ELCOME TO THE METOLIUS RIVER BASIN! 6 Suttle Lake Region - open lake, mixed-conifer forest, burned forest. 19 Upper Eyerly - burned pine and mixed-conifer forest with patches Few places in North America offer the phenomenal Route: From FR 14/Hwy 20 jctn., 3.5 mi. W on Hwy 20; L onto FR of live forest; NOTE: high clearance vehicle required. birding experience you will find in this spectacular region, 2070, Suttle Lk. Rd.; take FR 2066 to Scout Lk. Route: From FR 11/Hwy 20 jctn., 20.3 mi. N on FR 11 to FR with its unique combination of special birds and stunning scenic Birds: Barrow’s Goldeneye, Osprey, Bald Eagle, Pileated Woodpecker, 11/1170/1180/1190 jctn.; bird north on FR 1190, return via FR 1150. beauty. The Metolius River runs cold and clear 12 months of the year, American Dipper, Evening Grosbeak. Birds: Williamson’s Sapsucker, Black-backed Woodpecker, Western gushing from prolific volcanic springs. Narrow bands of habitat, from 7 Metolius Preserve - mixed-conifer forest, ponderosa pine Bluebird, MacGillivray’s Warbler, Lazuli Bunting. the Cascades Crest to the High Desert, support an amazingly diverse plantations. 20 Castle Rocks - ancient rock outcrops below mixed-conifer forest; avifauna, with Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch breeding in the alpine zone Route: From FR 14/Hwy 20 jctn., 0.8 mi. W on Hwy 20; R onto FR NOTE: high clearance vehicle required. less than 15 miles from Gray Flycatcher in the juniper-sagebrush flats. 2064, 2.5 mi. to FR 800; follow signs 0.5 mi. to kiosk. Route: From FR 11/Hwy 20 jctn, 20.3 mi. N on FR 11 to L on Eleven different woodpeckers breed here annually, garnering the basin’s Birds: Williamson’s Sapsucker, White-headed Woodpecker, Olive- FR 1180; 3.3 mi. to R on FR 1150; approx. 7.4 mi. to L on 1149; reputation as a Woodpecker Wonderland©. sided Flycatcher, Nashville Warbler, Fox Sparrow. approx. 1.4 mi. to R on FR 780; approx. 0.3 mi. uphill to summit. NOTE: last 9 mi. of route not maintained, may be blocked by debris. EXPLORING THE BASIN Birds: Raptor migration (fall), Sooty Grouse, Williamson’s Sapsucker, Three-Fingered Jack This guide only briefly describes the best birding spots in the ba- Hermit Thrush, Fox Sparrow, Black-headed Grosbeak. sin, and is it not intended as a means for navigation. Before setting 8 Round Lake Loop - mixed-conifer forest and burned forest. out on unpaved U.S. Forest Service roads acquire either a Deschutes Route: From FR 12/Hwy 20 jctn., 0.4 mi. N on FR 12; L onto FR Lower Green Ridge National Forest map or a Sisters Ranger District “fire map,” both 1210 for approx. 11-mi. loop. available from the ranger station in Sisters. Depending on your sites Birds: Osprey, Three-toed, Black-backed, and Pileated Woodpeckers, 21 Meadow Creek Canyon - mixed-conifer forest in steep canyon. of interest, you may also need a Northwest Forest Pass to park at Mountain Bluebird, Chestnut-backed Chickadee. Route: From FR 11/Hwy 20 jctn., approx. 15.4 mi. N on FR 11 to N certain trailheads. One-day or annual passes can also be purchased at 9 Head of Jack Creek - mixed-conifer forest, riparian, and side of canyon. NOTE: private property; bird only from road. the Sisters Ranger Station. Gas and food are available at the Camp burned forest. Birds: Northern Pygmy-Owl, Common Poorwill (nocturnal), Sherman store, or in Sisters. Birding sites in the basin are close to Route: From FR 12/Hwy 20 jctn., 4.4 mi. N on FR 12 to L on FR Williamson’s Sapsucker, Cassin’s Vireo, Canyon Wren, Red Crossbill. each other “as the woodpecker flies,” but there are many hundreds of 1230; 0.5 mi. to L on FR 1232; 1 mi. to L on FR 400; follow signs. 22 Lower Eyerly - Grassland, juniper woodland, and burned forest miles of roads in the forest, so you should always be prepared with Birds: Red-breasted Sapsucker, Pileated Woodpecker, Hammond’s Route: From FR 11/Hwy 20 jctn., 20.3 mi. N on FR 11 to R on FR plenty of gas, food, water, and emergency gear. Cell phone coverage Flycatcher, American Dipper, Hermit Warbler. 1170; bird next 4 mi. of FR 1170. does not exist in the lower parts of the basin, especially near the river, 10 Jack Lake - subalpine forest, burned forest, meadows Birds: Mountain Quail, Chukar, Lewis’s Woodpecker, Green-tailed so do not expect to use your cellular phone unless you are south of Route: From FR 12/Hwy 20 jctn., 4.4 mi. N on FR 12 to L on FR Towhee, Lazuli Bunting, Western Meadowlark. Black Butte or high in the mountains. Public restrooms are available 1230; 1.6 mi. to L on FR 1234; 5.8 mi. to trailhead. 23 Lake Billy Chinook - Open water, burned pine forest and in Camp Sherman and at many (but not all) of the campgrounds and Birds: Williamson’s Sapsucker, Three-toed Woodpecker, Gray Jay, high desert. trailheads in the region. Lincoln’s Sparrow, Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch. Route: From FR 11/Hwy 20 jctn., 20.3 mi. N on FR 11 to R on FR 1170; approx. 4.4 mi. to L on Rd. 64; approx 1.8 mi. to lakeshore. GUIDED BIRDING IN THE BASIN Birds: Common Merganser, Osprey, Mountain Quail, Chukar, Lewis’s Mt. Jefferson Paradise Birding of Sisters is the only professional guide ser- Woodpecker, Canyon Wren, Bullock’s Oriole. vice permitted by the U.S. Forest Service to lead birding tours in 11 Abbott Butte Loop - pine plantation, mixed-conifer forest, the Metolius Basin. Whether you seek certain bird species, the best burned forest. TOP 50 MOST LIKELY TO BE ENCOUNTERED wildflower displays, or just a good birding hike, Paradise Birding will Route: From FR 12/Hwy 20 jctn., 4.4 mi. N on FR 12 to L on FR BIRD SPECIES IN THE METOLIUS BASIN help you make the most of your visit. Private tours can usually be ar- 1230; 7 mi. to FR 1280 jctn.; 2 mi. to trailhead or 3.5 mi. to FR 12. List based on bird surveys conducted in the Metolius Basin, 2004– ranged on short notice for individuals or groups. For information visit Birds: Sooty Grouse, Lewis’s Woodpecker, Red-breasted Sapsucker, 2006. For more information on birds and birding in the region, visit www.paradisebirding.com or call 541-408-1753. Green-tailed Towhee, Lazuli Bunting. www.paradisebirding.com or www.ecbcbirds.org. The Woodpecker Wonderland Festival is held the first weekend in 12 Candle Creek - mixed-conifer forest, riparian, and burned forest. Red-tailed Hawk June each year and offers an excellent chance to explore the Metolius Route: From FR 14/Hwy 20 jctn., 13 mi. N on FR 14 to river cross- House Wren Basin on guided tours. For the latest information on the festival visit ing; continue 1.2 mi. on FR 12 to R on FR 1290; 0.4 mi. to L on FR Mourning Dove Golden-crowned Kinglet www.woodpeckerwonderland.com. 1292; 2.4 mi. to trailhead. Common Nighthawk Western Bluebird Birds: Rufous Hummingbird, Black-backed Woodpecker, Pacific- THE BIRDING HOTSPOTS slope Flycatcher, Winter Wren, MacGillivray’s Warbler. Rufous Hummingbird Mountain Bluebird All the sites below are located within the Sisters Ranger District of Lewis’s Woodpecker Townsend’s Solitaire the Deschutes National Forest. Forest Road 12, Highway 242, and all Upper Metolius River Williamson’s Sapsucker roads south of Suttle Lake are generally not plowed in winter. Check Hermit Thrush with the Sisters Ranger Station for winter travel recommendations. 13 Black Butte Trail - ponderosa pine and mixed-conifer forest. Red-breasted Sapsucker American Robin This guide only includes birding sites inside the Metolius River Basin; Route: From FR 11/Hwy 20 jctn., 3.8 mi. N to L on FR 1110; 5.1 Hairy Woodpecker Nashville Warbler for more birding nearby, visit www.ecbcbirds.org. mi. to trailhead, 2-mi. trail to summit. Birds: Sooty Grouse, White-headed Woodpecker, Brown Creeper, White-headed Woodpecker Yellow-rumped Warbler Nashville Warbler, Green-tailed Towhee, Fox Sparrow. Mt. Washington Black-backed Woodpecker MacGillivray’s Warbler 14 Head of the Metolius - ponderosa pine forest and riparian. Northern Flicker Western Tanager 1 Lava Camp Lake - subalpine forest on Cascades Crest adjacent to Route: From FR 14/Hwy 20 jctn., 4.2 mi. on FR 14 to parking on L. expansive lava flow. Birds: Northern Goshawk, White-headed Woodpecker, MacGilli- Pileated Woodpecker Green-tailed Towhee Route: From downtown Sisters, 10.3 mi. W on Hwy 242; 0.6 mi. E vray’s Warbler, Cassin’s Finch, Red Crossbill. Olive-sided Flycatcher Spotted Towhee of Dee Wright Observatory, go 0.6 mi. S on FR 900 to lakeshore. 15 Downtown Camp Sherman - ponderosa pine forest and riparian. Birds: Sooty Grouse, Three-toed Woodpecker, Gray Jay, Clark’s Nut- Route: From FR 14/Hwy 20 jctn, 6 mi. on FR 14 to L on FR 1419; Western Wood-Pewee Chipping Sparrow cracker, Red Crossbill. 0.3 mi. to Camp Sherman Store. Hammond’s Flycatcher Fox Sparrow 2 Bluegrass Butte - mixed-conifer forest with nearby burn. Birds: Vaux’s Swift, Red-breasted Sapsucker, White-headed Wood- Dusky Flycatcher White-crowned Sparrow Route: From downtown Sisters, 7.1 mi. W on Hwy 242; 0.75 mi. N pecker, American Dipper, Yellow Warbler. on FR 1028 to start of approx. 8-mi. loop on FR 1030 and 1028. 16 Wizard Falls - ponderosa pine forest and riparian. Warbling Vireo Dark-eyed Junco Birds: Flammulated Owl (nocturnal), Williamson’s and Red-breasted Route: From FR 14/Hwy 20 jctn, 10.2 mi.
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