ECHOES ORIENTof the VOLUME II The Writings of William Quan Judge In this second volume readers will we have a soul? Can it be lost? What find a wealth of theosophical teach­ happens to suicides? Is it possible to ings, history, and guidance. Nearly receive in dreams answers to ques­ half the book comprises articles from tions about right conduct? Should several magazines, as well as Judge’s psychic powers be developed? Are presentations at the 1893 World’s celibacy and vege tarianism necessary Parliament of Religions in Chicago, to lead a spiritual life? What evidence where he chaired the Theosophical is there for the existence of advanced Congress. The remaining sections humans or maha¯tmas? Why don’t include Hidden Hints in The Secret they make themselves better known? Doctrine; Questions from The Va¯han, How does one enter the spiritual path The Theosophical Forum, and The and “live the life” in a practical way? Path; Abridgement of Discussions; and How can one serve mankind? Faces of Friends. Judge’s responses to these and What is striking about Judge’s scores of other questions and problems writing is his exceptional ability to have timely relevance, providing help­ condense a powerful line of think­ ful insight into similar issues arising ing into simple language. If we may in today’s spiritual ferment. characterize the contents of Volume I as coming from the plane of “pure buddhi” or intuition — as H. P. Blav­ atsky once remarked of Judge’s Path magazine — much of the material in William Quan Judge (1851-1896) was this second volume, while covering a born in Dublin, Ireland, and emigrated broad philosophic territory, brings the with his family to America in 1864. reader more closely in touch with the A lawyer by profession, he was a co­ secular and practical side of Theoso­ founder of the Theosophical Society phy. Here we learn more about how in New York City in 1875, becoming people responded to the reintroduction General Secretary of its American and challenge of theosophic wisdom Section in 1886 and President of the in modern times. The effects were Theosophical Society in America in both ele vating and unsettling, and one 1895. As an indefatigable writer, of Judge’s primary efforts was to try lecturer, organizer, and correspondent, to help as many as possible establish his contribution to theosophy was ac­ surer footing on this newly rising con­ knowledged by H. P. Blavatsky shortly tinent of spiritual­scientific thought. before she died, referring to him as her One result of H. P. Blavatsky’s “oldest friend and fellow­worker, . groundbreaking works was a flood publicly tendering him my most sin­ of questions sent to Judge on every cere thanks and deeply­felt gratitude, conceivable topic: What happens to us in the name of Theosophy, for the after death? Can this be known? Do noble work he is doing and has done.” Cover design: Patrice Hughes • The claim of William Q. Judge upon us is impersonal and universal. If there be little said about him as an occultist, it is because such men, in such relations, leave no visible, material traces. Of them it may be said, in the language of paradox: They are known to be what they are because they are unknown; they have suffered that other men may rejoice; hatred is their portion because they have loved much; sorrow is their lot until that day when the whole world shall rejoice. Such men, in their unrecorded deeds, wear the likeness of the rootless Root, the unevolved Evolver, in the sense that, being themselves obscure, they are the source of greatness in others. Themselves silent, they are the cause of elo quence in others. Theirs are the thoughts which spur others to great deeds. Theirs is the quietness which overcomes everything, just as water, the softest thing, overcomes all hardness. They, and they alone, come into this world of ours with one idea, one ideal, which they carry out along a hundred lines with unwavering purpose, never pausing, never resting, never changing, knowing no alteration of mind, no lesser deity than the One Self, no other service than the service of that Self hidden in humanity. — Julia Keightley William Quan Judge 1851 – 1896 ECHOES ORIENTof the The Writings of William Quan Judge VOLUME II Compiled by Dara Eklund THEOSOPHICAL UNIVERSITY PRESS pasadena, california H Theosophical University Press Post Office Box C Pasadena, California 91109-7107 www.theosociety.org (626) 798-3378 tupress @ theosociety.org 2011 Second and Revised Edition Copyright © 1980, 2009 by Dara Eklund. All rights reserved. PDF eBook ISBN 978-1-55700-200-6 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Judge, William Quan, 1851-1896. Echoes of the Orient : the writings of William Quan Judge / compiled by Dara Eklund. — 2nd and rev. ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-55700-195-5 (cloth., v.1 : alk. paper) — ISBN 978- 1-55700-196-2 (cloth., v.2 : alk. paper) — ISBN 978-1-55700-197-9 (cloth., v.3 : alk. paper) — ISBN 978-1-55700-194-8 (pbk., v.4, cumulative index : alk. paper) 1. Theosophy. I. Eklund, Dara. II. Title. BP525. J77 2008 299′. 934 — dc22 2008042215 This PDF eBook produced at Theosophical University Press Pasadena, California Contents List of Illustrations . x Foreword . xi From THE IR I SH THEOSOPH I S T Introductory Note . 3 Tributes to W. Q. Judge . 4 Meditation, Concentration, Will . 7 The Closing Cycle . 9 Three Great Ideas . 12 From LUC I FER An Astrological Question . 15 “Yours till Death and after, H.P.B.” . 16 H.P.B at Enghien . 21 On the Future: A Few Reflections . 24 Concerning Mr. Foulke’s Claims . 28 Mesmerism . 31 The Sheaths of the Soul . 40 Convention of the European Section . 43 vi Echoes of the Orient An Interesting Letter . 46 India, A Trumpet Call at a Crisis . 49 The Prayag Letter . 53 “Blavatskianism” In and Out of Season . 58 Theosophical Correspondence Class . 64 From THE THEOSOPH I S T The New York Theosophical Society . 69 The Moral Law of Compensation . 70 Astrology Verified . 73 The Adepts in America in 1776 . 76 Theosophy and the Destiny of India (Bombay) . 80 The West and What India Can Give It (Poona) . 82 Mr. William Q. Judge at Hyderabad . 83 Theosophy and the Destiny of India (Secunderabad) . 85 Is There a Soul in Man? . 90 Are the “Arabian Nights” All Fiction? . 92 Thought Transference or Mind Reading . 95 Chirognomy and Palmistry . 97 The Nāḍīgranthams . 101 Theosophical Theories of the Microcosm . 104 Jacob Boehme and The Secret Doctrine . 106 India and Her Theosophists . 112 Contents vii World’s Parliament of Religions Compiler’s Notes and Introductory . 119 The Theosophical Congress . 125 Theosophy Generally Stated . 135 Theosophy in the Christian Bible . 140 Universal Brotherhood a Fact in Nature . 143 [Invocations] . 148 The Organized Life of The Theosophical Society . 149 [On Common Doctrines] . 156 Cycles and Cyclic Law . 164 The Theosophical Congress & The Parliament of Religions . 168 Selections from THE PA T H Notice to Inquirers . 179 Contemporary Literature and Theosophy . 179 Editorial Note . 182 “Peace with Honor” or “A Scientific Frontier” . 183 To Theosophists Willing to Work . 185 The New “Department of Branch Work” . 186 Libel by Dr. Coues and the “New York Sun” . 188 The Oriental Department . 189 “The Brotherhood of the New Life” . 192 The Light of Egypt . 193 The Ashes of H.P.B. 194 viii Echoes of the Orient Impossibilities Demanded . 198 Two Theosophical Events . 199 Theosophical Correspondence Class . 202 Of Funds and Property . 205 The Theosophical Society . 208 A Parent T.S. Diploma . 213 H. S. Olcott versus H.P.B. 215 The Work Since May . 217 Hidden Hints in THE SECRE T DOC T R I NE (From The Path, 1891-2) . 223 Questions from THE Vā H A N Questions and Answers (1891-92) . 243 Questions from THE THEOSOPH I CA L FORUM Questions and Answers (1889-95) . 253 Questions from THE PA T H Questions and Answers (1887-96) . 389 The Stream of Thought and Queries . 411 Are There New Souls? Why Reincarnation? . 418 Transmigration of Souls . 419 Contents ix Evolution . 421 Rings, Rounds, and Obscuration . 424 [Questions and Answers continued] . 427 Abridgement of Discussions Abridgement of Discussions . 439 Faces of Friends Jirah Dewey Buck . 471 Edward Burroughs Rambo . 472 Major General Abner Doubleday . 474 Jerome A. Anderson . 477 Allen Griffiths . 479 T. Subba Row . 480 Bertram Keightley . 481 Dr. Archibald Keightley . 485 G. N. Chakravarti . 487 Countess Constance Wachtmeister . 489 H. Dharmapala . 492 George R. S. Mead . 493 Claude Falls Wright . 496 George Edward Wright . 497 Jasper Niemand (Mrs. Archibald Keightley) . 499 Tukaram Tatya [Padval] . 504 x Echoes of the Orient James Morgan Pryse . 507 Isabel Cooper-Oakley . 509 Emil August Neresheimer . 513 Ernest Temple Hargrove . 514 Rangampalli Jagannathiah and T. A. Swaminatha Aiyar . 516 Pagination Key to 1st Edition . 521 Bibliography . 523 Index . 529 Illustrations William Quan Judge (Frontispiece) . ii Æ: George William Russell . 2 Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (c. 1877, Sarony) . 17 Photo sent by H.P.B. to Professor Hiram Corson . 18 T.S. Representatives at the World’s Parliament of Religions . 120 “Anandamaya-Kosa” Document . ..
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