1P«*U ■ Page 13 ■ Pac«17 Cuttunl AwireRBis: Menntnne 101 Sister Soul iih speaks int Lean.litfissl.tgMS from buggia to bonnet*. uptrUnu the Raj'titts!" empttwrr> African-Americans Women s tennis top seed Margie unique lifestyle <""l history of JMU's anil uvinen in a celebrity-crazed culture. Zesinger learns how to handle the pres- Mennomte neighbors. sure of being No. 1. TVPi W »v lamesJames MaatsonMadison universityUniversity jfe Partly cloudy High: 61 HEftBREEZE Low: 23 Vol. 79. Issue 44 Tliiirtiimi. Xhinli 21. 2002 ACLU pres. addresses liberties Speaker questions Bush's terrorism tactics, promotes freedom BY IAMBI DAVID called our country the bright- records il it says it is searching to terrorist activities assistant news editor est beacon of freedom, international terrorism activi- She quoted New York Times Addressing a full-capacity according to Strossen. Since ties. The government also is columnist William Safire to audience, ihe president of (he Sept. 11, the ACLU has been not required to notify one of support her argument when American Civil Liberties working to make sure such searches. she said, "A military tribunal Union spoke about civil-liberty America stays that way. Entire credit card databases for civilians 'replaces the law issues in Chandler Hall The ACLU has been criti- and public library checkout with kangaroo courts.'" Tuesday at 7 p.m. cal of several Bush adminis- records can be seized and "A unilateral approach The JMU Faculty Women's tration initiatives aimed at searched for the same reasons, infringes on our cherished free- Caucus sponsored the presen- reducing terrorism, accord- according to Strossen. doms," Stn>ssen Mid. tation, which was part of The ing to Strossen. The ACLU also has been A unilateral approach is Dominion Lecture Series. The Bush initiatives take critical of secret military tri- where the government has ACLU President Nadine away fundamental freedoms, bunals, Strossen said. Military unconventional, far-reach- Strossen presented "Civil Strossen said. These include tribunals have been set up to ing powers. KOMRT WSn/fhototMur Liberties in a Time of Terror." the government being able to try and execute non-cih/.n- ACLU President Nadine Strossen discussed the Bush admin- President George W. Bush search previously closed who are accused of being tied see CIVIL, page 5 istration's terrorism tactics. Art ed approach Artist shares eating-disorder story examined Speaker tells BY MBLANIE OGI.ESBY of self-image contributing writer Art education should not battle in just be concerned with teaching from the masters, it also should try to make tics between the art music world of our current era and those of the past, according to a respect- BY JBNNIFBR O'BKII-S contributing writer ed art education lecturer An eating disorders sur- vivor shared her experi- -66 ; ence fighting anorexia and Art is undergoing a bulimia in tne image-con- scious world of the music major shift. industry Monday night in Grafton-Stovall Theatre — Paul I hi m ii in Artist and songwriter l' of Tasmania lecturer ( \nthia I-rench began her sixvih with a top 10 hsl ol 99 how to get ahead in the music industry. Laughing, Paul Duncum, lecturer in she described how image- visual arts in curriculum for the conscious and cutthroat her University of Tasmania in career has been. Australia, called this new French listed "sleep emphasis a "visual culture" your way to the top" as five during his lecture titled "Visual of the top 10 ways to get Culture and Its Implications for ahead in the industry. Art Education" Monday night The other five included in Duke 240. sabotaging the competi- "Art is undergoing a tion, lying about the num- major shift," Duncum said. ber of records one has sold, "And its implications are buying radio time for one's changes in teacher training, album, picking out the the art world, as well as in skimpiest outfits to wear to children's development." awards shows and sneak- He spoke to an audience ing drugs to artists more mainly comprised of art and arl famous tli.m oneself. education students and faculty. French began her per- He spoke for about an hour sonal account with l Moil and answered thoughtful and about when she was 8 years old. She said that intense questions afterward. AUDREY WILLIAMS/irMnfwww pt**i*rapl*r Duncum's talk examined after moving to a new the relationship of visual cul- Survivor Cynthia French signs autographs after relating her personal struggles with eating disorders while In the self- ture to the field of art educa- conscious world of the music Industry. see MUSICIAN, page 4 tion. "Children frequent gal- see LECTURER, page 5 Trash the commons Survivors speak out about Students from HTH 458 sift through struggles with mental illness trash from the Two students relate personal childhood experiences Bluestone area Monday, BY MARTHA CUNNINGHAM mental health. According lo I'd be OK," she said. 11 searching ■■lull writer Smith, 19 million Amen, .ins However, she said college for recy- The brutal tnilh bourn ed suiter Irom anxiety, 75 per- only increased the down- clables as oti the back walk and rvgis- , ent ol the population expen- ward spiral and mental ill- part of tered with each student rac- eiues some sort Ol sties- nesses slie had been suffering Recycling ially repi eaantative and com* every two weeks and 15 per- from since childhixHi. Awareness nuinilv member Meted in cent of mental illness is a She said her suffering came Week. ISAT ' 1301 Tuesday. An result ol genet* radon as a direct result ot a traumatic attentive audience listened event she witnessed as a child .is two -indent- related Iheii -44— and turned into something peraonal struggle! with that caused anxiety attacks. In mental illness to .1 lecture ... menial health is an addition, family probkms and hall (it strangers. issue that affects all dependency issues added '"'- "Speak On! on Mental ther strain lo her mental state of mind, she said "1 grew up Hearth' WM one o( several of us. activttiea taking place .1- part with two thin older sisters and of Menial Health Awajeneai — Lauren Smith my mom would tell me to suck Week, according to junior MHAW head of activities and in, it was just a reality that when my sisters got four cook- 1 auren 9mith head of activi- implcmcnunon ties and Implementation for ies, I got two." MHAW. "Our mission U ID -99 These mental stresses led to self-mutilation and com- educate JMU thai menial health is .111 issue lll.it attects One senior related her pulsive exorcising, she said. I uas doing whatever it all of us," Smith said. Mftonil struggle with anxi- R) kick oil KM event. ety attacks, eating (Htorden would take physically to get Smiih reported several liar- and depression. "I thought see MENTAL, page H CINDY IINKKR/vnioramn iling statistic! regarding thai when I went to college wm 2 ITHK BKKK/.K ITHURSDAY, MARCH 21. 2002 Thursday, March 21, 2002 TABLE OF CONTENTS DUKE DAYS EVENTS CALENDAR OPINION THURSDAY, MARCH 21 SUNDAY, MARCH 24 House Edilorial Madison Week high- lights controversial amendment 7 • B.i|>ii.i SHiJ.nl Union large group praise and worship, • Baseball vs. Hofstra, noon at Longfield/Mauck Stadium 5:30 p.m . BapHit Student Center on Ihe corner olCantrell Dans & pats 7 Avenue and South Main Street, contact Archie at 4.14-6822 • Canterbury Episcopal Ministry Eucharist service fol- lowed by a home cooked dinner. 5 p.m., Canterbury House Letter to Ihe editor 8 • Young Democratic Socialists (YDS-JMU) general meet- on South Main Street across from the Quad, contact Emily Spotlight Who wrote the book ing. 8 p.m.. Taylor 309, for more information, visit at auiamee of love9 8 u<wh\imii.tJu/orgs/ifl>ungdcmsoc/or contact Aaron or Adam at 4334411 TO SUBMIT A DUKE DAY EVENT: LIFESTYLES SATURDAY, MARCH 23 E-mail Khali] of The Breeze at garriokp with the information (event, date, location, contact info, etc.) Crosswords 10 • Baseball vs. Hofstra University, noon Please submit by Friday for a Monday issue and 1uisd.iv Horoscopes 10 at Longficld/Mauck Stadium for a Thursday issue. FOCUS Preserving a lifestyle A Mennonite community WEATHER 11 POLICE LOG Today STYLE BY KlMBbKLY MCKENZIE Partly Cloudy police log reporter Sister Souli.ih 13 High 61 Low 23 Non-student Stanley H Ryan. 19. of referred for underage possession of Virgina Coalition Preview 13 Virginia Beach was arrested and alcohol in Garber Hall March 16 at charged with possession of marijuana 10:40 p.m. High Low "Crave" review 13 in E-lot March 17 at 1:42 a.m. • Kathryn M Hooker. 19, of Salem was Richmond Ballet 14 charged with underage possession ol Friday Partly Cloudy 45 19 In other matters, campus police report alcohol in M-Lot March 17 at 4 a.m. All things literary 14 Saturday Partly Cloudy 51 26 the following: • A JMU student was judicially Just go out 14 referred for underage possession Sunday Partly Cloudy 52 31 Grand Larceny March 18 at 2 57 a m. Contemporary dance 14 • JMU staff member reported a digital Monday Mostly Cloudy 58 37 camera missing from a storage room in Obscene/Harassing Phone Call SPORTS • Keezell Hall March 15 at 7:49 a.m. • A JMU student reportedly received an obscene/harassing phone call in MARKET WATCH Feature Margie Zesmger 17 Underage Possession of Alcohol Blue Ridge Hall March 17 at 3:09 a.m. TuMdsy. MarOi 19.2002 • A JMU student was judicially Mnn's gymnastics 17 referred for underage possession of Number of drunk in public charges DOW JONES AMEX alcohol in Chandler Hall March 16 at since Aug.
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