WAAT.. 970WAICA.. .570 WCBS. -880WMG21.. 1050 WOE 710 WCBS;T1J..2 The Now York Times WEVD..1330WNBC.. .660 WINS.. .1010 WOV....1290 WNBT ....4 WNNW .1130 WPAT930 WABD 5 NEWS BULLETINS wJz-770WNTR. .1430 PROGRAMS ON WQXR 1560 WSZ-TV ..7 9TLIB. .1190WNYC... 830 THE AIR WVNJ -820 wpm ...li every hour on the hour 7 A.. M. wwnrIsoo WATV...13 to midnight over SATURDAY, FEB. 11, 1949 WQ X R W Q X RF M MORNING 'RADIO (1.560 onour dial)196.3 me. Whoa's,' 24211 4500-WINSRecorded music 10:15-11 A. M.New York Times Youth Forum: "Does the Un-American MORNING 5:00-WORJoe Bier Program Activities Committee Serve America?" Senior High School Group; WNICANews: Recorded Music 5:304VNECTex Antoine Program WNYCChildren's Corner WNEWMake-Belleve Ballroom Dorothy Gordon, Moderator; William S. White, GuestWQXR, WCBSNews, Harry Clark WQXRThe New York Times News 5:45-WJZRecorded Music 1:30-2Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, at Conference on Human Relations, 10:0S-WQXRJust Music WCBSJack Sterling Show WQXRThe New York Times News Willkie Memorial BuildingWEVD. 8: (15-W&RBreakfast Symphony 10:15-1NORLanny Ross Show 5:55-WNBCNews; Wally Butterworth Show 2-2:30National Boy Scout Week: Red Skelton, Jimmy Stewart, Roy WCBSThe Garden GateTom Williams 6:00-WONRambling With Gambling 8:15-WORBreakfast, Dorothy and Dick WQXRNew York Times Youth Forum: WJZFarm NewsPhilip Alampi Rogers, Amory Houghton, Arthur A. Schuck and OthersWNBC. WJZEd and Pegeen Fitzgerald Does the Un-American Activities WMCANews; Fisherman's Guide 2-5Metropolitan Opera: Benjamin Britten's "Peter Grimes," with IVCBSPhil Cook Show Committee Serve America?Senior High WHEWStart the Day Right Brian Sullivan, Polyna Stoska, Lawrence Tibbett, OthersWJZ. WINSNews Reports School Group: Dorothy Gordon, WMGMNewsreel Theatre 30-WNBCFrank Luther Songs Moderator. Guest. William S.White: 6:30-WJZPeople and Things: Patt Barnes 3-4Balthnore Symphony, Reginald Stewart, ConductorWNBC. WCBSMargaret Arlen Program at Times Hall WCESNews; tack Sterling-Show 34:45Basketball: Knickerbockers vs. Fort WayneWMGM. WNEWNews: Anything Goes 10:30-WNBCMary Lee Taylor Show WINSArt Scanlon Show 5-6Mayor O'Dwyer, Opening WNYC's American Music Festival; also, WMGMNews: Recorded Music WORWhat Am I Offered? WHEWNews; Songs of Faith 6:30-6:45Yi-Kwie Sze, Bass; 8-8:30Charles Ives Program; 8:30-8:55 WINSMorning Matinee WJZBig and Little Club WCBSEscape: Arthur Conan Doylel 6:45-WNEWChrlstian Science Program, with Charles Holland, Tenor; 9-9:55Ray Lev OrchestraWNYC. 8:45-WMCAFront Page Drama Lost Special Eunice Howara 6:30-7:30NBC Symphony, Arturo Toscanini, ConductorVVNBC. 8155-WNYCNews; Masterwork Hour WMCAQuiz Down, With 'Joe O'Brien 6:55-WNYCNews: Sunrise Symphony WMGMWeatber: Carlton Fredericks and Elementary School Pupils 7:00-WNBCNews; Wally Butterworth Show 8-8:30Twenty Questions, Quiz: Guest, Guy LombardoWOR. 9:00-WNBCTriple B Ranch WNEWNews: Make-Believe Ballroom 1VJZNews; Julian Anthony 8:05-9Symphony Hall: Brahms' Symphony No. 1WQXR. WOR-iNews, Harry Hennessy 10:45-WJZRalph Norman orchestra WONMelvin Elliott, News 8:45-9:15Track Meet of New York Athletic Club, at Madison Square WJZShappers Special 10:56-W5grCNews. Music Maestro WCBSNews; Jack sterling Show WCBSNews. Bob Hite GardenWMGM (Also 10:30 to 11). WMCANews: Sabbath Service. With 11:00-WNBCMeet the MeeksComedy WMCANews; Western Songs 9-9:30Hit Parade: Frank Sinatra, Eileen Wilson, OthersWNBC, Rabbi Judah Calm and Others WORPrescott Robinson, News WINSNews; Art Scanlon Show WJZChildren's ShowAbbott and WMGMRecorded Music 9:15-10:30Basketball: N. Y. U. vs. Brooklyn CollegeWMGM. WQXRThe New York Times News Costello WNEWAnything Goes; Variety 9:30-10Drama: "The Twisted Talisman"; Basil RathboneWCBS. 05-WQXRMorning Melodies WCBSNews: Warren Sweeney WQXRThe New York Times News 10-10:30Comedy: "A Day in the Life of Dennis Day"WNBC. 0:15-WORGet More Out of LifeJane WMCANews Reports: Music Box 7:05-WQXRBreakfast Symphony 10-10:30Governor Dewey, at National Republican Club Dinner, Wal- Jordan and Sidney Walton WQXRThe New York Times News 7:15-WORGambling's Musical Clock WCBSThis Cs New YorkBill Leonard 11: 05-W035Let's Pretend: The Enchanted WJZPeople and Things: Patt Barnes dorf-AstoriaWJZ. 9:30-WNBCThe PAL Theatre Stag WMCANews; Rise and Shine 10-11Chicago Theatre: "When Johnny Comes Marching Home"WOR. WOR--Charlotte Adams Program WQXrtGlIbert and Sullivan Music 7,25-WMCMNews: Recordings: Weather 10-10:45Sing It Again, with Dan Seymour and OthersWCBS. wmcATravels In Song 11:15-WORRendezvous with Ross WINSThree-Corner Club 7:28-WQXRWeather Repotts 10:45-11Representative Hugh D. Scott Jr. of Pennsylvania, at a Lin- WNEWNews; Recorded Music WMCAStreet Interviews 7:30-WNBCNews: Charles F. McCarthy coln Day Dinner, Bridgeport, Conn.WCBS. WHOMFun at Breakfast. Ward Wilson wprycronce sarety Program WCBSNeWs; Jack Sterling Show 11:30-12Senator Eugene D Millildn of Colorado, Discussing "Our Debt 9:45-WNBCS.a op Club: Harry L. Lindquist 11:30-WNBCSmilin' Ed McConnell WHEWNews; Anything Goes WCESGalen Drake Program WOEMan on the Farm WQXRBreakfast Symphony to Lincoln," at Denver Lincoln ClubWJZ. WMCAThis Is Our TownLillian Okum WIZQuiz: What's My Name? With 7:45-WNBCThe Mystery Chef Interviews Dorothy Height. Mrs. Arlene Francis, Johnny Olsen WCBSNews, Harry Clark TELEVISION William Lampkln WCBSJunior MissComedy WMCAUnity ViewpointTalk 3-4:45Basketball: Knickerbockers vs. Fort WayneWJZ-TV, WNEWCalling All Girls WMCAYoung Book Reviewers: Fume!' WNYCWeather Report; News 9:55-WNYCNews; Children's Story Fair Parkman's Oregon Trail: Margatet 7:55-WJZNews Reports 8Track Meet of New York Athletic ClubWCBS-TV. seoggin, Moderator: James Daughert7, WMGMNews; Lanny and Ginger Grey 8-8:30Princeton Swim Meet, in PhiladelphiaWNBT. 10:00-WNECArchie AndrewsSketch Guest 8:00-WNBCNews; Wally Butterworth Show WORNewsHenry Gladstone WNYCPAL Program 8-8:30Film Report: "A Ride on the Berlin Airlift"WJZ-TV. WJZAmerican Jazz WNEWNews; Bins Crosby Records WORNews, Prescott Robinson 9-11:15Basketball: New York Gothams vs. BridgeportWNBT. WAWANews, The Music BOX WQXRU. N. Today WJZNews, Martin Agronsky WINSCharlie Stance's Music ShOlMe WCBSNews Round-Up 9-10:45Boxing;-at Ridgewood GroveWPIX. WHOMTed Busing Bandstand 11:45-WQXRViolin Personalities 11:55-WNYCNews: Midday Symphony AFTERNOON AFTERNOON 12: 00-1,VNBC-News-Charles F. McCarthy WCBS-Stars Over Hollywood: With All dovsky. Mrs. August Belmont. Helen 3:00-WNBC-Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, WOR-Let's Go: Ruth and Philip Hunter My Love. With John Payne Traubel: 4:02-Opera Quiz, Robert Reginald Stewart. Conductor WCBS-Abraham Lincoln Still Lives-Dr, WJz-Sidney Walton. Interviews WMCA-News: Mr. and Mrs. Music Lawrence. Sigmund Spaeth. Robert WOR-Proudly We Bail: A Manhattan Edgar De Witt Jones WCBS-TheatreofToday:Valentines WNEW-Follow the Leader Bagar, Irving Kolodin Fable, with Vivian Blaine WMCA-Mr and Mrs. Music AreforKids.With JeanGillespie, WMGM-Recorded Music WCBS-Handy Man-Hubbard Cobb wcBs-Overseas Report WINS-Listen to Lacy Lawson Zerbe- WQXR-The New York Times News WMCA-News: Science Looks Ahead- 1VMGM-Basketball: New York Knicker- WHEW-News; Nero Morales Orchestra , WMCA-News; Mr. and Mrs. Music 1: 05-WQXR-Midday Symphony Dr. Robert Brittain bockersvs.Fort Wayne, at Madison4:45-WNBC-Your Radio Reporter WINS-Joe Durso, News 1:25-WMGM-News: Recorded Music WNYC-American Composers Concert Square Garden WMGM-Joel Herron Orchestra WMGM-Childrens Variety Show 1:30-WNBC-RFD America-Quiz WNEW-Music Hall WMCA-News: Bandstand WCBS-Tony Pastor Orchestra WNEW-Swing Session WOR-Official Detective WQXR-The New York Times News WNYC-Music Festival Program 4:55-WNYC-News Reports WQXR-The New York Times News WJZ-U. S. Navy Program; Speaker. 2: 05-WQ/CR-Stringtime WQXR-The New York Times News 5:00-WNBC-Lassie Show 12: 05-1VQXR-Luncheon Concert Under-Secretary of the Navy John W.2:15-WOE-How to Be Happy-Lawrence 3:05-WQXR-Recent Recordings WOE-Russ Hodges Quiz 12:15-1VNBC-The Kuhns-Commentary Kenny Gould 3:15-WCBS-Adventures in Science: Dr. IC. V. WJZ-Popular Music WOR-Great Voices WCBS-Give and Take-John Reed King WCBS-Get More Out of Life: Jane L. Kesteven, Interviewed on the Con- WCHS-Saturday at the Chase: Eddy WNEW-News; Recorded Music - Jordan Duehin Orchestra, Milt Herth Trio WJZ-People and Things-Patt Barnes WEVD-Veterans Conference on Human WmCA-Bandstand quest of Rinderpest by Watson Davis WMCA-News; Mr. and Mos. music WINS-Listen to Lacy 2: 25-WMG111-News, Recorded Music 3:30-WOR-The Clock-Play 12:30-WNBC-Vincent Lopez Orchestra Relations, at Willkie Memorial Build- WCBS-Cross Section U. S. A. The Eco- WNYC-Mayor O'Dwyer OpeningWNYC'S WOE-Henry Gladstone, News ing; Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, Dr. 2:30-WNEC-Edward Tomlinson. comments nomic Outlook-Fred Bailey, J. Hudson Tenth Annual American MusicFestival; WJZ-News; Farm Program George N. Schuster and Others WOR-Family Theatre: Altar to Freedom Hufford, Stanley Rutenberg, T. G. Mac- Westminster Choir WCBS-Grand Central Station: Reward,1:45-WNYC-Weather Report: News WCBS-Country Journal: Guests, Charles Gowan; Dwight Cooke, Moderator WNEW-Men of Melody With Leon Janney, Nydia Westman, 1:55-WOR-News Reports B. Carney, W. D. Termohlen WNEW-News: Music Hall WMGM-Ted Busing Bandstand Others 2:00-WNEC-National Boy Scout Week: Red WINS-Bill Watson's Open House Party WQXR-Music of Our Time WQXR-The New York TimesNews WMGM-Varsity Varieties: Guest. Skelton, Jimmy Stewart, Roy Rogers, WNEW-News; Music Hall 4:00-WNBC-Ray Anthony Orchestra SroS-WQxN-Record Review Mitchell Boys Choir, Art Baker, Amory WQXR-vProgram Favorites WOE-Hobby Lobby 5:15-WNBC-New Birth of Freedom: Leonard Feather Houghton, Arthur A. Schuck 2:45-WNEC-Public Affairs: Annual Pilgrim- Smith. Songs: Walter White,Muriel WNEw-News, Hall of Records ' age of American Legionto Tomb of WCBS-The Texas Rangers 5:30-WNBC-Dr. I, Q. Jr.-QUIZ Speaker 12:45-WOE--The Answer Man WOR-John H. Kennedy WMCA-News; Latin Matinee WOE-True or False 12:55-WNYC-News; Chainber Music WJZ-Metropolitan Opera: Benjamin Abraham Lincoln-Speakers, Mrs.
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