The Daily Register VOL.98 NO.184 SHREWSBURY, N. J. MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1976 15 CENTS Cioffi calls for beach erosion control policy ByJANEFODKRARO C'iofti said. "A weekend ride along the precious beach area" is being lost every shore community beaches would convince year. LONG BRANCH - Mayor Henry R you Immediately of the depressed condi- Blaming the beach loss on "littoral Cioffi has called on Gm Brendan T tions that presently exist and which are drift," the statement calls for a shore pre- Byrne to enunciate and i plement a re m need of immediate attention Some servation policy involving local, state and gional policy to combat erosion of the thing needs to be done, but once again, I federal agencies, including the Army shore's disappearing beaches question seriously how any one cnmmu Corps of Engineers In a letter in the governor, released nity can go it alone "The Army Corps of Engineers as an yesterday, Mayor Cioffi said, "One ot the "If the extension of our beach areas, agency is the best equipped tech- greatest problems lacing the .shore cum from Sandy Hook south became a real- nologically, economically, and politically mutinies in the Slate of New Jersey is the ity," he continued, "we would not only to deal with the problems of the shore loss of beach area We have need for enhance the recreational conveniences communities They, however, are faced the creation nf a shore front policy that for our constituents and add to the en with the dilemma of deciding where to would coordinate the pfforls of local, hanrement of our environment, but it spend time, effort and money." the stale county, state and federal government would also be a tremendous boost for ment says. "If permitted to continue, the New tourism and its impact on the economy of "Long Branch, once a premier resort Jersey shore communities will, in five our state." of the nation and summer residence of years, because of erosion, lose all major Mayor Cioffi sent copies of his letter eight presidents, has lost the prestige that beach areas Aside from the recreational to U.S. Sens. Clifford P Case, R-NJ.. was once hers due to a problem not of its and environmental values, the beach mil Harrison A. Williams, D-N J.; David own making," according to the mayor's front areas produce the economic values .1 Bardin, commissioner of the state En- statement. which relate to tourism," the mayor said vironmental Protection Agency, and Rob- The mayor calls for an open public Mayor Cioffi said he sees the need for ert J Collins, clerk of the Monmouth forum involving seashore communities a "comprehensive regional planning po- County Board of Freeholders. with "a frank exchange of ideas among licy" and suggested creation of a public He also .sent along copies of a policy representatives of local, county, stale and forum for discussion of erosion as well as statement specifically on the Long federal officials with private individuals" public access to beaches, offshore oil ex Branch beachfront in order to hammer out an "action pro- ploration and offshore waste disposal. The three-page statement notes that gram " RECEDING BEACHES - Despite construction of Henry R. Cioffi has asked Gov. Brendan T. Byrne Noting that no single community has tourism is one of the "mainstays" of "The forum would concern itself not massive jetties, beaches In Long Branch are di- to develop a comprehensive regional planning po the resources to stem erosion, Mayor Long Branch, where "more and more Sec < lofll, page 2 minished each year because of erosion. Mayor licy to combat the problem. Damage widespread as squalls rip county By JIM Mc( ORMICK al 3:05 p m on Kasl River Long Branch, for a con- were reported in either and HILDV McCORMICK Road. cussion and multiple bruises borough. Treated for minor injuries and later was released His Parts of roofs were ripped It wasn't a twister, but the at Riverview Hospital. Red friends, who were not identi- off the Middlesex ana Ravine violent squall that briefly Bank, were Mr and Mrs fied, apparently escaped in- Manor Apartments in Mata- swept across Monmouth John Treola Jr . 88 Bray jury. wan, and at Steven Oldsmo- County yesterday felled trees Ave., East Keansburg. their All that remained of the bile Inc., Rt. J6, Keyport, ac- and power lines, caused fires children, Michael. 2. and Ka trailer were sheets of metal cording to police in both and car accidents, and left ren, 6, and Mr and Mrs and four wheels ' boroughs. thousands of dollars in dam- Charles Weaver, 96 Bray The 111 acre Sea Colony site A fire was ignited al Wilson age in its wake. Ave., East Keansburg was excavated, but work has Ave and Texas Road, Mata- The wind during the storm, Police reported that a West been stopped and the project wan, at approximately 3 p m which peaked in Monmouth Long Branch youth was in- property is up for sheriff's — the height of heavy winds County at 3 p.m., was record- jured when he and three sale there — when a tree hit a power line pole. The roads ed in places at more than 52 friends took cover in an aban- Extensive power outages miles per hour and gusts doned construction site trailer were closed to traffic for were reported In the Wick more than an hour as work- were estimated at 70 miles between Ocean Ave. and the atunk Village, Tennent Road. per hour at times. beach when the storm hit men from Jersey Central Buckley Road and Dutch Power I Light Co and mem- "It came so fast, and in ^a around 3:10 p.m. Lane Road areas of Marl- half hour It was gone," note'd The trailer, parked on what bers of the borough street and boro; the Windswept Knolls fire departments worked to a Manalapan policeman. was to be the site of a high- area of Manalapan, and some No serious injuries were re- rise condominium, the Sea restore power, clear the isolated areas of Freehold streets and extinguish the ported as a result of the Colony, blew over in the high Township. storm winds. fire. i »II| br Lorry Ptriw In Hiiinson. six persons es- Police said Rolf Doelling, Two Bayshore municipal- The Matawan fire depart- UPROOTED TREE — Gusty winds uprooted this Manalapan, Marlboro and Freehold township, as caped injury when a tree 15, of 534 Cedar Ave., West ities, Matawan and Keyport, ment was called to both tree on Cedar Ave. near Hoey Ave., Long Branch, well as other parts of Long Branch. felled by the winds struck the Long Branch, was treated at were struck hardest by the apartment buildings on stand- Power lines were also downed by uprooted trees In car in which they were riding Monmouth Medical Center, heavy winds, but no Injuries See SquU, page 2 Hearst faces a maximum of 25 years in bank heist SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Court Judge Oliver J Carter and five men was read in the transfer to Los Angeles — Patricia Hearst, convicted of is scheduled for April IS. He hushed courtroom. probably by mid-week — upon bank robbery by a jury con- said yesterday that the max- Miss Hearst had testified completion of interviews with vinced of her guilt by her imum penalty'he would con- tearfully that she had joined probation officers on the con- words and actions as the rev- sider would be 25 years in the April 15, 1(74, holdup at a dition that she be returned olutionary "Tania." faces up prison and a (10,000 fine for Ilibernia Bank branch here here for sentencing "without to 25 years in pnson and an- .•iimed bank robbery. after being raped, tortured any legal squabble." other trial on more serious Miss Hearst also was con- and threatened with death by But defense lawyer Albert charges. victed of using a weapon in a the Symbionese Liberation Johnson said, "I'm certainly Evidence presented by the felony, which carries a max- Army band that kidnaped her going to ask the court not to government to show that the imum 10-year sentence. But two months earlier. allow that to happen." He kidnaped newspaper heiress Carter said, "1 don't consider Carter said the federal gov- said he would fight the trans- willingly embraced the terror- thai I could impose the sec- ernment would turn her over fer in court if informal over- ism of her Captors outweighed ond penalty on top of the to authorities in Los Angeles tures to Carter failed. her testimony that she coop bank robbery, since that for arraignment on state kid- SLA members William and erated with them to save her really is included in the first naping, assault and robbery Emily Harris, whose arrest life, jurors said offense." charges within the week. If last Sept. 18 led to the cap- "I don't think it was any The minimum sentence convicted on those charges, ture of Miss Hearst on the which stem from a crime particular thing at all that led would be probation same day, face trial in the spree a month after the bank to our finding her guilty," The heiress to a vast pub- same case. robbery here, she could be said Marilyn Wentz. a mem . Miss Hearst denounced her STORM'S FURY - A portion of the roof at Steven lishing fortune showed no sentenced to life in prison. dealership lot, were damaged by storm and roof tier of the panel that found emotion Saturday afternoon two underground companions Oldsmoblle Inc., Rt.
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