-1'1404 "Whether unable to, or simply unwilling, she avoided look- ing back, a characteristic that some saw as a defense mech- anism in insulating herself against the harsh realities of life." Pat Nixon: A Full Partner in the American Dream By Donnie Radcliffe F ALL RICHARD Nixon's advis- Oers, only one at the end had been there at the beginning, and not until she conceded it Was all over would he finally announce that it was. For Patricia Ryan Nixon, It was an agonizing concession contrary to ev- erything she once steadfastly believed to be true. Until the last desperate month of her husband's embattled presidency, she had been his eyes and ears on the outside world, however in- sulated and controlled that world was. "No," Pat Nixon had said in May, 1974, when asked if she would "let" her husband resign, "Why should he? There's no reason to." Some saw her, in that twilight of Richard Nixon's political career, deter- mined to ward off his destruction knowing it meant her own as well as his—and, in legacy, that of their daughters, Julie Nixon Eisenhower and Tricia Nixon Cox. Others characterized her as too committed to the "total in- vestment" she had made in him over the years, commitments of grief and pain as well as happiness, ever to ad- mit that he was not what he seemed to be to her, or their daughters. She was sustained, she had said throughout that final spring as First Lady, by "the truth ...When you know the truth you have nothing to fear." And for her, as for her daughters, truth was "great faith" In Nixon, "an honorable, dedicated person." Publicly, she held to the "positive outlook" through her readings of a 'word, a look, a handshake—messages I of reassurance she could later relay to her husband. In the White House, a house tl-at she liked to remind her vis- itors belonged to "all the people," she prdsided over teas and luncheons and receptions, seeing old and new friends. And in the crush she listened for their vertions of "the truth" as evidence of unflagging support. 'You'd think that every day reading the paper, seeing some negative things and some positive things, but most of the- time negative, it would get you down," Julie Eisenhower said in de- seribina her mother's emotional state. "Bgtt she seems to be able to weather anything and I really admire her for uwer NIXON'S strength, said this I-7 loyal daughter. issued from a com- biriation of love for and belief in Rich- ard:Nixon and the "very philosophical" ability to take things with "a grain of sal!' Others defined Pat Nixon's strength in terms of a strong will, a legendary self-discipline. a disinclination to re- lilt the past and a lifelong determina- tion to rise above adversities. If Mrs. Nixon despaired in those ter- minal days of an era, she effectively concealed it. There were late night YES STEELY and voice stern, she fornia. "We just got interested in other walks t' relieve the tensions and occa- E rebuked her press corps further: things—law, New York, a trip to Eu- sional slimpses offered by friends of a "You all who follow me day after day rope with the girls. It wasn't a time for growing bitterness that the President's know how positive I feel about every- depression." enemies were after his "last pound of thing and I really have faith in the Even her memories of angry anti- flesh." But in public appearances and judgment of the American people and American mobs threatening her and to her awn White House staff, she ap- the press people. I'm not going to re- Richard Nixon's lives in Caracas, Vene- peared controlled and optimistic. hash an innuendo and source story in zuela, in 1958, were charitable ones. As the lifelong bride of crisis, she repetition ..." "There were only a few radicals, ter- believed that "you live one day at a Watesgate was so unimportant, she rorists really," she recalled 16 years time . , you can't live by criticism." said on that trip, that Latin American later of that "fourth crisis." "The ma- Only her face betrayed her rising newspapers did not even bother to re- jority of the people were gracious and doubts in deepening lines around the port it. "It's only covered in (U.S.) met- nice and for that reason I say that I mouth and an unnatural puffening ropolitan papers," she informed report- remember the trip with pleasure about the eyes. After 62 years what ers accompanying her on the 5,000- rather than fear." seemed to have been spared so long mile flight home which ended that night at Nashville's Grand Ole Opry, a HETHER UNABLE to, or simply was cruelly catching up at last. unwilling, she avoided looking As Richard Nixon's dreams of an carefully advanced welcoming cere- W honored place in history crumbled, so money and 62nd birthday party pre- back, a characteristic that some saw as sided over by Richard Nixon. a defense mechanism in insulating her- did Pat Nixon's of final freedom from self against the harsh realities of life. political pressures. She viewed his re- Whatever her rationale in reaching And in at least one. instance, it re- election 'n 1972 as the end forever of "the truth" about her husband's Water- sulted in an abortive effort by an offi- The Campaign, which for her meant gate role, Pat Nixon arrived at it after cially designated biographer to write White House years of doing what she 33 years in Richard Nixon's philosophi- ,Pat Nixon's life. pleased. Instead, the pressures became cal and Political shadow. Legerdary by the time she reached greater than ever. In the ensuing 20 In 1971 when prostesters and pickets months she returned to the hustings as glared at the White House from La- the White House in 1969 as the once-re- luctant political helpmate, she had if to reassure a troubled constituency fayette Park, Mrs. Nixon told of work- that in a man's family is reflected the learned that "you can do anything you ing on "the other side of the house. I put your mind to. You can adjust to decency of the man. Her instant smile can see the Washington Monument anything if you want to." If she was undisturbed by chants and plac- and Jefferson Memorial outside my had ards calling for Richard Nixon's im- long before accommodated herself to windows The view inspires me." At a Richard Nixon's career, it was because peachment. It was her defense against 1972 press conference, she hardly hesi- what she did not want to see or hear. that was what he wanted "and there tated before answering that in all her was .a part for me to play." She sought to blot out Watergate by years of public life, "I don't believe I refusing to discuss it. have had any disappointing moments." Richard Nixon knew that, but so did "No." she interrupted a reporter she. Her stage became the campaign Despite published reports to the con- arena where she soared to stardom as traveling with her from South America trary, or Richard Nixon's recollection in March, 1974, "I really don't wish to his most attractive political device. of it, she denied they had ever dis- "She understood the name of the speak of it. It's just a personal thing cussed quitting politics after his unsuc- and why bring that into the trip?" game," said a former White House cessful 1962 race for governor of Cali- staffer, "but she was never used in this field so long I don't think any- one could brief me." against her will. She was politically as- On center stage, her control was tute in the broadest sense of how it re- flawless, papier-mache and plastic to lated to power and people and she had her det-actors, dignified, gracious and good, strong gut reactions about what inspiring to her supporters. she thought was right." Once, in California's Humboldt Never modest about her "way" with County, where the Nixons and the people—"I hate to brag," she once re- Lyndon B. Johnsons flew to dedicate . plied when asked who was the family's the Lady • Bird Johnson (redwood) best campaigner—Mrs. Nixon's secret Grove, Mrs. Nixon winced when her of success was, "I always look the per- husband forgot to introduce her to the son in the eye. I feel when you meet crowd. But her enigmatic smile stayed the eye a friendship is started." firmly in place as Nixon told how he For a clue to the real Pat Nixon, his- and Johnson had "much in common torians will have to look earlier to ... Both of us were born in small when she was Thelma Catherine Ryan, towns, both of us served in the House, a resolute little girl of solid if humble both in. the Senate, both were Vice origins "I may have been born in a President, both were elected Presi- tent," she said years later of her birth dent. And both of us were very fortu- on March 16, 1912, at Ely, Nev. nate in the fact that we married The American Dream was free for above ourselves." the dreaming and she dreamed it often Richard Nixon knew that. In his while growing up as a truck farmer's Checkers speech of 1952, be told a na- daughter in that California community tionwide television audience that "Pat then called Artesia.
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