Revista Centrului de Cercetări Sociale, ŞtiinŃe Politice şi Administrative SOCIETATE ŞI POLITICĂ Revistă semestrială interuniversitară Numărul 1, aprilie 2009, semestrul I „Vasile Goldiş” University Press Arad - 2009 Responsabilitatea privind conŃinutul materialelor publicate aparŃine în întregime autorilor /referenŃilor ştiinŃifici. Revistă evaluată de Consiliul NaŃional al Cercetării ŞtiinŃifice din ÎnvăŃământul Superior: Categoria C, cod CNCSIS 834. ISSN: 1843-1348 Tipărit la S.C. Gutenberg S.A. Arad Calea Victoriei 41- 43 Tel. 0257/230670 • Fax 0257/254339 E-mail: [email protected] 2 CONSILIUL EDITORIAL / ADVISORY BOARD: Preşedinte de onoare : prof. univ. dr. Aurel Ardelean Preşedinte: prof. univ. dr. MarŃian Iovan Membri: Prof. univ. dr. Cătălin Zamfir, membru corespondent al Academiei Române - Universitatea din Bucureşti, prof. univ. dr. Răzvan Theodorescu – membru al Academiei Române, prof. univ. dr. Adrian Miroiu – SNSPA Bucureşti, prof. univ. dr. Adrian Gorun – Universitatea „C. Brâncuşi” – Tg. Jiu, prof. univ. dr. Marius Grec, prof. univ. dr. Liviu ZăpârŃan - Universitatea „Babeş-Bolyai” din Cluj, conf. univ. dr. Emanuel Socaciu – Universitatea din Bucureşti, prof. univ. dr. Vasile Popeangă, prof. univ. dr. Viorel Prelici – Universitatea din Timişoara, conf. univ. dr. Nicolae Iuga, prof. univ. dr. Gheorghe I. Florescu – Universitatea din Iaşi, prof. univ. dr. Gheorghe Siseştean – Universitatea din Oradea, lector univ. dr. Roman Regis. COMITETUL CONSULTATIV INTERNAłIONAL: Prof. univ. dr. Alexandre Dorna - Universitatea Caen - FranŃa, prof. univ. dr. Tanguy de Wilde d' Estmael – directorul Departamentului de ştiinŃe politice al UniversităŃii Catolice din Louvain – Belgia, prof. univ. dr. Harry Grosmann - Universitatea din FranKfurt-Hanau - Germania, prof. univ. dr. Clemens ClocKner - Universitatea din Wiesbaden, membru al Academiei Germane, prof. univ. dr. Patrizia Messina - Universitatea din Padova - Italia, prof. univ. dr. Lucia Maria Vaina - Universitatea din Boston - S.U.A. COLECTIVUL REDACłIONAL / EDITORIAL BOARD: Redactor-şef / Editor-in-Chief: prof. univ. dr. MarŃian Iovan Secretar general de redacŃie / Executive Editor: lect. univ. dr. Cristian BenŃe Responsabil de număr: lect. univ. dr. Sorin Bulboacă Traduceri / Translations from romanian were revised by : lector drd.StăncuŃa Laza şi lector dr. Narcisa łirban Tehnoredactor/ Made-up: prof . Dumitrean Daniela Adresa/ Editorial Office: „Vasile Goldiş” University Press, revistă semestrială, B-dul RevoluŃiei, Nr. 94-96, 310025, Arad, România E-mail: [email protected] Web: Tel. / Fax: 0040-257-284899 3 SUMAR – CONTENTS - SOMMAIRE GORUN, A., Cunoaştere – cultură şi progresul democraŃiei .................... 7 IOVAN, M., Politica socială în Uniunea Europeană .............................. 29 PORUMBĂCEAN, C., Aspecte cu privire la sistemul politic românesc post-decembrist (1990-2000) .................................................................... 53 STAN, V., Postmodernism şi comunicare postmodernă .......................... 87 MACARIE, S., Diversitatea de grup şi semnificaŃia acesteia .................. 93 STANCIU, S., Aspecte ale sănătăŃii în România în contextul strategiei de sănătate publică din Uniunea Europeană .......................................... 113 VĂLCAN, C., Cultura română: complexe de inferioritate, modernizare, probleme de identitate ............................................................................. 131 MATEI, O., Etica şi ştiinŃa politică ........................................................ 155 LUPAŞ, A., Impactul marginalizării sociale asupra adopŃiei copiilor cu risc de excluziune ............................................................................... 163 InstrucŃiuni pentru autori ........................................................................ 173 Manuscript Submission ........................................................................... 175 4 CONTENTS GORUN, A., Knowledge – culture and the progress of democracy ........... 7 IOVAN, M., Social politics in the European Union ................................. 29 PORUMBĂCEAN, C., Aspects regarding the Romanian political system after the 1989 Revolution (1990-2000 ..................................................... 53 STAN, V., Postmodernism and postmodern communication ................... 87 MACARIE, S., The variety of a group and its significance ..................... 93 STANCIU, S., Aspects of health in Romania in the framework of EU common health strategy .......................................................................... 113 VĂLCAN, C., The Romanian culture: inferiority complexes, modernization, identity problems ............................................................ 131 MATEI, O., Ethics and politics .............................................................. 155 LUPAŞ, A., The impact of social marginalization regarding the adoption of excluded children ................................................................ 163 Instructions for authors ........................................................................... 173 Manuscript Submission ........................................................................... 175 5 6 KNOWLEDGE – CULTURE AND THE PROGRESS OF DEMOCRACY KNOWLEDGE – CULTURE AND THE PROGRESS OF DEMOCRACY Prof. PhD. Adrian GORUN Universitatea „Constantin Brâncuşi” din Târgu – Jiu Telefon: 0253 / 214307 E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT. Lucrarea de faŃă prezintă reperele conceptuale ale triadei cunoaştere epistemică – cultură – democraŃie, evidenŃiind fundamentul axiologic al condiŃiei umane, valoarea cunoaşterii, relaŃia cunoaştere – democraŃie, ca relaŃie mediată de cultură (politică). Coordonata istorică prezintă importanŃă metodologică în abordarea celor trei concepte, studiul insistând pe rolul cunoaşterii şi culturii politice în îmbogăŃirea conŃinutului democraŃiei.Analiza este centrată pe surprinderea aspectelor de interdependenŃă dintre democraŃia formală şi democraŃia substanŃială, cu aspecte concrete privind progresul democraŃiei dar şi cu luarea în consideraŃie a limitelor acesteia (a factorilor entropici). Keywords : knowledge, culture, democratic regimes, the subsystem of political culture. 1. Epistemic knowledge – culture – democracy – conceptual guidelines All the great eras of culture have suggested to the meditation and reflexion gnosseological theses, principles and issues. 1 Even in cultures and mentalities qualified as proto-historic, archaic, mythological there exist as structure myths, images and symbols which communicate about 1 For an edification on the process of construction of Knowledge theory, see P.P. Negulescu , Scrieri inedite , I, Problema cunoaşterii, Editura Academiei RSR, Bucureşti, 1969. 7 SOCIETATE ŞI POLITICĂ, nr. 1, aprilie 2009 the significance of the exponents of those attributed to a culture of Knowledge, an essential and existential coordinate of man. There is no rigorous concept of what generally design through Knowledge. This, especially insofar as the term used in the common language usually is vague, covers an imprecise "territory", indefinite references and heterogeneous connotations. But just so clarifications are needed. Especially because the judgment through which Knowledge represents the existential and essential attribute of man cannot be denied. This judgment becomes ascertained: A certain moment of Knowledge is involved in any human activity and employment. At the same time, it becomes critical and selective: You can not put on the same plan an elementary knowledge, intrinsic (attribute of human ontis), which is found in the genetic code "human" in the existential project of the human being (as a component of life ), With an objectified knowledge, critical and reflexive. An elementary Knowledge represents the universality and the identity of the human being - as being bio-psycho- logical, socio-cultural and actional, and "Knowledge or thought in regard subjective, consisting of a state of mind or consciousness or a provision to the behavior or reactions" 2. By comparison, (though the gradualism of plans is clear), objectified Knowledge, critically controlled, is "Knowledge or thought in an objective sense, consisting of issues, theories and arguments as such"3. Basic Knowledge is spontaneous, subject to both horizons of freedom and constraints coming both from the genetic code, and from the situations in life (individual and group); objectified Knowledge is intentional, produced by special activities and specialized, following the explicit certain ideals of justice, authenticity and trial maKing. Objectified Knowledge is epistemic (scientific) Knowledge. At the cultural and historical scale one can identify Knowledge systems more or less integrated, proper to determined human communities, systems in which there are structured different types of Knowledge (differentiated, synthesized and mobile ranKed): a) perceptive Knowledge, of common sense; b) technical-pragmatic Knowledge; c) scientific Knowledge; d) philosophical Knowledge; e) my- thical Knowledge; f) religious Knowledge; g)artistic Knowledge. 2 K.R. Popper, Epistemologia fără subiect cunoscător , în Epistemologie. Orientări contemporane, Editura Politică, Bucureşti, 1974, p. 72. 3 Ibidem 8 KNOWLEDGE – CULTURE AND THE PROGRESS OF DEMOCRACY Meanwhile, to all forms of conscience and ideologies (coercive or non-coercive) are associated moments and specific Knowledge coeffi- cients. Then, in the genres of Knowledge there can be identified the forms of knowledge : a) empirical -
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