DOE/NA-0023 Office of Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation Stockpile Stewardship Quarterly VOLUME 4 | NUMBER 2 | JUNE 2014 essage from the Assistant Deputy Administrator for Research, M Development, Test, and Evaluation, Dr. Kathleen Alexander t is with great on a wide range of experimental pleasure that platforms. A key experimental I EarlyRoot ofCareer Sandia Award National in Science Laboratories message for the and(SNL), Engineering; was awarded SNL a researcherPresidential StockpileI craft Stewardshipmy first capability for stockpile stewardship Stephanie Hansen received an Early Quarterly. I am measuringis the 40-mm the Impact dynamic Test properties Facility at of honored to lead Los Alamos National Laboratory for this organization plutonium data for more than 18 ourCareer Carnegie-DOE Research Program Alliance award Center from that performs plutonium. This facility has provided AcademicDOE’s Office Partners, of Science; Professors and two Steven of work crucial to high-foot implosion campaign on the success of the Defense Programs’ years. The technical article on the Eva Zurek (University at Buffalo, State Jackson (Northwestern University) and the National Ignition Facility (NIF) prestigious awards as well. science,mission. technology,I have confidence and engineering in the ability physicaldescribes phenomena exciting recent occurring experiments in University of New York) have received solutionsof the enterprise to the mission to deliver challenges the best designed to better understand key time on improving communications polar-drivethe NIF indirect-drive experiments capsules. on OMEGA The at workingFinally, to with all members all of you ofand the leading NNSA this withbefore our us. stakeholders I will be focusing regarding a lot ofthe my final technical article describes recent organizationRDT&E community: as we take I look on forward the exciting to importance and impact of the NNSA whichthe University were designed of Rochester to understand Laboratory thefor Laserphysics Energetics occurring and in direct-driveon NIF, challenges before us. mission.Office of Research,In addition, Development, I am committed Test to ensuringand Evaluation the health (RDT&E) and vitality on our ofcore the x-ray drive. implosions at facilities configured for One of the most rewarding elements RDT&E enterprise. of our program is to provide Inside 2 The Role of Computing in Stockpile In this issue, you will find articles which opportunities to students through the Stewardship Science Academic Stewardship thespan experimental the breadth ofscience activities performed in the 6 250 Shots and Counting! The 40-mm RDT&E portfolio—from computing to Impact Test Facility at Los Alamos energy density physics researchers National Laboratory’s TA-55 throughAlliances the (SSAA) High programEnergy Density and to high at our national laboratories and at 8 The High-foot Implosion Campaign rolean affiliated of computing university throughout facility. theThe on the National Ignition Facility computing article describes the critical Information on those opportunities history of the Stockpile Stewardship Laboratory Plasmas grant program. 10 Polar-drive Implosions Results from Program. OMEGA and the National Ignition issue of the Stockpile Stewardship Facility can be found on the final page of this Validation of our modeling and Quarterly. Of particular note is that 12 Highlights and Awards one of our past SSAA participants, Seth simulationComments capabilities is performed The Stockpile Stewardship Quarterly is produced by the NNSA Office of Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation. Questions and comments regarding this publication should be directed to Terri Stone at [email protected]. | Technical Editor: Dr. Joseph Kindel | Publication Editor: Millicent Mischo 2 The Role of Computing in Stockpile Stewardship by Bill Archer, Robert Webster, Mark Anderson, Jon Boettger, and Fred Wysocki (Los Alamos National Laboratory); Christopher Clouse (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory); and Kenneth Alvin and David Womble (Sandia National Laboratories) Why Simulations? Since the introduction of punch card for re-entry systems and for the safety accounting machines in the Manhattan Project in 1944, simulations have needThe Stockpile for nuclear Stewardship testing as aProgram means to and security of systems in abnormal ensure(SSP) has the been safety developed and performance to avoid the of the playsenvironments, a strong role e.g., incrash, exploring fire, lightning, the stockpilebeen used was to assist only tested in making in a veryweapon or blast. In all of these cases, simulation Stockpile Stewardship Quarterly Volume limitedperformance regime decisions of the stockpile-to- because the cycles, assessing performance, designing enduring stockpile. As described in the tests,design and space assuring and reducing the safety build-and-test and on a set of new experimental facilities testing, the only way to evaluate the security of the stockpile. for4, Number understanding 1 (May 2014)dynamic issue, performance it is based performancetarget sequence. impact Today of awithout change nuclear to the device is through simulation. Without of materials and a simulation capability experimentally explore the entire range The use of simulation also helps sustain considerably more predictive and ofnuclear physical tests, conditions it is not possiblethat exist to in a the knowledge-based deterrence called higher fidelity than the simulation tools thatfor in is the used 2010 to recruit, Nuclear educate, Posture and Review. With the end of nuclear testing, it was available during nuclear testing. retainSimulation new nuclearcapability weapon is a major designers. tool realized that computer simulation would nuclear weapon. The temperatures, have to, in essence, form a numerical material in a nuclear explosion, for pressures, and scale experienced by using simulations to carry out what-if Today, stewards are trained, in part, by nuclear experiments, would allow us to scenarios to see how changes affect test base that, along with focused non- example, cannot be simultaneously performance and to gain physical SSP uses simulations to help weapons accessed by any experimental facility. insight into the impact of changes to the avoid a return to nuclear testing. The plays an important role in reducing costs andEven improving where tests the are performance possible, simulation and What is fullstewards lifetime make of a decisions nuclear weapon; about the from safety of weapons systems. Costs limit aperformance Code? of a device. The integrated stockpile. These decisions span the Advanceddesign codes Simulation (IDCs) (see and the Computing to the performance impact of aging experiments involving the use of special sidebar) developed under the parts,performance to the one-point impacts of safety a refurbishment, of tooling nuclearthe manufacturability material. Costs and also availability limit the of complex tools requiring complex input, and(ASC) a masteryprogram of for the use use by of stewards these tools are configurations for dismantlement. number of tests that can be performed What Is a Code? An integrated design code is the collection of instructions to solve the many different types of physics involved in a nuclear The term “code” refers to a collection of instructions that tell a computer what to do, as shown in the code snippet (see Figure 1). weapon. Many of our codes work by breaking the problem down into small spatial pieces, called mesh cells, as shown in the setup of a shape charge (see Figure 2). The simulation time theis also simulation. subdivided Some into types pieces, of codescalled aretime more steps. accurate Each piece for simulating of physics solidis solved materials within while each cell during each time step. The code numerically follows the physics through time to solve other types of codes are more accurate for simulating the turbulent flow of liquids and gases. The numeric methods used to solve the physics also introduces different types of errors. For example when applied to a particular type of physics, one code method will introduce ASCstatistical program noise provide into the solution, whereas another method will cause spatial hot spots. The acodes complementary supported by set the of methods to allow us to understand the strengths and weaknesses of different types of codes and methods on each charge, showing the simulation situationparticular where problem. one Figure 2. Setup of a shaped This is definitely a each cell over an entire mesh. Figure 1. Snippet of code instructions to calculate internal energy in mesh (By Daniel Ingraham). size does not fit all! Volume 4 | Number 2 | June 2014 Stockpile Stewardship Quarterly 3 the steward and adequate peer review Equation-of-State (EOS) Modeling requires both hard work on the part of by other stewards. In addition, many of Simulations of nuclear devices require tabular EOSs that represent all materials in the basic algorithms developed within overthe system. a wide Therange reliability of compression of such simulations(104 is sensitive to the9 fidelity of those the SSP are employed in unclassified EOSEOSs. models The challenge used are is tuned to produce to match tabular experimental EOSs that data are accurateand results and from well-behaved atomistic internationallycodes for use on peer unclassified reviewed, problems thus simulations. Until recently, a well studied) and material temperature might have(10 ).data To thisalong end, the the room where results
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