C cJ Ö NILES HERALD- SPECTATOR s) o $1.50 Thursday, ApriI 2,2015 nilesheraldspectator.com (s (a GO o1 That'sonehot ride o Village of Nues welcomes new firetruck to fleet. Page 4 BALL IN THE HOUSE PHOTO Voices in harmony Some ofthe world's best a cappella acts gather for SingStrong Chicago at Niles North High School. Page 36 Best on the court Pioneer Press reveals its Mi-Area Boys and Girls NILES FIRE DEPARTMENT PHOTO Basketball Teams. The villages new firetruck has features including a dual screen command information center, more spacious cab passenger seating In Sports BRIAN O'MAHONEVI PIONEER PRESS and improved LED lighting. EY SAVING DISCOUNTS! CALL ME FOR A NO-OBUGATION FREE QUOTE. 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Advertiser agrees to Indemnify and hold All ofyour favorite crossword puzzles and word gamesincluding a bonus fourth croiswrird exdnsive to Publisher harmless frnm and against any Ilabitity, loss or expense (including reasonable attorneys fenol arising from any claims risulting from publication by Pohlisher of the Advertisers ads. our weekly newspapersnow are located in the middle ofthe Pioneer Press Classified pullout section. JUNK GENIE Let The Genie Remove lt All! Construction/Remodeling Material Moving Clean-OutsHouse/Business Furniture & Appliance Removal Senior Citizen Discount Available Demo WorkPay Only for the Space Used on the Truck i MENTION THIS AD RECEIVE COUPON NOT i AVAILABLE ON $1500OFF SINGLEITEMSi I. J 1 -866-586-5436 I www.junkgenie.com Book Online and Save on Midway Airport Parking TO RECEIVI YOUR PRU DAY Indoor Rate Outdoor Rate Book online at ©p®f www.mdwpark.com ©j A New Pe! '.rctive anti enter code I 'I .V' Per Day Per Day OR o CallR66-q22-727 : a three . 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Offer ends 4/30/15 Niles welcomesnewfiretruckto town BYIGORSTUDENKOV basket is that it can carry Pioneer Press fire-fighting equipment - something that came in Nues Mayor Andrewhandy when the firetruck Przybylo and other village was recently used to put out and Fire Department per- a fire in Morton Grove. sonal officially welcomed a "It was a good thing that new firetruck to the villagewe gotit;'he said."It of Niles. worked really well." During the ceremony, The firetruck has several which took place on Marchother new features, includ- 26 at 9 a.m., firefighters ing a dual screen command I drove the new firetruck ininformation center, more front of the Village Hall. spacious cab passenger sit- The vehicle includes a num- fing and improved LED ber of new features - mostlighting. notably, a basket-like plat- According to the village form at the tip ofthe ladder. press release, the firetruck The mayor and Villagecost $1.1 million and has a Manager Steve Vinezeano life expectancy of2O years. got a chance to see that The department has particular feature first-hand been training with the truck as they climbed onto thefor the past few months. platform and took it to theGreiner said that, because Village Hall roof of its size, learning how to The Nues Fire Depart-maneuver it was a bit of a ment has been field-testinglearning curve. the vehicle for the past few "It is a lot of truck," he months. and it recently en-said. "It is a challenge to tered service. Robert Grein-drive it around. You need to er, NFD's district supervi-think ofwhere you'd want it sor, told Niles Herald-Spec- to be:' tator that the new truck has The Thursday ceremony already proven to be usefulwas relatively low-key. - and that the departmentAside from Przybylo, Vine- expects that it would con-zeano and Greiner, Niles tinue to be a great additionFire Department Chief to the fleet. Steve Borkowski, Interim The Fire Department ac- NilesPolice Department quired the vehicle last yeatChief Dennis McEnerney According to the village, itand Niles Department of was built by the Appleton,Public Services Director Wis.-based Pierce Manu-Mary Anderson attended, facturing. The vehicleis as did a number of police eight-feet wide, and the officers and firefighters. ladder can extend for up to Przybylo and Vinezeano VILLAGE OF NILES PHOTOS 11 feet four inches, making itposed forpictures with Nues Village Manager Steve Vinezeario. left above. and Mayor Andrew Przybylo, right above, are among local officials the largest firetruck inother officials. They werewelcoming the village's new firetruck on March26. NFD's fleet then strapped into the safe- In a first for the depart-ty harnesses and led ontonewest lifesaving technolo- nient, the firetruck's ladder the basket, which took themgy," he said. "It is another features a basket-like plat- up to the roof. tool that will help our tal- form that can lift up to 500 Once he stepped off theented firefighters do the lbs. Firefighters refer to a basket, Przybylo said he wasbest job possible and keep firefightingvehicle withimpressed with the newour residents safe." this type of ladder as a vehicle. Greiner told the Niles "tower." When the ladder is "Well, that was fun," heHerald-Spectator that he used, four support "legs"addressed the firefighters.expects the new vehicle to extend out, anchoring the"Good luck with this, guys.serve the department well vehicle and helping to keep Beautiful purchase. And bein the future.
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