Official Advanced Game Adventure ROSTER BOOK TABLE OF CONTENTS How to Use This Book . .......... ................ 2 Mastermind, Meggan, Mentac, the Li ving Computer. A: Adversary, Aguila, Alchemy, Angel, Animator, Mentallo, Mesmero, Meteorite, Mimic. Mirage, Mist Annalee, Ape, Apocalypse, Arcade, Archangel, Arclight, Mistress, Mister Sinister, Mojo, Mole, Monitor. Moon Boy. Ariel, Astro (Vance), Avalanche, Auric . ............. 3 Mystique ........... ..... ..... ...... ... ... 40 B: Bandera, Banshee, Beast, Beautiful Dreamer, N: Namorita, Nanny, N'Astirh, Nekra, Nightcrawler. Belasco, Berzerker, Big To p, Binary, Bird Boy, Black Noise, Nowlan (Michael). Nuklo ......... .... ... 53 Bishop, Black King, Black Queen, Black Rook, Blob, 0: Occult, Orphan-Maker ... ......... .... .... 56 Blockbuster, Blow- Hard, Boom Boom, Brood Mutants P: Paralyzer, Peeper, Persuader. Persuasion. Pestilence. (Group), Burner, Bushwacker ....... .............. 7 Phoenix, Pipeline, Piper, Plasma, Polaris, Poltergeist, C: Cable Caliban, Callisto, Cannonball, Captain Britain, Prism, Professor X, Proteus, Pryor (Madelyne), Psylocke, Cassidy (Black To m), Catseye, Chance, Changling, Punchout. Pyro ... ....................... .... 57 Chantel (Lourdes), Cheney (Lila), Cloak, Collins (Rusty), Q: Quicksilver. Quill .......... .. .... .... .... 64 Colossus, Concussion, Cooper (Dr. Valerie), Crazy Gang R: Ransome (Jennifer Amelia). Reaper. Reavers (Group). (Group), Crimson, Crimson Commando, Crucible, Richtor, Riptide, Rogue, Roma, Roulette .... ....... 65 Cybelle, Cyclops, Cypher ....................... 13 S: Sabretooth, Sauron, Savage Land Mutates (Group). 0: Dagger, Dane (Lorna), Darkstar, Dazzler, Dean Scaleface, Scalphunter, Scarlet Witch, Scrambler, Sefton (Laura), Deathbird, Destiny, Devil Dinosaur, Diamond Lil, (Amanda). Shatter-Box, Shadowcat, Sharkskin. Shocker. Doppleganger . ............... ...... ...... .. 20 Siberian Tiger, Sister Salvation, Silver, Silver Samurai, E: Eel, Empath, Erg, Evans (William, Junior) ........24 Siryn. Skids, Slither, Speed Freak, Spiral, Spyder, F: Fam ine, Farouk (Amahl), Fenris, Firestar, Flashback, Starjammers (Group), Stealth, Stinger, Stonewall, Storm, Forearm, Forge, Frenzy ...... ...... ... ....... 25 Strobe, Stryfe, Sub- Mariner, Summers (Nathan G: Garnoff (Father Alexi), Garokk the Petrified Man, Christopher), Sunder, Sunfire, Sunspot, Super Sabre, Gateway, Goblyn, Gomi, Gossamyr, Gremlin, Gypsy S'ym .. ........ ..... ...... ... ...... .. ........ 69 Moth, Gyrich (Henry Peter) . ....... ............. 27 T: Ta r Baby, Ta rot, Ta ttletale, Te chnet (Group), Te mpo, H: Hardcase and the Harriers (Group), Harpoon, Havok, Te ssa, Think Ta nk, Thumbellina, Thunderbird, Healer, Hodge (Cameron) . .. ....................30 Thunderiders (Group), Ticktock, Timeshadow, To ad, I: Iceman, Infectia, Iron Curtain . .. .. ....... 33 To mmy, To wer, Tr ask (Lawrence/Larry), Tr oll Associates J: Jade Dragon, Jetstream, Jubilee, Juggernaut .....34 (Group) ...................... ....... ... ... 81 K: Karma, Krakoa .................. ........ ... 35 U: Undertow, Unus the Untouchable, Ursa Major .... 88 L: Lady Deathstrike, Leech, Legion, Lifter, Lilandra, Link, V: Vanguard, Vanisher, Ve rtigo ............. ......89 Littlehale (Rebecca), Living Monolith, Lobo (Carlos), W: War, Warhawk, Warlock, Warwolves, Whirlwind, White Locust, Lockheed, Longshot, Lucifer . ..... .... .. .36 King, White Queen, Whiz Kid, Widget, Wild Child, M: M-Squad (Group), Moira MacTaggart, Maddicks Wildside, Wings, Wipeout, Wolfsbane, Wolverine ....90 (Artie), Madrox (Jamie), Magik, Magma, Magneto, X: X-Babies (Group) ............... .. .. .......95 Magus, Malice, Mandrill, Marvel Girl , Masque, Master Z: Zaladane, Zapper, Zero ... .. .. .. .......... 96 Mold, CREDITS Author: Jeff Grubb Editors: Warren & Caroline Spector Typography: Tracey Zamagne and Gaye O'Keefe Production: Sarah Feggestad Cover Art: Jeff Butler Interior Art: Jeff Butler and the Marvel Bullpen This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein Is prohibited without the express written consent of TSR, Inc., and Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House, Inc., and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hObby tr de by regional distributors. All characters appearing in this gamebook and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of the Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. MARVEL SUPER HEROES, MARVEL UNIVERSE and MARVEL SUPER VILLAINS are trademarks of the Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. 1990 C> Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. 111�---'>1 Game Design C> 1990 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. �: ROSTER BOOK·INTRODUCTION mon "super-hero" name where avail­ Rank numbers are listed below How to Use This able. Real name for those who do not each rank name in the ability listings. use such code names, last name first Beneath these scores are the charac­ Book (Example: Cheney, Lila). ter's Health, Karma, Resources, and REAL NAME-"Secret" identity or Popularity. This book, designed for judges and original name, where applicable. POWERS-All known powers are players of the MARVEL SUPER SUMMA RIZED STASTICS-The listed, along with major power stunts HEROES'· Roleplaying Game, is a basic ability scores of the hero. A the individual has developed. Mutants complete (or near-complete) compila­ number of abbreviations are used in usually have limited initial abilities, tion of every mutant in the Marvel Uni­ this statistics section. but they are masters of power stunts. verse, as well as their major The Power Rank of each power and non-mutant foes. Abilities stunt is listed, using the abbreviations Full entries, describing all aspects F = Fighting above. of a mutant's abilities and back­ A = Agility TALENTS-Known and revealed ground, are provided for most charac­ S = Strength talents are listed here. In general, tal­ ters. E = Endurance ents provide a + 1 Column Shift (ab­ Abbreviated entries are given for R = Reason breviated "CS") to related abilities, mutants who have appeared in other I = Intuition except where otherwise noted. MARVEL SUPER HEROES'· P = Psyche GROUPS-A full listing of organiza­ products. These shortened listings tions and partnerships to which the in­ describe only the most important Rank Names dividual has belonged. points about characters and their ca­ ShO = Shift 0 IN BRIEF-A summary of the char­ pabilities. FE = Feeble acter's background and personality, Multiple entries were required for PR = Poor including how his or her powers were several mutants (Beast, Marvel Girl , TY = Typical developed. Cyclops, and others). As characters GO = Good In addition, information about char­ evolve and gain experience during a EX = Excellent acters' weaknesses, limitations, campaign. they increase in power and RM = Remarkable equipment, and weaponry is provided ability. Similarly, characters in the IN = Incredible where appropriate. Marvel Universe grow over time AM = Amazing through training and by further muta­ MN = Monstrous tion. UN = Unearthly For example. the Scott Summers ShX = Shift X who joined Professor Xavier's school ShY = Shift Y years ago has matured into the leader ShZ = Shift Z of X-Factor. Hank McCoy, the Beast, CL 1000 = Class 1000 has gone through a number of physi­ CL3000 = Class 3000 cal mutations and no longer resem­ CL5000 = Class 5000 bles the man he once was-he is now, N/A = Not Applicable in appearance at least, a "beast," blue fur and all. Members of groups such as the Crazy Gang, the Te chnet, the Savage Land Mutates, and others will be found under a single entry. Some mu­ tants have been known to change groups and allegiances. (Magneto, for example, has gone from being the X­ Men's greatest foe to being a team­ mate and back to being a foe again). All of a character's former member­ ships are listed with each entry. The various mutant groups are discussed in detail in the "Mutant Histories" sec­ tion of the Campaign Book. Each entry includes the following in­ formation: NAME-Code name or most com- 2 A He also trapped Roma, guardian of KNOWN POWERS ADVERSARY the multiverse, in her own fortress. Tr ansmutation: The ability to trans­ Adversary adopted Forge's Dallas mute any substance into a primary el­ headquarters as his base of opera­ ement. Each new element is a F A S E RI P tions. The X-Men attacked this base separate power stunt. In the past, Al­ MN AM AM C1000 MN MN UN and made their way to the dimension chemy has worked primarily with 75 50 50 1000 75 75 100 where Roma, Storm, and Forge were metals like lead, copper, and gold. For Health: 1175 Karma: 250 held prisoner. Longshot's steel each 100 pounds of metal converted Resources: N/A Popularity: - 20 blades, Rogue's draining ability, and he must make an Endurance FEAT or Colossus' steel form weakened Ad­ lose an equal number of hit points KNOWN POWERS versary, but only when they voluntarily (one roll per transformation). Omniversal Ability: Adversary seems sacrificed their lives was Adversary TALENTS Chemistry. capable of using any super-powered removed from this dimension. Roma GROUPS: None. ability, as long as it furthers his own brought the fallen X-Men back to life IN BRIEF: To m Jones, a young British ends of trickery, chaos, and decep­ as a reward. Adversary remains ac­ mutant, was kidnapped by a group of tion. Any powers he uses are at the tive, but not in our dimension. trolls seeking
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