talked as we normally did when we met. I went away upset that he looked so ill, but I did not know then that Robin Boyd- he was about to go to hospital and to die. I think that his death brought a sadness and sense of personal loss to many people, some of whom knew him the student well but many only through his public activities. Somehow the personal qualities were communicated through the printed word, the voice and the television image. What he said, and the manner of his saying it, made him a very special person in the life of the Australian community. I remember so much gay, intelligent, happy, serious, - irreverent talk. I suppose, if I associated one particular word with him, it was "mad", which came so often in conversation and in writing. It meant a variety of things: "preposterous", "zany", "absurd", "pretentious", and he looked out on a world and in particular on Australian society with eyes which so readily and keenly saw the "mad"-ness in one or other of its forms. He was an unrelenting critic of society, but he worked from within, it. He set store, as anyone of us who refreshes memory from the photographs of him, remembers full well, by personal elegance, and he lived with grace. He worked very hard at the tasks of his profession, and he served- it not only as a practitioner, but as a devoted member and leader of its official organisations and activities. He was never an outsider. Yet no one had a keener eye Emergence of his literary and for the stuffy, the pretentious, the absurd. In this sense critical abilities in student he sympathised with young social critics and with publications "Lines" and others who questioned the ancient ways. He was kind, "Smudges" by Peter Newell, he was moderate, he was sensible and very practical L/FRAIA,ACIV. and meticulous; he was also irreverent and liked to Unlike the large numbers of students make his life among people who looked out on an odd enrolling or being refused admission and often not very pleasing world with eyes not very • into the architectural schools since different from his own, though none of us had his World War II, ours was a very small capacity to describe and dissect it. I think that he was but dedicated group which comprised happy to have public recognition, though he could laugh the composite course of the Royal a little at its forms. I remember that not so long before Melbourne Institute of Technology his death he was given a decoration which a newspaper and the Melbourne University in the confused somewhat by giving it two different titles, mid-thirties. Obviously, we had and I wrote congratulating him and to ask which was ignored the warnings of our elders, the case, he replied that he was exhausted commanding who had either experienced or heard the British Empire. of the almost total unemployment over the previous five years of our Robin was a Lovely Man "feast and famine" profession which was only then recovering from the In the end he was cruelly exhausted and he has gone, Great Depression. and it is appalling that it is so. I remember, a month or Fortunately, we were not to know so after he died, sitting with another friend who knew that the architects were only to enjoy him well, as I did. He said that Robin was a lovely man. a few busy years, during which they It was an unusual word in the mouth of the man who partially surmounted the effects of spoke it, but I think that it was exactly right and I know the Depression, before World War II that there are very many who would agree. It is good closed down most practices for the that he had so much drive and energy and so much skill second time in a decade; otherwise in the harnessing and exploitation of that energy, our zeal might have been somewhat because he has left behind much that will, I like to think, diminished. have continuing impact on the life and style of this Certainly our motivation did not resistant country. And so long as those of us who knew stem from our (or our parents') him continue to live, we shall cherish, we shall specially belief in the social status and earning cherish, his memory. capacity of the architect, which * * # apparently contributes so much to About the Author swelling the numbers now entering Professor Zelman Cowen, CMG, DCL, MA Oxon, BA, LL.M Melb, the profession; but from our LL.D Hong Kong, has been vice-chancellor of Queensland secondary school art masters, who University since 1970. Prior to that, from 1967-1969, he was advised those of their students who vice-chancellor of the University of New England. At this time, in excelled in sketching sprigs of pussy 1969, he produced The Private Man, for the ABC Boyer Lectures. willow or making geometrical Other distinctions include: Emeritus Professor University of drawings, to train as architects! Melbourne: Fellow and Tutor, Oriel College Oxford 1947-50; Robin Boyd was one of this small Professor of Public Law and Dean of Faculty of Law, University of number. He had been articled to the Melbourne 1951-67; Barrister-at-Law, Gray's Inn; Member of the Victorian and Queensland Bar; Foreign Honorary Member of the then-prominent architect/ American Academy of Arts and Sciences; Member of the Social businessman, Kingsley Henderson. Science Research Council of Australia; Member of the Board, This would have made him one of International Association for Cultural Freedom, 1970; elected an the last students to enter the Academic Member of the Hebrew University in 1969. profession under articles, before In 1953-54 and 1963-64 he was Visiting Professor, Harvard Law improved architectural education School and Visiting Professor at various times at the Universities and the Depression created lack of of Chicago, Illinois, Utah, Washington, St. Louis and the Fletcher parents with the necessary guineas School of Law and Diplomacy. He has been a director of the ended that invidious system. Australian Opera Company since 1970. 62 architecture in australia aprii 1973 He is remembered as a withdrawn, indiscriminately the good with the but witty, youth, whose literary bad; their descriptions and remarks ability was more apparent in the are often trite and misleading, early years of the course than his invariably flattering, and (is it ethical design talents. These were to to admit?) generally composed in develop later, culminating in his the office of the architect.responsible. winning the coveted Robert and Ada These columns are simply semi- Haddon Travelling Scholarship in social records of building operations 1947. —mere trade reports. The aesthetics In those days, the Victorian of the job are left to be gushed over Architectural Students' Society in the arty-crafty columns of the already published an annual women's page". magazine, "Lines", sub-titled "A In May, 1939, all registered Journal of Architectural and Allied architects and student society Interests". In 1937, a new editorial members received.the first copy of a committee comprising Roy Simpson, colourful newsletter titled Robin Boyd and Peter Newell was "Smudges" in their mail. Since formed, and "Lines" reappeared with nobody had been enterprising a new format derived from bold enough to heed the "Lines" editorial experiments in typography and a and publish unbiased architectural diversity of material from voluntary criticisms, Boyd, with the encourage­ contributors. ment of the V.A.S.S. Committee,- Perhaps because he was a member of launched this brash monthly, in the talented Boyd family and the son which shattering criticisms of two of a distinguished artist, Robin recent city buildings appeared. campaigned continually against the "Smudges" had an immediate absence of informed architectural impact in the profession, because of criticism in Australia. the presumptuous manner in which This became the editorial theme of Two linocut covers of the student callow students awarded a "Bouquet "Lines, 1937", which pronounced, publication "Smudges", with a T-square of the Month" for what was, in their in part: "It seems a great pity that no theme. Top: symbolises the crosses of a considered judgment, the best honest criticism of local building war cemetery, July 1940. Bottom: building completed during the month design is available to the public. In "brandished defiantly", October 1939. and the "Blot of the Month" for the Australia, where architectural worst. appreciation is so limited and so As it grew in size, colour, little understood by the majority, enthusiasm and indiscretion, its cost there appears to be a great need for was defrayed by advertisements, of authoritative and unbiased criticism an appropriate character, contributed by the daily press. Such criticism by a few building material should have a twofold result. Firstly, manufacturers who remained loyal it would quicken interest and to its end. progress amongst practitioners. Secondly, it would give the laity a • Boyd's cynicism and satire, aimed fair indication of where, according to at the Australian scene generally and contemporary thought, lies quality. the state of the profession in "Criticism is the prerogative and the 'particular, pervaded each issue. stimulant of Art. Today, despite After its initial shock, the unprecedented dissemination of profession's reception of "Smudges" news and culture by the radio and the encouraged and sustained him. His press, criticism is practically denied penetrating insight and wit were the Mother of all Arts. The Building succinctly expressedwith a mastery columns of our daily press do not fill of phrase. this want. They associate "Smudges" unofficial publishing office was the snack bar at the architecture in australia april 1973 63 Victorian Coffee Palace, where the editors, during meat pie and tea suppers, after signing off at the Atelier, selected the month's awards, prepared the copy and hacked out the lino cut illustrations.
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