In The News !Michigan ,U. PicketerS' failTa Get Desired Results THIS 8y TIM CALLAN And the problcm of racial dis· lion . from non-University or March 11 . President Cor Student AIrairs "Although Bylaw %-14 does nol (ormed Vice-President Lewis that Editorial Associate cl'imination in Ann Arbor can. sources where students and em- Under the ordinance, any per on James A. Lewis. commit the University to a deli- they planned to slage a demon- tinued to make headlines. ployes o( the University are in- having a complaint could present Lewis mel with the Board Feb. nile policy of i uing public slatc- stration. "Ya goddam Reds, go back The immediate cause of the valved." his case tod the city's Human Re- 18 and told them that it was men Is or supporting legislation," MORNING to Russial" a passerby shouted T h u r s day demonstralions was Such a st.atemenl, it was felL, lations CommiUee, which would again t University policy to get !be URB chairman said, "the mor. The chairman of the Human Re· at 100 s11ivering students pick. President Hatcher's lack of re- would significantly facilitate pass- attempt 10 iron out the problem involved in local legislation. al issue involved and !be role oC lalions Board planned to Corewarn sponse to a letter sent him by the age oC the proposal, which would between the landlord and the He promised, however, thaI he l?e ~Diversity warrants such ac- President Hatcher in the hope that eting the University of Mich­ at:' CAMPUS- University of Michigan's Human make it illegal [or owners of would·be renter. would auempt to express univer· l llOn. he would make a tatemenl on the SUIOWANS RETURNED to Lhe igan's Administration Building. Relations Board on Feb. 13, pOint· multiple housing units to discrim· If attempts at reconciliation sity concern (or the legislation In accordance with this belieC. legislative issue and thus avert any campus Tuesday following a parley Tho students kept on picket. iog out that a decision on a fair i.nale against any person or group. failed. the complaint would be through a leller (rom his o((ice or the chairman slated. the URB had picketing. housing ordinance would soon con- The proposed ordinance is nol turned over to the city attorney, wit,h the governor and other legis· ing, through some other non-public decided that iC the Univ r ity was lative leaders over the crisis in fronl the City Council. a cure-all - it exempts from the wbo would then seek a court in· means. unwilling to make a public slaLe­ Halcher, however, wa in Wash· Iowa higher education. For a story A second group stood in front The letter observed that a posi- anti-discriminaLion provisions any junction to remedy the situation. De piLe his promise. concern mcnl they should openly slate their ington. D.C. and, despite Vice­ on how other states are handling of University President Harlan tive statement (rom Hatcber in landlords who actually live in the Violation of the ordinance would mounted among members of the reasons for failing to do so. President Lewis' tries. could not their educational problems. sec Ex· Hatcher's home in 18 degl'ee wea· support of the ordinance would units they are renting out. be a misdemeanor. Human Relations Board, who had The IIRB members were openly be reached. The ORB voted to go change Editor John Klein 's story thel', demanding that he make a "definilely be in line" because Re· The Council, however, unani· The ordinance received no verbal hoped (or a nrm tatcmcnt oC pe imistic about the efficacy oC OD page two. statement on fair housing legisla· gents Bylaw 2-14 "commits the mously approved a motion to dis- Sl\PpOrt from PresidenL Hatcher. University support crore lhe Ann action from Lewis' office. and de· • • • tion in Ann Arbor. University to a policy oC working cuss the proposal. and scheduled his case to the city's Human Re· Arbor City Oouncil meeting last aided Lhat they could wait no long. Michigan- TONIGHT AT 8 p.m.: Alan Lo­ President Hatcher said nothing. for the elimination of discrimina- public readings for either March I lations Board La the olfice of Vice Thursday. er without action . they in· (Continued Oil Page 6) max on the "Saga oC American Folksongs, presented by the Uni­ verSity Lecture Series in the Union. , • Iowa Weather THOMAS AYRES CONCERT will bj! In Macbride Auditorium tonight Generlllr flir Ind wlrmer tDelay. Increa,lnt little at'8; WSUl will broad~ast the pres­ southerly winds. Mottly cloudy Ind a entation. Winner southeast, lnow and turnl", colder , . • • oil owon northwest tonl,ht. Hi,h tonl,ht lOs northelSt A SPECIAL MATINEE perform· ~erving the .)wt~ Universtty of Iowa and the People of Iowa City to 40s southwest. ance of "The Threepenny Opera" has been scheduled for Saturday at Eetabliahed in 11168 United Press International and Associated Press lA>a8ed Wires and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa. Wednesday, February %7, 1963 2 p.m. This is the second perform· ance to be added. Tickets will be available at the East Lobby desk of the Union be­ Senate OKs ginning Thursday at 9 a.m. All other performances are sold out. • • • A RETAIL SALES seminar dis· Code Revision cussing Advertising and Sales Pro­ Hugh es Prais es S.Ulowans motion will be held tonight at 7:30 ill the Pentacrest Room of the Un­ ion. For Housing ltv Grossman, advertising direc­ tor of The Daily Iowan, will speak Asks Anti-Bias Pledge 011 the. "Advertising Budget." From City Landlords Renting to SUlowans IN THE CITY- For 'Exodus' Study Proposal DONALD SHERK, graduate in­ A resolution requesting that stu­ structor in the College of Business dents aUaining sophomore sland­ Administration, will discuss the ing be permitted to live in unap­ Common Market this noon in the proved housing was adopted by the * * * Urges SUI To. Continue Hotel Je(ferson at a meeting of the Student Senate Tuesday night. Iowa City Optimist Club. Many students are living in un­ anproved orf-campus housing who Solons See should not be doing so. the resolu· Probe into Youth Exit I~ THE STA TE- tion said. It added that tbis flout· DIS MOINES <UPI) - A peti· ing oC regulations caused unneces· More Money By DOUG CARLSON tion 87 (eet long and bearing near­ sary burden on of(·campus ad ­ Mlnillinil Editor ly 2,000 signatures calling for Ie· visors. DES MOINES - Gov. Harold Hughes called "an excellent Idea" the ,allzed sale or liquor by the drink The resolution proposed that proposal presented to him Tuesda bv two SUlowans which would es· • ., delivered at the statehouse Paragraph Band C of Section 3 • For Regents Tuesday. For story, See Page 3, chapler 3 of lhe Code of Student tablish a governor's committee to study why youn!! Iowans leave the Life be reworded as follows : 8y JOAN ANDERSON slate. • • • lIughes met lor 10 minutes w i I h Student Body President Mark SIOUX CITY <UPIl - The Swift "Any student irrespective of age and Ie Co. Meatpacking PlanL here may live in 0 f·campus housing if DEAN MILLS Schanlz and Ailen Frenkel. AS. I closed down indefinitely Tuesday he has attained sophomore status Clarinda , chairman of the Student * * * ill a labor dispute which mush­ and i( he has presented notarized DES MOINES-Iowa wants Senate Legislative Action Commit· roomed from the suspension of permission from bOUl parents or the best education possible for tee. During that time Schantz and lleven workers until all 650 em­ guardian, in writing. to the OfCice its youth _ but it doesn't know Frenkel pre enLed their propo al Legislators pl07es were idle. oC Student Affairs." The resolution to the governor. He url!cd SU I to The dispute began a week ago was submitted by Jim Kelley, A2, how to pay for it. continue with the research. when seven employes in the beef LeMars. Iowa House members in key The proposal would eslablish II rotting department refused to work Another resolution adopted by appropriations positions expressed SUI Needs Explained Governor's Sludent Commi sion to Favor SUI 12 hours a day instead of their nor­ the Senate WOUld. require all land: that opinion in interviews Tuesday. study the exit and influx of stu· mil 10 bours. The squabble spread lords who rent el~er approved 01 They indicated. however. that Alia" Frenkel, Al, Clerlndl, left nd ~tudent Sen. .tat.hou .. T u e s day. Th. confer.nce, held In denls and young people to and [rom from depertmellt to department. \IJUIpproved housmg to SUI slu-. chances are good the Republican. ate Pr.. l.nt Mark Schanh, A4, Wellsbur" pre· . Hughes' office, was Irr,n,ed by executi", IlIlst· lowa. The proponents of [he pion d~nts. ~e ~eqU1red to sign non- dominated General Assembly will hope Jhat th results of the study Senate Action dlSCTlnunatlon . pledge allow more appropriations for sinted their proposIl1 for aid to higher education Int Kirk Bord. ca~ds, would set up guide lines fol' Iowa IN THE NATION- The resolutIOn, submItted by state-supported institutions than in lowl to Gov.rnor Harold E. Hu,hes in the - Photo by 80b Nlndlll By CELE FERNER NEW YORK I'" - American I to stem the exodus of young StliH Writer Roger Wiley, A2. Dubuque, urged Democratic Gov. Uarold Hughes people. scientists voiced skepticism Tues­ the Committee on SLudent Lile to recommended . DES MOINES - With Cew excl'p­ day over a Soviet claim to have terviewed*, predicLed* that* the in­ Schantz told lhe governor that ratify the pr.oposal.
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