Zoning Report Subject Property: 3450 E Pico Blvd Los Angeles, California 90023 APN: 5190-036-023 Prepared For: Seth Polen Email: [email protected] Report #05-004-20 www.whatismyzoning.com 0 Property Information 3450 E Pico Blvd Los Property Address: Angeles, California 90023 APN: 5190-036-023 Zoning Code: M2 Zoning Code Definition: Light Industrial Zone Art Exhibit, Coffee Proposed Use: Roaster, Warehouse Use Acceptability (Art Permitted Exhibit): Use Acceptability (Coffee Permitted Roaster): Use Acceptability Permitted (Warehouse): Zoning Code Fig. 1. Zoning Code Definition What Is My Zoning Page 1 © 2020. - What is My Zonning.com GP. All rights reserved Fig. 2. Color Code for Land Uses. (Black Font = Permitted) Fig. 3. Permitted uses. (Permitted = Art Gallery, Coffee Roasting, Warehouse) *Additional Notes: Attached is a list of uses permitted in the M2 zone. If the font is black that means it is a permitted use. If the use is in red font it will need a CUP. A wide range of uses are accepted. General representation of the provided property site information supported from: [http://library.amlegal.com/nxt/gateway.dll/California/lapz/municipalcodechapteriplanningandzoningco/chapterigeneralprovisionsa ndzoning/article2specificplanning- zoningcomprehen/sec1219m2lightindustrialzone?f=templates$fn=default.htm$3.0$vid=amlegal:lapz_ca$anc=JD_12.19..] [https://planning.lacity.org/odocument/647665b9-6246-4eaf-a70c-f06285ff28c4/UseListMemo.pdf] What Is My Zoning Page 2 © 2020. - What is My Zonning.com GP. All rights reserved VINEGAR MANUFACTURING (in a completely enclosed building). Any building containing dwelling units or guest rooms; WIRE FENCING MANUFACTURING - from previously fabricated material - no galvanizing. The open air sale of merchandise from a privately owned vacant lot or drive-in theater. WOVEN WIRE MANUFACTURING (same limitations as Fencing Manufacturing). Cement or concrete products manufactured in the YEAST MANUFACTURING - in a completely enclosed open. building. Conditional and Public Benefit Uses: The following uses when conducted wholly within a completely ARCADE, containing 5 or more coin, slug, or electronic enclosed building or enclosed by a solid wall or solid fence at controlled game machines, according to Section 12.24 W. 34. least 6 feet in height (see Section 12.17.6 B. 3 - no stored material or equipment may be higher than the enclosing wall or AUTOMOBILE DETAILING. fence, except for lumber yards): AUTOMOTIVE PAINTING (distance and building enclosure AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT SALES YARD, wholesale. requirements as required by 12.14 A.27) BARREL STORAGE, empty. AUTOMOTIVE USES, other, according to Section 12.24 W. 4. BUILDING MATERIALS SALVAGE YARD. BAR, according to Section 12.24 W. 1; must meet ABC requirements. LUMBER YARD, wholesale. BEER TASTING ESTABLISHMENT, according to Section 12.24 MONUMENT WORKS. W. 1; must meet ABC requirements. PLANING MILL. CEMETERY, performance standards, according to Section 14.00 A. 1. TRUCK and UTILITY TRACTOR RENTAL of trucks with CHILD CARE FACILITY (primarily for children of local registered net weight over 5,600 pounds. workers), according to Section 12.24 W. 51. CHIPPING and GRINDING ACTIVITIES (not fully enclosed), The following uses when conducted wholly within an enclosed building: according to Section 12.24 W. 8. CHURCH, according to Section 12.24 W. 9. JUNK COLLECTION, SORTING, STORAGE, or BALING. COCKTAIL LOUNGE, according to Section 12.24 W. 1; must PAPER COLLECTION, SORTING, STORAGE, or BALING. meet ABC requirements. RAG COLLECTION, SORTING, STORAGE, or BALING. CORRECTIONAL or PENAL INSTITUTION, according to Section 12.24 U. 5. SCRAP METAL COLLECTION, SORTING, STORAGE, or BALING. CYBER CAFÉ – containing five or more computers or terminals, according to ZA 2003-2970 and Section 12.24 W. 34. DANCE CLUB, according to Section 12.24 W. 18. (a). M2 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ZONE DANCE HALL, according to Section 12.24 W. 18. (a). Any Open Lot Use Permitted in the A or R Zones, Which Does Not Involve the Use of Buildings or Structures Other Than EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION, according to Section 12.24 U. Accessory Buildings Incident to the Use of Land. 6. NOTE: All retail stores, shops or businesses shall be limited to less than 100,000 square feet of floor area. ELECTRIC POWER GENERATING SITE, PLANT, or STATION, according to Section 12.24 U. 7. ZONES M1 or MR2 USES with no building or enclosed area FARMER’S MARKET, according to Section 12.24 X. 6. (a). (4). required, except where such requirement is indicated below, but not including any of the following: FIREARM / AMMUNITION SALES, according to Section 12.24 W. 41. Any building permitted in any R Zone, other than accessory buildings incident to the use of the land; 122 GASTROPUB, according to Section 12.24 W. 1; must meet ABC PAWNSHOP, according to Section 12.24 W. 33. requirements. RECYCLABLE MATERIALS COLLECTION, BUYBACK GEOLOGICAL CORE HOLE DRILLING and TESTING, CENTERS, MOBILE RECYCLING CENTERS, when the facility temporary, according to Section 12.24 W. 47. is not in compliance with the conditions set forth in Section 12.21 A. 18. (d), according to Section 12.24 U. 22. (b). GOVERNMENTAL ENTERPRISE, performance standards, according to Section 14.00 A. 3. RECYCLING MATERIALS PROCESSING FACILITIES, when the facility is not in compliance with the conditions set forth in HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY, storage and/or treatment, Section 12.21 A. 18. (f), according to Section 12.24 U. 22. (c). according to Section 12.24 U. 10. RECYCLING MATERIALS SORTING FACILITY, when the HISTORICAL VEHICLE COLLECTION (accessory), according facility is not in compliance with the conditions set forth in Section 12.21 A. 18. (e), according to Section 12.24 U. 22. (d). to Section 12.24 X. 29. SANITARIUM, according to Section 12.24 U. 12. HOSPITAL, according to Section 12.24 U. 12; incidental Heliport, according to Section 12.24 W. 23. SEA WATER DESALINATION FACILITY, according to Section 12.24 U. 25. HOSTESS DANCE HALL, according to Section 12.24 W. 18. (b). SCHOOL, private, elementary, middle, or high, according to HOTEL, motel, apartment hotel, hostel, transient occupancy residential structure (when more than half of the lot is located Section 12.24 U. 24. (b). in a commercial zone), according to Section 12.24 W. 24. (b). SCHOOL, public, elementary, middle, or high, according to JOINT LIVING / WORK QUARTERS for ARTISTS and Section 12.24 U. 24. (a). ARTISANS, according to Section 12.24 X. 13. SEXUAL ENCOUNTER ESTABLISHMENT, according to Section LAND RECLAMATION PROJECT, according to Section 12.24 U. 12.24 W. 18. (c). 13. SHELTER for the HOMELESS, fewer than 30 beds, with reduced LIBRARY, public, performance standards, according to Section parking requirements, performance standards according to 14.00 A. 3. Section 14.00 A 8. LIQUOR STORE, according to Section 12.24 W. 1; must meet SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM STRUCTURES, not otherwise ABC requirements. permitted, according to Section 12.24 W. 53. LOUNGE, according to Section 12.24 W. 1; must meet ABC SOLID WASTE ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGY PROCESSING requirements. FACILITY, according to Section 12.24 U. 28. SPRAY BOOTH, indoor. MASSAGE PARLOR, adult entertainment business, according to Section 12.24 W. 18. (c). SPRAY BOOTH, outdoor. MEDICAL WASTE TREATMENT, according to Section 12.24 STORAGE BUILDING for HOUSEHOLD GOODS, including U. 10. truck rentals, less than 500 feet from an A or R Zone, according to Section 12.24 W. 50. MICROBREWERY (on-site consumption), according to Section 12.24 W. 1; must meet ABC requirements. SWAP MEET, indoor, according to Section 12.24 W. 42. (c). MODEL HOME, according to Section 12.24 X. 15. TAVERN, according to Section 12.24 W. 1; must meet ABC requirements. NATURAL RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT, according to Section 12.24 U. 17. TRAILERS for USE as TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATIONS for HOMELESS PERSONS, NURSERY SCHOOL (primarily for children of local workers), performance standards, according to Section 14.00 A. 9. according to Section 12.24 W. 51. (a). OPEN AIR SALES (vacant lot). WINE BAR, according to Section 12.24 W. 1; must meet ABC requirements. OUTDOOR OPEN SALES, according to Section 12.24 W. 42. (a). WINE TASTING ESTABLISHMENT, according to Section 12.24 W. 1; must meet ABC requirements. 123 BLENDING and MIXING of COMPOUNDS for CASE WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY, when the HARDENING, TEMPERING and cleaning of metals - dry mix property containing the facility is located across the street from, and cold process using previously prepared ingredients which abutting, or adjoining a residential use or A or R Zone, are non-explosive, non-flammable and do not produce including the RA Zone, and/or if the facility cannot meet the obnoxious or dangerous odors, dust, fumes or gases - no change Wireless Telecommunication Facilities standards contained in in chemical composition (see ZAI 1305). Section 12.21 A.20. of this Code, according to Section 12.24 W. 49. BOOSTER PUMP STATION, with in-line heater system for oil pipeline - no tanks (also see Booster Pump and Flow Control ADHESIVE MANUFACTURING, liquid - from previously Station in C2 Zone). prepared material - no rendering or reduction of vegetable or animal matter. BOXES and CRATES (secondhand) STORAGE, DISPLAY, PROCESSING, or SALES (for limitations see Section 12.19 A. 4. AIRCRAFT ENGINE TESTING (ZAI 2156). (b)). AIRCRAFT FUELING STATION (see Section 57.04 of the Los BRIQUETTE MANUFACTURING from previously prepared Angeles Municipal Code). charcoal - enclosed grinding and processing equipment - no burning. AIRCRAFT HANGAR. BUILDING MATERIALS SALVAGE YARD (same limitations as AIRCRAFT REPAIRING. for Automobile Wrecking). CARGO CONTAINER STORAGE YARD. AIRPORT or AIRCRAFT LANDING FIELD. CARPET or RUG MANUFACTURING. ALLIGATOR FARM. CATTLE BREEDING, GRAZING, RAISING, or TRAINING - no ANIMAL KEEPING, wild. stockyard or cattle feeding yard. ANIMAL RAISING (see definition of Accessory Use) no hog CEMETERY. ranches having more than five swine or stockyards or cattle feeding yard. CEMETERY, pet animal - individual burials - no dumping or crematory. ANTI-KNOCK COMPOUND (for gasoline) MANUFACTURING.
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