'JOS *«i ANNUAL REPORT TOWN OF JAFFREY, NEW HAMPSHIRE Year ending December 31, 1985 UINIVLKSITV OF NEW HAMPSMiHfc ANNUAL REPORT IN MEMORIAM Lester F. Hammond August 14, 1904 - May 3, 1985 Jaffrey Resident 65 yrs Representative to State Legislature 1935-1936 Selectman 1950-1965 Tax Assessor 1975-1979 *********************************************************** Homer J. Forcier December 15, 1907 - October 27, 1985 Jaffrey Resident - 66 yrs Representative to State Legislature 1970-1974 Selectman 1970-1973 Town Moderator 1972-1976 *********************************************************** Arthur J. Faford February 3, 1911 - November 21, 1985 Jaffrey Resident - 36 yrs Selectman 1960-1964 *********************************************************** This year we said goodbye to three long time residents of Jaffrey. Each person had served at least one term as Selectman. Their dedication as Town Officials was well known and served as an example for others to follow. Well done, Lester, Homer and Arthur r€" ANNUAL REPORTS of the Town Officers of JAFFREY, N.H. for the year ending DECEMBER 31, 1985 Also REPORT of the WATER COMMISSIONERS ^ y ANNUAL REPORT INDEX Page Abstract of 1985 Town Meetings 12 Auditor's Report 89 Balance Sheet 53 Budget 48 Comparative Statement of Receipts & Expenditures 55 Directory of Town Officials 1 Financial Report 52 Invoice of Taxable Property Non-white paper Re capitulation 57 Report of the Airport Manager 101 Report of the Board of Adjustment 96 Report of the Conservation Commission 97 Report of the Fire Department 98 Report of the Health Officer 100 Report of the Historic District Commission 102 Report of the Jaffrey District Court 95 Report of the Library Trustees 90 Report of the Librarian 94 Report of the Jaffrey Water Works 108 Report of the Overseer of Public Welfare ^0 Report of the Luigi Cilli & Warren Funds 60 Report of the Alice W. Poole Fund 61 Report of the Planning Board 103 Report of the Police Department 104 Report of the Recreation Department 105 Report of the Superintendent of Public Works 78 Report of the Town Manager/Administrative Assistant Study Committee 41 Report of the Trustees of Trust Funds 81 Schedule of Town Property 59 Statement of Bonded Debt 62 Summary of Inventory of Valuations 54 Tax Collector's Report 122 Town Clerk's Report 65 Town Treasurer's Report of Funds in her Custody... 67 Town Treasurer's Report 70 1986 Town Warrant 5 Vital Statistics 112 Cover Photo by Roy Stone : : : : : ANNUAL REPORT TOWN OF J AF FREY, N.H. DIRECTORY OF TOWN OFFICIALS ELECTED_OFF IC I ALS Moderator : Bernard J. Hampsey, Jr. Term Expires 1987 Town Clerk: Barry E. Sasner " " 1987 Deputy Town Clerk : Lisa A. Sirois Tax Collector: LisaA. Sirois " " 1987 Deputy Tax Collector: Barry E. Sasner Town Treasurer: Elaine E. Hautanen " " 1987 Deputy Town Treasurer : Georgianna Shanlin Board of Selectmen How^ard O. Williams " " 1986 P.EdwardDeschenes " " 1987 Robert M. Chamberlain, Chairman " " 1988 Overseer of Public Welfare : Claire C. Moore " " 1986 Supervisors of Checklist : Betty Balentine " " 1986 Sylvia J. Hamilton " " 1986 Myrtle J. Hazleton " " 1987 Fire Department Donald K. Sawtelle, Chief Engineer " " 1986 Ronald J. Boutwell, Asst. Engineer Alfred Merrill, Asst. Engineer Board of Water Commissioners Donald K. Sawtelle " " 1986 GeorgeA. Sirois " " 1987 Paull. Devlin " " 1988 Re c£ e a_t_i o n_C omm 2^ 1 1 e^ Patricia Wheeler " " 1986 Myrtle Hazleton " " 1987 Kenneth H. Ryan, Jr. " " 1987 Edith M. Davis, Chairman " " 1988 Jeffrey Straw " " 1988 Daniel C. Shattuck, School Board Member Howard O. Williams, Selectmen's Representative R epr esentatives to General Court: Clayton H. Crane " " 1986 Richard A. Grodin " " 1986 : : : ANNUAL REPORT APPOINTED OFFICIALS Recreation Department Recreation Director: Caroll J. Carbonneau Program Director: Kim A . Ri ley Secretary: Amy Keyworth J a_f ^ r_ey_p j^^ t_r_i c t_Co u r; t Bernard J. Hampsey, Jr., Justice William N. Prigge, Special Justice Pauline A. Tremblay, Clerk of Court Danielle U. Bosse, Court Assistant Sarah D. Hefler, Court Assistant Jaffrey Police Department Eugene F. O'Brien, Chief Clinton Simmons, Sergeant Gary Phillips, Patrolman Steve Reynolds, Patrolman Richard Carpenter, Patrolman Bruce Newton, Patrolman Robert Pelio, Patrolman Albion Lane, Patrolman Jaff rey Special Police Vernon Stauffeneker John McCann David Ellis Lawrence Somero Michael Jillson Scott Plante Christopher Struthers Karen Shaw B u d^ e t_C omm i^ 1 1 e e : James Balentine Term Expires 1986 Sandra Stewart, Clerk " 1987 Jeanne L. LaBrie, Chairman " 1988 Robert Bussiere " 1989 Francis Chamberlain " 1990 ^^£^Y_^£H^i^s s : Jean Page Term Expires 1986 Charles H. Griswold " " 1987 Elizabeth B. Shea, Chairman " " 1988 Frederick S. Richardson, Treasurer " " 1989 Francis X. Cheney 1990 Tr u s_t e e_o f_T_r u_s_t_F u n d s : Robert K. Massey 1986 William C, Arthur 1987 Herbert B. Grant 1988 : : : : : ANNUAL REPORT Conant Indigent F und Trustees Catherine B. Kirschner Claire C . Moore Elaine E. Hautanen Alic e W. P oole Fund Trustees Elaine E. Hautanen Claire C. Moore Randyl P. Cournoyer, Jr. B. Leonard Krause Cynthia E. Hamilton Old Burying Ground Trustees : Charles W. Bacon, Jr. Virginia W. Hunt William C. Royce Civil Defense James W. Balentine, Director P lan ning Board Joseph J. Crocker Term Expires 1987 Stella A. Pillsbury 1987 William C. Arthur, Vice Chairman 1988 Richard A. Grodin, Secretary 1988 Robert Lawn, Alternate 1988 Robert W. Potter, Jr., Chairman 1989 Kent Royce, Alternate 1989 Robert M. Chamberlain, Selectmen's Representative Board of Adjustment Frank Sterling, Jr. Chairman 1986 Roland Boucher 1987 Stephen Wells 1988 R. Peter Sawyer 1989 Christopher Struthers 1990 John Minteer, Alternate Andrew Webber, Alternate Robert Austin, Alternate Helen Griffin, Alternate Sharon Pr est ig iacomo , Clerk Historic District Commission Jane M. Cunningham 1986 James W. Balentine 1986 Calvin Saulnier 1986 Robert P. Stephenson 1987 Robert M. Chamberlain, Selectmen's Rep. Planning Board Rep. , : : : ANNUAL REPORT H^ll t h_0 f f i c ejr : John G. Heil ^iiE^XAilij^ nd e n_t_o f _P u b l^c_Wo£ k s : Kenneth E. Saunders, Jr. Town Office Personnel: Norman S Irish, Assessor Elaine E Hautanen, Bookkeeper Library Personnel Cynthia E. Hamilton, Head Librarian Jeanne H. Burr, Children's Librarian Lisa R. Bearce, Assistant Librarian Marilyn J. Simons, Assistant Librarian Jaffrey Municipal Airpark : Harvey N. Sawyer, Airpark Manager / Special Police Lee S. Sawyer, Asst. Airpark Mgr. / Special Police J. Walter Pratt, Auth. Rep. / Special Police Lee A. Sawyer, Auth. Rep. / Special Police Forest Fire Wardens Jack White, Fire Warden Donald K. Sawtelle, Deputy Fire Warden Ronald J. Boutwell, Asst. Chief Alfred Merrill, Asst. Chief Conservation Commission Anne Badgley Nochella, Secretary Term Expires 1986 Bruce Feltus 1986 Robert V. Mitchell, Sr. 1986 Frank E. Pinkham, Jr. 1987 Gilbert Emery 1987 Alan Leach 1988 Ronald Reid 1988 ANNUAL REPORT STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE TOWN MEETING WARRANT To: The inhabitants of the Town of Jaffrey, in the County of Cheshire, in said State, qualified to vote in Town affairs : You are hereby notified to meet at the Ernest J. Pratt Auditorium in said Jaffrey on Tuesday, the 11th of March next, at nine o'clock in the forenoon (polls close at 6:00 p.m.) to vote for the Town Officers and to act on other questions required by law to be decided by ballot. Pursuant to the authority of RSA 39:2a and the vote of the Town at adjourned session of Town Meeting on March, 15, 1979, the business meeting will be recessed until 10:00 a.m., Saturday, March 15, 1986, at which time the Town will act on all subjects described in the following Warrant Articles except for the ballot questions: 1. To choose the following Town Officers: Selectman for 3 years Overseer of Public Welfare for 1 year Chief Engineer of Fire Department for 1 year Water Commissioner for 3 years Recreation Committee for 3 years Supervisor of the Checklist for 2 years Supervisor of the Checklist for 6 years Trustee of Trust Funds for 3 years. 2. That all reports except that of the Budget Committee be accepted as read. 3. To hear the report of the Budget Committee, and to raise and appropriate such sums of money as may be required for the support of the poor, building and repairing of highways and bridges. Fire and Police Departments, Memorial Day, street and building light- ing, and other Town charges. 4. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Select- men and Town Treasurer to borrow money upon the credit of the Town in anticipation of taxes. 5. To see if the Town will vote to allow a discount of 2^5% for real estate taxes paid within 15 days of the postmarked date of the tax bill, or act in any way relating thereto. 6. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Select- men to sell at public auction property acquired or property which may be acquired by tax sale, such public auction to be held after being advertised in a local weekly newspaper for three sucessive weeks. 7. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to accept any or all legacies, gifts, grants and sub- sidies to the Town in trust or otherwise by any individual or individuals and to further authorize ANNUAL REPORT that the funds may be expended for the purposes stated or act in any way relating thereto. 8. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to apply, negotiate, and do all things necessary to obtain Federal, State and other assistance as may be available to the Town. 9. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Conservation Commission to retain the unexpended portion of its 1985 appropriation, said funds to be placed in a special conservation fund in accordance with RSA 36-a:5, or act in any way relating thereto. 10. To see if the Town of Jaffrey will raise and appropriate the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) for the Monadnock Community Day Care Center, a non- profit institution.
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