Manchester E^tehih^M^erald WEironcspAY, wii, geooitd. Ueutooant Robert Beaman' Second Claaa Rudaon. W. Avarags Dally Ctrcnlstion \ Custer, sdn of Mr. and Mrs. L., lister, Jr., of St John, street Y O U N E E D About Town ^Custer of 436 E ast Middle Turm , who'lias been home on a seven- ' For the Month of Jane, 1S4S day furmOgh, returned to Rhode pike, is hoihe t« a ten-day’leave, REFRIGE^TIO^ " dPor Summer Comfort I liutlier Leagu* oC *m«iuel the first since July *0 of last year Island, last e^hnituf by plane. He r< 8 , 2 . 5 1 «n church aanouncei ^ • wfien he enlisted in the Air ^ r p a . received hia boot toal^gammg at theme _ ^ u t hike" for Monday irom- -He 'expecU to leave Buitday for Newport Naval Trainutlinutg gtotlon. Member of toe Audit July & auther Leaguen “ Recently atationed withivith thS^'-ac^ Tallahassee, Florida, for further ■ ' Bmoaa at i young peoide of the f training. Hla brother Arthur of man guard Unit there,e, hfhe will nm»^ - WV C A N G E T r e n -.iJ A X MnMM in going, ahould the Naval Corps Reserves who has enter the^ torpedo school for a 16' the church at. 6:00 a.i:^ been in training at RCnsaelaer week course. hiaitehdaU I^A Cp!f o f YUJUmm Charm jr, and the group wlU/P Polytechnic Institute at Troy, haa n ^ w i i : H A ihete to thei^ diNRhuiUa^ beenoeen homenoma forlut a« abortauwii. atay, an^ Mrs. William Rogers and Miss yOL.Lm^NO.282 W) MANCHESTEtt; THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1943 (TWELVE PAGES) one plannihj^ to attend Lieutenant Custer and his mother, ;j(firiam Hooks left for their home - T r _ notify Mlaa Ann^a®echler, have■_______ ______ returnedA from a visit to hisKim tri•_! Bridgeporf^________ a last night after, a hone 6960 or Mias B l ^ o r grandmother, Mrs. Jane TVler at visit -With their sisters in town, en, 3486, by Friday eye- Sound View, and younger brother Mri. Irving Ihrentlce and Mrs. "July 2. - Ronnie who ia at the Tyler cot- George Poota.’ Tni Test American BojnljeTs W h e r e A m b i iirces Landed in i : H * ' ^ , ? Miaa Marjorie C. Mitchell of 60 Miss Dorothy Steinberg bf 70 iMlfleld atreet left yeeterday for Benton,«reetx,hae .returned after , / o r vUie Oirl 'Scdut camp at Arlington, The Salvation Army Sunday '-yan where she will remain for the school picnic IB scheduled for Sat­ spending's two Weeks’ vacation urday afternoon at Highland Pa'rk, witb^her brother ahd aiaterrin-law, H i t ^ a l e r m ^ it Mx weeks as a councilor. Miss yf. xhell has long been interested bovs and glHa meeting at the ^ u U n S n t and Mrs: Ernest scouting, and won the. Golden citadel at 12:30.n ^^tclnberg of Anniston, Ala. .__glet, the highest honor, notmow awarded. She has also been wmem- Little Q fi^sition hsr of the Manchester Girl Scout X- Council and the L«adenr asaocia- and has attendejiK Camp An- the Foui^ti ijhea, Briarcliff Manor and other F our Axis Air ^^iblds on Salons Will IwUohal Girl Scout camps. Miss Sicily andx Sardinian : The Covenant - Congregational dntntejr Targets^Adso A ttacked; Hi dlinreh school will hold its annual From n ^ ete Flag OutBts Not Advise f,-^^cnlC on the afternoon of July 5, V i r e ^ Started and Twin Rtpng^ At^L6ase 65 'Enem y' ; ; a t the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Knox Lauds craft, 17 Ami / '^ohnsph, 25 Oak Grove street. B A T R m G ^Several Buildings De< t War . X /American Diep-Aids X' stroyed in Cagliari. Planes and 7, Rev. Karl Richter, pastor of the 3 ’x 5 ’ F k ^ $ 1 .9 8 set O f Drive Hit Gain^ Madi ncordia Lutheran church, who W ill be at^bur store fo r th e w eek of JuiiM^.^2^8tli xSentdors to Visit Bat­ United States Ti taking the month ofJuly fw SUITS\ ( (1 tilled Headquarters, Nofth , Two-piece blue enamel pole s-ith top, cord and holder. 'dr port Lost in g vacation, left this morning, by. to explain their health preparatioiip; Boxed 8’ X 6’ flag. Cotton seersuckefi, piqde, its,' ' July l.-^/P)—-Uliited tle Zones in Army n for Michigan. He will abend '' ** Sea and Air noajor part of the time with rayon and cotton Knita. tea bombers and fighter- Bomber; *No Strategy* X, ■ ■ ' tives, in Lansing and Iona, One and two-piece styles:' i bombers, of the Northwest Chairman Instructs. M acArthur in Supreme Latest ^ •rican Sue- Off Rendova ill h Pastor Richter and his wife Joyaiia Health D rink ..................4 9 c - 9 8 t Siaes 84 to 48. •. ^ African XAir^ Force blasted natives of Michigan. During Palermo f^d fOur Axis air Comtnanfl of Opera­ ce sse s in South Pa- First Specific Triu|(i 'absence the congregation of 4 ’ X6’ Flag $2*98 set Waahingtdn,^uly 1 — — A _jcordia church Will worship fields on Sifcily yesterday,.vir­ five-man Senate '"'delegation pre- tions; Activation of titfic Formi Timely 1th the neighlwring Emanuel l4i> Double B Wheirt Germ ...................................... iSaihe as above with 4* x 6* flag and 8’ pole. tually- without opposition- Ws8hing!^> July paj^ng to take off fof--A swing Plan Made in AppL Action to Fit Words. $2.95 to from enemy ^ghters, it was —Americaia invaders announced today. (The Italian around the world’s battle tones in centra] SolonJona hava Iwyal Cfrcle at King's Daugh* Souplets Veg. Brotlir an Army bdinber won’t boUier^Ehe. Allied Headquarters .Xrit- Aus­ Hollywood, July 1.-—(>P)—^Latest I Upli] hkye an important meet', high command \ communique, tured Viru Harbor, broadcast from Roine and record­ generals with any" free advice on tralia, July 1----(J ”)—^TWin prongs American successes in the South tomorrow evening at 7:3d at Concentrate . ,. ....... 25c, 49c, 98c irate how to win the war. pan’s Munda airba^- er church. Mrs. RolUn Hitt, ed by The'AaBociaved'Preaa, re­ of a momentous offensive against pacific constituted timely action 8 ft. 2-piece blue wiamel pole with $7.95 ^ ported "grmt damage and many That was made clear today- by Navy announced today, lie Mader, urges ovary member Senate Richard B. RussMl (D.,' the Japanese y ih the South and to fit the words of Navy Secretary a flerce aea^ and air batt can possibly l^a present to do^ S u n l e t s C e r e a l • • • • • • • ST* • • »I • • • • • • 2 5 c top, eofd and holder. casualtiea’’ at Palermcf, a port of Mrthweat Sicily. Sardiniap tar- Ga.), chairman of the group. Southwest Pkclflc were.thrust to­ Frank Knox. Rendova island in whfc 1.19 “No strategy," he said ficuly, day by land, sea and nlr, with Gen. gbto alao-were attacked, the .com- Douglaa MacArthur for the first “ The War lords of Tokyo know, least 65 enemy airciton 12 ft. 2-piece blue ehamel pole wit! mimique said. Fires were report­ calling hia flock together infbrmal- hot where or when the next blow The board ng directors of the R itam ine VitfimJn Capsules ly to see whose arm was the sor-' time in supreme command of United- States planeik. and A, heater Trust Ob. yesterday t<jp and cord—for lawns. , ed atwtt^ and aeyefal buildings This la an aerial View erf k portion of Japanese-occupied Rendova Island m the Solomons' where operations. will fall, he told a war bond ral-- ton United States toatunorit’i $2 .2 5 B l o u s e $ 2 ;4 9 deatroyeoNto Cagliari. eat from multiple inOceulations ly here laat night. Then, pausing the regular three per cent ■ with MinerRls ; . i$lJlO, $3 .0 0 , $5 .0 0 against desert distempers «uid American forces have landed. T h e iafand. a woody, volcanic formation with motintalns rising to a There were as the tines of a fork k>at. Viru, a port villa^ hatf ad to the stockholders. This In all white eotton. Sbtcellent to wear with slacka or akirta. Sub ntodure Continnea height ^ f 3,483 feet, is about 150-miles northwest of Guadalcanal and only five miles south of the-Oftr mosnentarily while a smile spread used by ,tte Japanoai as' fa''' Sizea 32 to 40. mountain maladies. pointed west and north toward across his face, be deviated brief­ ad U due and payable to< (Submarine pi<cuure upon Axis In general his associates agreed bombfid- Jap air baa$ a t Munda. (A$$oct4 i,ed Prcs» Phoio irom U. S. Navy.) New Britain island whose vol­ post for which llaa r, July 1. ^ S; ly from his speech to Sdd: 30 nautical miles to the Enrich Tablets with liver . .< ..................$ 2 . 0 0 ■upply Unea oontftu)^. The Lon­ with that deolBion. They are Sena- cano-studded harbor of Rabaul can ‘Tojo found that out! this morn­ BuUdpg Bunting Fl don Admiralty v,anno|mced that tots A. B. (Happy) Chandler (D., accefim^odsta a good-iHzed Navy west of"'New Georgia islonlL ■ ■ ' x..- ■ ■ »ir ^__ ing. Just before 1 took the ros­ had also been employed aa a A U C 8 OOPRAM Cotton Jersey British submarines haoNJeetroyad' Ky.), Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.,' (R.,' and whose airdromes make of it a trum I waa informed that other fKaeswi As Qubss AMce) The Finest ^lade ! /4jsed By U. S. Govwni^ntl a fast trahaport and thr^;^upply mighty air fortress.
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