H1014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 30, 2007 our Nation heroically must endure such condi- Chair’s prior announcement, further The Chair recognizes the gentleman tions. proceedings on this question will be from Illinois. Last year, the U.S. Labor Department found postponed. GENERAL LEAVE that 15.6 percent of America’s youngest vet- f Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speak- erans, aged 20 to 24 years old, were unem- er, I ask unanimous consent that all CONGRATULATING LOVIE SMITH ployed, as opposed to 8.7 percent of non-vet- Members may have 5 legislative days AND TONY DUNGY ON BECOMING erans at that age. This rate has since fallen in which to revise and extend their re- THE FIRST AFRICAN-AMERICAN marks. slightly, perhaps due to the efforts of the U.S. HEAD COACHES OF NATIONAL Labor Department’s Veterans’ Employment The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there FOOTBALL LEAGUE TEAMS TO objection to the request of the gen- and Training Service, VETS. It is important QUALIFY FOR THE SUPER BOWL that we join them in recognizing that veterans tleman from Illinois? need and deserve our support at home too. Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speak- There was no objection. I commend the gentleman from New Jersey, er, I move to suspend the rules and Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speak- Mr. HOLT, for introducing this resolution to es- agree to the resolution (H. Res. 90) con- er, this Sunday, history will be made in tablish Hire a Veteran Week and to encourage gratulating Lovie Smith of the Chicago the National Football League when employers to remember our Nation’s heroes. I Bears and Tony Dungy of the Indianap- two African American head coaches urge my colleagues to join me in supporting H. olis Colts on becoming the first Afri- battle for a Super Bowl championship. Con. Res. 5, a truly outstanding piece of legis- can-American head coaches of National Not only is this the first time a black Football League teams to qualify for lation that reflects the best of our values. head coach has vied for the title, but the Super Bowl. Mr. BUYER. Madam Speaker, this resolu- two have done so in the same season. The Clerk read as follows: tion expresses the support for the designation Lovie Smith, of the Chicago Bears, and H. RES. 90 and goals of Hire a Veteran Week, and calls Tony Dungy, of the Indianapolis Colts, upon the President to issue a proclamation Whereas in the 40 Super Bowls prior to are hailed as two of the most humble in Super Bowl XLI, to be held on February 4, supporting these goals. It is identical to the the league. 2007, no National Football League (NFL) In an era where professional sports is legislation passed by the House in the 109th team that played in the Super Bowl had an crowded with big egos and loud Congress on July 24, 2006. African-American head coach; mouths, these two quietly push their America’s veterans deserve special employ- Whereas on January 21, 2007, in Chicago, Il- players to be better athletes and better ment opportunity more than any other sector linois, the Chicago Bears, coached by Lovie individuals. of society. These men and women have vol- Smith—an African-American—defeated the Like myself, Coach Smith grew up in unteered to put themselves in harm’s way to New Orleans Saints by a score of 39 to 14 in a small town in the South. Coach preserve the Nation’s way of life and eco- the National Football Conference Champion- ship game and advanced to Super Bowl XLI; Smith talks about how growing up in nomic system. They have worn the uniform Whereas Lovie Smith was named the 13th the small town of Big Sandy, Texas, from pole to pole, often risking their lives not head coach in Chicago Bears history on Jan- taught him the values of hard work, only in combat, but also in exploring, rebuild- uary 15, 2004; self-determination, self-discipline and ing infrastructures devastated by natural disas- Whereas Lovie Smith was named the Asso- teamwork. These are American values ters, providing medical care in remote loca- ciated Press NFL Coach of the Year for 2005; Whereas Lovie Smith’s 11 victories in 2005 taught in a small town. tions, and transporting refugees from geno- One thing that I admire about Lovie cide. They answer the Nation’s call to duty, are the most by a second-year coach in the history of the Chicago Bears and he became Smith is that he approaches coaching asking in return only our support and our the first second-year coach of the Bears to as a professor, as a mentor. He does not thanks. win a division title, earning the second seed yell or swear at his players. He teaches Veterans are the most diverse communities in the National Football Conference playoffs; them and motivates them. He builds in America. They come from every major eth- Whereas on January 21, 2007, in Indianap- his players up, reflecting a strength of nic and socioeconomic group. Today’s vet- olis, Indiana, the Indianapolis Colts, coached by Tony Dungy—an African-American—de- character to be commended and imi- erans are goal-oriented, physically fit, know tated. how to take and give orders, and are com- feated the New England Patriots by a score of 38 to 34 in the American Football Con- b 1500 fortable with technology. The best way to say ference’s Championship game and also ad- thanks to veterans for their service is to give vanced to Super Bowl XLI; Coach Smith started his coaching ca- them the opportunity to prove their worth in Whereas Anthony Kevin ‘‘Tony’’ Dungy reer studying under Tony Dungy in the workplace. was named head coach of the Indianapolis Tampa Bay, and the two developed a I also want to thank Congressman JOHN Colts on January 22, 2002; defense that relied on team speed and BOOZMAN and Congresswoman STEPHANIE Whereas the 2006 season was Tony Dungy’s hard hitting. They also developed a HERSETH for their very effective work during 5th with the Colts and 11th as an NFL head close friendship that continues, even as the 109th Congress to improve employment coach; Whereas Tony Dungy is the 35th coach in opponents in the largest single sport- opportunities for veterans, and particularly dis- NFL history to earn 100 career victories (in- ing event in America. abled veterans, and I look forward to their cluding playoff victories); Through their relationship, both continuing efforts during the 110th Congress. Whereas Tony Dungy leads all NFL head have become brilliant defensive foot- Madam Speaker, I thank you for allowing coaches in wins from 1999 to 2005, with a ball minds and refined player man- this legislation to come to the floor for consid- record of 78 wins and 34 defeats; agers. Their class and work ethic make eration, and ask that my colleagues support Whereas the NFL had a record 7 African- them part of an elite group of coaches, the bill, H. Con. Res. 5. American head coaches in 2006 and a record and their contributions continue to Mr. HOLT. Madam Speaker, I yield of 197 African-American coaches total, in- cluding 7 assistant head coaches; and have a great effect on league diversity back the balance of my time. Whereas since Frederick Douglass ‘‘Fritz’’ in the coaching ranks. Their achieve- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Pollard became the first African-American ments stretch far beyond the football question is on the motion offered by head coach in the NFL in 1922, there have field, and their impact is felt through- the gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. been nine other African-American head out the entire African American, as HOLT) that the House suspend the rules coaches in the NFL—including five who are well as the entire American, commu- and agree to the concurrent resolution, currently serving: Now, therefore, be it nity. H. Con. Res. 5. Resolved, That the House of Representa- I congratulate both of these coaches tives congratulates Lovie Smith of the Chi- The question was taken. cago Bears and Tony Dungy of the Indianap- for their hard work and success. Of The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the olis Colts for their accomplishments and for course I want them both to be success- opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of being the first African-American head coach- ful on Sunday, but I must confess that those voting have responded in the af- es of National Football League teams to I would rather that Lovie Smith be firmative. qualify for the Super Bowl. more successful than his mentor. Mr. HOLT. Madam Speaker, on that I The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- demand the yeas and nays. ant to the rule, the gentleman from Il- ance of my time. The yeas and nays were ordered. linois (Mr. DAVIS) and the gentleman Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Madam The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- from Indiana (Mr. BURTON) each will Speaker, I yield myself such time as I ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the control 20 minutes. may consume. VerDate Aug 31 2005 01:45 Apr 19, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD07\H30JA7.REC H30JA7 hmoore on PRODPC68 with CONG-REC-ONLINE January 30, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1015 You know, this is really a great Now, we may be outnumbered here prayed for him in this Nation, and our Super Bowl we are facing for a number tonight.
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