M392C NOTES: SPIN GEOMETRY ARUN DEBRAY DECEMBER 6, 2016 These notes were taken in UT Austin’s M392C (Spin Geometry) class in Fall 2016, taught by Eric Korman. I live-TEXed them us- ing vim, so there may be typos; please send questions, comments, complaints, and corrections to [email protected]. Any mistakes in the notes are my own. Thanks to Adrian Clough and Yixian Wu for fixing a few typos. CONTENTS 1. Lie Groups: 8/25/16 2 2. Spin Groups and Clifford Algebras: 8/30/164 3. The Structure of the Clifford Algebra: 9/1/167 4. Representations of so(n) and Spin(n): 9/6/16 10 5. The Half-Spinor and Spinor Representations: 9/8/16 12 6. Vector Bundles and Principal Bundles: 9/13/16 15 7. Clifford Bundles and Spin Bundles: 9/15/16 18 8. Spin Structures and Stiefel-Whitney Classes: 9/20/16 21 9. Connections: 9/27/16 24 10. Parallel Transport: 9/29/16 26 11. Curvature: 10/4/16 28 12. Compatibility with the Metric: 10/6/16 30 13. Chern-Weil theory: 10/11/16 33 14. The Chern Character and the Euler Class: 10/13/16 36 15. A Crash Course in Riemannian Geometry: 10/18/16 39 16. Hodge Theory: 10/20/16 42 17. Dirac Operators: 10/25/16 45 18. Dirac Bundles: 10/27/16 48 19. The Lichnerowicz-Bochner Method: 11/1/16 50 20. Clifford Curvature: 11/3/16 53 21. Complex Geometry: 11/8/16 55 22. Kähler Geometry: 11/10/16 58 23. Analysis of Dirac Operators: 11/15/16 60 24. Sobolev Spaces of Dirac Bundles: 11/17/16 63 25. Elliptic Estimates and the Hodge Decomposition: 11/22/16 66 26. The Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem: 11/29/16 68 27. K-theory and Families of Dirac Bundles: 12/1/16 71 28. Bott Periodicity: 12/6/16 73 1 2 M392C (Spin Geometry) Lecture Notes Lecture 1. Lie Groups: 8/25/16 There is a course website, located at https://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/ekorman/teaching/spingeometry/. There’s a list of references there, none of which we’ll exactly follow. We’ll assume some prerequisites for this class: definitely smooth manifolds and some basic algebraic topology. We’ll use cohomology, which isn’t part of our algebraic topology prelim course, but we’ll review it before using it. Introduction and motivation. Recall that a Riemannian manifold is a pair (M, g) where M is an n-dimensional smooth manifold and g is a Riemannian metric on M, i.e. a smoothly varying, positive definite inner product on each tangent space Tx M over all x M. 2 Definition 1.1. A local frame on M is a set of (locally defined) tangent vectors that give a positive basis for M, i.e. a smoothly varying set of tangent vectors that are a basis at each tangent space. A Riemannian metric allows us to talk about orthonormal frames, which are those that are orthonormal with respect to the metric at all points. T Recall that the special orthogonal group is SO(n) = A Mn AA = I, det A = 1 . This acts transitively on orthonormal, oriented bases, and therefore also acts transitivelyf 2 onj orthonormal framesg (as a frame determines an orientation). Conversely, specifying which frames are orthonormal determines the metric g. In summary, the data of a Riemannian structure on a smooth manifold is equivalent to specifying a subset of all 1 frames which is acted on simply transitively by the group SO(n). This set of all frames is a principal SO(n)-bundle over M. By replacing SO(n) with another group, one obtains other kinds of geometry: using GL(n, C) instead, we get almost complex geometry, and using Sp(n), we get almost symplectic geometry (geometry with a specified skew-symmetric, nondegenerate form). Remark 1.2. Let G be a Lie group and M be a manifold. Suppose we have a principal G-bundle E M and a representation2 ρ : G V , we naturally get a vector bundle over M. ! ( ! 3 A more surprising fact is that all representations of SO(n) are contained in tensor products of the defining n representation of SO(n) (i.e. acting on R by orientation-preserving rotations). Thus, all of the natural vector bundles are subbundles of tensor powers of the tangent bundles. That is, when we do geometry in this way, we obtain no exotic vector bundles. If n 3, then π1(SO(n)) = Z=2, so its double cover is its universal cover. Lie theory tells us this space is naturally a compact≥ Lie group, called the Spin group Spin(n). In many ways, it’s more natural to look at representations of this group. The covering map Spin(n) SO(n) precomposes with any representation of SO(n), so any representation of SO(n) induces a representation of Spin(n). However, there are representations of the spin group that don’t arise this way, so if we can refine the orthonormal frame bundle to a principal Spin(n)-bundle, then we can create new vector bundles that don’t arise as tensor powers of the tangent bundle. Spin geometry is more or less the study of these bundles, called bundles of spinors; these bundles have a natural first-order differential operator called the Dirac operator, which relates to a powerful theorem coming out of spin geometry, the Atiyah-Singer index theorem: this is vastly more general, but has a particularly nice form for Dirac operators, and the most famous proof reduces the general case to the Dirac case. Broadly speaking, the index theorem computes the dimension of the kernel of an operator, which in various contexts is a powerful invariant. Here are a few special cases, even of just the Dirac case of the Atiyah-Singer theorem. The Gauss-Bonnet-Chern theorem gives an integral formula for the Euler characteristic of a manifold, • which is entirely topological. In this case, the index is the Euler characteristic. The Hirzebruch signature theorem gives an integral formula for the signature of a manifold. • The Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem, which gives an integral formula for the Euler characteristic of • a holomorphic vector bundle over a complex manifold. 1 Recall that a group action on X is transitive if for all x, y X , there’s a group element g such that g x = y, and is simple if this g is unique. 2 2 · A representation of a group G is a homomorphism G GL(V ) for a vector space V . We’ll talk more about representations later. 3We’re only considering smooth, finite-dimensional representations.! Arun Debray December 6, 2016 3 Lie groups and Lie algebras. Definition 1.3. A Lie group G is a smooth manifold with a group structure such that the multiplication map 1 G G G sending g1, g2 g1 g2 and the inversion map G G sending g g− are smooth. × ! 7! ! 7! Example 1.4. The general linear group GL(n, R) is the group of n n invertible matrices with coefficients in R. Similarly, • GL(n, C) is the group of n n invertible complex× matrices. Most of the matrices we consider will be subgroups of these groups. × Restricting to matrices of determinant 1 defines SL(n, R) and SL(n, C), the special linear groups. • T The special unitary group SU(n) = A GL(n, C) AA = 1, det A = 1 . • The special orthogonal group SO(nf),2 mentionedj above. g ( • Definition 1.5. A Lie algebra is a vector space g with an anti-symmetric, bilinear pairing [–, –] : g g g satisfying the Jacobi identity × ! [X , [Y, Z]] + [Y, [Z, X ]] + [Z, [X , Y ]] = 0 for all X , Y, Z g. 2 Example 1.6. The basic and important example: if A is an algebra,4 then A becomes a Lie algebra with the commutator bracket [a, b] = ab ba. Because this algebra is associative, the Jacobi identity holds. ( − The Jacobi identity might seem a little vague, but here’s another way to look at it: if g is a Lie algebra and X g, 2 then there’s a map adX : g g sending Y [X , Y ]. The map ad : g End(g) sending X adX is called the adjoint representation of X .! The Jacobi identity7! says that ad intertwines! the bracket of g and the7! bracket induced g from the algebra structure on End( ) (where multiplication is composition): ad[X ,Y ] = [adX , adY ]. In other words, the adjoint representation is a homomorphism of Lie algebras. Lie groups and Lie algebras are very related: to any Lie group G, let g be the set of left-invariant vector fields on G, i.e. if Lg : G G is the map sending h gh (the left multiplication map), then g = X Γ (TG) dLg X = X for all g G . This! is actually finite-dimensional,7! and has the same dimension as G. f 2 j 2 g Proposition 1.7. If e denotes the identity of G, then the map g Te G sending X X (e) is an isomorphism (of vector spaces). ! 7! The idea is that given the data at the identity, we can translate it by g to determine what its value must be everywhere. Vector fields have a Lie bracket, and the Lie bracket of two left-invariant vector fields is again left-invariant, so g is naturally a Lie algebra! We will often use Proposition 1.7 to identify g with the tangent space at the identity.
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