Blooditiobile Visits Concordia Church Tomorrow, 1:45 to 6:30 p.m. tba'aolniM nB N nd R oom, 400 IM n Bt, wMi « Mhu at ro> Manchester Area Over Racial Issue qutan at flt Jaaioa' OteiMli at Vatican Hits 0. Burial will Aa In Bt. Jamw’ Ounotaiqr. Board to Study Budget,, Two Sought IM ljr N et Pi m b Rob Prionda may oaS at the tu- Dissenters Okulw M M of But Hait- Africans Boycotting neral home tomoiTaar from 2 JMmaiT 1M9 t t Mai. A b b to 4 and 7 to 0 p.m. Open Bids on Addition For Robbing To Encyclical • at Itawbutu-, dl«d ■ % •t Moodu Ooftralu Buo.M m , Edithoioim A. Sumsoulvan The Rham Board of Bduca- Ohryoteir, PIjnnouUi Ine. of Port* ]\t^l11c ^ tO r f ^ ilattrijTBtTr fEoTmtig HrraUn Commoixwealth Talks VATICAN CITT ( A P ) - « m 15,426 VaORNON —dba. Bdldi A. tlon wlU hold the find of eeveral ^ Vatican Mbnday struck oat at Imriiida b otof on, tram Page One) laymen, priests and hUhops who Manthoater A C ity o f VUtmgo Charm and two ottMr >to’ "***“"*■ "" preparation ‘ re- white male, .re windows at Rhodesia Houss and they said Britain has nfumd to Insist that Roman Catholics llemtirltiHoIroltal tonl|^t at 7 :S0 at the Rham cently returned the etandarlaed '^*^55^^*'**^* *** connection with scrap its proposal of a oompio- may pracUoe birth control if yoL. Lxxxym, n o . ss (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1969 wiH be to- ___ library. teatt-tLcnw. aooree to atudenU atlthwith »l,* * * * * ^ t ^the OnnberrundOumherrmtd South Africa Houba both asar ' at • Am. a t tfaa Waaa- Trafalgar Squara and others mlse settlement and was otter­ their consoienoe says so instead U, 108Q In l^ure. Ibaa., arid had Tomorrow night, the Rham relevant Inteipretatloiia. These ” • ** Vernon ing eariy lecognlUon of Rhode- of obeying Pope Paul’s, bon on I HofAtL 4S test BOOMS have special mean- „?**** **ter lo p.m. battlsd polios and nq>portsn of _____ Hsrliocd lived in tlUXTOrOHartford mnwat on OCof n«rher Board« m ru WUwll iumuhold »a special juccvmeet-- the BrnMh reglms. PoUee sold aiatt independence if fimitfa’a aU forms of arUflotal cnlitraoep- _{u | w In ^ IDclmri'a tife beforeiwivrv WIIIUIKcoming toW VernonVCBTfUBI **■*ing »*•at o8 p.m. tow v^atopen bidsusveo v».on the ing^ for the— student— ——— because |*1| Bernard Qyr, the government UberaUsea its racial tlon. these scores gtve objective in- the stoM, said he two fnetlona ware invotvsd, the Ittnunlan f>ny«fj.ry Olaston- **''**'• six vearayears asoago to make her bulldlnebuilding projectnrolect and addition to these sooraa gtve objective In- right-wing Nahonal Front which poHcleA "The Pope, in the name' of * with her' daughter, MM. Rham. According to the agenda, formatloo concerning the stu- * " hriU up at gunpoint by home men who ordered hbn s«toPotta brsakaway Rhodssls, An otganlsatlon called the Christ, hao spoken,” assorted There are n> calling hours. WlUiamlam ---------F. Beecher.- the board will take action---------- on the dent’s-------------- academicT------------------ a>bBitlea and and the Block Psopla’s AUianoe. ICddto Bast African League the Vatican n e w sp a p er Survlvora,indvora, besides her daugh- proposals.nronosals. educational_________^ davetopmentdevelopmentuw„, Itxk ig *** sate. An unknown claimed today that many Oun- Jetliner Hits Ocean "Rule Britannia!” righttsts L’Os’ervatoro Romano. Frederick KiassMetai ter,ter. liKludeInclude ttireethree statem,atatera, ICra.Mrs. in a recent letter to parents, ue«fuluseful Information to he^>he^ the and^the^ *caldi***wal^r bawled. "Down wUh hiaok pow­ menweaKfa driegntes support its State Seeking Conviction The arUole was writtsn by the Olenna Amaton, Mrs. George O. j. colln Puehee, principal of student clanplan tor hishie occupation- ^ emoUed. register TOUiAND — Wsdertek Kis- er. We want wMte power. novel adutloR to the Rhodesian Rev. Giuseppe Chwoo, a Jesuit Addl- issue—evacuate toe entire Afri­ aafattehi. W. of IfiUcrsat Dr., ^f?***^ menUonad the bid open- «• ***?®J^^ *'*‘**7,: ^ «»«« ft*«ed him by Rhodwria.” processor of moral theology cmd asUiMwS of MM. JwMda Pares Owens, all of Ouiteryllle, noted that building com- information on the te^ jjj room tor Their opponents chanted: “Fas- can popiMallon and form a new ; a member of the Church’s bish- 30 of 45 Survive died Saturday at Maas.: and two graadtiUldr^ mltteoa throughout the state may be Iwd by contacting the minutes at die threat of olst scum. Long Uvs Chatman Mack state sosnewfaeie on toe West Cbast of Africa. eat tribunal on maifrlage. « LOe ANGELES (AP)-A craft, and a vduntoer fleet of due to n bad weather qtacloq, of _______ ____________Osneral HospBaL.____ ^ . "“1 nation have been plagued ^ being shot if he didn’t do so. Mao.” “The righto of oonsolaaoeT” He was bom in HoIUs. L.I., •“W wRh the spiraling cosU of con- ^hs Depar^nt Is fled. It U not known The Rhodeaiaa lama has pro­ "We ore not thinking of a ref­ jtonndanavlan A irline* jet private yachts and motor boats ptanee, then began Its approato. ugee camp. We are t&linikihg of a toe article aohed. “ Certainly, —oonduoted a search and res- It vhiilebed fimn Jl.T., sad came to Btefford Cemetery, ware, ,t,.ugtk>n. He said It seemed Im- "®w preparing the n ^rW whether they fled on foot or in duced major dtasgreanMnto be­ they ore sacred, but the ulti­ ■yhuhed Inito the rainswept Fn- toe radar Of Darwin in 2nd Degree Bpring. to 1989 where he Uved _ _ _ . probable that Rham'will escape a car. tween Britain and nuMt of Ha state,” said League Secretary cue operathm that teetod for screen a t 7:40. John Salakov of Nigeria. "We mate would be to pronto the oU b 0*u wbll* etttempting a houre. bstom mofteg to TMtond «ve ■ ^ O^s dllema. ^ who Comsnonwealto partners. infallible autonomy of this oon- tending at International Airport Pitot Kenneth Davis, on FMg- years sgo. He was a meat cut- »«"*• ^ rTKA to Meet ««P»^tlon happened to be to the .tore African, leaders at the confer­ think the only eohiUon to Rhode- Rescue hoots piuoked survl- Ustiman living to Sweden, said The state asked for a verdict tor tor a number of years with «*»rge arrange- ^ material^ tte between 9:48 and 10 p.m. to ria le to let toe whites run toe sclencA discarding the moes- Monday n^ifht—and flootoA vors fretn the waves or toe of guilty of murder in the sec­ ence urged riepping up an Inter­ sory reference to the Issra of (X toe 46 aboard, theta weriT be made a “routine approanh national campaign of aanotioiw country and let the African peo­ plane, sped them ashore to am- ekee^ for some dUfieulty wtto ond degree for Roy Daiwln to­ ple run their own state else­ God And to the teaching authori­ SO known ourvlvor* and 4 known htdancee that took them to toe day after a brief oloslng argu­ against RhodeolA that was be­ ty of the Chunch. n wouM be not dead. SAB Urted 9 of toe re- gun when SmMh’s white minori­ where.” hospital. (See Page Fouiteea) ment. only a psuudox but a trogio melnlng ll oa mlaaing, Am oto- r i s r * ‘’-V« a»«. ! : r : r ty government declared MseU There was no immediate com­ During tile night, dtvera deter­ aberration.” •re as tBoooountod for. mined toat no bodies wei« kv State’s Atty. Robert Pigeon Survivors besides Us wife an attemirt to Increa^^uD- “*? ly after 1 Am. when a car op- Independent In 1986 rather thatv ment on tola Idea hy any confer­ ence delegates. The comment was the most ’"Sm ta Monloa doigAtal, near stde the ptaiw. argued that Darwin UUed Hope toriude a alatar, Mib. Harie Bean*, I^., former comptrol- oreanlsatlon ****^ selection in terms of the stu- erated by J<rfm M. Halloran Jr. accept African majority rule. the airport, reported treaiUig; 24 Rotowen as a result of either Bnamar, and a brother, Walter !«*• a* Manchester Mlodes, died P® ®* dent’s goals, interesU, abBKiss, lo, of 82 HammonH 8t., going In other matters the Common­ direct to conu from the Vatlean The jetliner, on a flight aerces Many «dso demanded that persona ai«! aald aR were In sexual nwlestation or attempted Btaln, both of Stafford Springs, yesterday at his home. ™ '^® " ^® ^' and achievement. east collided with a car driven Britain continue Ms refusal to wealth conference: yet in the wake of reoomotanda- the North P ita from Oopenho- —Deplored the invasion of tlons ftwm .various elpisoopal good oondttioii gen via Seattle, Wash., hit toe LBJ Talk sexual molestation. Funeral snrvicas will be brid Mr. Wlnta was bom in New t/, ka « ^ VW* 'V TTiomaa Oratty, 21 of Klnga- recognise Rhodesia’s independ­ As dawn broke over the Poett- ence uriUl that country's four Czechoslovakia and accused the conferenoeo—including thoan In water with ho warolng, paeeen- As the trial went Into the af­ tomoivow a t 1:S0 p.m. a t the Britain and was a 1987 gradu- , ^ oham Th# i-Iamm '^® S't'ff® Business Leadens bury Ave., headed west Oermangr, Canada and Fnsnoa te, wreckage of the big DOB still gGlW Mid. ternoon schedule, Defense Atty. WHUam H. Tost F u n eral ate of New York University. He ^ in hnfi, Anaerlca wMi vtslt the IBM Police said that Halloran mlliion African majority is Soviet Union of violating the principle of noninterference and that couples struggling with floating elmoet 12 hours BAB sold those killed induded John F. Shea was schedtfled to Banw. W. Mkin St., Stafford was a certified public account- Installation in Hartford on PuHed out to pass two parted ready to assum e power.
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