as to the dis­ EVENING SESSION TUESDAY. cretion of the Trensury Department. The yiew of the Trea, ury Mr. POU. .Mr. Sp~1ker, I nsk unanimous com;ent thnt the Department se"ms to be to the coutrnry. or. nt least, they refuse House have a session on Tuesdny evening to complete the call of to exercLe the discretion which they baYe, and hence the only the calendar by unanimous consent; I have the order here. course to secure relief would be through action by the Congress. 1914. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-· HOUSE. 12369 • Mr. UNDERWOOD. Well, I do not se~ where action by would like to know why the United States must pay $25.000.000 Cona-ress could relieve the situation.
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