Vol. LII, No.7 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASmNGTON, D.C. Thursday, October 23, 1969 Georgetown Students Jailed In Three Sisters Incidents by George Pipkin turbance was marred by a severe of a 23-year-old graduate history Ninety-seven Georgetown stu­ beating by police of one under­ student at Georgetown, Matt An­ dents were arrested in two demon­ graduate, Phil Ptacin (ColI. '70), drea. With a small group of strations last week opposing the who was hospitalized. friends and community residents, construction of a bridge over the Andrea planned the camp-in and Potomac River on the Three Sisters See page 11 for an inside look the demonstrations. However, the Islands. at "The Bust" size and success of the demonstra­ Eight-nine University students The demonstrators were booked tions were greatly intensified by were among 141 Washington area at the Central Cell Block on In­ extensive media coverage which residents taken into custody dur­ diana Avenue for disorderly con­ has expanded the movement ing Wednesday, Oct. 15 demon­ duct charges and later released. against the bridge to citizens' and strations. Most of those booked chose to community groups. Eight more students were ar­ forfeit $10 bond rather than stand Arrests on Wednesday were rested Monday, while protesting at trial on the charges. first directed against those actu­ the construction site. That dis- ally stopping construction work Judicial procedures for those with their bodies. Soon, however, The controversy over the proposed construction of the Three Sisters arrested at the Three Sisters Is­ police from the Special Operations Bridge exploded again last week, climaxing in the arrest of 97 George­ lands were expedited by members Division began to pull in people town students. of the Georgetown Legal Aid So­ without discrimination. Several ciety, Pierce O'Donnell (Law '71) bystanding housewives and even Tom Roberts (Law '71), Tom Sie­ a reporter from The HOYA were bert (Law '71), and Bob Romano hauled in. (Law'71). Construction of the bridge Calendar Revised The actions against the Three across the Potomac River near Sisters Bridge were a culmina­ the Georgetown campus has long tion of five days of demonstra­ been a subject of bitter contro­ tions which started with the oc­ versy among D.C. residents. Of­ For Coming Year cupation of the islands, Friday, ficials of the Emergency Com­ Oct. 10, by six Georgetown stu­ mittee on the Transportation Cri­ The University calendar for the Sept. 8" and 10, respectively. The dents from the Student Commit­ sis, a six-year-old anti-freeway 1970-71 academic year has been fall semester will conclude Dec. tee on the Transportation Crisis. group, spearheaded the attack on revised by the undergraduate 22. A camp-in, which started over the the proposed highway system of deans to include an abbreviated weekend led to demonstrations The plan calls for registration which the Three-Sisters Bridge fall semester and commencement for the spring semester to be held Monday and Tuesday in which no is the first link. Anti-freeway ceremonies scheduled for the last arrests were made. Jan. 18 and 19. Classes for the spokesmen claim that the bridge week in May. spring semester will end April Mobilization against the bridge is unnecessary to the actual resi­ The deans' decision was an­ PIDLPTACIN largely stemmed from the efforts 30, and examinations will conclude dents of the city, and it would nounced this week by the Rev. May 14. bring unwanted traffic and pollu­ Thomas R. Fitzgerald, S.J., aca­ However, Fr. Fitzgerald noted tion to the inner city in addition demic vice president. According that "two problems still beset" to destroying several thousand to Fr. Fitzgerald, the decision for the plan. Although classes in the Previous Statement homes. calendar reform was made by a three professional schools-den­ The bridge's defenders defend council of deans last week. The tis try, law, and medicine-will the structure as part of a "well academic vice president also stat­ convene early next year, Fr. Fitz­ balanced" transportation system. ed that "not a single negative let­ gerald stated that "we do not yet On Bridge' Negated Construction of the roads was ter has come to any of us," from have assurances that they will delayed by opposition by the D.C. members of the faculty. have completed the programs of government, opposition which was Under the reformed calendar, their graduating classes in time The Rev. Robert J. Henle, S.J., lumbia Council: only overcome after Congressman freshmen wUl register for the '70 President of the University, this "As the planning officer of for early commencement." The Natcher (D-Ky.) held up funds fall classes Sept. 4, while upper­ academic vice president said that, week issued a policy statement Georgetown University I would for the proposed subway system. classmen will register Sept. 8 and concerning the Three Sis t e r s like to reiterate the University's consequently, there could be two Residents of the nation's capital 9. Classes will commence for separate graduations. He related Bridge controversy in which he interest in a new Potomac River have had little say in the matter. freshmen and upperclassmen on reserved the right to "express a Bridge and the Potomac River that "this point is still under in­ University position" on the mat- Highway as being a great asset vestiga tion." ter. allowing Virginia traffic to bypass Moreover, Fr. Fitzgerald assert­ Fr. Henle also rescinded a the University and the George­ ed that "a more serious problem" statement of official University town area. Insofar as other opera­ Dr. Earle Re-elected exists as a result of the revision support for the bridge proclaimed tions of the highway program pro- of the calendar. If the calendar . in a telegram sent Dec. 5, 1968, to vI~e a balanced system they also were operative during the '70-'71 the District Council by the Rev. should be given serious considera­ As Senate President academic year, in order to have T. Byron Collins, S.J., vice presi- tion." Professor of Government Dr. of law, was chosen by Senate a formal examination period, Fr. dent for planning and physical Winston said that he "questions Valerie Earle was re-elected this members to serve another term as Fitzgerald concluded that class~s plant. the motives of those who support week to serve a second term as vice president from the Law "would have to conclude no later StUdent Senate President, Mark the Bridge." The undergraduate president of the University Sen­ Center. Dr. C. Edwin McNamara, than Dec. 10." Winston, disagreed with Fr. Hen- student body vice president stated ate. clinical associate profesor of sur­ Concerning this point, Fr. Fitz­ Ie's position. Winston interpreted that the University's opinion was In other University Senate elec­ gery, was re-elected as vice presi­ gerald stated that "the deans and the statement as a "neutral not "related to the common good tions, all officers were re-elected, dent from the Medical Center. Dr. I incline to the view that this stance" and he doesn't accept the of the people of the District of with one exception. George B. Chapman, professor of would seriously abbreviate the se­ "policy of neutrality because I Columbia." Dr. Richard Gordon, professor biology, was elected to his first mester." Hence, according to the think it is impossible for a neu- ---------------------------------­ term as secretary-treasurer. academic vice president, the deans tral stance to have any effect." Al Van Thournot, president of set forth the concept that "each Fr. Henle termed the bridge is­ the graduate school student gov­ teacher would either give an ex­ sue "highly controversial and ernment, stated that Dr. Earle's amination during his final class, equally complicated." He said in re-election "represents the ba­ substitute a term paper, or devise his statement that many individ­ sically conservative position of the some other substitute for the tra­ uals maintain that the University Georgetown faculty." ditional lengthy examination." "should not attempt to officially Van Thournot said that he had In 1970, fall classes cannot be­ . ~ --~- -_.--- ~...,.-. -~. --, ,decide or officially intervene" in "_. ~ . - - ,:::-" "not yet had the opportunity to gin earlier than the week of Sept. the Three Sisters Bridge issue. .. ~ work with Dr. Earle," but wel­ 8 because the Summer School ,The University President also comed the prospect. He expressed session will convene in mid-June noted "an added difficulty" is the the idea of "cooperation to achieve and conclude Aug. 28. fact that "property owned by the a full voice for students in the Fr. Fitzgerald has circulated University may \'Tell be involved." operations of their University." letters to the various undergradu­ Fr. Henle's st.... tement also in­ Student Senate President Mark ate department chairmen, re­ validates "any previous expression Winston stated that he "looked questing the department heads to of an official University position forward to continuing work with hold meetings with members of with regard to the Three Sisters Dr. Earle on such matters as stu­ their respective departments at Bridge." In promulgating this pol­ dent participation in the process the earliest possible time. The icy, the President of the Univer­ of rank and tenure, the Board of purpose of such meetings, accord­ sity negates a statement endors­ Directors, and University reorga­ ing to the academic vice president, ing the construction of the bridge nization, in general." will be "to furnish the deans and made ten months ago. Winston also expressed the hope On Dec. 5, 1968, Fr. Collins sent The history of the University Senate remains unchanged. Dr. Valerie that Dr. Earle's "past positions on myself with needed advice as to the following telegram to the Earle, professor of government, that group's first president, has been these issues would be subject to how we can resolve our problem : chairman of the District of Co- re-elected to a second two-year term.
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