- ` CATALOGUE of THE GOSPEL STANDARD BAPTIST LIBRARY 1. BOOKS – IN SUBJECT AND AUTHOR SECTIONS 2. BOOKLETS , PAMPHLETS & TYPESCRIPT SERMONS - IN SUBJECT AND AUTHOR SECTIONS JANUARY 2021 5 HOVE PARK GARDENS , HOVE , E. SUSSEX . BN3 6HN. TEL : 01273 559813 E-Mail: [email protected] GOSPEL STANDARD LIBBRARY CATALOGUE 2021 Loaning of Books No charge is made for the loan of books, except that borrowers are asked to pay the return postage, and it is hoped that those who are able will kindly remember the Library Fund. Books must be carefully wrapped and returned within three months of the date of loan, or an extension of time asked for. Cheques should be made payable to The Gospel Standard Library Fund. The loaning of valuable and rare books (marked res.) of the 16th and 17th Centuries is at the discretion of the librarian and in no case can be allowed outside the United Kingdom. The trustees, aware that infallibility belongs only to God’s word, desire to state that the inclusion of any book within the loan-stock of the library does not necessarily intimate acceptance of all its contents, nor of the views of the author on all doctrinal matters. Librarian: Miss Marion Hyde Assistant: Miss Muriel Stonelake Abbreviations A.P.F.S Aged Pilgrims Friends Society A.V Authorised Version B.F.B.S British and Foreign Bible Society F.P Free Presbyterian G.S Gospel Standard N.T New Testament O.T Old Testament R.T.S Religious Tract Society R.V Revised (Standard) Version S.G.U Sovereign Grace Union S.P.C.K Society for Propagation of Christian Knowledge T.B.S Trinitarian Bible Society res Reserved: 16 th & 17 th & some 18 th century books Contents Loaning of Books 2 Abbreviations 2 Classification System Used 4 Books – Subject Index 5 Books – Author/Title Index 55 Pamphlets – Subject Index 131 Pamphlets – Author/Title Index 147 - Classification of Books in the Library A Holy Scriptures, Original & Translated Ib Metrical Psalms 26 Ic Christian Poetry 26 Editions (incl. works on translating) Id Hymnology 27 Aa Hebrew 5 Ie Instrumental music in N.T. worship 27 Ab Greek 5 Ac Latin 5 J Christian Correspondence Ad English 5 Ae Foreign 6 Ja Ministers 27 Af Criticism 6 Jb Laymen 28 Ag Braille 6 Jc Women 28 Ah Apocrypal 6 K Magazines B Commentaries on the Scriptures Ba Collected & General 6 L Sermons, Lectures & Addresses Bb Pentateuch 7 La English Ministers 29 Bc Old Testament Historical books 7 Lb Scottish & Irish and Welsh Ministers 32 Bd Job 7 Lc American & Canadian Ministers 33 Be Psalms 7 Ld Translations of Foreign Ministers 33 Bf Proverbs & Ecclesiastes 8 Le Collected sermons 33 Bg Song of Solomon 8 Bh Prophets (Isaiah to Ezekiel) 8 Bi Minor prophets 8 M Theological Lectures & Systems, Bj Gospels 8 Confessions of Faith, Church Bk Acts 9 Government etc Bl Pauline epistles 9 Bm General epistles 9 Ma Theological Lectures & Systems 33 Bn Revelation 10 Mb Confessions of Faith & Catechisms 34 Mc Church Government & Officers 34 Md Baptism & Lord's Supper 34 C Bible Dictionaries, Concordances, Me Erroneous Doctrines and Cults & their Refutations 35 Chronology, History, &c. Mf Sabbath & Lord's Day 35 Ca Dictionaries & Cyclopaedias, Typology 10 Mh Ecumenism 35 Cb Concordances & Indices 10 Cc Dates & Chronology of Scripture 11 N Treatises & Discourses Unclassified Na Doctrinal 35 D Bible Lands, Customs, Peoples, Nb Experimental & Practical 38 Archaeology, Geographies, Natural Nc Controversial 43 Nd Providential 43 History Ne Allegorical 43 Da Travels, Customs, Peoples 11 Db Archaeology 12 O Church Histories Dc Geography 13 Dd Natural history 13 Oa Universal & General 44 Ob Pre-Reformation Period 44 Oc The Reformation 44 E Evidences of Christianity (incl. Scripture Od Church of England (Post-reformation) 45 inspiration) Oe Nonconformity & Puritanism in England 45 Of Baptists in England & U.S.A. 46 Ea Christian Evidences 13 Og Independents & Congregationalists in England 47 Eb Inspiration of the Scriptures 13 Oh Presbyterians in England & U.S.A. 47 Ec Refuting evolution & other modern objections 14 Oi Scottish, Irish & Welsh Churches 47 Oj Continental Churches 48 F Fulfilling of Scripture prophecies Ok American & Canadian Churches 48 respecting Ol Other Foreign Churches 48 Om Christian societies 48 Fa Incarnation and work of Christ 14 On Jewish 48 Fb The Jews 14 Fc Gentiles of Bible Times 14 Fd Post-Bible Times 14 P Protestant Writings (other than Fe Millennial Theories 15 historical) 48 G Christian Biographies & Memoirs Q Hebrew, Greek, Latin & English Ga Ministers 15 Gb Laymen 20 Grammars, Lexicons etc. Gc Women 21 Qa Hebrew 50 Gd Collected Biographies 22 Qb Greek 50 Qc Latin & other Foreign 50 H Collected Works of Divines Qd English 50 Ha English Divines 23 Hb Scottish & Irish Divines 24 R Collected Tracts, Pamphlets etc.: Hc American & Canadian Divines 25 50 Hd Translations of Foreign Divines 25 S Children's Books 50 I Hymns, Psalms & Christian Poetry T Miscellaneous Ia Collections of Hymns 25 5 BOOKS – SUBJECT INDEX Ad English CLASSIFICATION A: HOLY SCRIPTURES, Accuracy of Translation and the New International Version, ORIGINAL & TRANSLATED EDITIONS Martin, Robert P, 00104 (INCL. WORKS ON TRANSLATING) Annotated Paragraph Bible, R.T.S, 00116 Annotated Paragraph Bible A.V., 3 vols., R.T.S, 00125-00127 Aa Hebrew Apocrypha (The), 00062 The Apochryphal New Testament 00062a Biblia Hebraica (BFBS Berlin) with New Testament, 02815a Authorised Version, Apocrypha, Book of Common Prayer, Biblia Hebraica, 2 vols., Leusden, J, 00004-00005 00063 Hebrew Bible, 00008 Authorised Version in Historical & Chronological Order – OT vol Hebrew Bible (1912), 00007 2, NT vol. 1&2 – G Townsend 0182b,c,d. Hebrew Bible with New Testament, T.B.S, 00011 A.V. – 5 Tracts Commemorating the Tercentenary, 00131b Hebrew New Testament with English A.V., 00006 Baxter's Bible Vol 1, 00065 Hebrew-German Old Testament (Luther's German), 00003 Baxter's Bible Vol 2, 00066 Interlinear Hebrew/English Genesis & Exodus by G R Berry Beza's Bible, 00079a, res 00006a Bible Adapted for Biblical Students, Newberry, W, 00107 Ab Greek Bible - Authorised Version, 00069 Bible - Impartial Expositor (Vol 1) O.T., Blomfield, E, 00188 Alford's Greek Testament, 4 vols., Alford, Henry, 00024-00027 Bible - in English, 00081 & 00028-32 (Vol 4 in 2 parts) Bible with Apocrypha - Reprint of 1611 Edition, 00120 Alford's N.T. for English Readers Vol 2, part 1 & 2., Alford, Bible with Notes, Newberry, W, 00109 Henry, 00033,34 Bible with Notes by D'Oyly & Mant (Vol, 3 vols., 00091-00093 Biblia Polyglotta (Greek & English) OT & NT, Bagster, Samuel, Bible with Portable Commentary, Cobbin, Ingram, 00086 00013 Bible with Scofield References, Scofield, C, 00132 Biblical Essays, Lightfoot, Joseph B, 00061b Bible, with Concordance & Metrical Psalms, T.B.S, 00096 Colossians and Philemon, Lightfoot, Joseph B, 00061 Bible, Revised Standard Version, Nelson Publisher, 00108, res Comprehensive Bible (A.V.) Bagster's Notes, 00068 Biblia Coverdale 1535 reprint, 00088 Concordant Version New Testament Scriptures, Knoch, A.E, Book of Psalms with Notes - Vol 2, Horsley, S, 00102b 00021 Book of Revelation - Tregelles Translation, Tregelles, S.P, Critical Greek and English Testamant, 00023a 00134 Critical Greek New Testament, Bagster, Samuel, 00023 Breeches Bible, 00080 Emphatic Diglot, Wilson, B, 00057 Breeches Bible, Barker, London, 00078, res English Hexapla, Scholz, 00043 Commentary Wholly Biblical - Genesis to Job, Bagster, Samuel, Epistle to the Hebrews : Greek Text with Notes, Westcott, B.F, 00070 00022 Commentary Wholly Biblical – Psalms to Malachi, Bagster, Epistles of Paul - Galatians, Lightfoot, Joseph B, 00058 Samuel, 00071 Epistles of St John : Greek Text with Notes, Westcott, B.F, Commentary Wholly Biblical Matthew to Revelation, Bagster, 00056 Samuel, 00072 Galatians, Lightfoot, Joseph B, 00060 Companion Bible - Part 1 Pentateuch, 00100 Greek New Testament, B.F.B.S, 00018 Consolations of the Bible, Carnelley, W, 00087 Greek New Testament, Billing, Printer, 00014 Emphasised Bible, Rotherham, J.B, 00182 Greek New Testament, Mill Dr, 00015 Emphatic New Testament, Taylor, J, 00090 Greek New Testament (Westcott & Hort's Text), Wescott, B.F, Englishman's Bible (The), Newberry, Thomas, 00106 00016 Geneva Bible, New Testament, 00135c Greek New Testament English A.V., Scholefield, J, 00017 Gospels (The): Gothic, Anglo Saxon, Wycliffe, Tyndale, Greek New Testament Vol 1, Wordsworth, C, 00038 Bosworth, J, 00077 Greek New Testament Vol 1 Matthew to Acts, Wordsworth, C, Greek Text Englished (The), Crickmer, W.B, 00089 00041 Guide to Bible Exhibition 1911, Trustees, Brit Museum, 00102 Greek New Testament Vol 2, Wordsworth, C, 00039 Harmony of Scripture, Fearnley, T, 00101 Greek New Testament Vol 2 Romans to Revelation, Historical Catalogue of Printed Bibles, Herbert, A.S, 00102a Wordsworth, C, 00042 Holy Bible & Book of Common Prayer, 00114 Greek Testament St Mark, Hort, A, 00048 Holy Bible - (Literal Translation), Young, Robert, 00142a Greek Testament (N.T. Complete), Bloomfield, S.T, 00053 Holy Bible - Original Letters & Idioms, Young, Robert, 00142 Greek Testament - St John, Plummer, A, 00051 Holy Bible -, 3 vols., 00111-00113 Greek Testament - St Luke, Burnside, W.F., 00050 Holy Bible 1661, 00083 Greek Testament - St Mark, Plummer, A, 00049 Holy Bible in Pitman’s Shorthand, 00121a Greek Testament - St Matthew, Nairne, A, 00047 Illustrated Family Bible (Very Large), Kitto, John, 00199 Greek Testament Vol 1 Matthew to Acts, Bloomfield, S.T, 00052 Index To Paragraphed Bible, 00184 Interlinear Greek New Testament, by Rev.A Marshall 00035 Interlinear Bible (1611 & 1885), 00103 Interlinear Greek/English New Testament with Lexicon by G R Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes & Song of Solomon, Berry 00036 Wycliffe, John, 00141 Mount Sinai Manuscript of The Bible (The), British Museum, King James Bible – Its History & Excellence, ed. J R Broome, 00012 00131c,d Novum Testamentum Graece, Angelus Maius, 00054 New Testament 1793, Kerr, Edinburgh, 00104 Novum Testamentum Graece, 2 vols., Griesbach, J, 00045- New Testament (AV) Edited by Tischendorf, Tischendorf, C, 00046 00133 Philippians, Lightfoot, Joseph B, 00060a New Testament - A.V.
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