GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OFFICE OF THE CHIEF EDUCATION OFFICER KUPWARA. Subject :- Final Seniority list of qualified CPW's/LFPW's of District Kupwara as it stood on 10-11-2020 NOTIFICATION Whereas; this office sought the list of Qualified Contingent Paid Workers (CPWs) / Local Fund Paid Workers ( LFPWs) whose engagement fell upto 24.08.2011 (Ban Period). Whereas; this office received feed back from the concerned Zonal Education officers regarding these qualified CPWs) / LFPWs having passed 8th class and above. Whereas; this office published a notification through information Department in Daily Tamil-e-Irshad on 22.01.2020 and Daily Greater Kashmir on 23.01.2020 vide this office notification No; CEO/Kup/NT/26615-20 Dated; 20.01.2020, for inviting objections to the list of qualified CPWs / LFPWs kept available in ZEO offices. The ZEOs were directed to consolidate the objections, if any, received within given period and consider/ dispose off the objections on strength of supporting documents and submit the verified/ updated list thereof to this office. Whereas; on the strength of the verified/ updated list of qualified CPWs / LFPWs (after proper deletions/ additions by the ZEOs in view of objections received in pursuance of notification refereed in para 3 above) was received by this office from the concerned ZEOs , as detailed hereunder:- 1 Basic list of zone-wise qualified CPWs/LFPWs of the distt for which objections were invited 1171 . 2 No of qualified CPWs / LFPWs deleted by the ZEOs after receipt of objections in pursuance of notification published in newspapers 60 3 No of qualified CPWs / LFPWs added by the ZEOs after perusal/ consideration of objections in pursuance of notification published in newspapers 96 Net Total list of qualified CPWs/ LFPWs submitted to CEO office (1171 minus 60 plus 96) 1207 Whereas; as per the directions issued in the DPC meeting held on 04.11.2020 at Srinagar under the chairmanship of Joint Director (north) School Education Department, Kashmir, the candidates having crossed the maximum age of 60 years and candidates having fake certificate are to be deleted from the final list of qualified CPWs / LFPWs. Whereas; In view of the above decision, 16 candidates having crossed the maximum age of 60 years and 06 candidates having fake qualification certificates have been deleted and placed in the list of un-qualified CPWs/ LFPWs as per directions thereby making a residual total of the qualified CPWs / LFPWs as 1185. Now, the fresh final residual list of 1185 qualified CPWs/ LFPWs is hereby posted on the official website of Directorate of School Education Kashmir (www.dsek.nic.in) for general information. Dt of Engagement as Date of engagment fixed as per order No- Appointing Monthly Source from which the S. No Zone Name Parentage Place of posting Qualif- Date of Birth :- DSEK /NT/CPW/39- Ref-of order Job Assigned Remarks if any CPW 44/2013/all/3666-75 dt:-20-4-2013 authority Wages perks being paid BEO K-7/Sweper/190-93 Dated 02- 1 Langate Manzoor Ahmad Tantary Mohd Akbar Tantray UPS kachri 8th 05-07-1968 01-03-1985 01-03-1985 sweeper 150 OE Langate 05-1987 Middle(through 2 Handwara Ghulam Rasool Lone Abdul Ahad Lone UPS Sodal 12-07-1969 01-04-1980 12-07-1987 HM 8-9 DT 1-4-1980 Sweeper 100 OE DIET) D/O Gh Hassan Peer /W/o: 3 Villagam Sitara Bano HUPS Kukroosa 8th Pass(DIET) 14-04-67 01-10-87 01-10-1987 ZEO Estt/125-87 Dt- 01-10-87 Sweeper 55 OE Mohd Yaseen Pir HEADMAST MSDM/905 DATED 01-07- 4 HS Dapal 8TH(DIET) 05-06-1968 OE Khumriyal BASHIR AHMAD MIR Mohmmad Asadullah Mir 04-05-1988 04-05-1988 ER HS 1988 Sweeper 25 nil dt 5 Kupwara Nasrullah Khan Bhadur Khan Babapora 8th 04-12-1966 01-03-1989 01-03-1989 3/1/1989 SWEEPER 70 LF 1/3/89 Misplaced in Earthquake of 6 Chamkote Mohammad Farooq Rehmatullah Mir GMS Dhani 10th 01-03-1969 01-11-1989 01-11-1989 BEO Sweeper 100 OE 08/2005 7 Chamote Gh Hassan Shah Syed Ahmad Shah GMS Gundi Sydan 8th 10-01-1968 09-07-1990 09-07-1990 ZEO 166-67 dt-9/7/1990 Sweeper 150 OE 8 Khumriyal Mohd Yousuf Mir Gh Qadir Mir UPS Dal bala 8th 01-01-1973 02-05-1985 01-01-1991 DEO 205/D/207 DT 2-05-1985 Sweeper 25 OE HM GHS sweeper/Ch 9 Langate Mugli Bano Gh Ahmad Gujree GHSS Langate 9th 03-06-1970 01-04-1991 01-04-1991 20/GHSL Dated 01-04-1991 400 OE Langate owkidar Khumeriya 10 Ab Rashid Lone Ab Gaffar Lone MS Gagal Middle 01-04-1968 01-08-1991 01-08-1991 DEO 4966-68 dt-25-07-91 Sweeper 300 OE l DEOK/cam 11 Tangdar Fatteh Mohd Lone Mohammad lone BHS nachyian 9th 01-10-1971 01-11-1991 01-11-1991 17-18 dated: 21-10-1991 sweeper 500 OE p tangdar 12 Handwara Mohamed Ayoob Lone Abdul Gani Lone Ups Shogpora Middle 01-01-1974 01-03-1985 01-01-1992 ZEO 815-20 sweeper 100 OE 13 Tangdar Summender Shikh Sarwar Shikh BHS Hajitra Middle 01-01-1974 28-07-1988 01-01-1992 TEO T-9/626-628 date- 28-07-1988 Sweeper 150 OE Misplaced in Earthquake of 14 Chamkote Abdul Rashid Shah Wali BHSS Tadd 8th 04-01-1974 01-02-1990 04-01-1992 ZEO Sweeper 1500 LF 08/2005 ZEO 15 Trehgam Abdul Hamid Khan Mohd Maqbool Khan UPS M-J Khan 8th Pass 08-05-1965 15-01-1992 15-01-1992 556 Dt-15-01-92 Sweeper 55 O-E Trehgam Page 1 of 38 Dt of Engagement as Date of engagment fixed as per order No- Appointing Monthly Source from which the S. No Zone Name Parentage Place of posting Qualif- Date of Birth :- DSEK /NT/CPW/39- Ref-of order Job Assigned Remarks if any CPW 44/2013/all/3666-75 dt:-20-4-2013 authority Wages perks being paid 16 Rafiq Ahmad Rather Gh Quadir Rather GUPS Shaharkoot 8th Pass 05-02-74 01-04-90 05-02-1992 BEO Estt/CPW/06/10 Dt- 01-04-90 Chowkidar 55 OE 17 Drugmulla Ab- Rashid Mir Ab Jabar Mir GMS Fakirpora Matric Pass 02-03-1973 01-03-1992 01-03-1992 ZEO ZEOD/05 dated 01-03-1992 SWEEPER 200 OE 18 Handwara Nazeer Ahmad Khatana Saifudin Khatana Ups Ucher Middle 01-03-1973 07-03-1992 07-03-1992 ZEO Hand 186-87 NC 55 OE BEO 19 Langate Zahoor Ahmad Malla Wali Mohd Malla BMS Muqam 11th 25-03-1974 01-01-1989 25-03-1992 Acctt/1807 Dated 15-02-1989 Sweeper 25 OE Langate 20 Kralpora Gh Hassan Lone Ali Mohd lone GMS Panzgam 9th pass 02-03-1968 28-03-1992 28-03-1992 BEO No-1190/91 Dt-28-03-1992 chowkidar OE OE D/S/PT/194-192 DT 30-03- 21 Kupwara Gh Mohi udin Lone AB SATAR UPS Pushwari 8TH PASS 01-04-1968 30-03-1992 30-03-1992 HM SWEEPER 200 0E 1992 22 Rajwar Gh Mohd Kumar Gh Rasool Kumar ZEO Office 9th Pass 07-10-1966 01-04-1992 01-04-1992 BEO estt/104-05 Dated:-1-4-1992 Chowkidar 500 OE sweeper 23 Sogam Bashir Ahmad Lone Sida Lone BMS Surigam 8th 05-03-1974 04-04-1992 04-04-1992 ZEO 119/ZEOS Dt-04/04/1992 500 OE cum 24 Handwara Ab- Rashid Wani Ab Ahad Wani UPS Horn T-D-C 15-03-1972 04-06-1992 06-04-1992 ZEO Hand 2025-26, 06-04-92 Sweeper 25 OE 25 Langate Mashok Ahmad Lone Gh Ahmad Lone ZEO Office Langate 8th 25-04-1974 08-02-1991 25-04-1992 BEO 650 Dated 08-02-1991 Sweeper 2000 OE Headmaste Water 26 Drugmulla Aisha Bano D/o: Gh- Rasool Mir GHS Drugmulla Middle Pass 21-12-1976 08-05-1992 08-05-1992 GHSD148B dated 08-05-1992 650 OE r carrier 27 Villagam Nazir Ahmad Rather Gh Hassan Rather Ups malik Pora 10+2 01-01-72 14-05-1992 14-05-1992 ZEO Estt/117 Sweeper 250 OE D/O Mohd Ramzan Lone W/O 104 28 Mawer Mugli Bagum GUPS ASHPORA 8TH 01-04-1968 01-06-1992 01-06-1992 ZEO Sweeper 25 OE Gh Rasool Mir 01/06/1992 29 Drugmulla Mohd Azim Chachi Mubeen Chachi UPS Khanbasti Middle Pass 04-04-1968 01-06-1992 01-06-1992 ZEO 300-302 dt 03-05-1993 Sweeper 300 OE sweeper 5943-45 cum 30 Mawer GH RASOOL HAJAM GH MOHD HAJAM ZEO MAWER 10+2 01-06-1974 13-04-1992 01-06-1992 DEO 150 OE Date 03/11/1992 chowkidar/ water man 31 Villagam Gh Quadir Lone Gh Mohd Lone Ups Cheerkot 8th Pass 15-02-69 19-06-92 19-06-1992 HT 221-24 Sweeper LF 32 Sogam Gh Qadir Mir Gh Mohd Mir Ups Charigund 8th 01-10-1962 01-07-1992 01-07-1992 ZEO 147 Sweeper 250 OE 33 Sogam Alif-U-Din Khan Gh Mohi-u-din Khan BPS Kalaked Middle 23-04-1970 01-07-1992 01-07-1992 NA 147 Sweeper 2500 OE 34 Chamkote Khursheed Ahmad Manhas Barkatullah Manhas GMS Chamkote 9th pass 16-03-1971 11-07-1992 11-07-1992 ZEO ZEOC/231-32 dt:11-07-92 Water-man 800 OE ZEO 35 Trehgam Ab Rashid Dar Gh Rasool Dar UPS Hundi Middle Pass 01-02-1968 20-07-1992 20-07-1992 302-3 Dt-20-07-92 Sweeper 55 OE Trehgam 36 Khumriyal Bashir Ahmad Dhobi Gh Mohd Dhobi BHSS Khumriyal 9th 25-11-1971 29-07-1992 29-07-1992 HM 43 DT 29-07-1992 Sweeper 1000 OE sweepr cum 37 Chamkote Layakat Ali Barkat Ali BMS Chitterkote Middle 01-08-1974 31-07-1989 01-08-1992 BEO ZEOC/990-91 dt;10-04-90 100 OE chowkidar sweepr cum 38 Tangdar Abdul Rashid Wali Mohd BMS Dildar Middle 20-08-1966 01-09-1992 01-09-1992 ZEO T-4-1311 250 OE chowkidar ZEO 39 Langate Mohd Rafeeq Bhat Habibullah Bhat MS Yaroo 9th 06-02-1972 01-09-1992 01-09-1992 476-77 Dated 12-10-1992 Langate 40 Sogam Gh-Nabi Khan Ab-Jabbar Khan BHSS Lalpora 8th 05-12-1971 01-11-1992 01-11-1992 CEO DEK/10031 Dt-23/12/1992 Chowkidar 1300 LF 41 Sogam Shabir Ahmad Mir Gh-Hassan Mir BHSS Lalpora 8th 04-01-1974 01-11-1992 01-11-1992 DEK DEK/10030 Dt-23/12/1992 Sweeper 1500 LF 42 Villagam Mohd Yaseen Daded Mohd karim Daded PS Sochalyri 10th pass 01-11-74 20-08-1988 01-11-1992 BEO 370-05/07/1988 Sweeper 150 OE DEO 43 Sogam GH-Mohd Ganaie Ab-Ahad Ganaie GMS Kanthpora 8th 11-11-1974 28-02-1991 11-11-1992 7033-34 Dt.
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